Example #1
  bcsr_ilu_prec::solve(sp_matrix_t matrix, spv_double sp_rhs, spv_double sp_sol)
    BS_ASSERT (matrix);
    BS_ASSERT (sp_rhs->size ());
    BS_ASSERT (sp_sol->size ());
    BS_ASSERT (sp_rhs->size () == sp_sol->size ()) (sp_rhs->size ()) (sp_sol->size ());

    t_long b_sqr; 
    t_long n;     
    t_long nb;    
    t_double *rhs = &(*sp_rhs)[0];
    t_double *sol = &(*sp_sol)[0];

    sp_bcsr_matrix_t ilu;

    if (dynamic_cast<bcsr_matrix_iface_t*> (matrix.lock ()))
        ilu = matrix;
        BS_ASSERT (ilu);

    //const item_array_t &values    = ilu.get_values   ();
    bool ff = prop->get_b (use_internal_matrix);

    spv_float spvalues     = ff ? lu_matrix->get_values () : ilu->get_values   ();
    spv_long sp_rows                = ff ? lu_matrix->get_rows_ptr () : ilu->get_rows_ptr ();           
    spv_long sp_cols                = ff ? lu_matrix->get_cols_ind () : ilu->get_cols_ind ();           
    t_float *values           = &(*spvalues)[0];
    t_long *rows                      = &(*sp_rows)[0];
    t_long *cols                      = &(*sp_cols)[0];

    if (ff)
        n         = lu_matrix->get_n_rows ();
        nb        = lu_matrix->get_n_block_size ();

        n         = ilu->get_n_rows ();
        nb        = ilu->get_n_block_size ();
    b_sqr = nb * nb;

    t_long j, k, l;
    t_long j1, j2;
    //const fp_type *D_block, *M_block;
    const t_float *D_block, *M_block;

    t_double *v, *r;

    memcpy (sol, rhs, sp_rhs->size () * sizeof (rhs[0]));

#ifdef _DEBUG
    t_double *sol_ = &sol[0];
    // solve Ly = b
    r = &sol[0];
    for (k = 0; k < n; ++k, r += nb)
        // pointer to matrix row
        j1          = rows[k];
        j2          = j1;//diag_ind[k];
        t_long j3  = rows[k + 1];
        for (j = j1 + 1; j < j3; ++j)
            l = cols[j];
            if (l < k)
                v = &sol[l * nb];
                M_block = &values[j * b_sqr];
                LU_FIND_ROOT_UPDATE (nb, M_block, v, r);
        BS_ASSERT (j1 == j2);
        BS_ASSERT (cols[j2] == k) (cols[j2]) (k);
        D_block = &values[j2 * b_sqr];
        uLU_FIND_ROOT_L (nb, D_block, r);
    // solve Ux = y
    r = &sol [(n - 1) * nb];
    for (k = n - 1; k >= 0; --k, r -= nb)
        // find element in k column
        t_long j0  = rows[k];
        j1          = j0;//diag_ind[k];
        j2          = rows[k + 1];
        for (j = j0; j < j2; ++j)
            l = cols[j];
            if (l > k)
                v = &sol[l * nb];
                M_block = &values[j * b_sqr];
                LU_FIND_ROOT_UPDATE (nb, M_block, v, r);
        BS_ASSERT (j0 == j1);
        BS_ASSERT (cols[j1] == k) (cols[j1]) (k);
        D_block = &values[j1 * b_sqr];
        uLU_FIND_ROOT_U (nb, D_block, r);

    return 0;
Example #2
    int gs_solver::solve (sp_matrix_t matrix, spv_double sp_rhs, spv_double sp_sol)
      BS_ERROR (matrix, "gs_solve");
      BS_ERROR (sp_rhs->size (), "gs_solve");
      BS_ERROR (sp_sol->size (), "gs_solve");
      BS_ERROR (prop, "gs_solve");

      int iter;
      const double epsmac = 1e-24;
      t_double r_norm, b_norm, den_norm;

      t_double *rhs = &(*sp_rhs)[0];
      //t_double *sol = &(*sp_sol)[0];

      sp_bcsr_t bcsr;
      if (!dynamic_cast<bcsr_t *> (matrix.lock ()))
          bcsr = matrix;
          BS_ASSERT (bcsr);

      t_long n = matrix->get_n_rows () * matrix->get_n_block_size ();
      spv_long flags;

      t_double tol = prop->get_f (tol_idx);
      tol *= tol;

      int max_iter  = prop->get_i (max_iters_idx);
      prop->reset_i (cf_type_idx);

      prop->set_b (success_idx, false);

      matrix->init_vector (sp_r);
      t_double *r = &(*sp_r)[0];

      matrix->calc_lin_comb (-1.0, 1.0, sp_sol, sp_rhs, sp_r);
      r_norm = mv_vector_inner_product_n (r, r, n);

      b_norm = sqrt (mv_vector_inner_product_n (rhs, rhs, n));

      if (b_norm > epsmac) // choose convergence criterion
          // |r_i|/|b| <= eps if |b| > 0
          tol *= b_norm;
          den_norm = b_norm;
      else // (r_norm > epsmac)
          // |r_i|/|r0| <= eps if |b| = 0
          tol *= r_norm;
          den_norm = r_norm;

