Example #1
    inline Target numeric_cast(Source arg)
        // typedefs abbreviating respective trait classes
        typedef detail::fixed_numeric_limits<Source> arg_traits;
        typedef detail::fixed_numeric_limits<Target> result_traits;

#if defined(BOOST_STRICT_CONFIG) \
    || (!defined(__HP_aCC) || __HP_aCC > 33900) \
             || defined(BOOST_SGI_CPP_LIMITS))
        // typedefs that act as compile time assertions
        // (to be replaced by boost compile time assertions
        // as and when they become available and are stable)
        typedef bool argument_must_be_numeric[arg_traits::is_specialized];
        typedef bool result_must_be_numeric[result_traits::is_specialized];

        const bool arg_is_signed = arg_traits::is_signed;
        const bool result_is_signed = result_traits::is_signed;
        const bool same_sign = arg_is_signed == result_is_signed;

        if (less_than_type_min<arg_is_signed, result_is_signed>::check(arg, (result_traits::min)())
            || greater_than_type_max<same_sign, arg_is_signed>::check(arg, (result_traits::max)())

#else // We need to use #pragma hacks if available

#  pragma warning(push)
#  pragma warning(disable : 4018)
#elif defined(__BORLANDC__)
#pragma option push -w-8012
# endif
        if ((arg < 0 && !result_traits::is_signed)  // loss of negative range
             || (arg_traits::is_signed && arg < (result_traits::min)())  // underflow
             || arg > (result_traits::max)())            // overflow
#  pragma warning(pop)
#elif defined(__BORLANDC__)
#pragma option pop
# endif
            throw bad_numeric_cast();
        return static_cast<Target>(arg);
    } // numeric_cast