static bool test_zrangebylex(acl::redis_zset& redis, int n) { acl::string key; const char* min = "[aaa", *max = "(g"; std::vector<acl::string> result; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { key.format("%s_%d", __keypre.c_str(), i); redis.clear(); int ret = redis.zrangebylex(key.c_str(), min, max, &result); if (ret < 0) { printf("zrangebylex error(%s), key: %s\r\n", redis.result_error(), key.c_str()); return false; } if (i >= 10) { result.clear(); continue; } std::vector<acl::string>::const_iterator cit; for (cit = result.begin(); cit != result.end(); ++cit) { if (cit != result.begin()) printf(", "); printf("%s", (*cit).c_str()); } printf("\r\n"); } return true; }
static bool test_zincrby(acl::redis_zset& redis, int n) { acl::string key; double inc = 2.5, result; acl::string member; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { key.format("%s_%d", __keypre.c_str(), i); for (int j = 0; j < 1000; j++) { member.format("member_%d", j); redis.clear(); if (redis.zincrby(key.c_str(), inc, member.c_str(), &result) == false) { printf("zincrby error, key: %s\r\n", key.c_str()); return false; } else if (j < 10 && i * j < 100) printf("zincrby ok key: %s, result: %.2f\r\n", key.c_str(), result); } } return true; }
static bool test_zscore(acl::redis_zset& redis, int n) { acl::string key; acl::string member; bool ret; double result; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { key.format("%s_%d", __keypre.c_str(), i); for (int j = 0; j < 1000; j++) { member.format("member_%d", j); redis.clear(); ret = redis.zscore(key.c_str(), member.c_str(), result); if (ret == false) { printf("zscore error, key: %s\r\n", key.c_str()); return false; } else if (j > 0 && j * i < 100) printf("zscore ok, key: %s, member:%s, " "score: %.2f\r\n", key.c_str(), member.c_str(), result); } } return true; }
static bool test_zadd(acl::redis_zset& redis, int n) { acl::string key; std::map<acl::string, double> members; acl::string member; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { key.format("%s_%d", __keypre.c_str(), i); for (int j = 0; j < 1000; j++) { member.format("member_%d", j); members[member] = j; } redis.clear(); int ret = redis.zadd(key, members); if (ret < 0) { printf("add key: %s error\r\n", key.c_str()); return false; } else if (i < 10) printf("add ok, key: %s, ret: %d\r\n", key.c_str(), ret); members.clear(); } return true; }
static bool test_zrank(acl::redis_zset& redis, int n) { acl::string key; acl::string member; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { key.format("%s_%d", __keypre.c_str(), i); for (int j = 0; j < 1000; j++) { member.format("member_%d", j); redis.clear(); int ret = redis.zrank(key.c_str(), member.c_str()); if (ret < 0) { printf("zrank error, key: %s\r\n", key.c_str()); return false; } else if (j > 0 && j * i < 100) printf("zrank ok, key: %s, member:%s, " "rank: %d\r\n", key.c_str(), member.c_str(), ret); } } return true; }
static bool test_zrem(acl::redis_zset& redis, int n) { acl::string key; acl::string member; std::vector<acl::string> members; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { key.format("%s_%d", __keypre.c_str(), i); for (int j = 900; j < 1000; j++) { member.format("member_%d", j); members.push_back(member); } redis.clear(); int ret = redis.zrem(key.c_str(), members); if (ret < 0) { printf("zrem error, key: %s\r\n", key.c_str()); return false; } else if (i < 10) printf("zrem ok, key: %s, ret: %d\r\n", key.c_str(), ret); } return true; }
