Example #1
wxBrush &GetGreyBrush(wxBrush &brush)
	static wxBrush b;
	wxColour c;
	b = brush;
	c = MakeColourGrey(brush.GetColour());
	return b;
bool SjOscStar::Draw(wxDC& dc, const wxSize& clientSize, double rot, wxPen& pen, wxBrush& brush)
	double  xfloat, yfloat;
	int     x, y, hh, vv;
	int     d, intensity;

	m_z -= 2;
	if( m_z < -63 )
		m_z = STAR_DEPTH;
		m_doDraw = !m_exitRequest;

	hh = (m_x*64)/(64+m_z);
	vv = (m_y*64)/(64+m_z);

	// check position
	x = hh + 500;
	y = vv + 500;
	if( x < -300 || x > 1300 || y < -300 || y > 1300 )
		m_z = STAR_DEPTH;
		m_doDraw = !m_exitRequest;

		hh = (m_x*64)/(64+m_z);
		vv = (m_y*64)/(64+m_z);

	// calculate position
	xfloat = (hh*cos(rot))-(vv*sin(rot));
	yfloat = (hh*sin(rot))+(vv*cos(rot));

	x = (int)xfloat + 500;
	y = (int)yfloat + 500;

	// use star?
	if( !m_doDraw )
		if( m_exitRequest || x < 450 || x > 550 || y < 450 || y > 550 )
			return FALSE;
			m_doDraw = TRUE;

	// map star position to client size, keep aspect ratio
	d = clientSize.x;
	if( clientSize.y > d )
		d = clientSize.y;

	if( d == 0 )
		d = 10;

	x = (x * d) / 1000 - (d-clientSize.x)/2;
	y = (y * d) / 1000 - (d-clientSize.y)/2;

	// calculate size
	d = (STAR_DEPTH-m_z) / (38400/d);
	if( d == 0 ) d = 1;

	// calculate light intensity
	intensity = STAR_DEPTH-m_z;
	intensity = 55 + ((intensity * 200) / STAR_DEPTH);
	//if( intensity < light ) intensity = light + 10;
	if( intensity < 0   )   intensity = 0;
	if( intensity > 255 )   intensity = 255;

	// draw star
	if( d==1 )
		pen.SetColour(intensity, intensity, intensity);
		dc.DrawPoint(x, y);

		brush.SetColour(intensity, intensity, intensity);

		dc.DrawRectangle(x, y, d, d);

	return TRUE;
void SjOscWindow::OnTimer(wxTimerEvent&)

	if( m_oscModule )
		// volume stuff
		long                volume, maxVolume = 1;
		bool                volumeBeat;

		// other objects
		long                i;
		bool                titleChanged, forceOscAnim, forceSpectrAnim;
		wxString            newTitle;

		// get data
		g_mainFrame->m_player.GetVisData(m_bufferStart, m_sampleCount*SJ_WW_CH*SJ_WW_BYTERES, 0);

		// get window client size, correct offscreen DC if needed
		wxSize clientSize = m_oscModule->m_oscWindow->GetClientSize();
		if( clientSize.x != m_offscreenBitmap.GetWidth() || clientSize.y != m_offscreenBitmap.GetHeight() )
			m_offscreenBitmap.Create(clientSize.x, clientSize.y);

		// calculate the points for the lines, collect volume
		m_oscilloscope->Calc(clientSize, m_bufferStart, volume);
		if( m_oscModule->m_showFlags&SJ_OSC_SHOW_SPECTRUM )
			m_spectrum->Calc(clientSize, m_bufferStart);

		// get data that are shared between the threads
			titleChanged = m_oscModule->m_titleChanged;
			m_oscModule->m_titleChanged = FALSE;
			if( titleChanged )
				newTitle = m_oscModule->m_trackName;
				if( newTitle.IsEmpty() )
					newTitle = SJ_PROGRAM_NAME;
				else if( !m_oscModule->m_leadArtistName.IsEmpty() )
					newTitle.Prepend(m_oscModule->m_leadArtistName + wxT(" - "));

			forceOscAnim = m_oscModule->m_forceOscAnim;
			m_oscModule->m_forceOscAnim = FALSE;

			forceSpectrAnim = m_oscModule->m_forceSpectrAnim;
			m_oscModule->m_forceSpectrAnim = FALSE;

		// calculate volume, volume is theoretically max. 255, normally lesser
		if( titleChanged )              { maxVolume = 1;        }
		if( volume > maxVolume )        { maxVolume = volume;   }

		volumeBeat = (volume > maxVolume/2);

		// erase screen
			// blue gradient background
			#define BG_STEPS 88
			int rowH = (clientSize.y/BG_STEPS)+1;
			for( i = 0; i < BG_STEPS; i++ )
				m_bgBrush.SetColour(0, 0, i);
				m_offscreenDc.DrawRectangle(0, i*rowH, clientSize.x, rowH);

		// draw text (very background)
			m_title->Draw(m_offscreenDc, clientSize, titleChanged, newTitle);

		// draw figures (they lay in backgroud)
		if( m_oscModule->m_showFlags&SJ_OSC_SHOW_FIGURES )
			long bgLight = 100;

			// draw hands (optional)
			m_hands->Draw(m_offscreenDc, clientSize, volume, bgLight, titleChanged);

			// draw rotor (optional)
			m_rotor->Draw(m_offscreenDc, clientSize, m_starfield->IsRunning(), titleChanged, volume, bgLight);

			// draw firework (optional)
			m_firework->Draw(m_offscreenDc, clientSize, titleChanged, m_starfield->IsRunning(), volumeBeat, bgLight);

		// draw starfield (optional)
		m_starfield->Draw(m_offscreenDc, clientSize, false, titleChanged, (m_oscModule->m_showFlags&SJ_OSC_SHOW_STARFIELD)!=0);

		// draw spectrum and/or oscilloscope (for both, the spectrum lays over the oscillosope)

		if( m_oscModule->m_showFlags&SJ_OSC_SHOW_OSC )
			m_oscilloscope->Draw(m_offscreenDc, forceOscAnim);

		if( m_oscModule->m_showFlags&SJ_OSC_SHOW_SPECTRUM )
			m_spectrum->Draw(m_offscreenDc, volumeBeat,
						  (m_oscModule->m_showFlags&SJ_OSC_SHOW_FIGURES)? true : false,

		// draw offscreen bitmap to screen
		wxClientDC dc(this);
		dc.Blit(0, 0, m_offscreenBitmap.GetWidth(), m_offscreenBitmap.GetHeight(), &m_offscreenDc, 0, 0);
Example #4
void ThemeBase::SetBrushColour( wxBrush & Brush, int iIndex )
   wxASSERT( iIndex >= 0 );
   Brush.SetColour( Colour( iIndex ));