Example #1
	void D3D11RenderTarget::captureDepthBuffer(DepthImage32& result, const mat4f& perspectiveTransform)

		const mat4f inv = perspectiveTransform.getInverse();

		//result.setInvalidValue(std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity());	//the default is -INF

		for (unsigned int y = 0; y < result.getHeight(); y++)	{
			for (unsigned int x = 0; x < result.getWidth(); x++)	{
				float &v = result(x, y);
				if (v >= 1.0f)
					v = result.getInvalidValue();
					//float dx = math::linearMap(0.0f, result.getWidth() - 1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, (float)x);
					//float dy = math::linearMap(0.0f, result.getHeight() - 1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, (float)y);
					//v = (inv * vec3f(dx, dy, v)).z;
					vec2f p = D3D11GraphicsDevice::pixelToNDC(vec2i(x, y), result.getWidth(), result.getHeight());
					v = (inv * vec3f(p.x, p.y, v)).z;
double InteractionRays::score(bool visibilityOptional, const ml::TriMeshRayAcceleratorf &occluder, const mat4f &modelToWorld) const
    double score = 0.0;
    double maxScore = (double)rays.size();
    for (const auto &r : rays)
        if (visibilityOptional)
            score += r.score;
        else if (r.visible)
            // check to see if the ray is occluded by occluder
            bool visible = true;
            Rayf modelRay = modelToWorld.getInverse() * r.ray;
            auto intersection = occluder.intersect(modelRay);
            if (intersection.valid())
                double centroidDist = ml::dist(r.ray.origin(), r.centroidPos);
                double intersectionDist = ml::dist(r.ray.origin(), modelToWorld.transformAffine(intersection.getSurfacePosition()));
                if (intersectionDist < centroidDist)
                    visible = false;
            if (visible)
                score += r.score;
    if (maxScore == 0.0)
        return 0.0;
    return score / maxScore;
Example #3
void RGBDSensor::computePointCurrentPointCloud(PointCloudf& pc, const mat4f& transform /*= mat4f::identity()*/) const
	if (!(getColorWidth() == getDepthWidth() && getColorHeight() == getDepthHeight()))	throw MLIB_EXCEPTION("invalid dimensions");

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < getDepthWidth()*getDepthHeight(); i++) {
		unsigned int x = i % getDepthWidth();
		unsigned int y = i / getDepthWidth();
		vec3f p = depthToSkeleton(x,y);
		if (p.x != -std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity() && p.x != 0.0f)	{

			vec3f n = getNormal(x,y);
			if (n.x != -FLT_MAX) {
				vec4uc c = m_colorRGBX[i];
				pc.m_colors.push_back(vec4f(c.z/255.0f, c.y/255.0f, c.x/255.0f, 1.0f));	//there's a swap... dunno why really
	for (auto& p : pc.m_points) {
		p = transform * p;
	mat4f invTranspose = transform.getInverse().getTranspose();
	for (auto& n : pc.m_normals) {
		n = invTranspose * n;
void Synthesizer::computeScanPlacement(const DisembodiedObject &object, const mat4f &modelToWorld, ObjectScoreEntry &result)
    const Category &category = database->categories.getCategory(object.model->categoryName);
    const ModelAssetData &asset = assets->loadModel(*graphics, object.modelId);
    memcpy(&columnsTemp.columns(0, 0), &baseColumns.columns(0, 0), sizeof(SceneColumn)* baseColumns.columns.getNumElements());

    //columnsTemp.includeObjectRayTracing(accelerator, bbox3f(worldBBox), modelToWorld, modelToWorld.getInverse(), category.supportCategory);
    columnsTemp.includeObjectMaxZMap(asset.getMaxZMap(), modelToWorld, modelToWorld.getInverse(), asset.getModelToVoxel(), category.isObjectSupport);
    //columnsTemp.includeObjectBBoxSimplification(worldBBox, category.supportCategory);

    result.scanPlacementScore = ColumnRepresentation::score(sceneTemplate->geometry.columns, columnsTemp);
Example #5
void VoxelGrid::integrate(const mat4f& intrinsic, const mat4f& cameraToWorld, const DepthImage32& depthImage, const BaseImage<unsigned short>& semantics)
	const mat4f worldToCamera = cameraToWorld.getInverse();
	BoundingBox3<int> voxelBounds = computeFrustumBounds(intrinsic, cameraToWorld, depthImage.getWidth(), depthImage.getHeight());

	for (int k = voxelBounds.getMinZ(); k <= voxelBounds.getMaxZ(); k++) {
		for (int j = voxelBounds.getMinY(); j <= voxelBounds.getMaxY(); j++) {
			for (int i = voxelBounds.getMinX(); i <= voxelBounds.getMaxX(); i++) {

