Example #1
/// \brief Adds a transition for a range of surrogate symbols for the specified state
static void add_surrogate_transition(const range<int>& surrogateRange, int currentState, int targetState, ndfa* nfa) {
    // If the range is out of the range of valid surrogate characters then clip it
    if (surrogateRange.lower() >= 0x110000) return;
    if (surrogateRange.upper() > 0x110000) {
        add_surrogate_transition(range<int>(surrogateRange.lower(), 0x110000), currentState, targetState, nfa);

    // Work out the range as surrogate pairs
    pair<int, int> surrogateLower   = surrogate_pair(surrogateRange.lower());
    pair<int, int> surrogateHigher  = surrogate_pair(surrogateRange.upper()-1);

    // Action depends on whether or not there are 1, 2 or more 'upper' characters
    if (surrogateLower.first == surrogateHigher.first) {
        // Transit to a state if we match the 'upper' code point
        int tmpState = nfa->add_state();
        nfa->add_transition(currentState, range<int>(surrogateLower.first, surrogateLower.first+1), tmpState);

        // Transit to the final state if we match any of the lower symbols
        nfa->add_transition(tmpState, range<int>(surrogateLower.second, surrogateHigher.second+1), targetState);
    } else {
        // Transit to a new state for the lower set of symbols
        int tmpState1 = nfa->add_state();
        nfa->add_transition(currentState, range<int>(surrogateLower.first, surrogateLower.first+1), tmpState1);

        // Transit to the final state for all the 'lower' symbols
        nfa->add_transition(tmpState1, range<int>(surrogateLower.second, 0xdc00), targetState);

        // ... do the same for the 'upper' set of symbols
        int tmpState2 = nfa->add_state();
        nfa->add_transition(currentState, range<int>(surrogateHigher.first, surrogateHigher.first+1), tmpState2);

        // Transit to the final state for all the 'lower' symbols
        nfa->add_transition(tmpState2, range<int>(0xd800, surrogateHigher.second+1), targetState);

        // If there's a middle range, then add transitions for that as well
        if (surrogateHigher.first-1 > surrogateLower.first) {
            // Transit for all of the remaining 'higher' symbols
            int tmpState3 = nfa->add_state();
            nfa->add_transition(currentState, range<int>(surrogateLower.first+1, surrogateHigher.first), tmpState3);

            // Accept for any 'lower' symbol
            nfa->add_transition(tmpState3, range<int>(0xdc00, 0xe000), targetState);