Example #1
Ref<Result> ITFReader::decodeRow(int rowNumber, Ref<BitArray> row) {
	// Find out where the Middle section (payload) starts & ends

	Range startRange = decodeStart(row);
	Range endRange = decodeEnd(row);

	std::string result;
	decodeMiddle(row, startRange[1], endRange[0], result);
	Ref<String> resultString(new String(result));

	ArrayRef<int> allowedLengths;
	// Java hints stuff missing
	if (!allowedLengths) {

	// To avoid false positives with 2D barcodes (and other patterns), make
	// an assumption that the decoded string must be 6, 10 or 14 digits.
	int length = resultString->size();
	bool lengthOK = false;
	for (int i = 0, e = allowedLengths->size(); i < e; i++) {
		if (length == allowedLengths[i]) {
			lengthOK = true;

	if (!lengthOK) {
		throw FormatException();

	ArrayRef<Ref<ResultPoint> > resultPoints(2);
	resultPoints[0] = Ref<OneDResultPoint>(
			new OneDResultPoint(float(startRange[1]), float(rowNumber)));
	resultPoints[1] = Ref<OneDResultPoint>(
			new OneDResultPoint(float(endRange[0]), float(rowNumber)));
	return Ref<Result>(
			new Result(resultString, ArrayRef<char>(), resultPoints,
Example #2
Ref<Result> UPCEANReader::decodeRow(int rowNumber,
                                    Ref<BitArray> row,
                                    Range const& startGuardRange) {
  string& result = decodeRowStringBuffer;
  int endStart = decodeMiddle(row, startGuardRange, result);

  Range endRange = decodeEnd(row, endStart);

  // Make sure there is a quiet zone at least as big as the end pattern after the barcode.
  // The spec might want more whitespace, but in practice this is the maximum we can count on.

  int end = endRange[1];
  int quietEnd = end + (end - endRange[0]);
  if (quietEnd >= row->getSize() || !row->isRange(end, quietEnd, false)) {
    throw NotFoundException();

  // UPC/EAN should never be less than 8 chars anyway
  if (result.length() < 8) {
    throw FormatException();

  Ref<String> resultString (new String(result));
  if (!checkChecksum(resultString)) {
    throw ChecksumException();
  float left = (float) (startGuardRange[1] + startGuardRange[0]) / 2.0f;
  float right = (float) (endRange[1] + endRange[0]) / 2.0f;
  BarcodeFormat format = getBarcodeFormat();
  ArrayRef< Ref<ResultPoint> > resultPoints(2);
  resultPoints[0] = Ref<ResultPoint>(new OneDResultPoint(left, (float) rowNumber));
  resultPoints[1] = Ref<ResultPoint>(new OneDResultPoint(right, (float) rowNumber));
  Ref<Result> decodeResult (new Result(resultString, ArrayRef<char>(), resultPoints, format));
  // Java extension and man stuff
  return decodeResult;
Example #3
Ref<Result> Code128Reader::decodeRow(int rowNumber, Ref<BitArray> row) {
  // boolean convertFNC1 = hints != null && hints.containsKey(DecodeHintType.ASSUME_GS1);
  boolean convertFNC1 = false;
  vector<int> startPatternInfo (findStartPattern(row));
  int startCode = startPatternInfo[2];
  int codeSet;
  switch (startCode) {
    case CODE_START_A:
      codeSet = CODE_CODE_A;
    case CODE_START_B:
      codeSet = CODE_CODE_B;
    case CODE_START_C:
      codeSet = CODE_CODE_C;
      throw FormatException();

  bool done = false;
  bool isNextShifted = false;

  string result;
  vector<char> rawCodes(20, 0);

  int lastStart = startPatternInfo[0];
  int nextStart = startPatternInfo[1];
  vector<int> counters (6, 0);

  int lastCode = 0;
  int code = 0;
  int checksumTotal = startCode;
  int multiplier = 0;
  bool lastCharacterWasPrintable = true;

  std::ostringstream oss;

  while (!done) {

    bool unshift = isNextShifted;
    isNextShifted = false;

    // Save off last code
    lastCode = code;

    code = decodeCode(row, counters, nextStart);

    // Remember whether the last code was printable or not (excluding CODE_STOP)
    if (code != CODE_STOP) {
      lastCharacterWasPrintable = true;

    // Add to checksum computation (if not CODE_STOP of course)
    if (code != CODE_STOP) {
      checksumTotal += multiplier * code;

    // Advance to where the next code will to start
    lastStart = nextStart;
    for (int i = 0, e = counters.size(); i < e; i++) {
      nextStart += counters[i];

