Example #1
static void draw_sprites(running_machine &machine, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect, int bank )
	contra_state *state = machine.driver_data<contra_state>();
	device_t *k007121 = bank ? state->m_k007121_2 : state->m_k007121_1;
	address_space &space = machine.driver_data()->generic_space();
	int base_color = (k007121_ctrlram_r(k007121, space, 6) & 0x30) * 2;
	const UINT8 *source;

	if (bank == 0)
		source = state->m_buffered_spriteram;
		source = state->m_buffered_spriteram_2;

	k007121_sprites_draw(k007121, bitmap, cliprect, machine.gfx[bank], machine.colortable, source, base_color, 40, 0, (UINT32)-1);
Example #2
void deco_bac06_device::custom_tilemap_draw(running_machine &machine,
								bitmap_ind16 &bitmap,
								const rectangle &cliprect,
								tilemap_t *tilemap_ptr,
								const UINT16 *rowscroll_ptr,
								const UINT16 *colscroll_ptr,
								const UINT16 *control0,
								const UINT16 *control1,
								int flags,
								UINT16 penmask,
								UINT16 pencondition,
								UINT16 colprimask,
								UINT16 colpricondition
	const bitmap_ind16 &src_bitmap = tilemap_ptr->pixmap();
	const bitmap_ind8 &flags_bitmap = tilemap_ptr->flagsmap();
	int x, y, p, colpri;
	int column_offset=0, src_x=0, src_y=0;
	UINT32 scrollx = 0;
	UINT32 scrolly = 0;

	if (control1)
		scrollx = control1[0];
		scrolly = control1[1];

	int width_mask;
	int height_mask;
	int row_scroll_enabled = 0;
	int col_scroll_enabled = 0;

	if (control0)
		row_scroll_enabled = (rowscroll_ptr && (control0[0]&0x4));
		col_scroll_enabled = (colscroll_ptr && (control0[0]&0x8));

	width_mask = src_bitmap.width() - 1;
	height_mask = src_bitmap.height() - 1;

	/* Column scroll & row scroll may per applied per pixel, there are
    shift registers for each which control the granularity of the row/col
    offset (down to per line level for row, and per 8 lines for column).

    Nb:  The row & col selectors are _not_ affected by the shape of the
    playfield (ie, 256*1024, 512*512 or 1024*256).  So even if the tilemap
    width is only 256, 'src_x' should not wrap at 256 in the code below (to
    do so would mean the top half of row RAM would never be accessed which
    is incorrect).

    Nb2:  Real hardware exhibits a strange bug with column scroll on 'mode 2'
    (256*1024) - the first column has a strange additional offset, but
    curiously the first 'wrap' (at scroll offset 256) does not have this offset,
    it is displayed as expected.  The bug is confimed to only affect this mode,
    the other two modes work as expected.  This bug is not emulated, as it
    doesn't affect any games.

	if (machine.driver_data()->flip_screen())
		src_y = (src_bitmap.height() - 256) - scrolly;
		src_y = scrolly;

	for (y=0; y<=cliprect.max_y; y++) {
		if (row_scroll_enabled)
			src_x=scrollx + rowscroll_ptr[(src_y >> (control1[3]&0xf))&(0x1ff>>(control1[3]&0xf))];

		if (machine.driver_data()->flip_screen())
			src_x=(src_bitmap.width() - 256) - src_x;

		for (x=0; x<=cliprect.max_x; x++) {
			if (col_scroll_enabled)
				column_offset=colscroll_ptr[((src_x >> 3) >> (control1[2]&0xf))&(0x3f>>(control1[2]&0xf))];

			p = src_bitmap.pix16((src_y + column_offset)&height_mask, src_x&width_mask);
			colpri =  flags_bitmap.pix8((src_y + column_offset)&height_mask, src_x&width_mask)&0xf;

			if ((flags&TILEMAP_DRAW_OPAQUE) || (p&m_bppmask))

				if ((p&penmask)==pencondition)
						bitmap.pix16(y, x) = p+(colpri&m_gfxcolmask)*m_bppmult;
Example #3
static void parentj_draw_sprites( running_machine &machine, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect, int priority )
	/* Y chain size is 16/32?/64/64? pixels. X chain size
	   is always 64 pixels. */

	taitoo_state *state = machine.driver_data<taitoo_state>();
	address_space &space = machine.driver_data()->generic_space();
	static const int size[] = { 1, 2, 4, 4 };
	int x0, y0, x, y, dx, dy, ex, ey, zx, zy;
	int ysize;
	int j, k;
	int offs;                   /* sprite RAM offset */
	int tile_offs;              /* sprite chain offset */
	int zoomx, zoomy;           /* zoom value */