static bool test_sdiffstore(acl::redis_set& redis, int n) { acl::string key, dest_key("set_dest_key"); std::vector<acl::string> keys; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { key.format("%s_%d", __keypre.c_str(), i); keys.push_back(key); } for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { redis.clear(); int ret = redis.sdiffstore(dest_key.c_str(), keys); if (ret < 0) { printf("sdiffstore error, dest: %s\r\n", dest_key.c_str()); return false; } else if (i >= 10) continue; printf("sdiffstore ok, dest: %s, count: %d\r\n", dest_key.c_str(), ret); } return true; }
void CMsnClient::OnDSOk(const acl::string& ns_addr) { acl_assert(ds_client_); ns_addr_ = ns_addr; delete ds_client_; ds_client_ = NULL; acl::string addr(ns_addr_.c_str()); char* ptr = strchr(addr.c_str(), ':'); if (ptr == NULL || *(ptr + 1) == 0) { logger_error("invalid ns_addr(%s)", ns_addr.c_str()); return; } *ptr++ = 0; unsigned short port = atoi(ptr); if (port == 0) { logger_error("invalid ns_port(0)"); return; } ns_client_ = NEW CMsnNSClient(account_.c_str(), this); ns_client_->Open(addr.c_str(), port, timeout_); }
static bool test_sdiff(acl::redis_set& redis, int n) { acl::string key; std::vector<acl::string> keys; std::vector<acl::string> result; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { key.format("%s_%d", __keypre.c_str(), i); keys.push_back(key); } for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { redis.clear(); int ret = redis.sdiff(keys, &result); if (ret < 0) { printf("sdiff error\r\n"); return false; } else if (i < 10) printf("sdiff ok, count: %d\r\n", ret); } return true; }
static bool test_sadd(acl::redis_set& redis, int n) { acl::string key; std::vector<acl::string> members; acl::string member; members.reserve(1000); for (int j = 0; j < 1000; j++) { member.format("member_%d", j); members.push_back(member); } for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { key.format("%s_%d", __keypre.c_str(), i); redis.clear(); int ret = redis.sadd(key, members); if (ret < 0) { printf("sadd key: %s error\r\n", key.c_str()); return false; } else if (i >= 10) continue; printf("sadd ok, key: %s, ret: %d\r\n", key.c_str(), ret); } return true; }
static bool test_spop(acl::redis_set& redis, int n) { acl::string key; acl::string member; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { key.format("%s_%d", __keypre.c_str(), i); redis.clear(); bool ret = redis.spop(key.c_str(), member); if (redis.eof()) { printf("spop eof, key: %s\r\n", key.c_str()); return false; } if (i >= 10) continue; printf("spop %s, key: %s, member: %s\r\n", ret ? "ok" : "empty", key.c_str(), ret ? member.c_str() : ""); } return true; }
static bool test_sismember(acl::redis_set& redis, int n) { bool ret; acl::string key, member; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { key.format("%s_%d", __keypre.c_str(), i); for (int j = 0; j < 1000; j++) { member.format("member_%d", j); redis.clear(); ret = redis.sismember(key.c_str(), member.c_str()); if (redis.eof()) { printf("sismmeber eof, key: %s, member: %s\r\n", key.c_str(), member.c_str()); return false; } if (i >= 10) continue; printf("sismember: %s, key: %s, member: %s\r\n", ret ? "true" : "false", key.c_str(), member.c_str()); } } return true; }
