Example #1
bool PubAddr::loadAddr(ustring address)
	unsigned int i = 0;
	string BM = address.getString(3, i);
	if (strncmp(BM.c_str(), "BM-", 3) != 0)
		i = 0;

	char retu[100];
	size_t size2 = 50;
	if (b58tobin(retu, &size2, (char *)address.getRest(i).c_str()) != true)
		return false; //ignoring key not valid

	ustring _buffer;
	retu[size2] = 0x00;
	for (unsigned int j = 0; j < size2; j++)
		_buffer += retu[j];
	i = 0;

	unsigned int checkPos = _buffer.length() - 4;

	if (checkPos < (unsigned int)0)
		return false;

	ustring buffer = _buffer.getUstring(checkPos, i);

	byte checksum[4];
	memcpy(checksum, _buffer.getUstring(4, checkPos).c_str(), sizeof checksum);

	CryptoPP::SHA512 hash;
	byte digest[CryptoPP::SHA512::DIGESTSIZE];
	byte digest2[CryptoPP::SHA512::DIGESTSIZE];
	hash.CalculateDigest(digest, (byte*)buffer.c_str(), buffer.length());
	hash.CalculateDigest(digest2, digest, sizeof digest);

	if (memcmp(digest2, checksum, sizeof checksum)!=0)
		return false; //ignoring key not valid

	i = 0;

	std::unique_lock<std::shared_timed_mutex> mlock(this->mutex_);
	this->address = address;

	int tmp_vers = (int)buffer.getVarInt_B(i);
	int tmp_stream = (int)buffer.getVarInt_B(i);

	ustring tmp_ripe = buffer.getRest(i);

	if (tmp_ripe.length() > 20)
		return false; //too long

	if (tmp_ripe.length() < 4)
		return false; //too short

	this->version = tmp_vers;
	this->stream = tmp_stream;

	while (tmp_ripe.length() != 20) //todo add function prepend
		ustring tmp2;
		tmp_ripe = tmp2;

	this->ripe = tmp_ripe;

	buffer += this->ripe;

	hash.CalculateDigest(digest, (byte*)buffer.c_str(), buffer.length());
	hash.CalculateDigest(digest2, digest, sizeof digest);

	this->tagE.append(digest2, 32);
	this->tag.append(&(digest2[32]), 32);

	this->empty = true;
	return true;
Example #2
ustring PubAddr::decode(ustring data, ustring privK)
	unsigned int p = 0;

	ustring IV = data.getUstring(16, p);
	unsigned int curveType = data.getInt16(p);
	unsigned int Xlen = data.getInt16(p);
	ustring X = data.getUstring(Xlen, p);
	unsigned int Ylen = data.getInt16(p);
	ustring Y = data.getUstring(Ylen, p);
	ustring cipherText = data.getUstring(data.size() - (p + 32), p);
	ustring MAC = data.getUstring(32, p);

	ustring pubK;
	pubK += 0x04;
	pubK += X;
	pubK += Y;

	OID CURVE = secp256k1();
	AutoSeededRandomPool rng;

	ECDH < ECP >::Domain dhA(CURVE), dhB(CURVE);
	SecByteBlock privA(privK.c_str(), dhA.PrivateKeyLength());
	SecByteBlock pubB(pubK.c_str(), dhB.PublicKeyLength());

	if (dhA.AgreedValueLength() != dhB.AgreedValueLength())
		throw runtime_error("Shared shared size mismatch");
	SecByteBlock sharedA(dhA.AgreedValueLength()), sharedB(dhB.AgreedValueLength());

	if (!dhA.Agree(sharedA, privA, pubB))
		throw runtime_error("Failed to reach shared secret (A)");

	Integer ssa, ssb;

	ssa.Decode(sharedA.BytePtr(), sharedA.SizeInBytes());

	uint8_t H[CryptoPP::SHA512::DIGESTSIZE];
	CryptoPP::SHA512 hash;

	hash.CalculateDigest(H, sharedA.BytePtr(), sharedA.SizeInBytes());

	AutoSeededRandomPool prng;

	byte key[32];

	memcpy(key, H, sizeof(key));

	byte Hkey[32];

	memcpy(Hkey, &(H[32]), sizeof(Hkey));

	byte iv[16];

	memcpy(iv, IV.c_str(), IV.size());

	string cipher = cipherText.toString(), encoded, recovered;

	string HMacPlain;

	p = 0;
	HMacPlain += data.getString(data.size()-32,p);

	string mac;

		HMAC<SHA256> hmac(Hkey, 32);
		StringSource s(HMacPlain, true,
			new HashFilter(hmac,
				new StringSink(mac)
	catch (const CryptoPP::Exception& e)
		throw runtime_error(e.what());

	if (mac != MAC.toString())
		throw runtime_error("mac doesnt match");

		CBC_Mode< AES >::Decryption d;
		d.SetKeyWithIV(key, sizeof(key), iv);

		// The StreamTransformationFilter removes
		//  padding as required.
		StringSource s(cipher, true,
			new StreamTransformationFilter(d,
				new StringSink(recovered)
				) // StreamTransformationFilter
			); // StringSource
	catch (const CryptoPP::Exception& e)
		throw runtime_error(e.what());

	ustring result;
	return result;