				//transform to current frame
				vec3f p = worldToCamera * voxelToWorld(vec3i(i, j, k));

				//project into depth image
				p = skeletonToDepth(intrinsic, p);

				vec3i pi = math::round(p);
				if (pi.x >= 0 && pi.y >= 0 && pi.x < (int)depthImage.getWidth() && pi.y < (int)depthImage.getHeight()) {
					const float d = depthImage(pi.x, pi.y);
					const unsigned short sem = semantics(pi.x, pi.y);

					//check for a valid depth range
					if (d != depthImage.getInvalidValue() && d >= m_depthMin && d <= m_depthMax) {

						//update free space counter if voxel is in front of observation
						if (p.z < d) {
							(*this)(i, j, k).freeCtr++;

						//compute signed distance; positive in front of the observation
						float sdf = d - p.z;
						float truncation = getTruncation(d);

						if (sdf > -truncation) {
							Voxel& v = (*this)(i, j, k);
							if (std::abs(sdf) <= std::abs(v.sdf)) {
								if (sdf >= 0.0f || v.sdf <= 0.0f) {
									v.sdf = sdf;
									v.color[0] = sem & 0xff; //ushort to vec2uc
									v.color[1] = (sem >> 8) & 0xff;
									v.weight = 1;
							//std::cout << "v: " << v.sdf << " " << (int)v.weight << std::endl;

double Synthesizer::collisionScore(const DisembodiedObject &baseObject, const mat4f &modelToWorld) const
    const auto *modelAccelerator = &assets->loadModel(*graphics, baseObject.modelId).getAcceleratorSimplified();
    const Category &category = database->categories.getCategory(baseObject.model->categoryName);
    if (category.isBBoxCollision)
        modelAccelerator = &assets->loadModel(*graphics, baseObject.modelId).getAcceleratorBBoxOnly();
    const mat4f worldToModel = modelToWorld.getInverse();

    // some categories should be checked for collision with the architecture; generally, this list should be kept as small as possible because this
    // is *very* expensive
    UINT objectStartIndex = 1;
    if (category.name == "FloorLamp" || category.name == "MagazineBin" || category.name == "ChestOfDrawers" || category.name == "Bed" || category.name == "SideTable")
        objectStartIndex = 0;

    // check collisions against objects in scene
    for (UINT objectIndex = objectStartIndex; objectIndex < scene.objects.size(); objectIndex++)
        auto &sceneObject = scene.objects[objectIndex];
        const auto *sceneObjectAccelerator = &assets->loadModel(*graphics, sceneObject.object.modelId).getAcceleratorSimplified();
        if (database->categories.getCategory(sceneObject.object.model->categoryName).isBBoxCollision)
            sceneObjectAccelerator = &assets->loadModel(*graphics, sceneObject.object.modelId).getAcceleratorBBoxOnly();

        const mat4f sceneObjectToModel = worldToModel * sceneObject.modelToWorld;

        if (modelAccelerator->collision(*sceneObjectAccelerator, sceneObjectToModel)) {
            return 0.0;

    // check collision against activity blockers
    if (!category.isAgentSupport)
        for (const ActivityBlocker &blocker : activityBlockers)
            if (modelAccelerator->collision(*blocker.accel, worldToModel)) {
                return 0.0;

    return 1.0;
Example #7
void CUDARayCastSDF::rayIntervalSplatting(const HashData& hashData, const HashParams& hashParams, const DepthCameraData& cameraData, const mat4f& lastRigidTransform)
	if (hashParams.m_numOccupiedBlocks == 0)	return;

	if (m_params.m_maxNumVertices <= 6*hashParams.m_numOccupiedBlocks) { // 6 verts (2 triangles) per block
		MLIB_EXCEPTION("not enough space for vertex buffer for ray interval splatting");

	m_params.m_numOccupiedSDFBlocks = hashParams.m_numOccupiedBlocks;
	m_params.m_viewMatrix = MatrixConversion::toCUDA(lastRigidTransform.getInverse());
	m_params.m_viewMatrixInverse = MatrixConversion::toCUDA(lastRigidTransform);

