Example #1
QVariant CompletionItem::data(const QModelIndex& index, int role, const KDevelop::CodeCompletionModel* model) const
        case Qt::DisplayRole:
            if (index.column() == CodeCompletionModel::Prefix && m_prefix != "") {
                return m_prefix;
        case CodeCompletionModel::BestMatchesCount:
            return 5;
        case CodeCompletionModel::MatchQuality:
                return QVariant();
            //type aliases are actually different types
                return QVariant();
            AbstractType::Ptr typeToMatch = static_cast<go::CodeCompletionContext*>(model->completionContext().data())->typeToMatch();
                return QVariant();
            AbstractType::Ptr declType = declaration()->abstractType();
            if (!declType)
                return QVariant();
            //ignore constants
                return QVariant(10);
            else if(declType->whichType() == AbstractType::TypeFunction)
                GoFunctionType* function = fastCast<GoFunctionType*>(declType.constData());
                auto args = function->returnArguments();
                if(args.size() != 0)
                    AbstractType::Ptr first = args.first();
                        return QVariant(10);
                return QVariant();
    return NormalDeclarationCompletionItem::data(index, role, model);
Example #2
uint TypeRepository::indexForType(const AbstractType::Ptr input) {
    return 0;

  uint i = typeRepository()->index(AbstractTypeDataRequest(*input));
  AbstractType::Ptr t = typeForIndex(i);
  if(!t->equals(input.data())) {
      qCWarning(LANGUAGE) << "found type in repository does not equal source type:" << input->toString() << t->toString();
  return i;
Example #3
void ImplementationItem::execute(KTextEditor::View* view, const KTextEditor::Range& word)
    DUChainReadLocker lock(DUChain::lock());
    KTextEditor::Document *document = view->document();

    QString replText;

    if (m_declaration) {
        //TODO:respect custom code styles

        // get existing modifiers so we can respect the user's choice of public/protected and final
        QStringList modifiers = getMethodTokens(document->text(KTextEditor::Range(KTextEditor::Cursor::start(), word.start())));
        // get range to replace
        KTextEditor::Range replaceRange(word);
        if (!modifiers.isEmpty()) {
            // TODO: is there no easy API to map QString Index to a KTextEditor::Cursor ?!
            QString methodText = document->text(KTextEditor::Range(KTextEditor::Cursor::start(), word.start()));
            methodText = methodText.left(methodText.lastIndexOf(modifiers.last(), -1, Qt::CaseInsensitive));
            replaceRange.start() = KTextEditor::Cursor(methodText.count('\n'), methodText.length() - methodText.lastIndexOf('\n') - 1);

        // get indendation
        QString indendation;
            QString currentLine = document->line(replaceRange.start().line());
            indendation = getIndendation(currentLine);

            if ( !currentLine.isEmpty() && currentLine != indendation ) {
                // since theres some non-whitespace in this line, skip to the enxt one
                replText += '\n' + indendation;

            if (indendation.isEmpty()) {
                // use a minimal indendation
                // TODO: respect code style
                indendation = QStringLiteral("  ");
                replText += indendation;

        #if 0
        //Disabled, because not everyone writes phpdoc for every function
        //TODO: move to a phpdoc helper
        // build phpdoc comment
            QualifiedIdentifier parentClassIdentifier;
            if (DUContext* pctx = m_declaration->context()) {
                parentClassIdentifier = pctx->localScopeIdentifier();
            } else {
                qCDebug(COMPLETION) << "completion item for implementation has no parent context!";

            replText += "/**\n" + indendation + " * ";
            // insert old comment:
            const QString indentationWithExtra = "\n" + indendation + " *";
            replText += m_declaration->comment().replace('\n', indentationWithExtra.toAscii().constData());
            replText += "\n" + indendation + " * @overload " + m_declaration->internalContext()->scopeIdentifier(true).toString();
            replText += "\n" + indendation + " **/\n" + indendation;

        // write function signature

        // copy existing modifiers
        if (!modifiers.isEmpty()) {
            // the tokens are in a bad order and there's no reverse method or similar, so we can't simply join the tokens
            QStringList::const_iterator i = modifiers.constEnd() - 1;
            while (true) {
                replText += (*i) + ' ';
                if (i == modifiers.constBegin()) {
                } else {

        QString functionName;
        bool isConstructorOrDestructor = false;
        bool isInterface = false;

        if (ClassMemberDeclaration* member = dynamic_cast<ClassMemberDeclaration*>(m_declaration.data())) {
            // NOTE: it should _never_ be private - but that's the completionmodel / context / worker's job
            if (!modifiers.contains(QStringLiteral("public")) && !modifiers.contains(QStringLiteral("protected"))) {
                if (member->accessPolicy() == Declaration::Protected) {
                    replText += QLatin1String("protected ");
                } else {
                    replText += QLatin1String("public ");
            if (!modifiers.contains(QStringLiteral("static")) && member->isStatic()) {
                replText += QLatin1String("static ");
            functionName = member->identifier().toString();

            ClassMethodDeclaration* method = dynamic_cast<ClassMethodDeclaration*>(m_declaration.data());
            if (method) {
                functionName = method->prettyName().str();
                isConstructorOrDestructor = method->isConstructor() || method->isDestructor();

            if (member->context() && member->context()->owner()) {
                ClassDeclaration* classDec = dynamic_cast<ClassDeclaration*>(member->context()->owner());
                if (classDec) {
                    isInterface = (classDec->classType() == ClassDeclarationData::Interface);
        } else {
            qCDebug(COMPLETION) << "completion item for implementation was not a classfunction declaration!";
            functionName = m_declaration->identifier().toString();

        if (m_type == ImplementationItem::OverrideVar) {
            replText += "$" + functionName + " = ";
        } else {
            if (!modifiers.contains(QStringLiteral("function"))) {
                replText += QLatin1String("function ");

            replText += functionName;

                // get argument list
                QString arguments;
                createArgumentList(*this, arguments, 0, true);
                replText += arguments;

            QString arguments;
            QVector<Declaration*> parameters;
            if (DUChainUtils::getArgumentContext(m_declaration.data()))
                parameters = DUChainUtils::getArgumentContext(m_declaration.data())->localDeclarations();
            arguments = '(';
            bool first = true;
            foreach(Declaration* dec, parameters) {
                if (first)
                    first = false;
                    arguments += QLatin1String(", ");

                arguments += '$' + dec->identifier().toString();
            arguments += ')';

            bool voidReturnType = false;
            if (FunctionType::Ptr::dynamicCast(m_declaration->abstractType())) {
                AbstractType::Ptr retType = FunctionType::Ptr::staticCast(m_declaration->abstractType())->returnType();
                if (retType->equals(new IntegralType(IntegralType::TypeVoid))) {
                    voidReturnType = true;

            replText += QStringLiteral("\n%1{\n%1    ").arg(indendation);
            if (isInterface || m_type == ImplementationItem::Implement) {
            } else if (!isConstructorOrDestructor && !voidReturnType) {
                replText += QStringLiteral("$ret = parent::%2%3;\n%1    return $ret;").arg(indendation, functionName, arguments);
            } else {
                replText += QStringLiteral("parent::%1%2;").arg(functionName, arguments);
            replText += QStringLiteral("\n%1}\n%1")


        //TODO: properly place the cursor inside the {} part
        document->replaceText(replaceRange, replText);

    } else {