bool areMirrored(tree<int> l, tree<int> r) { if (l.empty() && r.empty()) { return true; } if (l.empty() || r.empty()) { return false; } if (l.RootTree() != r.RootTree()) { return false; } return areMirrored(l.LeftTree(), r.RightTree()) && areMirrored(l.RightTree(), r.LeftTree()); }
void writeSiblingsXML(const tree<AstNode>& t, const tree<AstNode>::iterator iRoot, ostream& stream) { if(t.empty()) return; if (iRoot->getType() == "root") { tree<AstNode>::sibling_iterator iChildren = t.begin(iRoot); stream << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>" << endl; writeSiblingsXML(t,iChildren,stream); } else if (t.number_of_children(iRoot) == 0) { string type = iRoot->getType(); stream << "<php:" << type << '>'; if (iRoot->getValue().length() > 0) stream << htmlentities(iRoot->getValue()); stream << "</php:" << type << '>' << endl; } else { string type = iRoot->getType(); string xmlns=""; if (type == "start") xmlns = " xmlns:php=\"\""; stream << "<php:" << type << xmlns << '>' << endl; int siblingNum; tree<AstNode>::sibling_iterator iChildren; for (iChildren = t.begin(iRoot), siblingNum = 0; iChildren != t.end(iRoot); ++iChildren) { writeSiblingsXML(t,iChildren,stream); } stream << "</php:" << type << '>' << endl; } }
FILE_ITEM CFileTree::AddItem(char *absolutePath, unsigned char* handle) { FILE_ITEM item; item.handle = handle; item.bCached = false; if (filesTree.empty()) { item.path = new char[strlen(absolutePath) + 1]; strcpy_s(item.path, (strlen(absolutePath) + 1), absolutePath); item.nPathLen = strlen(item.path); filesTree.set_head(item); topNode = filesTree.begin(); } else { std::string sPath(absolutePath); tree_node_<FILE_ITEM>* parentNode = findParentNodeFromRootForPath(absolutePath); std::string splittedPath = sPath.substr(sPath.find_last_of('\\') + 1); item.path = new char[splittedPath.length() + 1]; strcpy_s(item.path, (splittedPath.length() + 1), splittedPath.c_str()); if (parentNode) { filesTree.append_child(tree<FILE_ITEM>::iterator_base(parentNode), item); } else { //printf("Parent node found for %s", absolutePath); } } DisplayTree(topNode.node, 0); return item; }
int sum(tree<int> & t, tree<char>&op){ int s = 0; if (t.empty() && op.empty()) return s; tree<int>left = t.leftTree(); tree<int>right = t.rightTree(); int sumLeft = sum(t.leftTree(), op.leftTree()); int sumrRight = sum(t.rightTree(), op.rightTree()); int result = 0; char operation = op.rootTree(); switch (operation){ //... } }
int topsCount(tree<int>& t) { if (t.empty()) return 0; // prazno else if (t.LeftTree().empty() && t.RightTree().empty()) return 1; // listo // nenujno else if (t.LeftTree().empty()) return 1 + topsCount(t.RightTree()); // ima dqsno // nenujno else if (t.RightTree().empty()) return 1 + topsCount(t.LeftTree()); // ima lqvo // nenujno else return 1 + topsCount(t.LeftTree()) + topsCount(t.RightTree()); // ima i lqvo i dqsno }
int treeHeight(tree<int> t) { if (t.empty()) { return 0; } int leftTreeHeight = treeHeight(t.LeftTree()); int rightTreeHeight = treeHeight(t.RightTree()); return 1 + max(leftTreeHeight, rightTreeHeight); }
int countEdges(tree<T> t) { if (t.empty()) { return 0; } else { return 1 + countEdges(t.leftTree()) + countEdges(t.rightTree()); } }
int findSumHelper(tree<int> nums, tree<char> opers) { if (nums.empty()) { return 0; } else { switch (opers.getRoot()->inf) { case '+': return (nums.getRoot()->inf + countEdges(nums)) + findSumHelper(nums.rightTree(), opers.rightTree()) + findSumHelper(nums.leftTree(), opers.leftTree()); case '-': return (nums.getRoot()->inf - countEdges(nums)) + findSumHelper(nums.rightTree(), opers.rightTree()) + findSumHelper(nums.leftTree(), opers.leftTree()); case '*': return (nums.getRoot()->inf * countEdges(nums)) + findSumHelper(nums.rightTree(), opers.rightTree()) + findSumHelper(nums.leftTree(), opers.leftTree()); default: return 0; } } }
FILE_ITEM CFileTree::AddItem(char *absolutePath, unsigned char* handle) { FILE_ITEM item; item.handle = handle; item.bCached = false; // If the tree is empty just add the new path as node on the top level. if (filesTree.empty()) { item.path = new char[strlen(absolutePath) + 1]; strcpy_s(item.path, (strlen(absolutePath) + 1), absolutePath); item.nPathLen = strlen(item.path); filesTree.set_head(item); topNode = filesTree.begin(); } else { // Check if the requested path belongs to an already registered parent node. std::string sPath(absolutePath); tree_node_<FILE_ITEM>* parentNode = findParentNodeFromRootForPath(absolutePath); std::string splittedPath = _basename_932(sPath); //printf("spl %s %s\n", splittedPath.c_str(), absolutePath); item.path = new char[splittedPath.length() + 1]; strcpy_s(item.path, (splittedPath.length() + 1), splittedPath.c_str()); // If a parent was found use th parent. if (parentNode) { //printf("parent %s\n", parentNode->data.path); filesTree.append_child(tree<FILE_ITEM>::iterator_base(parentNode), item); } else { // Node wasn't found - most likely a new root - add it to the top level. //printf("No parent node found for %s. Adding new sibbling.", absolutePath); item.path = new char[strlen(absolutePath) + 1]; strcpy_s(item.path, (strlen(absolutePath) + 1), absolutePath); item.nPathLen = strlen(item.path); filesTree.insert(tree<FILE_ITEM>::iterator_base(topNode), item); topNode = filesTree.begin(); } } DisplayTree(topNode.node, 0); return item; }
bool isMirrored(tree<int> t) { if (t.empty()) { return true; } return areMirrored(t.LeftTree(), t.RightTree()); }