Example #1
void show_unit_description(const unit &u)
	const unit_type* t = u.type();
	if (t != NULL)
		// can't find type, try open the id page to have feedback and unit error page
	  help::show_unit_help(*resources::screen, u.type_id());
	// New Version Stuff
	void UnitUtil::CreateConverter(unit& cyphyRef, UnitConverter& converter)
		Uml::Class unitType = cyphyRef.type();
		if (unitType == si_unit::meta)
			GetDimensionRep(si_unit::Cast(cyphyRef), converter.dimensions);
		else if (unitType == conversion_based_unit::meta)
			CreateConverter(conversion_based_unit::Cast(cyphyRef), converter);
		else if (unitType == derived_unit::meta)
			CreateConverter(derived_unit::Cast(cyphyRef), converter);
	// conversion value from SI basic units to derived/conversion unit
	double UnitUtil::ConvertFromSIEquivalent(unit& cyphyRef, double value)
		if (cyphyRef != Udm::null)
			Uml::Class unitType = cyphyRef.type();
			if (unitType == si_unit::meta)
				return value;
			else if (unitType == conversion_based_unit::meta)
				return ConvertFromSIEquivalent(conversion_based_unit::Cast(cyphyRef), value);
			else if (unitType == derived_unit::meta)
				return ConvertFromSIEquivalent(derived_unit::Cast(cyphyRef), value);
		// else
		return value;
// conversion value from  derived/conversion unit to SI basic units
	double UnitUtil::ConvertToSIEquivalent(unit& cyphyRef, double value, UnitUtil::DimensionRep& siRep)
		if (cyphyRef != Udm::null)
			Uml::Class unitType = cyphyRef.type();
			if (unitType == si_unit::meta)
				GetDimensionRep(si_unit::Cast(cyphyRef), siRep);
				return value;
			else if (unitType == conversion_based_unit::meta)
				return ConvertToSIEquivalent(conversion_based_unit::Cast(cyphyRef), siRep, value);
			else if (unitType == derived_unit::meta)
				return ConvertToSIEquivalent(derived_unit::Cast(cyphyRef), value, siRep);
		// else
		return value;
Example #5
battle_context_unit_stats::battle_context_unit_stats(const unit &u,
		const map_location& u_loc, int u_attack_num, bool attacking,
		const unit &opp, const map_location& opp_loc,
		const attack_type *opp_weapon, const unit_map& units) :
	// Get the current state of the unit.
	if (attack_num >= 0) {
		weapon = &u.attacks()[attack_num];
	if(u.hitpoints() < 0) {
		LOG_CF << "Unit with " << u.hitpoints() << " hitpoints found, set to 0 for damage calculations\n";
		hp = 0;
	} else if(u.hitpoints() > u.max_hitpoints()) {
		// If a unit has more hp than its maximum, the engine will fail
		// with an assertion failure due to accessing the prob_matrix
		// out of bounds.
		hp = u.max_hitpoints();
	} else {
		hp = u.hitpoints();

	// Get the weapon characteristics, if any.
	if (weapon) {
		weapon->set_specials_context(u_loc, opp_loc, attacking, opp_weapon);
		if (opp_weapon)
			opp_weapon->set_specials_context(opp_loc, u_loc, !attacking, weapon);
		slows = weapon->get_special_bool("slow");
		drains = !opp.get_state("undrainable") && weapon->get_special_bool("drains");
		petrifies = weapon->get_special_bool("petrifies");
		poisons = !opp.get_state("unpoisonable") && weapon->get_special_bool("poison") && !opp.get_state(unit::STATE_POISONED);
		backstab_pos = is_attacker && backstab_check(u_loc, opp_loc, units, *resources::teams);
		rounds = weapon->get_specials("berserk").highest("value", 1).first;
		firststrike = weapon->get_special_bool("firststrike");

		// Handle plague.
		unit_ability_list plague_specials = weapon->get_specials("plague");
		plagues = !opp.get_state("unplagueable") && !plague_specials.empty() &&
			strcmp(opp.undead_variation().c_str(), "null") && !resources::game_map->is_village(opp_loc);

		if (plagues) {
			plague_type = (*plague_specials.front().first)["type"].str();
			if (plague_type.empty())
				plague_type = u.type().base_id();

