std::shared_ptr<ossim::ifstream> ossimStreamFactoryRegistry::createIFStream( const ossimFilename& file, std::ios_base::openmode openMode) const { std::shared_ptr<ossim::ifstream>result(0); for(ossim_uint32 idx = 0; ((idx < theFactoryList.size())&&(!result)); ++idx) { result = theFactoryList[idx]->createIFStream(file, openMode); } if(!result) { if(file.exists()) { // there is a bug in gcc < 5.0 and we can't use constructors in the // C++11 build. Will refactor to do a new ifstream then use open // result = std::make_shared<ossim::ifstream>(); result->open(file.c_str(), openMode); if(!result->is_open()) { result.reset(); } } } return result; }
ossimRefPtr<ossimNitfRsmModel> getModelFromExtFile( const ossimFilename& file ) { ossimRefPtr<ossimNitfRsmModel> result = 0; if ( file.exists() ) { result = new ossimNitfRsmModel(); if ( result->parseFile( file, 0 ) ) // Hard coded entry index of 0 for now. { cout << "Initialize from ext file success!" << endl; } else { result = 0; cerr << "Could not open: " << file << endl; } } else { cerr << "File does not exists: " << file << endl; } return result; } // End: getModelFromExtFile(...)
void ossimSensorModelFactory::findCoarseGrid(ossimFilename& result, const ossimFilename& geomFile)const { result = geomFile; result.setFile(result.fileNoExtension()+"_ocg"); result.setExtension("dat"); if(!result.exists()) { result = geomFile; result.setExtension("dat"); } // let's find a .dat file in the current directory // if(!result.exists()) { result = ""; ossimDirectory directoryList(geomFile.path()); ossimFilename file; if(directoryList.getFirst(file, ossimDirectory::OSSIM_DIR_FILES)) { ossimString testString = "OSSIM_DBL_GRID"; char tempBuf[14]; do { if(file.ext().downcase() == "dat") { std::ifstream in(file.c_str()); if(in) {*)tempBuf, 14); in.close(); if(ossimString(tempBuf, tempBuf+14) == testString) { result = file; } } } }while((directoryList.getNext(file))&&(result == "")); } // try to find it } }
void cmpFile(const ossimFilename& wsa, const ossimFilename& wsb, const ossimFilename& file) { ossimFilename bFile = file.substitute(wsa, wsb); if ( !file.exists() ) { cout << "\nnotice: wsb file: " << bFile << "\nnotice: wsa file does not exists: " << file << "\nb -> a copy command:" << "\ncp " << bFile << " " << file << "\n" << endl; } if ( !bFile.exists() ) { cout << "\nnotice: wsa file: " << file << "\nnotice: wsb file does not exists: " << bFile << "\na -> b copy command:" << "\ncp " << file << " " << bFile << "\n" << endl; } if ( file.exists() && bFile.exists() ) { std::string command = "diff -w --ignore-matching-lines=\\$Id "; command += file.string(); command += " "; command += bFile.string(); int status = system( command.c_str() ); if ( status != 0 ) { cout << "\nnotice files differ:" << "\nwsa file: " << file << "\nwsb file: " << bFile << "\na -> b copy command:" << "\ncp " << file << " " << bFile << "\nb -> a copy command:" << "\ncp " << bFile << " " << file << "\n" << endl; } } }
void ossimIndexToRgbLutFilter::setLut(const ossimFilename& file) { theLutFile = file; if(file.exists()) { ossimKeywordlist kwl(theLutFile); loadState(kwl); } }
//************************************************************************** // CONSTRUCTOR //************************************************************************** ossimDtedUhl::ossimDtedUhl(const ossimFilename& dted_file, ossim_int32 offset) : theRecSen(), theField2(), theLonOrigin(), theLatOrigin(), theLonInterval(), theLatInterval(), theAbsoluteLE(), theSecurityCode(), theNumLonLines(), theNumLatPoints(), theMultipleAccuracy(), theStartOffset(0), theStopOffset(0) { if(!dted_file.empty()) { // Check to see that dted file exists. if(!dted_file.exists()) { theErrorStatus = ossimErrorCodes::OSSIM_ERROR; ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_FATAL) << "FATAL ossimDtedUhl::ossimDtedUhl: The DTED file does not exist: " << dted_file << std::endl; return; } // Check to see that the dted file is readable. if(!dted_file.isReadable()) { theErrorStatus = ossimErrorCodes::OSSIM_ERROR; ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_FATAL) << "FATAL ossimDtedUhl::ossimDtedUhl: The DTED file is not readable --> " << dted_file << std::endl; return; } std::ifstream in(dted_file.c_str()); if(!in) { theErrorStatus = ossimErrorCodes::OSSIM_ERROR; ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_FATAL) << "FATAL ossimDtedUhl::ossimDtedUhl: Error opening the DTED file: " << dted_file << std::endl; return; } in.seekg(offset); parse(in); in.close(); } }
