void TransferToWx(const Map& map, wxImage& wx)
    wx.Create(map.width * 8, map.height * 8);
    if (map.tileset->bpp == 4)
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < map.data.size(); i++)
            int x = i % map.width;
            int y = i / map.width;
            int tile_id = map.data[i] & 0x3FF;
            int pal_id = (map.data[i] >> 12) & 0xF;
            const Tile& tile = map.tileset->tilesExport[tile_id];
            const PaletteBank& palette = map.tileset->paletteBanks[pal_id];
            for (unsigned int j = 0; j < TILE_SIZE; j++)
                unsigned char pix = tile.pixels[j];
                if (!pix) continue;
                const auto& c = palette.At(pix);
                wx.SetRGB(x * 8 + j % 8, y * 8 + j / 8, c.r << 3, c.g << 3, c.b << 3);
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < map.data.size(); i++)
Example #2
void wxHtmlImageCell::SetImage(const wxImage& img)
#if !defined(__WXMSW__) || wxUSE_WXDIB
    if ( img.IsOk() )
        delete m_bitmap;

        int ww, hh;
        ww = img.GetWidth();
        hh = img.GetHeight();

        if ( m_bmpW == wxDefaultCoord)
            m_bmpW = ww;
        if ( m_bmpH == wxDefaultCoord)
            m_bmpH = hh;

        // Only scale the bitmap at the rendering stage,
        // so we don't lose quality twice
        if ((m_bmpW != ww) || (m_bmpH != hh))
            wxImage img2 = img.Scale(m_bmpW, m_bmpH);
            m_bitmap = new wxBitmap(img2);
            m_bitmap = new wxBitmap(img);
void BM2CMP_FRAME::ExportFile( FILE* aOutfile, OUTPUT_FMT_ID aFormat )
    // Create a potrace bitmap
    int h = m_NB_Image.GetHeight();
    int w = m_NB_Image.GetWidth();
    potrace_bitmap_t* potrace_bitmap = bm_new( w, h );

    if( !potrace_bitmap )
        wxString msg;
        msg.Printf( wxT( "Error allocating memory for potrace bitmap" ) );
        wxMessageBox( msg );

    /* fill the bitmap with data */
    for( int y = 0; y < h; y++ )
        for( int x = 0; x < w; x++ )
            unsigned char pix = m_NB_Image.GetGreen( x, y );
            BM_PUT( potrace_bitmap, x, y, pix ? 1 : 0 );

    bitmap2component( potrace_bitmap, aOutfile, aFormat, m_imageDPI.x, m_imageDPI.y );
bool BM2CMP_FRAME::OpenProjectFiles( const std::vector<wxString>& aFileSet, int aCtl )
    // Prj().MaybeLoadProjectSettings();

    m_BitmapFileName = aFileSet[0];

    if( !m_Pict_Image.LoadFile( m_BitmapFileName ) )
        // LoadFile has its own UI, no need for further failure notification here
        return false;

    m_Pict_Bitmap = wxBitmap( m_Pict_Image );

    int h  = m_Pict_Bitmap.GetHeight();
    int w  = m_Pict_Bitmap.GetWidth();

    // Determine image resolution in DPI (does not existing in all formats).
    // the resolution can be given in bit per inches or bit per cm in file
    m_imageDPI.x = m_Pict_Image.GetOptionInt( wxIMAGE_OPTION_RESOLUTIONX );
    m_imageDPI.y = m_Pict_Image.GetOptionInt( wxIMAGE_OPTION_RESOLUTIONY );

    if( m_imageDPI.x > 1 && m_imageDPI.y > 1 )
        if( m_Pict_Image.GetOptionInt( wxIMAGE_OPTION_RESOLUTIONUNIT ) == wxIMAGE_RESOLUTION_CM )
            // When the initial resolution is given in bits per cm,
            // experience shows adding 1.27 to the resolution converted in dpi
            // before convert to int value reduce the conversion error
            // but it is not perfect
            m_imageDPI.x = m_imageDPI.x * 2.54 + 1.27;
            m_imageDPI.y = m_imageDPI.y * 2.54 + 1.27;
    else    // fallback to the default value
        m_imageDPI.x = m_imageDPI.y = DEFAULT_DPI;

