Example #1
wxMatrix2D wxMatrix2D::Mult(const wxMatrix2D &B) const
    wxMatrix2D temp;
    wxCHECK_MSG(Ok() && B.Ok(), temp, wxT("Invalid matrix"));
    wxCHECK_MSG(GetWidth() == B.GetHeight(), temp, wxT("Invalid matrix dimensions for mult"));

    int b_width = B.GetWidth();
    int i, j, k, width = M_MATRIXDATA->m_width, height = M_MATRIXDATA->m_height;

    if (!temp.Create(b_width, height, true))
        return temp;

    double *data      = GetData();
    double *b_data    = B.GetData();
    double *temp_data = temp.GetData();

    for (j = 0; j < height; ++j)
        for (i = 0; i < b_width; ++i)
            for (k = 0; k < width; ++k)
                temp_data[j+i*b_width] += data[k+i*width]*b_data[j+k*b_width];

    return temp;
Example #2
bool wxMatrix2D::Copy( const wxMatrix2D &matrix )
    wxCHECK_MSG(matrix.Ok(), false, wxT("Invalid matrix"));

    if (!Ok() || (M_MATRIXDATA->m_width  != matrix.GetWidth()) ||
                 (M_MATRIXDATA->m_height != matrix.GetHeight()))
        Create(matrix.GetWidth(), matrix.GetHeight());
        if (!Ok()) return false;

    memcpy( M_MATRIXDATA->m_data, matrix.GetData(),
            M_MATRIXDATA->m_width*M_MATRIXDATA->m_height*sizeof(double) );

    return true;
Example #3
wxMatrix2D wxMatrix2D::InsertCols(int col, const wxMatrix2D& matrix) const
    wxMatrix2D temp;
    wxCHECK_MSG(Ok() && matrix.Ok(), temp, wxT("Invalid wxMatrix2D"));

    int j, width = M_MATRIXDATA->m_width, height = M_MATRIXDATA->m_height;

    wxCHECK_MSG(height == matrix.GetHeight(), temp, wxT("Number of rows must match in InsertRows"));
    wxCHECK_MSG((col >= -1) && (col <= width), temp, wxT("Invalid wxMatrix2D"));

    if (!temp.Create(width + matrix.GetWidth(), height, false))
        return temp;

    if (col < 0) col = width; // fix col to be positive, from 0 - width

    int matrix_width = matrix.GetWidth();
    int temp_width   = temp.GetWidth();
    double *data        = GetData();
    double *matrix_data = matrix.GetData();
    double *temp_data   = temp.GetData();

    for (j = 0; j < height; j++)
        if (col < 1)                // prepend the matrix to the beginning
            memcpy(&temp_data[j*temp_width], &matrix_data[j*matrix_width], sizeof(double)*matrix_width);
            memcpy(&temp_data[j*temp_width+matrix_width], &data[j*width], sizeof(double)*width);
        else if (col >= width)     // append the matrix to the end
            memcpy(&temp_data[j*temp_width], &data[j*width], sizeof(double)*width);
            memcpy(&temp_data[j*temp_width+width], &matrix_data[j*matrix_width], sizeof(double)*matrix_width);
        else                        // insert the matrix in the middle
            memcpy(&temp_data[j*temp_width], &data[j*width], sizeof(double)*col);
            memcpy(&temp_data[j*temp_width + col], &matrix_data[j*matrix_width], sizeof(double)*matrix_width);
            memcpy(&temp_data[j*temp_width + col + matrix_width], &data[j*width+col], sizeof(double)*(width-col));

    return temp;
Example #4
wxMatrix2D wxMatrix2D::InsertRows(int row, const wxMatrix2D& matrix) const
    wxMatrix2D temp;
    wxCHECK_MSG(Ok() && matrix.Ok(), temp, wxT("Invalid wxMatrix2D"));

    int width = M_MATRIXDATA->m_width, height = M_MATRIXDATA->m_height;

    wxCHECK_MSG(width == matrix.GetWidth(), temp, wxT("Number of cols must match in InsertRows"));
    wxCHECK_MSG((row >= -1) && (row <= height), temp, wxT("Invalid wxMatrix2D"));

    if (!temp.Create(width, height + matrix.GetHeight(), false))
        return temp;

    if (row < 0) row = height; // fix row to be positive, from 0 - height

    int size        = width*height;
    int matrix_size = matrix.GetWidth()*matrix.GetHeight();
    double *data        = GetData();
    double *matrix_data = matrix.GetData();
    double *temp_data   = temp.GetData();

    if (row < 1)                // prepend the matrix to the beginning
        memcpy(temp_data, matrix_data, sizeof(double)*matrix_size);
        memcpy(&temp_data[matrix_size], data, sizeof(double)*size);
    else if (row >= height)     // append the matrix to the end
        memcpy(temp_data, data, sizeof(double)*size);
        memcpy(&temp_data[size], matrix_data, sizeof(double)*matrix_size);
    else                        // insert the matrix in the middle
        memcpy(temp_data, data, sizeof(double)*width*row);
        memcpy(&temp_data[width*row], matrix_data, sizeof(double)*matrix_size);
        memcpy(&temp_data[width*row+matrix_size], &data[width*row], sizeof(double)*(size-width*row));

    return temp;
Example #5
wxMatrix2D wxMatrix2D::Add(const wxMatrix2D &B) const
    wxMatrix2D temp;
    wxCHECK_MSG(Ok() && B.Ok() && (GetWidth() == B.GetWidth()) && (GetHeight() == B.GetHeight()),
                temp, wxT("Invalid wxMatrix2D"));
    if (!temp.Create(M_MATRIXDATA->m_width, M_MATRIXDATA->m_height, false))
        return temp;

    double *data      = GetData();
    double *b_data    = B.GetData();
    double *temp_data = temp.GetData();

    int i, size = M_MATRIXDATA->m_width * M_MATRIXDATA->m_height;

    for (i = 0; i < size; ++i)
        *temp_data++ = (*data++) + (*b_data++);

    return temp;