//******************************************************************* // Private Method: //******************************************************************* bool ossimKeywordlist::parseFile(const ossimFilename& file, bool ignoreBinaryChars) { if(!file.exists()) return false; bool result = false; std::ifstream is;, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary); if(! { result = parseStream(is, ignoreBinaryChars); } is.close(); return result; }
//************************************************************************** // CONSTRUCTOR //************************************************************************** ossimDtedVol::ossimDtedVol(const ossimFilename& dted_file, ossim_int32 offset) : theStartOffset(0), theStopOffset(0) { if(!dted_file.empty()) { // Check to see that dted file exists. if(!dted_file.exists()) { theErrorStatus = ossimErrorCodes::OSSIM_ERROR; ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_FATAL) << "FATAL ossimDtedVol::ossimDtedVol" << "\nThe DTED file does not exist: " << dted_file << std::endl; return; } // Check to see that the dted file is readable. if(!dted_file.isReadable()) { theErrorStatus = ossimErrorCodes::OSSIM_ERROR; ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_FATAL) << "FATAL ossimDtedVol::ossimDtedVol" << "\nThe DTED file is not readable: " << dted_file << std::endl; return; } // Open the dted file for reading. std::ifstream in(dted_file.c_str()); if(!in) { theErrorStatus = ossimErrorCodes::OSSIM_ERROR; ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_FATAL) << "FATAL ossimDtedVol::ossimDtedVol" << "\nUnable to open the DTED file: " << dted_file << std::endl; return; } in.seekg(offset); parse(in); in.close(); } }
bool ossimGeneralRasterElevationDatabase::openGeneralRasterDirectory(const ossimFilename& dir) { m_cellHandler = new ossimGeneralRasterElevHandler; bool foundOne = false; if(dir.exists()) { if(dir.isDir()) { ossimDirectory d(dir); ossimFilename file; ossim_uint32 maxCount = 10; // search at least the first 10 files to see if there are any here ossim_uint32 count = 0; if(d.getFirst(file)) { do { ++count; ossimString ext = file.ext(); ext = ext.downcase(); if(ext == "ras") { if(m_cellHandler->open(file, m_memoryMapCellsFlag)) { m_meanSpacing = m_cellHandler->getMeanSpacingMeters(); foundOne = true; } } } while(d.getNext(file) && (foundOne || (!foundOne && (count < maxCount)))); } } } if(!foundOne) { m_cellHandler = 0; } return m_cellHandler.valid(); }
std::shared_ptr<ossim::ifstream> ossimStreamFactory::createIFStream( const ossimFilename& file, std::ios_base::openmode openMode) const { std::shared_ptr<ossim::ifstream> result(0); if ( file.exists() ) { // there is a bug in gcc < 5.0 and we can't use constructors in the // C++11 build. Will refactor to do a new ifstream then use open // result = std::make_shared<ossim::ifstream>(); result->open(file.c_str(), openMode); if ( result->is_open() == false ) { result.reset(); } } return result; }
bool ossimAuxFileHandler::isAuxFile(const ossimFilename& file) { bool result = false; if ( file.exists() ) { ossimString ext = file.ext(); ext.downcase(); if (ext == "aux") { result = true; } else { result = false; } } return result; }
ossimRefPtr<ossimImageHandler> ossimImageHandlerRegistry::openOverview( const ossimFilename& file ) const { ossimRefPtr<ossimImageHandler> result = 0; // See if we can open via the stream interface: std::shared_ptr<ossim::istream> str = ossim::StreamFactoryRegistry::instance()-> createIstream( file, std::ios_base::in|std::ios_base::binary); if ( str ) { std::vector<ossimImageHandlerFactoryBase*>::const_iterator factory = m_factoryList.begin(); while( factory != m_factoryList.end() ) { result = (*factory)->openOverview( str, file ); if ( result.valid() ) { break; } ++factory; } str = 0; } if ( (result.valid() == false) && file.exists() ) { vector<ossimImageHandlerFactoryBase*>::const_iterator factory = m_factoryList.begin(); while( factory != m_factoryList.end() ) { result = (*factory)->openOverview( file ); if ( result.valid() ) { break; } ++factory; } } return result; }