static void do_copy(const acl::string& from, const acl::string& to) { acl::scan_dir scan; if ( == false) { logger_error("open path: %s error: %s", from.c_str(), acl::last_serror()); return; } const char* name; bool is_file; int nfiles = 0, ndirs = 0, nfiles_copied = 0, ndirs_copied = 0; while ((name =, &is_file)) != NULL) { SKIP(name); if (is_file) { if (cmp_copy(scan, name, to, &nfiles_copied) == false) { printf(">>cm_copy failed, name: %s\r\n", name); break; } nfiles++; } else if (check_dir(scan, to, &ndirs_copied) == false) { printf(">>check_dir failed, name: %s\r\n", name); break; } else ndirs++; if ((nfiles + ndirs) % 100 == 0) { printf("current file count: copied %d / scaned %d, " "dir count: copied %d / scaned %d\r", nfiles_copied, nfiles, ndirs_copied, ndirs); fflush(stdout); } } printf("total file count: copyied %d / scaned %d, dir count: " "copied %d / scaned %d\r\n", nfiles_copied, nfiles, ndirs_copied, ndirs); }
void http_client::do_reply(int status, const char* cmd, const acl::string& body, bool save) { HTTP_HDR_RES* hdr_res = http_hdr_res_static(status); http_hdr_set_keepalive(hdr_req_, hdr_res); http_hdr_put_str(&hdr_res->hdr, "Content-Type", "text/json"); http_hdr_put_int(&hdr_res->hdr, "Content-Length", (int) body.size()); acl::string buf(body.size() + 256); http_hdr_build(&hdr_res->hdr, buf.vstring()); http_hdr_res_free(hdr_res); buf.append(body); if (save) logger("cmd=[%s], reply: [%s]", cmd, buf.c_str()); acl_aio_writen(conn_, buf.c_str(), (int) buf.size()); }
// 程序退出释放动态加载的库 static void __pgsql_dll_unload(void) { if (__pgsql_dll != NULL) { acl_dlclose(__pgsql_dll); __pgsql_dll = NULL; logger("%s unload ok", __pgsql_path.c_str()); } }
static bool test_publish(acl::redis_pubsub& redis, int n) { acl::string channel, msg; int ret, i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { channel.format("%s_1_%d", __channel_prefix.c_str(), i); msg.format("msg_1_%s", channel.c_str()); redis.clear(); ret = redis.publish(channel.c_str(), msg.c_str(), msg.length()); if (ret <= 0) { printf("publish to %s %s error(%s), ret: %d\r\n", channel.c_str(), msg.c_str(), redis.result_error(), ret); return false; } else if (i < 10) printf("publish to %s %s ok\r\n", channel.c_str(), msg.c_str()); channel.format("%s_2_%d", __channel_prefix.c_str(), i); msg.format("msg_2_%s", channel.c_str()); redis.clear(); ret = redis.publish(channel.c_str(), msg.c_str(), msg.length()); if (ret <= 0) { printf("publish to %s %s error(%s), ret: %d\r\n", channel.c_str(), msg.c_str(), redis.result_error(), ret); return false; } else if (i < 10) printf("publish to %s %s ok\r\n", channel.c_str(), msg.c_str()); } printf(">>>publish total: %d\r\n", i * 2); return true; }
static bool test_mget(acl::redis_string& option, int n) { acl::string key1, key2, key3; std::vector<acl::string> result; const char* keys[3]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { key1.format("key1_%s_%d", __keypre.c_str(), i); key2.format("key2_%s_%d", __keypre.c_str(), i); key3.format("key3_%s_%d", __keypre.c_str(), i); keys[0] = key1.c_str(); keys[1] = key2.c_str(); keys[2] = key3.c_str(); result.clear(); option.reset(); if (option.mget(keys, 3, &result) == false) { printf("mset error\r\n"); return false; } else if (i >= 10) continue; size_t size = option.result_size(); printf("size: %lu\r\n", (unsigned long) size); size_t j; for (j = 0; j < size; j++) { const char* val = option.result_value(j); printf("mget ok, %s=%s\r\n", keys[j], val ? val : "null"); } std::vector<acl::string>::const_iterator it= result.begin(); for (j = 0; it != result.end(); ++it, j++) printf("mget %s=%s\r\n", keys[j], (*it).c_str()); } return true; }
