Example #1
 std::string get_value(params_ref const & ps, symbol const & p) {
     std::ostringstream buffer;
     ps.display(buffer, p);
     return buffer.str();
   Update front_end_params using s.
   Only the most frequently used options are updated.

   This function is mainly used to allow smt::context to be used in
   the new strategy framework.
void params2front_end_params(params_ref const & s, front_end_params & t) {
    t.m_quant_elim = s.get_bool(":elim-quant", t.m_quant_elim);
    t.m_relevancy_lvl = s.get_uint(":relevancy", t.m_relevancy_lvl);
    TRACE("qi_cost", s.display(tout); tout << "\n";);