//***************************************************************************** // PROTECTED METHOD: ossimIkonosRpcModel::parseHdrData() // // Parses the Ikonos hdr file. // //***************************************************************************** bool ossimIkonosRpcModel::parseHdrData(const ossimFilename& data_file) { if (traceExec()) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_DEBUG) << "DEBUG ossimIkonosRpcModel::parseHdrData(data_file): entering..." << std::endl; } if( !data_file.exists() ) { if (traceDebug()) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_WARN) << "ossimIkonosRpcModel::parseHdrData(data_file) WARN:" << "\nrpc data file <" << data_file << ">. "<< "doesn't exist..." << std::endl; } return false; } FILE* fptr = fopen (data_file, "r"); if (!fptr) { ++theErrorStatus; if (traceDebug()) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_WARN) << "ossimIkonosRpcModel::parseHdrData(data_file) WARN:" << "\nCould not open hdr data file <" << data_file << ">. " << "returning with error..." << std::endl; } return false; } char* strptr = 0; // char linebuf[80]; char dummy[80]; // , name[80]; //*** // Read the file into a buffer: //*** char filebuf[5000]; fread(filebuf, 1, 5000, fptr); //*** // GSD: NOTE - this will be recomputed by computeGsd method later. //*** strptr = strstr(filebuf, "\nPixel Size X:"); if (!strptr) { if(traceDebug()) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_WARN) << "ossimIkonosRpcModel::parseHdrData(data_file):" << "\n\tAborting construction. Error encountered parsing " << "presumed hdr file." << endl; } return false; } sscanf(strptr, "%14c %lf", dummy, &theGSD.samp); strptr = strstr(strptr, "\nPixel Size Y:"); if (!strptr) { if(traceDebug()) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_WARN) << "ossimIkonosRpcModel::parseHdrData(data_file): " << "\n\tAborting construction. Error encountered parsing " << "presumed hdr file." << endl; } return false; } sscanf(strptr, "%14c %lf", dummy, &theGSD.line); //*** // Image size: //*** strptr = strstr(strptr, "\nColumns:"); if (!strptr) { if(traceDebug()) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_WARN) << "ossimIkonosRpcModel::parseHdrData(data_file): " << "\n\tAborting construction. Error encountered parsing " << "presumed hdr file." << endl; } return false; } sscanf(strptr, "%s %d", dummy, &theImageSize.samp); strptr = strstr(strptr, "\nRows:"); if (!strptr) { if(traceDebug()) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_WARN) << "ossimIkonosRpcModel::parseHdrData(data_file): " << "\n\tAborting construction. Error encountered parsing " << "presumed hdr file." << endl; } return false; } sscanf(strptr, "%s %d", dummy, &theImageSize.line); if (traceExec()) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_DEBUG) << "DEBUG ossimIkonosRpcModel::parseHdrData(data_file): returning..." << std::endl; } return true; }
bool ossimGeneralRasterInfo::open( const ossimFilename& imageFile ) { static const char MODULE[] = "ossimGeneralRasterInfo::open"; if ( traceDebug() ) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_DEBUG) << MODULE << " entered..." << "\nimageFile: " << imageFile << std::endl; } bool result = false; // Wipe any previous state slick. clear(); ossimFilename copyFile = imageFile; if ( !imageFile.exists() ) { copyFile = imageFile.expand(); } // Look for the headrer of omd file as they are written out by img2rr. ossimFilename hdr = copyFile; hdr.setExtension("hdr"); // image.hdr if ( !hdr.exists() ) { hdr = imageFile; hdr.string() += ".hdr"; // image.ras.hdr if ( ! hdr.exists() ) { hdr = imageFile; hdr.setExtension("xml"); // image.xml } } if ( hdr.exists() ) { if ( traceDebug() ) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_DEBUG) << "header file: " << hdr << std::endl; } ossimString ext = hdr.ext().downcase(); if ( ext == "hdr" ) { if ( ossimEnviHeader::isEnviHeader( hdr ) ) { result = initializeFromEnviHdr( hdr ); } else { result = initializeFromHdr( imageFile, hdr ); } if ( !result ) { // Could be an ossim meta data file: ossimKeywordlist kwl( hdr ); result = loadState( kwl, 0 ); } } else if ( ext == "xml" ) { result = initializeFromXml( imageFile, hdr ); } } //--- // Set the file name. Needed for ossimGeneralRasterTileSource::open. // Note set here above loadState call to stop loadState from returning // false if no image file found. //--- if ( theImageFileList.empty() ) { setImageFile( imageFile ); } ossimFilename omd = imageFile; omd.setExtension("omd"); // image.omd