		// Compute chance to hit.
		chance_to_hit = opp.defense_modifier(
			resources::game_map->get_terrain(opp_loc)) + weapon->accuracy() -
			(opp_weapon ? opp_weapon->parry() : 0);
		if(chance_to_hit > 100) {
			chance_to_hit = 100;

		unit_ability_list cth_specials = weapon->get_specials("chance_to_hit");
		unit_abilities::effect cth_effects(cth_specials, chance_to_hit, backstab_pos);
		chance_to_hit = cth_effects.get_composite_value();

		// Compute base damage done with the weapon.
		int base_damage = weapon->modified_damage(backstab_pos);

		// Get the damage multiplier applied to the base damage of the weapon.
		int damage_multiplier = 100;
		// Time of day bonus.
		damage_multiplier += combat_modifier(u_loc, u.alignment(), u.is_fearless());
		// Leadership bonus.
		int leader_bonus = 0;
		if (under_leadership(units, u_loc, &leader_bonus).valid())
			damage_multiplier += leader_bonus;
		// Resistance modifier.
		damage_multiplier *= opp.damage_from(*weapon, !attacking, opp_loc);

		// Compute both the normal and slowed damage.
		damage = round_damage(base_damage, damage_multiplier, 10000);
		slow_damage = round_damage(base_damage, damage_multiplier, 20000);
		if (is_slowed)
			damage = slow_damage;

		// Compute drain amounts only if draining is possible.
		if(drains) {
			unit_ability_list drain_specials = weapon->get_specials("drains");

			// Compute the drain percent (with 50% as the base for backward compatibility)
			unit_abilities::effect drain_percent_effects(drain_specials, 50, backstab_pos);
			drain_percent = drain_percent_effects.get_composite_value();

		// Add heal_on_hit (the drain constant)
		unit_ability_list heal_on_hit_specials = weapon->get_specials("heal_on_hit");
		unit_abilities::effect heal_on_hit_effects(heal_on_hit_specials, 0, backstab_pos);
		drain_constant += heal_on_hit_effects.get_composite_value();

		drains = drain_constant || drain_percent;

		// Compute the number of blows and handle swarm.
		weapon->modified_attacks(backstab_pos, swarm_min, swarm_max);
		swarm = swarm_min != swarm_max;
		num_blows = calc_blows(hp);
Example #6
void show_unit_description(CVideo& video, const unit &u)
	help::show_unit_description(video, u.type());
Example #7
bool basic_unit_filter_impl::internal_matches_filter(const unit & u, const map_location& loc, const unit* u2) const
	if (!vcfg["name"].blank() && vcfg["name"].t_str() != u.name()) {
		return false;

	if (!vcfg["id"].empty()) {
		std::vector<std::string> id_list = utils::split(vcfg["id"]);
		if (std::find(id_list.begin(), id_list.end(), u.id()) == id_list.end()) {
			return false;

	// Allow 'speaker' as an alternative to id, since people use it so often
	if (!vcfg["speaker"].blank() && vcfg["speaker"].str() != u.id()) {
		return false;

	if (vcfg.has_child("filter_location")) {
		if (vcfg.count_children("filter_location") > 1) {
			FAIL("Encountered multiple [filter_location] children of a standard unit filter. "
				 "This is not currently supported and in all versions of wesnoth would have "
				 "resulted in the later children being ignored. You must use [and] or similar "
				 "to achieve the desired result.");
		terrain_filter filt(vcfg.child("filter_location"), &fc_, use_flat_tod_);
		if (!filt.match(loc)) {
			return false;

	if(vcfg.has_child("filter_side")) {
		if (vcfg.count_children("filter_side") > 1) {
			FAIL("Encountered multiple [filter_side] children of a standard unit filter. "
				 "This is not currently supported and in all versions of wesnoth would have "
				 "resulted in the later children being ignored. You must use [and] or similar "
				 "to achieve the desired result.");
		side_filter filt(vcfg.child("filter_side"), &fc_);
			return false;

	// Also allow filtering on location ranges outside of the location filter
	if (!vcfg["x"].blank() || !vcfg["y"].blank()){
		if(vcfg["x"] == "recall" && vcfg["y"] == "recall") {
			//locations on the map are considered to not be on a recall list
			if (fc_.get_disp_context().map().on_board(loc))
				return false;
		} else if(vcfg["x"].empty() && vcfg["y"].empty()) {
			return false;
		} else if(!loc.matches_range(vcfg["x"], vcfg["y"])) {
			return false;

	// The type could be a comma separated list of types
	if (!vcfg["type"].empty()) {
		std::vector<std::string> types = utils::split(vcfg["type"]);
		if (std::find(types.begin(), types.end(), u.type_id()) == types.end()) {
			return false;