    // Display image info:
    // We are using ChangeValue here to avoid generating a wxEVT_TEXT event.
    m_DPIValueX->ChangeValue( wxString::Format( wxT( "%d" ), m_imageDPI.x ) );
    m_DPIValueY->ChangeValue( wxString::Format( wxT( "%d" ), m_imageDPI.y ) );

    m_InitialPicturePanel->SetVirtualSize( w, h );
    m_GreyscalePicturePanel->SetVirtualSize( w, h );
    m_BNPicturePanel->SetVirtualSize( w, h );

    m_Greyscale_Image = m_Pict_Image.ConvertToGreyscale( );

    if( m_rbOptions->GetSelection() > 0 )
        NegateGreyscaleImage( );

    m_Greyscale_Bitmap = wxBitmap( m_Greyscale_Image );

    m_NB_Image  = m_Greyscale_Image;
    Binarize( (double) m_sliderThreshold->GetValue()/m_sliderThreshold->GetMax() );

    return true;
Example #5
        void Surface::SetPixels( const wxImage& image )
            m_Format = Format( image );
            size_t numPixels = (size_t)m_Format.m_Pitch*m_Format.m_CanvasHeight;
            if ( m_Format.GetDepth() == 24 ) {
                m_Pixels = (void*)new char[ numPixels ];
                memcpy( m_Pixels, image.GetData(), numPixels );
            } else if ( m_Format.GetDepth() == 32 ) {
                // wx uses a screwed up image format with a separate alpha plane. We need to convert into RGBA
                m_Pixels = (void*)new char[ numPixels ];
                unsigned int sPitch  = image.GetWidth()*3;
                unsigned char* pData = image.GetData();
                unsigned char* pAlpha= image.GetAlpha();
                unsigned int aMask = m_Format.m_AMask;
                unsigned int aShift= m_Format.m_AShift;
                int w = (int)m_Format.GetWidth();
                int h = (int)m_Format.GetHeight();
                for ( int y = 0; y < h; y++ ) {
                    unsigned int *pSrc  = (unsigned int*)(pData + y*sPitch);
                    unsigned int *pDst  = (unsigned int*)((unsigned char*)m_Pixels + y*m_Format.GetPitch());
                    for ( int x = 0; x < w; x++ ) {
                        *pDst++  = ((*pSrc) & ~aMask) | ((*pAlpha) << aShift);
                        pAlpha++; pSrc = (unsigned int *)(((unsigned char*)pSrc) + 3); // performance issues with odd addresses???
            } else if ( m_Format.GetDepth() == 8 ) {
                // 8 bit gray scale - downscale to gray using luma

            } else if ( m_Format.GetDepth() == 1 ) {
                // 1 bit bitmap
            } else {
                // cannot compute
                m_Pixels = NULL;
void BM2CMP_FRAME::ExportFile( FILE* aOutfile, OUTPUT_FMT_ID aFormat )
    // Create a potrace bitmap
    int h = m_NB_Image.GetHeight();
    int w = m_NB_Image.GetWidth();
    potrace_bitmap_t* potrace_bitmap = bm_new( w, h );

    if( !potrace_bitmap )
        wxString msg;
        msg.Printf( wxT( "Error allocating memory for potrace bitmap" ) );
        wxMessageBox( msg );

    /* fill the bitmap with data */
    for( int y = 0; y < h; y++ )
        for( int x = 0; x < w; x++ )
            unsigned char pix = m_NB_Image.GetGreen( x, y );
            BM_PUT( potrace_bitmap, x, y, pix ? 1 : 0 );

