Example #1
  /* static */
  MatchAutoCompleteFunction::findBeginning(const nsDependentCSubstring &aToken,
                                           const nsACString &aSourceString)
    NS_PRECONDITION(!aToken.IsEmpty(), "Don't search for an empty token!");

    // We can't use StringBeginsWith here, unfortunately.  Although it will
    // happily take a case-insensitive UTF8 comparator, it eventually calls
    // nsACString::Equals, which checks that the two strings contain the same
    // number of bytes before calling the comparator.  This is clearly not what
    // we want.

    const_char_iterator tokenStart(aToken.BeginReading()),

    PRBool dummy;
    while (sourceStart < sourceEnd &&
           CaseInsensitiveUTF8CharsEqual(sourceStart, tokenStart,
                                         sourceEnd, tokenEnd,
                                         &sourceStart, &tokenStart, &dummy)) {

      // We found the token!
      if (tokenStart >= tokenEnd) {
        return true;

    // We don't need to check CaseInsensitiveUTF8CharsEqual's error condition
    // (stored in |dummy|), since the function will return false if it
    // encounters an error.

    return false;
VLPrefixSet::GetSmallestPrefix(nsDependentCSubstring& aOutString) {
  PrefixString* pick = nullptr;
  for (auto iter = mMap.ConstIter(); !iter.Done(); iter.Next()) {
    PrefixString* str = iter.Data();

    if (!str->get()) {

    if (aOutString.IsEmpty()) {
      aOutString.Rebind(str->get(), iter.Key());
      pick = str;

    nsDependentCSubstring cur(str->get(), iter.Key());
    if (cur < aOutString) {
      aOutString.Rebind(str->get(), iter.Key());
      pick = str;

  if (pick) {

  return pick != nullptr;
Example #3
  /* static */
    const nsDependentCSubstring &aToken,
    const nsACString &aSourceString)
    NS_PRECONDITION(!aToken.IsEmpty(), "Don't search for an empty token!");

    return StringBeginsWith(aSourceString, aToken);
nsNetscapeProfileMigratorBase::ImportNetscapeCookies(nsIFile* aCookiesFile)
  nsresult rv;
  nsCOMPtr<nsIInputStream> cookiesStream;
  rv = NS_NewLocalFileInputStream(getter_AddRefs(cookiesStream), aCookiesFile);
  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;

  nsCOMPtr<nsILineInputStream> lineInputStream(do_QueryInterface(cookiesStream));

  // This code is copied from mozilla/netwerk/cookie/src/nsCookieManager.cpp

  nsCAutoString buffer;
  PRBool isMore = PR_TRUE;
  PRInt32 hostIndex = 0, isDomainIndex, pathIndex, secureIndex, expiresIndex, nameIndex, cookieIndex;
  PRInt32 numInts;
  PRInt64 expires;
  PRBool isDomain;
  PRInt64 currentTime = PR_Now() / PR_USEC_PER_SEC;

  nsCOMPtr<nsICookieManager2> cookieManager(do_GetService(NS_COOKIEMANAGER_CONTRACTID, &rv));
  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;

  /* file format is:
   * host \t isDomain \t path \t secure \t expires \t name \t cookie
   * if this format isn't respected we move onto the next line in the file.
   * isDomain is "TRUE" or "FALSE" (default to "FALSE")
   * isSecure is "TRUE" or "FALSE" (default to "TRUE")
   * expires is a PRInt64 integer
   * note 1: cookie can contain tabs.
   * note 2: cookies are written in order of lastAccessed time:
   *         most-recently used come first; least-recently-used come last.

  while (isMore && NS_SUCCEEDED(lineInputStream->ReadLine(buffer, &isMore))) {
    if (buffer.IsEmpty() || buffer.First() == '#')

    // this is a cheap, cheesy way of parsing a tab-delimited line into
    // string indexes, which can be lopped off into substrings. just for
    // purposes of obfuscation, it also checks that each token was found.
    // todo: use iterators?
    if ((isDomainIndex = buffer.FindChar('\t', hostIndex)     + 1) == 0 ||
        (pathIndex     = buffer.FindChar('\t', isDomainIndex) + 1) == 0 ||
        (secureIndex   = buffer.FindChar('\t', pathIndex)     + 1) == 0 ||
        (expiresIndex  = buffer.FindChar('\t', secureIndex)   + 1) == 0 ||
        (nameIndex     = buffer.FindChar('\t', expiresIndex)  + 1) == 0 ||
        (cookieIndex   = buffer.FindChar('\t', nameIndex)     + 1) == 0)

    // check the expirytime first - if it's expired, ignore
    // nullstomp the trailing tab, to avoid copying the string
    char *iter = buffer.BeginWriting();
    *(iter += nameIndex - 1) = char(0);
    numInts = PR_sscanf(buffer.get() + expiresIndex, "%lld", &expires);
    if (numInts != 1 || expires < currentTime)

    isDomain = Substring(buffer, isDomainIndex, pathIndex - isDomainIndex - 1).Equals(kTrue);
    const nsDependentCSubstring host =
      Substring(buffer, hostIndex, isDomainIndex - hostIndex - 1);
    // check for bad legacy cookies (domain not starting with a dot, or containing a port),
    // and discard
    if (isDomain && !host.IsEmpty() && host.First() != '.' ||
        host.FindChar(':') != -1)

    // create a new nsCookie and assign the data.
    rv = cookieManager->Add(host,
                            Substring(buffer, pathIndex, secureIndex - pathIndex - 1),
                            Substring(buffer, nameIndex, cookieIndex - nameIndex - 1),
                            Substring(buffer, cookieIndex, buffer.Length() - cookieIndex),
                            Substring(buffer, secureIndex, expiresIndex - secureIndex - 1).Equals(kTrue),
                            PR_FALSE, // isHttpOnly
                            PR_FALSE, // isSession

  return rv;