if ( !omd.exists() ) { omd.setExtension("kwl"); // image.kwl } if ( omd.exists() ) { if ( traceDebug() ) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_DEBUG) << "omd file: " << omd << std::endl; } ossimKeywordlist kwl( omd ); if ( result && theMetaData.getNumberOfBands() ) { //--- // Just update the band info in case it has min/max values from // a compute min/max scan. //--- theMetaData.updateMetaData( kwl, std::string("") ); } else { // We're not initialized yet so do a loadState: result = loadState( kwl, 0 ); } } if ( traceDebug() ) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_DEBUG) << MODULE << " Exit status: " << (result?"true":"false") << std::endl; } return result; }
//***************************************************************************** // PROTECTED METHOD: ossimQuickbirdMetaData::parseMetaData() // // Parses the Quickbird IMD file. // //***************************************************************************** bool ossimQuickbirdMetaData::parseMetaData(const ossimFilename& data_file) { if (traceExec()) ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_DEBUG) << "DEBUG ossimQuickbirdMetaData::parseMetaData(data_file): entering..." << std::endl; if( !data_file.exists() ) { if (traceExec()) ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_WARN) << "ossimQuickbirdMetaData::parseMetaData(data_file) WARN:" << "\nmetadate data file <" << data_file << ">. " << "doesn't exist..." << std::endl; return false; } FILE* fptr = fopen (data_file, "r"); if (!fptr) { if (traceDebug()) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_DEBUG) << "ossimQuickbirdRpcModel::parseMetaData(data_file) DEBUG:" << "\nCould not open Meta data file: " << data_file << "\nreturning with error..." << std::endl; } return false; } char* strptr(NULL); //--- // Read the file into a buffer: //--- ossim_int32 fileSize = static_cast<ossim_int32>(data_file.fileSize()); char* filebuf = new char[fileSize]; fread(filebuf, 1, fileSize, fptr); strptr = filebuf; fclose(fptr); ossimString temp; //--- // Generation time: //--- if(getEndOfLine( strptr, ossimString("\ngenerationTime ="), "%17c %s", temp)) theGenerationDate = ossimString(temp).before(";"); else { if(traceDebug()) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_FATAL) << "FATAL ossimQuickbirdRpcModel::parseMetaData(data_file): " << "\n\tAborting construction. Error encountered parsing " << "presumed meta-data file." << std::endl; delete [] filebuf; return false; } } // Number of rows and columns in full image: if(getEndOfLine( strptr, ossimString("\nnumRows ="), "%10c %s", temp)) theImageSize.line = ossimString(temp).before("\";").toInt(); if(getEndOfLine( strptr, ossimString("\nnumColumns ="), "%13c %s", temp)) theImageSize.samp = ossimString(temp).before("\";").toInt(); //--- // BandId: //--- if(getEndOfLine( strptr, ossimString("\nbandId ="), "%9c %s", temp)) theBandId = ossimString(temp).after("\"").before("\";"); else { if(traceDebug()) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_FATAL) << "FATAL ossimQuickbirdRpcModel::parseMetaData(data_file): " << "\n\tAborting construction. Error encountered parsing " << "presumed meta-data file." << std::endl; delete [] filebuf; return false; } } //--- // BitsPerPixel: //--- if(getEndOfLine( strptr, ossimString("\nbitsPerPixel = "), "%16c %s", temp)) theBitsPerPixel = ossimString(temp).before(";").toInt(); else { if(traceDebug()) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_FATAL) << "FATAL ossimQuickbirdRpcModel::parseMetaData(data_file): " << "\n\tAborting construction. Error encountered parsing " << "presumed meta-data file." << std::endl; delete [] filebuf; return false; } } //--- // absCalFactors: //--- char *iter = (char *)filebuf; unsigned int nbBand = 0; theBandNameList = ""; for(iter = strstr(iter, "BEGIN_GROUP = BAND_"); iter ; iter = strstr(iter, "BEGIN_GROUP = BAND_")) { ++nbBand; char dummy[80], nameChar[80]; sscanf(iter, "%19c %s", dummy, nameChar); ossimString bandCur = ossimString(nameChar).before("\n"); theBandNameList = theBandNameList + bandCur + " "; ++iter; } theBandNameList.trim(); //--- Multispectral if(theBandId=="Multi") { std::vector<ossimString> bandList; bandList = theBandNameList.split(" "); theAbsCalFactors = std::vector<double>(bandList.size(), 1.); for(unsigned int j=0; j<bandList.size(); j++) { ossimString begin_group = "BEGIN_GROUP = BAND_" + bandList[j]; strptr = strstr(filebuf, begin_group.c_str()); if(!strptr && traceDebug()) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_FATAL) << "FATAL ossimQuickbirdRpcModel::parseMetaData(data_file): " << "\n\tAborting construction. Error encountered parsing " << "presumed meta-data file." << std::endl; delete [] filebuf; return false; } else { char dummy[80], nameChar[80]; sscanf(strptr, "%19c %s", dummy, nameChar); ossimString bandCur = ossimString(nameChar).before("\n"); if(!strptr && traceDebug()) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_FATAL) << "FATAL ossimQuickbirdRpcModel::parseMetaData(data_file): " << "\n\tAborting construction. Error encountered parsing " << "presumed meta-data file." << std::endl; delete [] filebuf; return false; } else { if(bandList[j] == bandCur) { strptr = strstr(strptr, "\tabsCalFactor = "); sscanf(strptr, "%16c %s", dummy, nameChar); theAbsCalFactors[j] = ossimString(nameChar).before(";").toDouble(); } } } } } //--- Panchromatic else { theAbsCalFactors = std::vector<double>(1, 1.); if(getEndOfLine( strptr, ossimString("\tabsCalFactor = "), "%16c %s", temp)) theAbsCalFactors[0] = ossimString(temp).before(";").toDouble(); else { if(traceDebug()) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_FATAL) << "FATAL ossimQuickbirdRpcModel::parseMetaData(data_file): " << "\n\tAborting construction. Error encountered parsing " << "presumed meta-data file." << std::endl; delete [] filebuf; return false; } } } //--- // SatID: //--- if(getEndOfLine( strptr, ossimString("\n\tsatId ="), "%9c %s", temp)) theSatID = ossimString(temp).after("\"").before("\";"); else { if(traceDebug()) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_FATAL) << "FATAL ossimQuickbirdRpcModel::parseMetaData(data_file): " << "\n\tAborting construction. Error encountered parsing " << "presumed meta-data file." << std::endl; delete [] filebuf; return false; } } //--- // TLCTime: //--- if(getEndOfLine( strptr, ossimString("\n\tTLCTime ="), "%11c %s", temp)) theTLCDate = ossimString(temp).before("\";"); else { if(getEndOfLine( strptr, ossimString("\n\tfirstLineTime ="), "%17c %s", temp)) theTLCDate = ossimString(temp).before("\";"); else { if(traceDebug()) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_FATAL) << "FATAL ossimQuickbirdRpcModel::parseMetaData(data_file): " << "\n\tAborting construction. Error encountered parsing " << "presumed meta-data file." << std::endl; delete [] filebuf; return false; } } } //--- // Sun Azimuth: //--- if(getEndOfLine( strptr, ossimString("\n\tsunAz ="), "%9c %s", temp)) theSunAzimuth = ossimString(temp).before(";").toFloat64(); else { if(getEndOfLine( strptr, ossimString("\n\tmeanSunAz ="), "%13c %s", temp)) theSunAzimuth = ossimString(temp).before(";").toFloat64(); else { if(traceDebug()) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_FATAL) << "FATAL ossimQuickbirdRpcModel::parseMetaData(data_file): " << "\n\tAborting construction. Error encountered parsing " << "presumed meta-data file." << std::endl; delete [] filebuf; return false; } } } //--- // Sun Elevation: //--- if(getEndOfLine( filebuf, ossimString("\n\tsunEl ="), "%9c %s", temp)) theSunElevation = ossimString(temp).before(";").toFloat64(); else { if(getEndOfLine( filebuf, ossimString("\n\tmeanSunEl ="), "%13c %s", temp)) theSunElevation = ossimString(temp).before(";").toFloat64(); else { if(traceDebug()) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_FATAL) << "FATAL ossimQuickbirdRpcModel::parseMetaData(data_file): " << "\n\tAborting construction. Error encountered parsing " << "presumed meta-data file." << std::endl; delete [] filebuf; return false; } } } //--- // Sun Azimuth: //--- if(getEndOfLine( strptr, ossimString("\n\tsunAz ="), "%9c %s", temp)) theSunAzimuth = ossimString(temp).before(";").toFloat64(); else { if(getEndOfLine( strptr, ossimString("\n\tmeanSunAz ="), "%13c %s", temp)) theSunAzimuth = ossimString(temp).before(";").toFloat64(); else { if(traceDebug()) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_FATAL) << "FATAL ossimQuickbirdRpcModel::parseMetaData(data_file): " << "\n\tAborting construction. Error encountered parsing " << "presumed meta-data file." << std::endl; delete [] filebuf; return false; } } } //--- // Sun Elevation: //--- if(getEndOfLine( filebuf, ossimString("\n\tsunEl ="), "%9c %s", temp)) theSunElevation = ossimString(temp).before(";").toFloat64(); else { if(getEndOfLine( filebuf, ossimString("\n\tmeanSunEl ="), "%13c %s", temp)) theSunElevation = ossimString(temp).before(";").toFloat64(); else { if(traceDebug()) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_FATAL) << "FATAL ossimQuickbirdRpcModel::parseMetaData(data_file): " << "\n\tAborting construction. Error encountered parsing " << "presumed meta-data file." << std::endl; delete [] filebuf; return false; } } } //--- // Sat Azimuth: //--- if(getEndOfLine( strptr, ossimString("\n\tsatAz ="), "%9c %s", temp)) theSatAzimuth = ossimString(temp).before(";").toFloat64(); else { if(getEndOfLine( strptr, ossimString("\n\tmeanSatAz ="), "%13c %s", temp)) theSatAzimuth = ossimString(temp).before(";").toFloat64(); else { if(traceDebug()) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_FATAL) << "FATAL ossimQuickbirdRpcModel::parseMetaData(data_file): " << "\n\tAborting construction. Error encountered parsing " << "presumed meta-data file." << std::endl; delete [] filebuf; return false; } } } //--- // Sat Elevation: //--- if(getEndOfLine( filebuf, ossimString("\n\tsatEl ="), "%9c %s", temp)) theSatElevation = ossimString(temp).before(";").toFloat64(); else { if(getEndOfLine( filebuf, ossimString("\n\tmeanSatEl ="), "%13c %s", temp)) theSatElevation = ossimString(temp).before(";").toFloat64(); else { if(traceDebug()) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_FATAL) << "FATAL ossimQuickbirdRpcModel::parseMetaData(data_file): " << "\n\tAborting construction. Error encountered parsing " << "presumed meta-data file." << std::endl; delete [] filebuf; return false; } } } //--- // TDILevel: //--- if(getEndOfLine( strptr, ossimString("\n\tTDILevel = "), "%13c %s", temp)) theTDILevel = ossimString(temp).before(";").toInt(); else { if(traceDebug()) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_FATAL) << "FATAL ossimQuickbirdRpcModel::parseMetaData(data_file): " << "\n\tAborting construction. Error encountered parsing " << "presumed meta-data file." << std::endl; delete [] filebuf; return false; } } delete [] filebuf; filebuf = 0; if (traceExec()) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_DEBUG) << "DEBUG ossimQuickbirdRpcModel::parseMetaData(data_file): returning..." << std::endl; } return true; }
bool ossimQuickbirdMetaData::getMapProjectionKwl( const ossimFilename& imd_file, ossimKeywordlist& kwl ) { static const char MODULE[] = "ossimQuickbirdMetaData::getMapProjectionKwl"; if(traceDebug()) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_DEBUG) << MODULE << " entered...\n"; } bool result = false; if( imd_file.exists() ) { FILE* fptr = fopen (imd_file.c_str(), "r"); if (fptr) { char* strptr(NULL); //--- // Read the file into a buffer: //--- ossim_int32 fileSize = static_cast<ossim_int32>(imd_file.fileSize()); char* filebuf = new char[fileSize]; fread(filebuf, 1, fileSize, fptr); strptr = filebuf; fclose(fptr); ossimString imd_key; ossimString tempStr; std::string key; std::string value; // Loop until we find all our keys or bust out with error. while ( 1 ) { // Verify map projected. imd_key = "BEGIN_GROUP = MAP_PROJECTED_PRODUCT"; if ( strstr( filebuf, imd_key.c_str() ) == NULL ) { break; // Not a map projected product. } // Get datum: if( getEndOfLine( strptr, ossimString("\n\tdatumName = "), "%13c %s", tempStr) ) { if ( tempStr.contains("WE") ) { key = "dataum"; value = "WGE"; kwl.addPair(key, value); } else { if(traceDebug()) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_WARN) << "Unhandled datum: " << tempStr << "\n"; } } } // Get projection: if( getEndOfLine( strptr, ossimString("\n\tmapProjName = "), "%15c %s", tempStr) ) { if ( tempStr.contains("UTM") ) { key = "type"; value = "ossimUtmProjection"; kwl.addPair(key, value); } else { if(traceDebug()) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_WARN) << "Unhandled projection name: " << tempStr << "\n"; } } } // Get projection: if( getEndOfLine( strptr, ossimString("\n\tmapProjName = "), "%15c %s", tempStr) ) { if ( tempStr.contains("UTM") ) { key = "type"; value = "ossimUtmProjection"; kwl.addPair(key, value); // Get UTM zone: if( getEndOfLine( strptr, ossimString("\n\tmapZone = "), "%11c %s", tempStr) ) { key = "zone"; value = tempStr.trim(";").string(); kwl.addPair(key, value); } else { break; } // Get UTM hemisphere: if( getEndOfLine( strptr, ossimString("\n\tmapHemi = "), "%11c %s", tempStr) ) { key = "hemisphere"; tempStr = tempStr.trim(";"); tempStr = tempStr.trim("\""); value = tempStr.string(); kwl.addPair(key, value); } else { break; } } // End UTM: } // Get projection units: std::string units; if( getEndOfLine( strptr, ossimString("\n\tproductUnits = "), "%16c %s", tempStr) ) { if ( tempStr == "\"M\";" ) { key = "units"; units = "meters"; kwl.addPair(key, units); } else { if(traceDebug()) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_WARN) << "Unhandled units: " << tempStr << "\n"; } } } // Get projection tie point: ossimDpt dpt; dpt.makeNan(); if( getEndOfLine( strptr, ossimString("\n\toriginX = "), "%11c %s", tempStr) ) { tempStr = tempStr.trim(";"); dpt.x = tempStr.toFloat64(); } else { break; } if( getEndOfLine( strptr, ossimString("\n\toriginY = "), "%11c %s", tempStr) ) { tempStr = tempStr.trim(";"); dpt.y = tempStr.toFloat64(); } else { break; } if ( dpt.hasNans() == false ) { key = "tie_point_units"; kwl.addPair(key, units); key = "tie_point_xy"; value = dpt.toString().string(); kwl.addPair( key, value ); } else { if(traceDebug()) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_WARN) << "tie point has nans!"; } break; } // Get projection scale: dpt.makeNan(); if( getEndOfLine( strptr, ossimString("\n\tcolSpacing = "), "%14c %s", tempStr) ) { tempStr = tempStr.trim(";"); dpt.x = tempStr.toFloat64(); } else { break; } if( getEndOfLine( strptr, ossimString("\n\trowSpacing = "), "%14c %s", tempStr) ) { tempStr = tempStr.trim(";"); dpt.y = tempStr.toFloat64(); } else { break; } if ( dpt.hasNans() == false ) { key = "pixel_scale_units"; kwl.addPair(key, units); key = "pixel_scale_xy"; value = dpt.toString().string(); kwl.addPair( key, value ); } else { if(traceDebug()) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_WARN) << "scale has nans!"; } break; } //--- // End of key look up. If we get here set the status to true and // bust out of loop. //--- result = true; break; } if ( result == false ) { if(traceDebug()) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_DEBUG) << "ERROR: Missing or unhandled key in metadat: " << imd_key << "\n"; } } delete [] filebuf; filebuf = 0; } else { if (traceDebug()) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_DEBUG) << "ossimQuickbirdRpcModel::parseMetaData(imd_file) DEBUG:" << "\nCould not open Meta data file: " << imd_file << "\nreturning with error...\n"; } } } if(traceDebug()) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_DEBUG) << MODULE << " exit status = " << (result?"true":"false") << "\n"; } return result; }
//***************************************************************************** // PROTECTED METHOD: ossimIkonosRpcModel::parseRpcData() // // Parses the Ikonos RPC data file. // //***************************************************************************** void ossimIkonosRpcModel::parseRpcData(const ossimFilename& data_file) { if (traceExec()) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_DEBUG) << "DEBUG ossimIkonosRpcModel::parseRpcData(data_file): entering..." << std::endl; } if( !data_file.exists() ) { if (traceDebug()) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_WARN) << "ossimIkonosRpcModel::parseRpcData(data_file) WARN:" << "\nrpc data file <" << data_file << ">. "<< "doesn't exist..." << std::endl; } ++theErrorStatus; return; } //*** // The Ikonos RPC data file is conveniently formatted as KWL file: //*** ossimKeywordlist kwl (data_file); if (kwl.getErrorStatus()) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_FATAL) << "ERROR ossimIkonosRpcModel::parseRpcData(data_file): Could not open RPC data file <" << data_file << ">. " << "Aborting..." << std::endl; ++theErrorStatus; if (traceExec()) ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_DEBUG) << "returning with error..." << std::endl; return; } const char* buf; const char* keyword; //*** // Parse data from KWL: //*** keyword = LINE_OFF_KW; buf = kwl.find(keyword); if (!buf) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_FATAL) << "FATAL ossimIkonosRpcModel::parseRpcData(data_file):" << "\nAborting construction. Error looking up keyword: " << keyword << std::endl; return; } theLineOffset = atof(buf); keyword = SAMP_OFF_KW; buf = kwl.find(keyword); if (!buf) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_FATAL) << "FATAL