    // choices of m_radio_PCBLayer are expected to be in same order as
    // BMP2CMP_MOD_LAYER. See bitmap2component.h

    if( aFormat == PCBNEW_KICAD_MOD )
        modLayer = (BMP2CMP_MOD_LAYER) m_radio_PCBLayer->GetSelection();

    bitmap2component( potrace_bitmap, aOutfile, aFormat, m_imageDPI.x, m_imageDPI.y, modLayer );
Example #7
bool wxBitmap::CreateFromImage(const wxImage& image, int depth)

    wxCHECK_MSG( image.Ok(), FALSE, wxT("invalid image") )
    wxCHECK_MSG( depth == -1 || depth == 1, FALSE, wxT("invalid bitmap depth") )

    if (image.GetWidth() <= 0 || image.GetHeight() <= 0)
        return false;
    m_refData = new wxBitmapRefData();

    if (depth == 1)
        return CreateFromImageAsBitmap(image);
#ifdef __WXGTK20__
        if (image.HasAlpha())
            return CreateFromImageAsPixbuf(image);
        return CreateFromImageAsPixmap(image);
Example #8
void AdjustAndSetBitmap(int size, wxImage &image, wxBitmap&bitmap) {
    if (image.GetHeight() == size) {
        bitmap = wxBitmap(image);
    } else {
        wxImage scaled = image.Scale(size, size, wxIMAGE_QUALITY_HIGH);
        bitmap = wxBitmap(scaled);
void TransferToWx(const Palette& palette, wxImage& wx)
    wx.Create(16, 16);
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < palette.Size(); i++)
        const Color16& c = palette.At(i);
        wx.SetRGB(i % 16, i / 16, c.r << 3, c.g << 3, c.b << 3);
Example #10
bool wxCreateGreyedImage(const wxImage& in, wxImage& out)
    out = in.ConvertToGreyscale();
    if ( out.IsOk() )
        return true;
#endif // wxUSE_IMAGE
    return false;
Example #11
ImagePanelDyn::ImagePanelDyn(wxWindow* parent, wxImage &imageScaled, wxImage &imageNoScaled, wxPoint point, wxSize size, int style) :
wxPanel(parent, wxID_ANY, point, size, style)
    image0 = imageScaled.Copy();
    image1 = imageNoScaled.Copy();
    w = point.x;
    h = point.y;
    win = parent;
Example #12
void AffineTransformTestCase::setUp()

    CPPUNIT_ASSERT( m_imgOrig.IsOk() );

    m_bmpOrig = wxBitmap(m_imgOrig);
Example #13
wxImage zen::stackImages(const wxImage& img1, const wxImage& img2, ImageStackLayout dir, ImageStackAlignment align, int gap)
    assert(gap >= 0);
    gap = std::max(0, gap);

    const int img1Width  = img1.GetWidth ();
    const int img1Height = img1.GetHeight();
    const int img2Width  = img2.GetWidth ();
    const int img2Height = img2.GetHeight();

    int width  = std::max(img1Width,  img2Width);
    int height = std::max(img1Height, img2Height);
    switch (dir)
        case ImageStackLayout::HORIZONTAL:
            width  = img1Width + gap + img2Width;

        case ImageStackLayout::VERTICAL:
            height = img1Height + gap + img2Height;
    wxImage output(width, height);
    ::memset(output.GetAlpha(), wxIMAGE_ALPHA_TRANSPARENT, width * height);

    auto calcPos = [&](int imageExtent, int totalExtent)
        switch (align)
            case ImageStackAlignment::CENTER:
                return (totalExtent - imageExtent) / 2;
            case ImageStackAlignment::LEFT:
                return 0;
            case ImageStackAlignment::RIGHT:
                return totalExtent - imageExtent;
        return 0;

    switch (dir)
        case ImageStackLayout::HORIZONTAL:
            writeToImage(img1, output, wxPoint(0,               calcPos(img1Height, height)));
            writeToImage(img2, output, wxPoint(img1Width + gap, calcPos(img2Height, height)));

        case ImageStackLayout::VERTICAL:
            writeToImage(img1, output, wxPoint(calcPos(img1Width, width), 0));
            writeToImage(img2, output, wxPoint(calcPos(img2Width, width), img1Height + gap));
    return output;
Example #14
bool CFrameWnd::StretchDraw(wxDC &x_dc, wxImage &x_img, wxRect &x_rect)
    if ( !x_img.Ok() ) return FALSE;