void CMsnADLPayload::ToString(CMsnClient* client, acl::string& out, const std::list<CMembership*>& memberShips) { std::list<MSN_DOMAIN*> domains; acl::string buf; // 遍历所有的联系人成员 std::list<CMembership*>::const_iterator cit = memberShips.begin(); for (; cit != memberShips.end(); cit++) { const CMembership* memberShip = *cit; const std::list<Member*>& members = memberShip->GetMembers(); std::list<Member*>::const_iterator cit2 = members.begin(); for (; cit2 != members.end(); cit2++) AddToDomain(domains, *cit2); } buf = "<ml l='1'>"; std::list<MSN_DOMAIN*>::const_iterator cit2 = domains.begin(); for (; cit2 != domains.end(); cit2++) { AddXmlNode(buf, *cit2); if (buf.length() >= 4096) { buf << "</ml>"; out << "ADL " << client->Sid() << " " << (int) buf.length() << "\r\n"; out.append(buf); buf = "<ml l='1'>"; } } //buf.format_append("<d n=''><c n='support.service' t='32'>" // "<s l='2' n='IM' /><s l='2' n='PE' /></c></d>"); //buf.format_append("<d n=''><c n='support.service' l='2' t='1'/></d>"); buf << "</ml>"; out << "ADL " << client->Sid() << " " << (int) buf.length() << "\r\n"; out.append(buf); ClearDomain(domains); }
static bool create_db(void) { acl::db_sqlite db(__dbfile); if ( == false) { printf("open dbfile: %s error\r\n", __dbfile.c_str()); return (false); } db.show_conf(); return (tbl_create(db)); }
static bool test_addjob(acl::disque& cmd, const acl::disque_cond& cond, int i) { acl::string job; int timeout = 0; const char* jobid; job.format("job_%s_%d", __jobpre.c_str(), i); cmd.clear(); jobid = cmd.addjob(__queue, job, timeout, &cond); if (jobid == NULL) { printf("addjob queue: %s error: %s\r\n", __queue.c_str(), cmd.result_error()); return false; } else if (i < 10) printf("addjob queue: %s ok, jobid: %s\r\n", __queue.c_str(), jobid); return true; }
static bool test_msetnx(acl::redis_string& option, int n) { acl::string key1, key2, key3; acl::string val1, val2, val3; std::map<acl::string, acl::string> objs; int ret; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { key1.format("key1_%s_%d", __keypre.c_str(), i); key2.format("key2_%s_%d", __keypre.c_str(), i); key3.format("key3_%s_%d", __keypre.c_str(), i); val1.format("val1_%s", key1.c_str()); val2.format("val2_%s", key2.c_str()); val3.format("val3_%s", key3.c_str()); objs[key1] = val1; objs[key2] = val2; objs[key3] = val3; option.reset(); ret = option.msetnx(objs); if (ret < 0) { printf("mset error\r\n"); return false; } else if (i < 10) { printf("msetnx ret: %d, %s=%s, %s=%s, %s=%s\r\n", ret, key1.c_str(), val1.c_str(), key2.c_str(), val2.c_str(), key3.c_str(), val3.c_str()); } objs.clear(); } return true; }
static bool test_getjob(acl::disque& cmd, int max, int& i, int count) { if (i >= max) return true; std::vector<acl::string> queues; size_t timeout = 10; queues.push_back(__queue); cmd.clear(); const std::vector<acl::disque_job*>* jobs = cmd.getjob(queues, timeout, count); if (jobs == NULL) { printf("getjob queue: %s error: %s\r\n", __queue.c_str(), cmd.result_error()); return false; } std::vector<acl::string> job_ids; std::vector<acl::disque_job*>::const_iterator cit1; for (cit1 = jobs->begin(); cit1 != jobs->end(); ++cit1) { const char* jobid = (*cit1)->get_id(); if (*jobid) job_ids.push_back(jobid); } if (!job_ids.empty() && !test_ackjob(cmd, job_ids, i)) return false; i += jobs->size(); if (i >= 2 * (int) count) return true; printf("%s -> addr: %s, tid: %lu, count: %d, %d\r\n", __FUNCTION__, cmd.get_client_addr(), acl::thread::thread_self(), (int) count, (int) jobs->size()); std::vector<acl::disque_job*>::const_iterator cit2; for (cit2 = jobs->begin(); cit2 != jobs->end(); ++cit2) { printf("\tid: %s\r\n", (*cit2)->get_id()); printf("\tqueue: %s\r\n", (*cit2)->get_queue()); printf("\tjob: %s\r\n", (*cit2)->get_body().c_str()); } return true; }