      // main loop
      for (iter = 0; iter < max_iter; ++iter)

          smooth (bcsr, flags, 1, sp_rhs, sp_sol);
          matrix->calc_lin_comb (-1.0, 1.0, sp_sol, sp_rhs, sp_r);
          r_norm = mv_vector_inner_product_n (r, r, n);
          if (r_norm <= tol) // initial guess quite good
        } // end of main loop

      if (iter < max_iter)
          prop->set_i (iters_idx, iter + 1);
          prop->set_b (success_idx, true);
          prop->set_i (iters_idx, iter + 1);
          prop->set_b (success_idx, false);

      if (den_norm > epsmac)
        prop->set_f(final_res_idx, r_norm / den_norm);
        prop->set_f (final_res_idx, r_norm);

      BOSOUT (section::solvers, level::low) << "r_norm = " << r_norm << " r_norm / den_norm = " << r_norm / den_norm << " iter = " << iter << bs_end;

      return 0;
Example #3
   * \brief setup preconditioner (merge matrices if needed)
   * \param matrix Various matrix
   * \return 0 if success
  bcsr_ilu_prec::setup (sp_matrix_t matrix)
    BS_ASSERT (matrix);

    t_long n;     
    t_long nb;    
    t_long b_sqr; 
    bool ff = prop->get_b (use_internal_matrix);

    sp_bcsr_matrix_t ilu;

    if (dynamic_cast<bcsr_matrix_iface_t *> (matrix.lock ()))
        ilu = matrix;
        BS_ASSERT (ilu);

    if (ff)
        if (!lu_matrix)
            lu_matrix = BS_KERNEL.create_object (matrix->bs_resolve_type ());
            if (!lu_matrix)
                bs_throw_exception ("Can not create matrix");
        if (lu_matrix->copy (ilu))
            bs_throw_exception ("Can not make matrix copy");

        n              = lu_matrix->get_n_rows ();
        nb             = lu_matrix->get_n_block_size ();
        n              = ilu->get_n_rows ();
        nb             = ilu->get_n_block_size ();

    spv_long sp_ilu_rows                    = ff ? lu_matrix->get_rows_ptr () : ilu->get_rows_ptr ();       
    spv_long sp_ilu_cols                    = ff ? lu_matrix->get_cols_ind () : ilu->get_cols_ind ();       
    spv_float  sp_ilu_values        = ff ? lu_matrix->get_values ()   : ilu->get_values (); 

    t_long *ilu_rows                          = &(*sp_ilu_rows)[0];
    t_long *ilu_cols                          = &(*sp_ilu_cols)[0];
    t_float *ilu_values               = &(*sp_ilu_values)[0];

    b_sqr          = nb * nb;

    // common
    //int r_code = 0;
    t_long i, j, j1, j2, j3, cl, k;

    t_float *block;

    //ilu.ascii_write_in_csr_format ("ilu_set_internal");

    //  ilu.write_matrix_to_file ("matrix.out");
    // ----------------------
    // STAGE 3: build ilu factorization
    t_long i_str;
    //fp_type *d_block, *dd_block;
    t_float *d_block, *dd_block;
    t_double d;
    t_long jj, jj1, jj2;

    // loop through all rows
    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
        // update i-th row by 0..i-1 row
        j1 = ilu_rows[i];
        j2 = j1;//ilu_diag_ind[i];
        j3 = ilu_rows[i + 1];

        BS_ASSERT (j1 == j2) (j1) (j2);

        // for all nonzero elements in i-th string (in L part)
        // update it by diagonal element and update all other nonzero elements
        // in i-th string
        for (j = j1 + 1; j < j3; ++j)
            // find corresponding diagonal element
            i_str = ilu_cols[j];
            if (i_str < i)
                // update by diagonal element
                block   = &ilu_values[j * b_sqr];
                d_block = &ilu_values[ilu_rows[i_str]/*ilu_diag_ind[i_str]*/ * b_sqr];
                //BS_ASSERT (ilu_diag_ind[i_str] == ilu_rows[i_str]) (ilu_diag_ind[i_str]) (ilu_rows[i_str]);
                uLU_SEEK_L (nb, d_block, block, d);

                jj1 = ilu_rows[i_str];
                jj2 = ilu_rows[i_str + 1];
                k = j + 1;

                for (jj = jj1; jj < jj2; ++jj)
                    cl = ilu_cols[jj];
                    if (cl <= i_str)

                    if (ilu_cols[j1] == cl)
                        // upgrade by corresponding element
                        d_block   = &ilu_values[jj * b_sqr];
                        dd_block  = &ilu_values[j1 * b_sqr];
                        LU_UPGRADE(nb, block, d_block, dd_block);
                    for (; k < j3 && ilu_cols[k] < cl; ++k)

                    if (k < j3 && ilu_cols[k] == cl)
                        // upgrade by corresponding element
                        d_block   = &ilu_values[jj * b_sqr];
                        dd_block  = &ilu_values[k * b_sqr];
                        LU_UPGRADE(nb, block, d_block, dd_block);
                    else if (k >= j3)

        // factorize i-th string
        block = &ilu_values[j2 * b_sqr];
        uLU (nb, block, d);

        for (j = j1; j < j3; ++j)
            t_long cl = ilu_cols[j];
            if (cl > i)
                d_block = &ilu_values[j * b_sqr];
                uLU_SEEK_U (nb, block, d_block);
    // ----------------------
    return 0;