Example #1
/* static */
bool wxMenuBase::DoProcessEvent(wxMenuBase* menu, wxEvent& event, wxWindow* win)

    wxMenuBar* const mb = menu ? menu->GetMenuBar() : NULL;

    // Process event in the menu itself and all its parent menus, if it's a
    // submenu, first.
    for ( ; menu; menu = menu->GetParent() )
        wxEvtHandler *handler = menu->GetEventHandler();
        if ( handler )
            // Indicate to the event processing code that we're going to pass
            // this event to another handler if it's not processed here to
            // prevent it from passing the event to wxTheApp: this will be done
            // below if we do have the associated window.
            if ( win || mb )

            if ( handler->SafelyProcessEvent(event) )
                return true;

    // If this menu is part of the menu bar, try the event there.
    if ( mb )
        if ( mb->HandleWindowEvent(event) )
            return true;

        // If this already propagated it upwards to the window containing
        // the menu bar, we don't have to handle it in this window again
        // below.
        if ( event.ShouldPropagate() )
            return false;

    // Try the window the menu was popped up from.
    if ( win )
        return win->HandleWindowEvent(event);

    // Not processed.
    return false;
Example #2
bool wxMenu::DoHandleMenuEvent(wxEvent& wxevent)
    wxEvtHandler* handler = GetEventHandler();
    if (handler && handler->ProcessEvent(wxevent))
        return true;
        wxWindow *win = GetWindow();
        if (win)
            if ( win->HandleWindowEvent(wxevent) )
                return true;
    return false;