	//m_data.updateParams(m_params); // !!! debugging

	m_rayIntervalSplatting.rayIntervalSplatting(DXUTGetD3D11DeviceContext(), hashData, cameraData, m_data, m_params, m_params.m_numOccupiedSDFBlocks*6);
double Synthesizer::collisionBBoxScore(const DisembodiedObject &object, const mat4f &modelToWorld) const
	const auto &modelAccelerator = assets->loadModel(*graphics, object.modelId).getAcceleratorSimplified();

    for (UINT objectIndex = 1; objectIndex < scene.objects.size(); objectIndex++)
        auto &object = scene.objects[objectIndex];
		const auto &sceneObjectAccelerator = assets->loadModel(*graphics, object.object.modelId).getAcceleratorSimplified();
        mat4f sceneObjectToModel = modelToWorld.getInverse() * object.modelToWorld;

        if (modelAccelerator.collisionBBoxOnly(sceneObjectAccelerator, sceneObjectToModel)) {
            return 0.0;
    return 1.0;
void D3D11RenderTarget::captureDepthBuffer(ColorImageR32 &result, const mat4f &perspectiveTransform)

    auto inv = perspectiveTransform.getInverse();


    for (UINT y = 0; y < result.getHeight(); y++)
        for (UINT x = 0; x < result.getWidth(); x++)
            float &v = result(x, y);
            if (v >= 1.0f)
                v = result.getInvalidValue();
                float dx = math::linearMap(0.0f, result.getWidth() - 1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, (float)x);
                float dy = math::linearMap(0.0f, result.getHeight() - 1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, (float)y);
                v = (inv * vec3f(dx, dy, v)).length();
Example #10
void RGBDSensor::initializeColorExtrinsics(const mat4f& m) {
	m_colorExtrinsics = m;
	m_colorExtrinsicsInv = m.getInverse();
Example #11
void RGBDSensor::initializeDepthExtrinsics(const mat4f& m) {
	m_depthExtrinsics = m;
	m_depthExtrinsicsInv = m.getInverse();
Example #12
void VoxelGrid::integrate(const mat4f& intrinsic, const mat4f& cameraToWorld, const DepthImage32& depthImage)
	const mat4f worldToCamera = cameraToWorld.getInverse();
	BoundingBox3<int> voxelBounds = computeFrustumBounds(intrinsic, cameraToWorld, depthImage.getWidth(), depthImage.getHeight());

	//std::cout << "camera to world" << std::endl << cameraToWorld << std::endl;
	//std::cout << "world to camera" << std::endl << worldToCamera << std::endl;

	for (int k = voxelBounds.getMinZ(); k <= voxelBounds.getMaxZ(); k++) {
		for (int j = voxelBounds.getMinY(); j <= voxelBounds.getMaxY(); j++) {
			for (int i = voxelBounds.getMinX(); i <= voxelBounds.getMaxX(); i++) {

				//transform to current frame
				vec3f pf = worldToCamera * voxelToWorld(vec3i(i, j, k));
				//vec3f p = worldToCamera * (m_gridToWorld * ((vec3f(i, j, k) + 0.5f)));

				//project into depth image
				vec3f p = skeletonToDepth(intrinsic, pf);

				vec3i pi = math::round(p);

				if (pi.x >= 0 && pi.y >= 0 && pi.x < (int)depthImage.getWidth() && pi.y < (int)depthImage.getHeight()) {
					float d = depthImage(pi.x, pi.y);

					//check for a valid depth range
					if (d != depthImage.getInvalidValue() && d >= m_depthMin && d <= m_depthMax) {

						//update free space counter if voxel is in front of observation
						if (p.z < d) {
							(*this)(i, j, k).freeCtr++;

						//compute signed distance; positive in front of the observation
						float sdf = d - p.z;
						float truncation = getTruncation(d);

						if (sdf > -truncation) {
							if (sdf >= 0.0f) {
								sdf = fminf(truncation, sdf);
							else {
								sdf = fmaxf(-truncation, sdf);
							const float integrationWeightSample = 3.0f;
							const float depthWorldMin = 0.4f;
							const float depthWorldMax = 4.0f;
							float depthZeroOne = (d - depthWorldMin) / (depthWorldMax - depthWorldMin);
							float weightUpdate = std::max(integrationWeightSample * 1.5f * (1.0f - depthZeroOne), 1.0f);