	// Shorthand for all advancements of a given type
	if (!vcfg["type_tree"].empty()) {
		std::set<std::string> types;
		for(const std::string type : utils::split(vcfg["type_tree"])) {
			if(types.count(type)) {
			if(const unit_type* ut = unit_types.find(type)) {
				const auto& tree = ut->advancement_tree();
				types.insert(tree.begin(), tree.end());
		if(types.find(u.type_id()) == types.end()) {
			return false;

	// The variation_type could be a comma separated list of types
	if (!vcfg["variation"].empty())
		std::vector<std::string> types = utils::split(vcfg["variation"]);
		if (std::find(types.begin(), types.end(), u.variation()) == types.end()) {
			return false;

	// The has_variation_type could be a comma separated list of types
	if (!vcfg["has_variation"].empty())
		bool match = false;
		// If this unit is a variation itself then search in the base unit's variations.
		const unit_type* const type = u.variation().empty() ? &u.type() : unit_types.find(u.type().base_id());

		for (const std::string& variation_id : utils::split(vcfg["has_variation"])) {
			if (type->has_variation(variation_id)) {
				match = true;
		if (!match) return false;

	if (!vcfg["ability"].empty())
		bool match = false;

		for (const std::string& ability_id : utils::split(vcfg["ability"])) {
			if (u.has_ability_by_id(ability_id)) {
				match = true;
		if (!match) return false;

	if (!vcfg["race"].empty()) {
		std::vector<std::string> races = utils::split(vcfg["race"]);
		if (std::find(races.begin(), races.end(), u.race()->id()) == races.end()) {
			return false;

	if (!vcfg["gender"].blank() && string_gender(vcfg["gender"]) != u.gender()) {
		return false;

	if (!vcfg["side"].empty() && vcfg["side"].to_int(-999) != u.side()) {
		std::vector<std::string> sides = utils::split(vcfg["side"]);
		const std::string u_side = std::to_string(u.side());
		if (std::find(sides.begin(), sides.end(), u_side) == sides.end()) {
			return false;

	// handle statuses list
	if (!vcfg["status"].empty()) {
		bool status_found = false;

		for (const std::string status : utils::split(vcfg["status"])) {
			if(u.get_state(status)) {
				status_found = true;

		if(!status_found) {
			return false;

	if (vcfg.has_child("has_attack")) {
		const vconfig& weap_filter = vcfg.child("has_attack");
		bool has_weapon = false;
		for(const attack_type& a : u.attacks()) {
			if(a.matches_filter(weap_filter.get_parsed_config())) {
				has_weapon = true;
		if(!has_weapon) {
			return false;
	} else if (!vcfg["has_weapon"].blank()) {
		std::string weapon = vcfg["has_weapon"];
		bool has_weapon = false;
		for(const attack_type& a : u.attacks()) {
			if(a.id() == weapon) {
				has_weapon = true;
		if(!has_weapon) {
			return false;

	if (!vcfg["role"].blank() && vcfg["role"].str() != u.get_role()) {
		return false;

	if (!vcfg["ai_special"].blank() && ((vcfg["ai_special"].str() == "guardian") != u.get_state(unit::STATE_GUARDIAN))) {
		return false;

	if (!vcfg["canrecruit"].blank() && vcfg["canrecruit"].to_bool() != u.can_recruit()) {
		return false;

	if (!vcfg["recall_cost"].blank() && vcfg["recall_cost"].to_int(-1) != u.recall_cost()) {
		return false;

	if (!vcfg["level"].blank() && vcfg["level"].to_int(-1) != u.level()) {
		return false;

	if (!vcfg["defense"].blank() && vcfg["defense"].to_int(-1) != u.defense_modifier(fc_.get_disp_context().map().get_terrain(loc))) {
		return false;

	if (!vcfg["movement_cost"].blank() && vcfg["movement_cost"].to_int(-1) != u.movement_cost(fc_.get_disp_context().map().get_terrain(loc))) {
		return false;

	// Now start with the new WML based comparison.
	// If a key is in the unit and in the filter, they should match
	// filter only => not for us
	// unit only => not filtered
	config unit_cfg; // No point in serializing the unit once for each [filter_wml]!
	for (const vconfig& wmlcfg : vcfg.get_children("filter_wml")) {
			config fwml = wmlcfg.get_parsed_config();
			/* Check if the filter only cares about variables.
			   If so, no need to serialize the whole unit. */
			config::all_children_itors ci = fwml.all_children_range();
			if (fwml.all_children_count() == 1 && 
				fwml.attribute_count() == 1 &&
			    ci.front().key == "variables") {
				if (!u.variables().matches(ci.front().cfg))
					return false;
			} else {
				if (unit_cfg.empty())
				if (!unit_cfg.matches(fwml))
					return false;

	for (const vconfig& vision : vcfg.get_children("filter_vision")) {
		std::set<int> viewers;