	// The slow but portable way...
	wxImage cWxImage = x_img.Copy();
	cWxImage.Rescale( x_rect.GetWidth(), x_rect.GetHeight() );
	x_dc.DrawBitmap( cWxImage, x_rect.x, x_rect.y );

	return TRUE;
Example #15
// static
ImageArray ImageRoll::SplitH(const wxImage &src, wxColour magicColor)
   ImageArray result;

   int width = src.GetWidth();
   int height = src.GetHeight();
   unsigned char *data = src.GetData();
   unsigned char *ptr = data;
   unsigned char magicRed = magicColor.Red();
   unsigned char magicGreen = magicColor.Green();
   unsigned char magicBlue = magicColor.Blue();
   bool cur, prev;
   int i, j, start;

   // Sanity check...
   if (width<=0 || height<=0 || data==NULL)
      return result;
   prev = false;
   start = 0;
   for(i=0; i<width+1; i++) {
      if (i < width) {
         unsigned char *ptr2 = ptr;
         cur = true;
         for(j=0; j<height && cur; j++) {
            if (!(ptr2[0] == magicRed &&
                  ptr2[1] == magicGreen &&
                  ptr2[2] == magicBlue))
               cur = false;
            ptr2 += 3 * width;
         cur = !prev;
      if ((cur && !prev)) {
         wxRect subRect(start, 0, i-start, height);
         wxImage subImage;
         if (subRect.width > 0)
            subImage = src.GetSubImage(subRect);
            subImage = wxImage(subRect.width, subRect.height);
      else if (!cur && prev) {
         start = i;
      prev = cur;
      ptr += 3;

   return result;
Example #16
static void addMipMap(GLuint* texture, const wxImage &l_Image, int &level) {
    if (l_Image.IsOk() == true)
        glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, level, GL_RGB, (GLsizei)l_Image.GetWidth(), (GLsizei)l_Image.GetHeight(),
                     0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, (GLvoid*)l_Image.GetData());
        int err = glGetError();
        if (err == GL_NO_ERROR) {
Example #17
wxString Ocr::recognize(const wxImage & image) const
  char * text = _api->TesseractRect(image.GetData(), 
                                    3 * image.GetWidth(),
  wxString outputText(text, wxConvUTF8);
  delete[] text;
  return outputText;
void TransferToWx(const Image16Bpp& image, wxImage& wx)
    wx.Create(image.width, image.height);

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < image.height; i++)
        for (unsigned int j = 0; j < image.width; j++)
            const Color16& c = image.At(j, i);
            wx.SetRGB(j, i, c.r << 3, c.g << 3, c.b << 3);
Example #19
void InitializeTexture(int w, int h)
    glGenTextures(1, &g_texture);
    glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, g_texture);


    g_image.Create(w, h, false /* don't clear */);
    glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
    glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0,
                 GL_RGB, g_image.GetWidth(), g_image.GetHeight(), 0,
                 GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, g_image.GetData());
Example #20
void GreyOutImage(wxImage &img)
    unsigned char *data = img.GetData();
    unsigned char r,g,b;
    unsigned char mr,mg,mb;
    int i, tst;
    int len = img.GetHeight()*img.GetWidth()*3;
    if (img.HasMask())
        mr = img.GetMaskRed();
        mg = img.GetMaskGreen();
        mb = img.GetMaskBlue();
    for (i=0;i<len;i+=3)
        r=data[i]; g=data[i+1]; b=data[i+2];
        if (!img.HasMask() || 
            r!=mr || g!=mg || b!=mb)
            if (!tst)
            r = (unsigned char)((230.0-r)*0.7+r);
            g = (unsigned char)((230.0-g)*0.7+g);
            b = (unsigned char)((230.0-b)*0.7+b);
            data[i]=r; data[i+1]=g; data[i+2]=b;
void BM2CMP_FRAME::NegateGreyscaleImage( )
    unsigned char  pix;
    int             h = m_Greyscale_Image.GetHeight();
    int             w = m_Greyscale_Image.GetWidth();