static bool test_addjob(acl::disque& cmd, const acl::disque_cond& cond, int i) { acl::string job; int timeout = 0; const char* jobid; job.format("job_%s_%d", __jobpre.c_str(), i); cmd.clear(); jobid = cmd.addjob(__queue, job, timeout, &cond); if (jobid == NULL) { printf("addjob queue: %s error: %s\r\n", __queue.c_str(), cmd.result_error()); return false; } else if (i >= 10) return true; printf("addjob queue: %s ok, jobid: %s\r\n", __queue.c_str(), jobid); printf("%s -> addr: %s, tid: %lu\r\n", __FUNCTION__, cmd.get_client_addr(), acl::thread::thread_self()); return true; }
static bool test_expire(acl::redis_key& redis, int i) { acl::string key; key.format("%s_%d", __keypre.c_str(), i); redis.clear(); if (redis.expire(key.c_str(), 100) < 0) { printf("expire key: %s error\r\n", key.c_str()); return false; } else if (i < 10) printf("expire ok, key: %s\r\n", key.c_str()); return true; }
static bool test_get(acl::redis& cmd, int i) { cmd.reset(); acl::string key; key.format("%s_%d", __keypre.c_str(), i); acl::string value; bool ret = cmd.get(key.c_str(), value); if (i < 10) printf("get key: %s, value: %s %s, len: %d\r\n", key.c_str(), value.c_str(), ret ? "ok" : "error", (int) value.length()); return ret; }
static bool test_exists(acl::redis_key& redis, int n) { acl::string key; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { key.format("%s_%d", __keypre.c_str(), i); redis.clear(); if (redis.exists(key.c_str()) == false) printf("no exists key: %s\r\n", key.c_str()); else printf("exists key: %s\r\n", key.c_str()); } return true; }
static bool test_type(acl::redis_key& redis, int i) { acl::string key; key.format("%s_%d", __keypre.c_str(), i); redis.clear(); acl::redis_key_t ret = redis.type(key.c_str()); if (ret == acl::REDIS_KEY_UNKNOWN) { printf("unknown type key: %s\r\n", key.c_str()); return false; } else if (i < 10) printf("type ok, key: %s, ret: %d\r\n", key.c_str(), ret); return true; }
static bool test_del(acl::redis_key& redis, int i) { acl::string key; key.format("%s_%d", __keypre.c_str(), i); redis.clear(); int ret = redis.del(key.c_str(), NULL); if (ret < 0) { printf("del key: %s error\r\n", key.c_str()); return false; } else if (i < 10) printf("del ok, key: %s\r\n", key.c_str()); return true; }
static bool test_ttl(acl::redis_key& redis, int i) { acl::string key; int ttl; key.format("%s_%d", __keypre.c_str(), i); redis.clear(); if ((ttl = redis.ttl(key.c_str())) < 0) { printf("get ttl key: %s error\r\n", key.c_str()); return false; } else if (i < 10) printf("ttl ok, key: %s, ttl: %d\r\n", key.c_str(), ttl); return true; }
static bool test_set(acl::redis& cmd, int i) { cmd.reset(); acl::string key; key.format("%s_%d", __keypre.c_str(), i); acl::string value; value.format("value_%s", key.c_str()); bool ret = cmd.set(key.c_str(), value.c_str()); return ret; if (i < 10) printf("set key: %s, value: %s %s\r\n", key.c_str(), value.c_str(), ret ? "ok" : "error"); return ret; }