Example #1
	//! set the root score of the detection
	void setScore(float confidence) { if (confidence_.size() == 0) confidence_.resize(1); confidence_[0] = confidence; }
Example #2
	//! add a part score to the candidate, parameterized by a bounding box and confidence value
	void addPart(cv::Rect r, float confidence) { parts_.push_back(r); confidence_.push_back(confidence); }
Example #3
	//! get the root score of the detection. Using for sorting
	float score(void) const { return (confidence_.size() > 0) ? confidence_[0] : -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(); }
void DynamicProgram<T>::argmin(Parts& parts, const vector2DMat& rootv, const vector2DMat& rooti, const vectorf scales, const vector4DMat& Ix, const vector4DMat& Iy, const vector4DMat& Ik, vectorCandidate& candidates) {

	// for each scale, and each component, traverse back down the tree to retrieve the part positions
	const unsigned int nscales = scales.size();
	#ifdef _OPENMP
	#pragma omp parallel for
	for (int n = 0; n < nscales; ++n) {
		T scale = scales[n];
		for (unsigned int c = 0; c < parts.ncomponents(); ++c) {

			// get the scores and indices for this tree of parts
			const vector2DMat& Iknc = Ik[n][c];
			const vector2DMat& Ixnc = Ix[n][c];
			const vector2DMat& Iync = Iy[n][c];
			const unsigned int nparts = parts.nparts(c);

			// threshold the root score
			Mat over_thresh = rootv[n][c] > thresh_;
			Mat rootmix     = rooti[n][c];
			vectorPoint inds;
			Math::find(over_thresh, inds);

			for (unsigned int i = 0; i < inds.size(); ++i) {
				Candidate candidate;
				vectori     xv(nparts);
				vectori     yv(nparts);
				vectori     mv(nparts);
				for (unsigned int p = 0; p < nparts; ++p) {
					ComponentPart part = parts.component(c, p);
					// calculate the child's points from the parent's points
					unsigned int x, y, m;
					if (part.isRoot()) {
						x = xv[0] = inds[i].x;
						y = yv[0] = inds[i].y;
						m = mv[0] = rootmix.at<int>(inds[i]);
					} else {
						int idx = part.parent().self();
						x = xv[idx];
						y = yv[idx];
						m = mv[idx];
						xv[p] = Ixnc[p][m].at<int>(y,x);
						yv[p] = Iync[p][m].at<int>(y,x);
						mv[p] = Iknc[p][m].at<int>(y,x);

					// calculate the bounding rectangle and add it to the Candidate
					Point pone = Point(1,1);
					Point xy1 = (Point(xv[p],yv[p])-pone)*scale;
					Point xy2 = xy1 + Point(part.xsize(mv[p]), part.ysize(mv[p]))*scale - pone;
					if (part.isRoot()) 
					  candidate.addPart(Rect(xy1, xy2), rootv[n][c].at<T>(inds[i]));
					  candidate.addPart(Rect(xy1, xy2), 0.0);
				#ifdef _OPENMP
				#pragma omp critical(addcandidate)