    for( int y = 0; y < h; y++ )
        for( int x = 0; x < w; x++ )
            pix   = m_Greyscale_Image.GetGreen( x, y );
            pix = ~pix;
            m_Greyscale_Image.SetRGB( x, y, pix, pix, pix );
Example #22
static bool DoRegionUnion(wxRegion& region,
                          const wxImage& image,
                          unsigned char loR,
                          unsigned char loG,
                          unsigned char loB,
                          int tolerance)
    unsigned char hiR, hiG, hiB;

    hiR = (unsigned char)wxMin(0xFF, loR + tolerance);
    hiG = (unsigned char)wxMin(0xFF, loG + tolerance);
    hiB = (unsigned char)wxMin(0xFF, loB + tolerance);

    // Loop through the image row by row, pixel by pixel, building up
    // rectangles to add to the region.
    int width = image.GetWidth();
    int height = image.GetHeight();
    for (int y=0; y < height; y++)
        wxRect rect;
        rect.y = y;
        rect.height = 1;

        for (int x=0; x < width; x++)
            // search for a continuous range of non-transparent pixels
            int x0 = x;
            while ( x < width)
                unsigned char R = image.GetRed(x,y);
                unsigned char G = image.GetGreen(x,y);
                unsigned char B = image.GetBlue(x,y);
                if (( R >= loR && R <= hiR) &&
                    ( G >= loG && G <= hiG) &&
                    ( B >= loB && B <= hiB))  // It's transparent

            // Add the run of non-transparent pixels (if any) to the region
            if (x > x0) {
                rect.x = x0;
                rect.width = x - x0;

    return true;
void TransferToWx(const std::vector<PaletteBank>& banks, wxImage& wx)
    wx.Create(16, 16);
    for (unsigned int bank_id = 0; bank_id < banks.size(); bank_id++)
        const PaletteBank& bank = banks[bank_id];
        int bx = (bank_id % 4) * 4;
        int by = (bank_id / 4) * 4;
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < bank.Size(); i++)
            const Color16& c = bank.At(i);
            wx.SetRGB(i % 4 + bx, i / 4 + by, c.r << 3, c.g << 3, c.b << 3);
Example #24
void InfoPanel::LoadBannerImage()
  const wxImage banner_image = WxUtils::ToWxImage(m_game_list_item.GetBannerImage());
  const wxSize banner_min_size = m_banner->GetMinSize();

  if (banner_image.IsOk())
    m_banner->SetBitmap(WxUtils::ScaleImageToBitmap(banner_image, this, banner_min_size));
    m_banner->Bind(wxEVT_RIGHT_DOWN, &InfoPanel::OnRightClickBanner, this);
    m_banner->SetBitmap(WxUtils::LoadScaledResourceBitmap("nobanner", this, banner_min_size));
Example #25
ImageFrameDyn::ImageFrameDyn(wxWindow* parent, wxImage &imageScaled, wxImage &imageNoScaled, wxPoint point, wxSize size, int style) :
wxFrame(parent, wxID_ANY, "", point, size, style)
    cout << "ImageFrameDyn::ImageFrameDyn[0]" << endl;
    Model *model = new Model();
    image0 = imageScaled.Copy();
    imageZ = imageNoScaled.Copy();
    model->isImageOK("ImageFrameDyn:image0", image0, true);
    model->isImageOK("ImageFrameDyn:imageZ", imageZ, true);
//    w = point.x;
//    h = point.y;
    win = parent;
Example #26
bool usImage::CopyFromImage(const wxImage& img)