	for (offs = 0x03f8 / 2; offs >= 0; offs -= 0x008 / 2)
		if (offs <  0x01b0 && priority == 0)    continue;
		if (offs >= 0x01b0 && priority == 1)    continue;

		x0        =  tc0080vco_sprram_r(state->m_tc0080vco, space, offs + 1, 0xffff) & 0x3ff;
		y0        =  tc0080vco_sprram_r(state->m_tc0080vco, space, offs + 0, 0xffff) & 0x3ff;
		zoomx     = (tc0080vco_sprram_r(state->m_tc0080vco, space, offs + 2, 0xffff) & 0x7f00) >> 8;
		zoomy     = (tc0080vco_sprram_r(state->m_tc0080vco, space, offs + 2, 0xffff) & 0x007f);
		tile_offs = (tc0080vco_sprram_r(state->m_tc0080vco, space, offs + 3, 0xffff) & 0x1fff) << 2;
		ysize     = size[(tc0080vco_sprram_r(state->m_tc0080vco, space, offs, 0xffff) & 0x0c00) >> 10];

		if (tile_offs)
			/* Convert zoomy value to real value as zoomx */
			zoomy = zoomy_conv_table[zoomy];

			if (zoomx < 63)
				dx = 8 + (zoomx + 2) / 8;
				ex = (zoomx + 2) % 8;
				zx = ((dx << 1) + ex) << 11;
				dx = 16 + (zoomx - 63) / 4;
				ex = (zoomx - 63) % 4;
				zx = (dx + ex) << 12;

			if (zoomy < 63)
				dy = 8 + (zoomy + 2) / 8;
				ey = (zoomy + 2) % 8;
				zy = ((dy << 1) + ey) << 11;
				dy = 16 + (zoomy - 63) / 4;
				ey = (zoomy - 63) % 4;
				zy = (dy + ey) << 12;

			if (x0 >= 0x200) x0 -= 0x400;
			if (y0 >= 0x200) y0 -= 0x400;

			if (tc0080vco_flipscreen_r(state->m_tc0080vco))
				x0 = 497 - x0;
				y0 = 498 - y0;
				dx = -dx;
				dy = -dy;
				x0 += 1;
				y0 += 2;

			y = y0;
			for (j = 0; j < ysize; j ++)
				x = x0;
				for (k = 0; k < 4; k ++)
					if (tile_offs >= 0x1000)
						int tile, color, flipx, flipy;

						tile  = tc0080vco_cram_0_r(state->m_tc0080vco, space, tile_offs, 0xffff) & 0x7fff;
						color = tc0080vco_cram_1_r(state->m_tc0080vco, space, tile_offs, 0xffff) & 0x001f;
						flipx = tc0080vco_cram_1_r(state->m_tc0080vco, space, tile_offs, 0xffff) & 0x0040;
						flipy = tc0080vco_cram_1_r(state->m_tc0080vco, space, tile_offs, 0xffff) & 0x0080;

						if (tc0080vco_flipscreen_r(state->m_tc0080vco))
							flipx ^= 0x0040;
							flipy ^= 0x0080;

						drawgfxzoom_transpen( bitmap, cliprect,
									flipx, flipy,
									x, y,
									zx, zy, 0
					tile_offs ++;
					x += dx;
				y += dy;
Example #4
void deco_karnovsprites_device::draw_sprites( running_machine &machine, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect, UINT16* spriteram, int size, int priority )
	int offs;

	for (offs = 0; offs < size; offs += 4)
		int x, y, sprite, sprite2, colour, fx, fy, extra;

		y = spriteram[offs];
		if (!(y & 0x8000))

		y = y & 0x1ff;
		sprite = spriteram[offs + 3];
		colour = sprite >> 12;

		if (priority == 1 && (colour & 8)) continue;
		if (priority == 2 && !(colour & 8)) continue;

		sprite = sprite & 0xfff;
		x = spriteram[offs + 2] & 0x1ff;

		fx = spriteram[offs + 1];

		/* the 8-bit implementation had this.
		           illustrated by enemy projectile explosions in Shackled being left on screen. */
		if ((fx & 0x1) == 0) continue;

		extra = (fx & 0x10) ? 1 : 0;
		fy = fx & 0x2;
		fx = fx & 0x4;

		if (extra)
			y = y + 16;
			sprite &= 0xffe; // taken from 8-bit version

		/* Convert the co-ords..*/
		x = (x + 16) % 0x200;
		y = (y + 16) % 0x200;
		x = 256 - x;
		y = 256 - y;
		if (machine.driver_data()->flip_screen())
			y = 240 - y;
			x = 240 - x;
			if (fx) fx = 0; else fx = 1;
			if (fy) fy = 0; else fy = 1;
			if (extra) y = y - 16;

