/** Helper for place_player
 * Flood-fills the area from a given point, then returns the area it found.
 * Considers unpassable tiles passable if they can be bashed down or opened.
 * Will return INT_MAX if it reaches upstairs or map edge.
 * We can't really use map::route here, because it expects a destination
 * Maybe TODO: Allow "picking up" items or parts of bashable furniture
 *             and using them to help with bash attempts.
int rate_location( map &m, const tripoint &p, const bool must_be_inside,
                   const int bash_str, const int attempt,
                   int ( &checked )[MAPSIZE * SEEX][MAPSIZE * SEEY] )
    if( ( must_be_inside && m.is_outside( p ) ) ||
        m.impassable( p ) ||
        checked[p.x][p.y] > 0 ) {
        return 0;

    // Vector that will be used as a stack
    std::vector<tripoint> st;
    st.reserve( MAPSIZE * SEEX * MAPSIZE * SEEY );
    st.push_back( p );

    // If not checked yet and either can be moved into, can be bashed down or opened,
    // add it on the top of the stack.
    const auto maybe_add = [&]( const int x, const int y, const tripoint & from ) {
        if( checked[x][y] >= attempt ) {

        const tripoint pt( x, y, p.z );
        if( m.passable( pt ) ||
            m.bash_resistance( pt ) <= bash_str ||
            m.open_door( pt, !m.is_outside( from ), true ) ) {
            st.push_back( pt );

    int area = 0;
    while( !st.empty() ) {
        const tripoint cur = st.back();

        checked[cur.x][cur.y] = attempt;
        if( cur.x == 0 || cur.x == SEEX * MAPSIZE - 1 ||
            cur.y == 0 || cur.y == SEEY * MAPSIZE - 1 ||
            m.has_flag( "GOES_UP", cur ) ) {
            return INT_MAX;

        maybe_add( cur.x - 1, cur.y, cur );
        maybe_add( cur.x, cur.y - 1, cur );
        maybe_add( cur.x + 1, cur.y, cur );
        maybe_add( cur.x, cur.y + 1, cur );
        maybe_add( cur.x - 1, cur.y - 1, cur );
        maybe_add( cur.x + 1, cur.y - 1, cur );
        maybe_add( cur.x - 1, cur.y + 1, cur );
        maybe_add( cur.x + 1, cur.y + 1, cur );