    const unsigned char *pSrc = img.GetData();
    unsigned short *pDest = ImageData;

    for (int i = 0; i < NPixels; i++)
        *pDest++ = ((unsigned short) *pSrc) << 8;
        pSrc += 3;

    return false;
void PLOTTER::PlotImage(const wxImage & aImage, const wxPoint& aPos, double aScaleFactor )
    wxSize size( aImage.GetWidth() * aScaleFactor,
	         aImage.GetHeight() * aScaleFactor );

    wxPoint start = aPos;
    start.x -= size.x / 2;
    start.y -= size.y / 2;

    wxPoint end = start;
    end.x += size.x;
    end.y += size.y;

    Rect( start, end, NO_FILL );
Example #28
FreeImage_Rescale(wxImage src, wxInt32 dst_width, wxInt32 dst_height, FREE_IMAGE_FILTER filter) {

	wxImage dst;

	if ((src.Ok()) && (dst_width > 0) && (dst_height > 0)) {

		dst.Create(dst_width, dst_height);

		// select the filter
		CGenericFilter *pFilter = NULL;
		switch(filter) {
			case FILTER_BOX:
				pFilter = new CBoxFilter();
				pFilter = new CBicubicFilter();
				pFilter = new CBilinearFilter();
				pFilter = new CBSplineFilter();
				pFilter = new CCatmullRomFilter();
				pFilter = new CLanczos3Filter();
		CResizeEngine Engine(pFilter);

		// perform upsampling or downsampling
		unsigned char *pSrc = src.GetData();
		unsigned char *pDst = dst.GetData();
		wxInt32 src_width  = src.GetWidth();
		wxInt32 src_height = src.GetHeight();

		Engine.Scale(pSrc, src_width, src_height, pDst, dst_width, dst_height);

		delete pFilter;


	return dst;

Example #29
void IsoLine::drawIsoLineLabels(GRIBOverlayFactory *pof, wxDC *dc,
                                PlugIn_ViewPort *vp, int density, int first,
                                wxImage &imageLabel)

    std::list<Segment *>::iterator it;
    int nb = first;
    wxString label;

    // Ecrit les labels
    wxRect prev;
    for (it=trace.begin(); it!=trace.end(); it++,nb++)
        if (nb % density == 0)
            Segment *seg = *it;

//            if(vp->vpBBox.PointInBox((seg->px1 + seg->px2)/2., (seg->py1 + seg->py2)/2., 0.))
                wxPoint ab;
                GetCanvasPixLL(vp, &ab, seg->py1, seg->px1);
                wxPoint cd;
                GetCanvasPixLL(vp, &cd, seg->py1, seg->px1);

                int w = imageLabel.GetWidth();
                int h = imageLabel.GetHeight();

                int label_offset = 6;
                int xd = (ab.x + cd.x-(w+label_offset * 2))/2;
                int yd = (ab.y + cd.y - h)/2;

                int x = xd - label_offset;
                wxRect r(x ,yd ,w ,h);
                if (!prev.Intersects(r))  {
                      prev = r;

                      /* don't use alpha for isobars, for some reason draw bitmap ignores
                         the 4th argument (true or false has same result) */
                      wxImage img(w, h, imageLabel.GetData(), true);
                      dc->DrawBitmap(img, xd, yd, false);
Example #30
/* static */
XFace::ConvertImgToXFaceData(wxImage &img)
   int l, n, i;
   int value;
   String dataString;
   String tmp;

   for(l = 0; l < 48; l++)
      for(n = 0; n <= 32; n+= 16)
         value = 0;
         for(i = 0; i < 16; i++)
            if(img.GetRed(n+i,l) != 0)
               value += 1;
            if(i != 15)
               value <<= 1;
         value = value ^ 0xffff;
         tmp.Printf(_T("0x%04lX"), (unsigned long)value);
         dataString += tmp;
         dataString += _T(',');
      dataString += _T('\n');
   return dataString;