Example #1
        // draw_view
        static void draw_view(image_view const& vw, wx_window * wxwin)
            // create paint DC
            wxPaintDC dc(wxwin->win);

            // clip view if neccessary
            int w = vw.width(), h = vw.height();

            image_view sub_vw;

            // clip view
            if (wxwin->is_toplevel)
                sub_vw = vw;
                if (wx_window * parent = static_cast<wx_window *>(wxwin->parent))
                    w = std::min(w, parent->width - wxwin->x);
                    h = std::min(h, parent->height - wxwin->y);

                int tlx = 0, tly = 0;

                if (wxwin->x < 0)
                    tlx += -wxwin->x;
                    w -= -wxwin->x;

                if (wxwin->y < 0)
                    tly += -wxwin->y;
                    w -= -wxwin->y;

                sub_vw = image_view(w, h, vw.xy_at(tlx, tly));

            // FIXME: too slow
            // copy into wxBitmap
            wxImage wximg(sub_vw.width(), sub_vw.height());
                sub_vw, boost::gil::interleaved_view(
                    wximg.GetWidth(), wximg.GetHeight(),
                    (boost::gil::rgb8_pixel_t *) wximg.GetData(), wximg.GetWidth() * 3

            wxBitmap bmp(wximg);

            // draw onto the screen
            dc.DrawBitmap(bmp, 0, 0, false);
Example #2
bool is_solid(image_view<image_data_32> const& view)
    if (view.width() > 0 && view.height() > 0)
        mapnik::image_view<image_data_32>::pixel_type const* first_row = view.getRow(0);
        mapnik::image_view<image_data_32>::pixel_type const first_pixel = first_row[0];
        for (unsigned y = 0; y < view.height(); ++y)
            mapnik::image_view<image_data_32>::pixel_type const * row = view.getRow(y);
            for (unsigned x = 0; x < view.width(); ++x)
                if (first_pixel != row[x])
                    return false;
    return true;
Example #3
        static void draw_view(image_view const& vw, msw_window * mswwin)
            // create dc
            HDC hdc = ::GetDC(mswwin->handle);

            // clip view
            int w = vw.width(), h = vw.height();

            image_view sub_vw;

            // clip view
            if (mswwin->is_toplevel)
                sub_vw = vw;
                if (msw_window * parent = static_cast<msw_window *>(mswwin->parent))
                    w = std::min(w, parent->width - mswwin->x);
                    h = std::min(h, parent->height - mswwin->y);

                int tlx = 0, tly = 0;

                if (mswwin->x < 0)
                    tlx += -mswwin->x;
                    w -= -mswwin->x;

                if (mswwin->y < 0)
                    tly += -mswwin->y;
                    w -= -mswwin->y;

                sub_vw = image_view(w, h, vw.xy_at(tlx, tly));

            // create the BITMAPINFO structure
            BITMAPINFO bmi;
            memset(&bmi, 0, sizeof(BITMAPINFO));

            bmi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
            bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth = sub_vw.width();
            bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight = sub_vw.height();
            bmi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
            bmi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 24;
            bmi.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;

            // draw view
                0, 0, sub_vw.width(), sub_vw.height(),
                0, 0, sub_vw.width(), sub_vw.height(),

            ::ReleaseDC(mswwin->handle, hdc);