							Voxel& v = (*this)(i, j, k);
							if (v.sdf == -std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity()) {
								v.sdf = sdf;
							else {
								v.sdf = (v.sdf * (float)v.weight + sdf * weightUpdate) / (float)(v.weight + weightUpdate);
							v.weight = (uchar)std::min((int)v.weight + (int)weightUpdate, (int)std::numeric_limits<unsigned char>::max());

void Synthesizer::makeInteractionMapRays(const DisembodiedObject &object, const mat4f &modelToWorld, const Agent &agent, const string &interactionMapName, InteractionRays &result) const
    const string &categoryName = object.model->categoryName;


    if (!database->interactionMaps.hasInteractionMapEntry(object.modelId, interactionMapName))
    const InteractionMapEntry &entry = database->interactionMaps.getInteractionMapEntry(object.modelId, interactionMapName);

    const auto &centroids = entry.centroids;
    if (centroids.size() == 0 || (centroids.size() > 10 && synthParams().scanName == "dining-large-nowalld"))

    vector < pair<const ml::TriMeshAcceleratorBVHf*, mat4f> > allAccelerators;
    for (UINT objectIndex = 0; objectIndex < scene.objects.size(); objectIndex++)
        // skip the base architecture, since collisions with that are very unlikely to occlude things
        if (object.contactType == ContactWall || objectIndex != 0)
            const auto &object = scene.objects[objectIndex];
            const auto &accelerator = assets->loadModel(*graphics, object.object.modelId).getAcceleratorOriginal();
            allAccelerators.push_back(std::make_pair(&accelerator, object.modelToWorld.getInverse()));
	const auto &selfAccelerator = assets->loadModel(*graphics, object.modelId).getAcceleratorOriginal();
    allAccelerators.push_back(std::make_pair(&selfAccelerator, modelToWorld.getInverse()));


    bool visibilityOptional = (interactionMapName == "backSupport" || interactionMapName == "hips");

    vec3f rayOrigin = agent.headPos;

    if (interactionMapName == "fingertip")
        rayOrigin = agent.handPos();

    if (interactionMapName == "backSupport")
        rayOrigin = agent.spinePos();

    UINT centroidIndex = 0;
    for (const auto &centroid : centroids)
        InteractionRayEntry &rayEntry = result.rays[centroidIndex];
        rayEntry.centroidPos = modelToWorld * centroid.pos;
        rayEntry.ray = ml::Rayf(rayOrigin, rayEntry.centroidPos - rayOrigin);
        rayEntry.score = 1.0;
        rayEntry.visible = false;

        ml::TriMeshRayAcceleratorf::Intersection intersection;
        UINT intersectObjectIndex;
        if (ml::TriMeshRayAcceleratorf::getFirstIntersectionTransform(rayEntry.ray, allAccelerators, intersection, intersectObjectIndex))
            // NOTE: intersection is in model space.

            double centroidDist = ml::dist(rayOrigin, rayEntry.centroidPos);
            double intersectDist = ml::dist(rayOrigin, modelToWorld.transformAffine(intersection.getSurfacePosition()));

            rayEntry.visible = (fabs(centroidDist - intersectDist) < 0.01);

            if (visibilityOptional || rayEntry.visible)
                vec3f surfaceNormal = modelToWorld.transformNormalAffine(intersection.getSurfaceNormal()).getNormalized();
                double minNormalAngle = std::min(vec3f::angleBetween( surfaceNormal, rayEntry.ray.direction()),
                                                 vec3f::angleBetween(-surfaceNormal, rayEntry.ray.direction()));
                double cosineVisiblityScore = std::max(0.0, cos(ml::math::degreesToRadians(minNormalAngle)));

                double score = 1.0;

                if (interactionMapName == "gaze")
                    // for monitors, gaze is better when directly viewing the object head-on
                    //if (categoryName == "Monitor" || categoryName == "Laptop")
                    score = cosineVisiblityScore;

                if (interactionMapName == "fingertip")
                    score -= 0.01f * centroidDist;

                if (interactionMapName == "backSupport")
                    // back support only counts as visible when it is behind the agent
                    if ((rayEntry.ray.direction() | agent.gazeDir) > 0.0f)
                        score = 0.0;
                        // back support is best when directly behind the agent
                        score = -(rayEntry.ray.direction() | agent.gazeDir);

                rayEntry.score = score;