		/* Y Flip determines order of multi-sprite */
		if (extra && fy)
			sprite2 = sprite;
			sprite2 = sprite + 1;


		/* 1 more sprite drawn underneath */
		if (extra)
Example #5
/* Mix the 2 sprite planes with the already rendered tilemaps..
 note, if we implement tilemap blending etc. too we'll probably have to mix those in here as well..

 this is just a reimplementation of the old priority system used before conversion but to work with
 the bitmaps.  It could probably be simplified / improved greatly, along with the long-standing bugs
 fixed, with manual mixing you have full control.

 apparently priority is based on a PROM, that should be used if possible.
static void mix_boogwing(running_machine &machine, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)
	boogwing_state *state = machine.driver_data<boogwing_state>();
	int y, x;
	const pen_t *paldata = machine.pens;
	bitmap_ind16 *sprite_bitmap1, *sprite_bitmap2;
	bitmap_ind8* priority_bitmap;

	address_space &space = machine.driver_data()->generic_space();
	UINT16 priority = decocomn_priority_r(state->m_decocomn, space, 0, 0xffff);

	sprite_bitmap1 = &machine.device<decospr_device>("spritegen1")->get_sprite_temp_bitmap();
	sprite_bitmap2 = &machine.device<decospr_device>("spritegen2")->get_sprite_temp_bitmap();
	priority_bitmap = &machine.priority_bitmap;

	UINT32* dstline;
	UINT16 *srcline1, *srcline2;
	UINT8 *srcpriline;

	for (y=cliprect.min_y;y<=cliprect.max_y;y++)


		for (x=cliprect.min_x;x<=cliprect.max_x;x++)
			UINT16 pix1 = srcline1[x];
			UINT16 pix2 = srcline2[x];

			/* Here we have
			 pix1 - raw pixel / colour / priority data from first 1sdt chip
			 pix2 - raw pixel / colour / priority data from first 2nd chip

			int pri1, pri2;
			int spri1, spri2, alpha2;
			alpha2 = 0xff;

			// pix1 sprite vs pix2 sprite
			if (pix1 & 0x400)       // todo - check only in pri mode 2??
				spri1 = 8;
				spri1 = 32;

			// pix1 sprite vs playfield
			switch (priority)
				case 0x01:
						if ((pix1 & 0x600))
							pri1 = 16;
							pri1 = 64;

						if ((pix1 & 0x600) == 0x600)
							pri1 = 4;
						else if ((pix1 & 0x600) == 0x400)
							pri1 = 16;
							pri1 = 64;

			// pix2 sprite vs pix1 sprite
			if ((pix2 & 0x600) == 0x600)
				spri2 = 4;
			else if ((pix2 & 0x600))
				spri2 = 16;
				spri2 = 64;

			// Transparency
			if (pix2 & 0x100)
				alpha2 = 0x80;

			// pix2 sprite vs playfield
			switch (priority)
				case 0x02:
						// Additional sprite alpha in this mode
						if (pix2 & 0x400)
							alpha2 = 0x80;

						// Sprite vs playfield
						if ((pix2 & 0x600) == 0x600)
							pri2 = 4;
						else if ((pix2 & 0x600) == 0x400)
							pri2 = 16;
							pri2 = 64;

						if ((pix2 & 0x400) == 0x400)
							pri2 = 16;
							pri2 = 64;

			UINT8 bgpri = srcpriline[x];
			/* once we get here we have

			pri1 - 4/16/64 (sprite chip 1 pixel priority relative to bg)
			pri2 - 4/16/64 (sprite chip 2 pixel priority relative to bg)
			spri1 - 8/32 (priority of sprite chip 1 relative to other sprite chip)
			spri2 - 4/16/64 (priority of sprite chip 2 relative to other sprite chip)
			alpha2 - 0x80/0xff alpha level of sprite chip 2 pixels (0x80 if enabled, 0xff if not)

			bgpri - 0 / 8 / 32 (from drawing tilemaps earlier, to compare above pri1/pri2 priorities against)
			pix1 - same as before (ready to extract just colour data from)
			pix2 - same as before  ^^

			int drawnpixe1 = 0;
			if (pix1 & 0xf)
				if (pri1 > bgpri)
					dstline[x] = paldata[(pix1&0x1ff)+0x500];
					drawnpixe1 = 1;

			if (pix2 & 0xf)
				if (pri2 > bgpri)
					if ((!drawnpixe1) || (spri2 > spri1))
						if (alpha2==0xff)
							dstline[x] = paldata[(pix2&0xff)+0x700];
							UINT32 base = dstline[x];
							dstline[x] = alpha_blend_r32(base, paldata[(pix2&0xff)+0x700], alpha2);