    // Take care of illegal start codes
    switch (code) {
      case CODE_START_A:
      case CODE_START_B:
      case CODE_START_C:
        throw FormatException();

    switch (codeSet) {

      case CODE_CODE_A:
        if (code < 64) {
          result.append(1, (char) (' ' + code));
        } else if (code < 96) {
          result.append(1, (char) (code - 64));
        } else {
          // Don't let CODE_STOP, which always appears, affect whether whether we think the
          // last code was printable or not.
          if (code != CODE_STOP) {
            lastCharacterWasPrintable = false;
          switch (code) {
            case CODE_FNC_1:
              if (convertFNC1) {
                if (result.length() == 0){
                  // GS1 specification and If the first char after the start code
                  // is FNC1 then this is GS1-128. We add the symbology identifier.
                } else {
                  // GS1 specification Every subsequent FNC1 is returned as ASCII 29 (GS)
                  result.append(1, (char) 29);
            case CODE_FNC_2:
            case CODE_FNC_3:
            case CODE_FNC_4_A:
              // do nothing?
            case CODE_SHIFT:
              isNextShifted = true;
              codeSet = CODE_CODE_B;
            case CODE_CODE_B:
              codeSet = CODE_CODE_B;
            case CODE_CODE_C:
              codeSet = CODE_CODE_C;
            case CODE_STOP:
              done = true;
      case CODE_CODE_B:
        if (code < 96) {
          result.append(1, (char) (' ' + code));
        } else {
          if (code != CODE_STOP) {
            lastCharacterWasPrintable = false;
          switch (code) {
            case CODE_FNC_1:
            case CODE_FNC_2:
            case CODE_FNC_3:
            case CODE_FNC_4_B:
              // do nothing?
            case CODE_SHIFT:
              isNextShifted = true;
              codeSet = CODE_CODE_A;
            case CODE_CODE_A:
              codeSet = CODE_CODE_A;
            case CODE_CODE_C:
              codeSet = CODE_CODE_C;
            case CODE_STOP:
              done = true;
      case CODE_CODE_C:
        if (code < 100) {
          if (code < 10) {
            result.append(1, '0');
          oss << code;
        } else {
          if (code != CODE_STOP) {
            lastCharacterWasPrintable = false;
          switch (code) {
            case CODE_FNC_1:
              // do nothing?
            case CODE_CODE_A:
              codeSet = CODE_CODE_A;
            case CODE_CODE_B:
              codeSet = CODE_CODE_B;
            case CODE_STOP:
              done = true;

    // Unshift back to another code set if we were shifted
    if (unshift) {
      codeSet = codeSet == CODE_CODE_A ? CODE_CODE_B : CODE_CODE_A;

  // Check for ample whitespace following pattern, but, to do this we first need to remember that
  // we fudged decoding CODE_STOP since it actually has 7 bars, not 6. There is a black bar left
  // to read off. Would be slightly better to properly read. Here we just skip it:
  nextStart = row->getNextUnset(nextStart);
  if (!row->isRange(nextStart,
                    std::min(row->getSize(), nextStart + (nextStart - lastStart) / 2),
                    false)) {
    throw NotFoundException();

  // Pull out from sum the value of the penultimate check code
  checksumTotal -= multiplier * lastCode;
  // lastCode is the checksum then:
  if (checksumTotal % 103 != lastCode) {
    throw ChecksumException();

  // Need to pull out the check digits from string
  int resultLength = result.length();
  if (resultLength == 0) {
    // false positive
    throw NotFoundException();

  // Only bother if the result had at least one character, and if the checksum digit happened to
  // be a printable character. If it was just interpreted as a control code, nothing to remove.
  if (resultLength > 0 && lastCharacterWasPrintable) {
    if (codeSet == CODE_CODE_C) {
      result.erase(resultLength - 2, resultLength);
    } else {
      result.erase(resultLength - 1, resultLength);

  float left = (float) (startPatternInfo[1] + startPatternInfo[0]) / 2.0f;
  float right = (float) (nextStart + lastStart) / 2.0f;

  int rawCodesSize = rawCodes.size();
  ArrayRef<char> rawBytes (rawCodesSize);
  for (int i = 0; i < rawCodesSize; i++) {
    rawBytes[i] = rawCodes[i];

  ArrayRef< Ref<ResultPoint> > resultPoints(2);
  resultPoints[0] =
      Ref<OneDResultPoint>(new OneDResultPoint(left, (float) rowNumber));
  resultPoints[1] =
      Ref<OneDResultPoint>(new OneDResultPoint(right, (float) rowNumber));

  return Ref<Result>(new Result(Ref<String>(new String(result)), rawBytes, resultPoints,