Example #1
//// Public Bolt Routines
int G2_Add_Bolt_Surf_Num(CGhoul2Info *ghlInfo, boltInfo_v &bltlist, surfaceInfo_v &slist, const int surfNum)
	boltInfo_t			tempBolt;

	// ensure surface num is valid
	if (surfNum >= (int)slist.size())
		return -1;

	 // look through entire list - see if it's already there first
	for(size_t i=0; i<bltlist.size(); i++)
		// already there??
		if (bltlist[i].surfaceNumber == surfNum)
			// increment the usage count
			return i;

	// we have a surface
	// look through entire list - see if it's already there first
	for(size_t i=0; i<bltlist.size(); i++)
		// if this surface entry has info in it, bounce over it
	  	if (bltlist[i].boneNumber == -1 && bltlist[i].surfaceNumber == -1)
			// if we found an entry that had a -1 for the bone / surface number, then we hit a surface / bone slot that was empty
			bltlist[i].surfaceNumber = surfNum;
			bltlist[i].surfaceType = G2SURFACEFLAG_GENERATED;
			bltlist[i].boltUsed = 1;
	 		return i;

	// ok, we didn't find an existing surface of that name, or an empty slot. Lets add an entry
	tempBolt.surfaceNumber = surfNum;
	tempBolt.surfaceType = G2SURFACEFLAG_GENERATED;
	tempBolt.boneNumber = -1;
	tempBolt.boltUsed = 1;
	return bltlist.size()-1;

Example #2
void G2_RemoveRedundantGeneratedSurfaces(surfaceInfo_v &slist, int *activeSurfaces)
	// walk the surface list, removing surface overrides or generated surfaces that are pointing at surfaces that aren't active anymore
	for (size_t i=0; i<slist.size(); i++)
		if (slist[i].surface != -1)
			// is this a generated surface?
			if (slist[i].offFlags & G2SURFACEFLAG_GENERATED)
				// if it's not in the list, remove it
				if (!activeSurfaces[slist[i].genPolySurfaceIndex & 0xffff])
					G2_RemoveSurface(slist, i);
			// no, so it does point back at a legal surface
				// if it's not in the list, remove it
				if (!activeSurfaces[slist[i].surface])
					G2_RemoveSurface(slist, i);
Example #3
//// Public Bolt Routines
int G2_Add_Bolt_Surf_Num(const char *fileName, boltInfo_v &bltlist, surfaceInfo_v &slist, const int surfNum)
	boltInfo_t			tempBolt;
	int					i;

	// first up, make sure have a surface first
	if (surfNum >= slist.size())
		return -1;

	 // look through entire list - see if it's already there first
	for(i=0; i<bltlist.size(); i++)
		// already there??
		if (bltlist[i].surfaceNumber == surfNum)
			// increment the usage count
			return i;

	// we have a surface
	// look through entire list - see if it's already there first
	for(i=0; i<bltlist.size(); i++)
		// if this surface entry has info in it, bounce over it
		if (bltlist[i].boneNumber == -1 && bltlist[i].surfaceNumber == -1)
			// if we found an entry that had a -1 for the bone / surface number, then we hit a surface / bone slot that was empty
			bltlist[i].surfaceNumber = surfNum;
			bltlist[i].surfaceType = G2SURFACEFLAG_GENERATED;
			bltlist[i].boltUsed = 1;
			return i;

	// ok, we didn't find an existing surface of that name, or an empty slot. Lets add an entry
	tempBolt.surfaceNumber = surfNum;
	tempBolt.surfaceType = G2SURFACEFLAG_GENERATED;
	tempBolt.boneNumber = -1;
	tempBolt.boltUsed = 1;
	return (int)bltlist.size()-1;