		// Use standard side filter
		side_filter ssf(vision, &fc_);
		std::vector<int> sides = ssf.get_teams();
		viewers.insert(sides.begin(), sides.end());

		bool found = false;
		for (const int viewer : viewers) {
			bool fogged = fc_.get_disp_context().teams()[viewer - 1].fogged(loc);
			bool hiding = u.invisible(loc, fc_.get_disp_context());
			bool unit_hidden = fogged || hiding;
			if (vision["visible"].to_bool(true) != unit_hidden) {
				found = true;
		if (!found) {return false;}

	if (vcfg.has_child("filter_adjacent")) {
		const unit_map& units = fc_.get_disp_context().units();
		map_location adjacent[6];
		get_adjacent_tiles(loc, adjacent);

		for (const vconfig& adj_cfg : vcfg.get_children("filter_adjacent")) {
			int match_count=0;
			unit_filter filt(adj_cfg, &fc_, use_flat_tod_);

			config::attribute_value i_adjacent = adj_cfg["adjacent"];
			std::vector<map_location::DIRECTION> dirs;
			if (i_adjacent.blank()) {
				dirs = map_location::default_dirs();
			} else {
				dirs = map_location::parse_directions(i_adjacent);

			std::vector<map_location::DIRECTION>::const_iterator j, j_end = dirs.end();
			for (j = dirs.begin(); j != j_end; ++j) {
				unit_map::const_iterator unit_itor = units.find(adjacent[*j]);
				if (unit_itor == units.end() || !filt(*unit_itor, u)) {
				boost::optional<bool> is_enemy;
				if (!adj_cfg["is_enemy"].blank()) {
					is_enemy = adj_cfg["is_enemy"].to_bool();
				if (!is_enemy || *is_enemy ==
				    fc_.get_disp_context().teams()[u.side() - 1].is_enemy(unit_itor->side())) {

			static std::vector<std::pair<int,int> > default_counts = utils::parse_ranges("1-6");
			config::attribute_value i_count = adj_cfg["count"];
			if(!in_ranges(match_count, !i_count.blank() ? utils::parse_ranges(i_count) : default_counts)) {
				return false;

	if (!vcfg["find_in"].blank()) {
		// Allow filtering by searching a stored variable of units
		if (const game_data * gd = fc_.get_game_data()) {
				variable_access_const vi = gd->get_variable_access_read(vcfg["find_in"]);
				bool found_id = false;
				for (const config& c : vi.as_array())
					if(c["id"] == u.id())
						found_id = true;
					return false;
			catch(const invalid_variablename_exception&)
				return false;
	if (!vcfg["formula"].blank()) {
		try {
			const unit_callable main(loc,u);
			game_logic::map_formula_callable callable(&main);
			if (u2) {
				std::shared_ptr<unit_callable> secondary(new unit_callable(*u2));
				callable.add("other", variant(secondary.get()));
				// It's not destroyed upon scope exit because the variant holds a reference
			const game_logic::formula form(vcfg["formula"]);
			if(!form.evaluate(callable).as_bool()) {
				return false;
			return true;
		} catch(game_logic::formula_error& e) {
			lg::wml_error() << "Formula error in unit filter: " << e.type << " at " << e.filename << ':' << e.line << ")\n";
			// Formulae with syntax errors match nothing
			return false;

	if (!vcfg["lua_function"].blank()) {
		if (game_lua_kernel * lk = fc_.get_lua_kernel()) {
			bool b = lk->run_filter(vcfg["lua_function"].str().c_str(), u);
			if (!b) return false;

	return true;
Example #8
void un_recruit_unit(const unit& u)
	stats& s = get_stats(u.side_id());
	s.recruit_cost -= u.cost();
Example #9
void un_recruit_unit(const unit& u)
	stats& s = get_stats(get_team_save_id(u));
	s.recruit_cost -= u.cost();
Example #10
void show_unit_description(const unit &u)
Example #11
	recruit_action(const unit& recruited, const map_location& loc,
	               const map_location& from) :
		undo_action(recruited, loc),