Example #1
oop slotsMap::copy_add_argument_slot(slotsOop obj,
                                     stringOop name, 
                                     slotType type,
                                     oop contents,
                                     oop anno,
                                     bool mustAllocate) {
  assert_smi(contents, "arg data must be position");

  if (!name->is_unary())
    return ErrorCodes::vmString_prim_error(ARGUMENTCOUNTERROR);

  slotDesc* old = find_slot(name);
  slotsOop result;
  if (old == NULL)
    result= obj;
  else if (old->is_arg_slot()) {
    // No need to remove and reinsert because order is the same.
    // Only the annotation might be really different.
    // The index will be off by one (assumes that added slot is new)
    assert(smiOop(contents)->value() == smiOop(old->data)->value() + 1,
           "arg index wrong");
    return change_slot(obj, old, type, old->data, anno, mustAllocate);
  } else {
    result= (slotsOop)copy_remove_slot(obj, name, mustAllocate);
    if (oop(result) == failedAllocationOop || result->is_mark()) return result;
    assert(result->is_slots(), "just checking");
  assert(smiOop(contents)->value() == arg_count(), "arg index wrong");
  return ((slotsMap*)result->map())->copy_add_new_slot(result, 
Example #2
oop slotsMap::copy_add_data_slot(slotsOop obj,
                                 stringOop name, 
                                 slotType type,
                                 oop contents,
                                 oop anno,
                                 bool mustAllocate) {
  if (!name->is_unary()) {
    return ErrorCodes::vmString_prim_error(SLOTNAMEERROR);

  slotDesc* old = find_slot(name);
  if (!old)
    return copy_add_new_slot(obj, name, type, contents, anno, mustAllocate);

  if (old->is_obj_slot())
    // change in place; if type is map_slot, just changes value
    return (slotsOop)change_slot(obj, old, OBJ_SLOT(type), contents, anno,

  // remove then add obj slot
  slotsOop result= copy_remove_one_slot(obj, old, mustAllocate);
  if (oop(result) == failedAllocationOop) return result;
  slotsMap *new_map= (slotsMap*)result->map();
  return new_map->copy_add_new_slot(result, name, type, contents,
                                    anno, mustAllocate);