Example #1
void Server::drawPolygon( ofPtr<Polygon> polygon )
    Vertex currentVertex;
    Vertex prevVertex; //= currentPolygon->getScalatedVertex(0);
    float distance;

    prevVertex = polygon->getScalatedVertex(0);

    // Place brick in the first position of the poligon
    moveForNextPoint(prevVertex, polygon->getVector(0) );
    unsigned int i = 1;

    // Iterate for all other vertices, but last one
    for(; i < polygon->getSize() - 1; i++){
        //Advance until next vertex
        currentVertex = polygon->getScalatedVertex(i);
        distance = prevVertex.distance(currentVertex);

        sendMessage(distance*MOVE_FACTOR, distance*MOVE_FACTOR, PEN_DOWN);
        brickPosition[X] += brickAngle[X]*distance;
        brickPosition[Y] += brickAngle[Y]*distance;

        //Move the brick so it can draw next line
        moveForNextPoint(currentVertex, polygon->getVector(i));
        prevVertex = currentVertex;

    //Advance to draw the last line
    currentVertex = polygon->getScalatedVertex(i);
    distance = prevVertex.distance(currentVertex);
    sendMessage(distance*MOVE_FACTOR, distance*MOVE_FACTOR, PEN_DOWN);

    brickPosition[X] += brickAngle[X]*distance;
    brickPosition[Y] += brickAngle[Y]*distance;

    if( lock() ){
        cout << "Server: lock is supposed to be bloking, noooo\n";