ossimIkonosRpcModel::parseRpcData(data_file):" << "\nAborting construction. Error looking up keyword: " << keyword << std::endl; return; } theSampOffset = atof(buf); keyword = LAT_OFF_KW; buf = kwl.find(keyword); if (!buf) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_FATAL) << "FATAL ossimIkonosRpcModel::parseRpcData(data_file):" << "\nAborting construction. Error looking up keyword: " << keyword << std::endl; return; } theLatOffset = atof(buf); keyword = LONG_OFF_KW; buf = kwl.find(keyword); if (!buf) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_FATAL) << "FATAL ossimIkonosRpcModel::parseRpcData(data_file):" << "\nAborting construction. Error looking up keyword: " << keyword << std::endl; return; } theLonOffset = atof(buf); keyword = HEIGHT_OFF_KW; buf = kwl.find(keyword); if (!buf) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_FATAL) << "FATAL ossimIkonosRpcModel::parseRpcData(data_file):" << "\nAborting construction. Error looking up keyword: " << keyword << std::endl; return; } theHgtOffset = atof(buf); keyword = LINE_SCALE_KW; buf = kwl.find(keyword); if (!buf) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_FATAL) << "FATAL ossimIkonosRpcModel::parseRpcData(data_file):" << "\nAborting construction. Error looking up keyword: " << keyword << std::endl; return; } theLineScale = atof(buf); keyword = SAMP_SCALE_KW; buf = kwl.find(keyword); if (!buf) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_FATAL) << "FATAL ossimIkonosRpcModel::parseRpcData(data_file):" << "\nAborting construction. Error looking up keyword: " << keyword << std::endl; return; } theSampScale = atof(buf); keyword = LAT_SCALE_KW; buf = kwl.find(keyword); if (!buf) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_FATAL) << "FATAL ossimIkonosRpcModel::parseRpcData(data_file):" << "\nAborting construction. Error looking up keyword: " << keyword << std::endl; return; } else { // copy ossimIkonosMetada-sensor into ossimIkonosRpcModel-sensorId theSensorID = theSupportData->getSensorID(); } theLatScale = atof(buf); keyword = LONG_SCALE_KW; buf = kwl.find(keyword); if (!buf) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_FATAL) << "FATAL ossimIkonosRpcModel::parseRpcData(data_file):" << "\nAborting construction. Error looking up keyword: " << keyword << std::endl; return; } theLonScale = atof(buf); keyword = HEIGHT_SCALE_KW; buf = kwl.find(keyword); if (!buf) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_FATAL) << "FATAL ossimIkonosRpcModel::parseRpcData(data_file):" << "\nAborting construction. Error looking up keyword: " << keyword << std::endl; return; } theHgtScale = atof(buf); char kwbuf[32]; keyword = kwbuf; for(int i=1; i<=20; i++) { sprintf(kwbuf, "%s%d", LINE_NUM_COEFF_KW, i); buf = kwl.find(keyword); if (!buf) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_FATAL) << "FATAL ossimIkonosRpcModel::parseRpcData(data_file):" << "\nAborting construction. Error looking up keyword: " << keyword << std::endl; return; } theLineNumCoef[i-1] = atof(buf); sprintf(kwbuf, "%s%d", LINE_DEN_COEFF_KW, i); buf = kwl.find(keyword); if (!buf) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_FATAL) << "FATAL ossimIkonosRpcModel::parseRpcData(data_file):" << "\nAborting construction. Error looking up keyword: " << keyword << std::endl; return; } theLineDenCoef[i-1] = atof(buf); sprintf(kwbuf, "%s%d", SAMP_NUM_COEFF_KW, i); buf = kwl.find(keyword); if (!buf) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_FATAL) << "FATAL ossimIkonosRpcModel::parseRpcData(data_file):" << "\nAborting construction. Error looking up keyword: " << keyword << std::endl; return; } theSampNumCoef[i-1] = atof(buf); sprintf(kwbuf, "%s%d", SAMP_DEN_COEFF_KW, i); buf = kwl.find(keyword); if (!buf) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_FATAL) << "FATAL ossimIkonosRpcModel::parseRpcData(data_file):" << "\nAborting construction. Error looking up keyword: " << keyword << std::endl; return; } theSampDenCoef[i-1] = atof(buf); } if (traceExec()) ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_DEBUG) << "DEBUG ossimIkonosRpcModel::parseRpcData(data_file): returning..." << std::endl; return; theErrorStatus++; if (traceExec()) ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_DEBUG) << "DEBUG ossimIkonosRpcModel::parseRpcData(data_file): returning with error..." << std::endl; return; }