    return area;
// check if tile at p should be boarded with some kind of furniture.
void add_boardable( map &m, const tripoint &p, std::vector<tripoint> &vec )
    if( m.has_furn( p ) ) {
        // Don't need to board this up, is already occupied
    if( m.ter( p ) != t_floor ) {
        // Other terrain (door, wall, ...), not boarded either
    if( m.is_outside( p ) ) {
        // Don't board up the outside
    if( std::find( vec.begin(), vec.end(), p ) != vec.end() ) {
        // Already registered to be boarded
    vec.push_back( p );
void board_up( map &m, const tripoint &start, const tripoint &end )
    std::vector<tripoint> furnitures1;
    std::vector<tripoint> furnitures2;
    std::vector<tripoint> boardables;
    tripoint p;
    p.z = m.get_abs_sub().z;
    int &x = p.x;
    int &y = p.y;
    int &z = p.z;
    for( x = start.x; x < end.x; x++ ) {
        for( y = start.y; y < end.y; y++ ) {
            bool must_board_around = false;
            const ter_id t = m.ter( x, y );
            if( t == t_window_domestic || t == t_window || t == t_window_no_curtains ) {
                // Windows are always to the outside and must be boarded
                must_board_around = true;
                m.ter_set( p, t_window_boarded );
            } else if( t == t_door_c || t == t_door_locked || t == t_door_c_peep ) {
                // Only board up doors that lead to the outside
                if( m.is_outside( tripoint( x + 1, y, z ) ) ||
                    m.is_outside( tripoint( x - 1, y, z ) ) ||
                    m.is_outside( tripoint( x, y + 1, z ) ) ||
                    m.is_outside( tripoint( x, y - 1, z ) ) ) {
                    m.ter_set( p, t_door_boarded );
                    must_board_around = true;
                } else {
                    // internal doors are opened instead
                    m.ter_set( p, t_door_o );
            if( must_board_around ) {
                // Board up the surroundings of the door/window
                add_boardable( m, tripoint( x + 1, y, z ), boardables );
                add_boardable( m, tripoint( x - 1, y, z ), boardables );
                add_boardable( m, tripoint( x, y + 1, z ), boardables );
                add_boardable( m, tripoint( x, y - 1, z ), boardables );
                add_boardable( m, tripoint( x + 1, y + 1, z ), boardables );
                add_boardable( m, tripoint( x - 1, y + 1, z ), boardables );
                add_boardable( m, tripoint( x + 1, y - 1, z ), boardables );
                add_boardable( m, tripoint( x - 1, y - 1, z ), boardables );
    // Find all furniture that can be used to board up some place
    for( x = start.x; x < end.x; x++ ) {
        for( y = start.y; y < end.y; y++ ) {
            if( std::find( boardables.begin(), boardables.end(), p ) != boardables.end() ) {
            if( !m.has_furn( p ) ) {
            // If the furniture is movable and the character can move it, use it to barricade
            // g->u is workable here as NPCs by definition are not starting the game.  (Let's hope.)
            ///\EFFECT_STR determines what furniture might be used as a starting area barricade
            if( m.furn( p ).obj().move_str_req > 0 && m.furn( p ).obj().move_str_req < g->u.get_str() ) {
                if( m.furn( p ).obj().movecost == 0 ) {
                    // Obstacles are better, prefer them
                    furnitures1.push_back( p );
                } else {
                    furnitures2.push_back( p );
    while( ( !furnitures1.empty() || !furnitures2.empty() ) && !boardables.empty() ) {
        const tripoint fp = random_entry_removed( furnitures1.empty() ? furnitures2 : furnitures1 );
        const tripoint bp = random_entry_removed( boardables );
        m.furn_set( bp, m.furn( fp ) );
        m.furn_set( fp, f_null );
        auto destination_items = m.i_at( bp );
        for( auto moved_item : m.i_at( fp ) ) {
            destination_items.push_back( moved_item );
        m.i_clear( fp );
Example #4
void board_up( map &m, int sx, int sy, int dx, int dy )
    std::vector<point> furnitures1;
    std::vector<point> furnitures2;
    std::vector<point> boardables;
    for( int x = sx; x < sx + dx; x++ ) {
        for( int y = sy; y < sy + dy; y++ ) {
            bool must_board_around = false;
            const ter_id t = m.ter( x, y );
            if( t == t_window_domestic || t == t_window ) {
                // Windows are always to the outside and must be boarded
                must_board_around = true;
                m.ter_set( x, y, t_window_boarded );
            } else if( t == t_door_c || t == t_door_locked || t == t_door_c_peep ) {
                // Only board up doors that lead to the outside
                if( m.is_outside( x + 1, y ) || m.is_outside( x - 1, y ) ||
                    m.is_outside( x, y + 1 ) || m.is_outside( x, y - 1 ) ) {
                    m.ter_set( x, y, t_door_boarded );
                    must_board_around = true;
                } else {
                    // internal doors are opened instead
                    m.ter_set( x, y, t_door_o );
            if( must_board_around ) {
                // Board up the surroundings of the door/window
                add_boardable( m, point( x + 1, y ), boardables );
                add_boardable( m, point( x - 1, y ), boardables );
                add_boardable( m, point( x, y + 1 ), boardables );
                add_boardable( m, point( x, y - 1 ), boardables );
                add_boardable( m, point( x + 1, y + 1 ), boardables );
                add_boardable( m, point( x - 1, y + 1 ), boardables );
                add_boardable( m, point( x + 1, y - 1 ), boardables );
                add_boardable( m, point( x - 1, y - 1 ), boardables );
    // Find all furniture that can be used to board up some place
    for( int x = sx; x < sx + dx; x++ ) {
        for( int y = sy; y < sy + dy; y++ ) {
            if( std::find( boardables.begin(), boardables.end(), point( x, y ) ) != boardables.end() ) {
            if( !m.has_furn( x, y ) ) {
            // If the furniture is movable and the character can move it, use it to barricade
            // g->u is workable here as NPCs by definition are not starting the game.  (Let's hope.)
            if( (m.furn_at( x, y ).move_str_req > 0) && (m.furn_at( x, y ).move_str_req < g->u.get_str() )) {
                if( m.furn_at( x, y ).movecost == 0 ) {
                    // Obstacles are better, prefer them
                    furnitures1.push_back( point( x, y ) );
                } else {
                    furnitures2.push_back( point( x, y ) );
    while( ( !furnitures1.empty() || !furnitures2.empty() ) && !boardables.empty() ) {
        const point fp = furnitures1.empty() ?
            get_random_from_vec( furnitures2 ) : get_random_from_vec( furnitures1 );
        const point bp = get_random_from_vec( boardables );
        m.furn_set( bp.x, bp.y, m.furn( fp.x, fp.y ) );
        m.furn_set( fp.x, fp.y, f_null );
        auto destination_items = m.i_at(bp.x, bp.y);
        for( auto moved_item : m.i_at(fp.x, fp.y) ) {
            destination_items.push_back( moved_item );
        m.i_clear( fp.x, fp.y );