void executeCB(const tilting_servo::servoGoalConstPtr &goal)
		if(start == true)
			servo_move(Comport, servo_id, goal->angle, goal->speed);
			prev_goal = goal->angle;
			start = false;
		if(goal->angle != prev_goal || goal->speed != prev_speed)
		servo_move(Comport, servo_id, goal->angle, goal->speed);
		prev_goal = goal->angle;
		prev_speed = goal->speed;
		while((as_.isNewGoalAvailable() == false) && ros::ok())
			feedback_.angle = read_angle(Comport, servo_id);
			if(feedback_.angle >= min_angle - 10 && feedback_.angle <= max_angle + 10)			
		// check that preempt has not been requested by the client
		if (as_.isPreemptRequested() || !ros::ok())
			// set the action state to preempted

Example #2
		* \brief Executes the callback from the actionlib
		* Set the current goal to aborted after receiving a new goal and write new goal to a member variable. Wait for the goal to finish and set actionlib status to succeeded.
		* \param goal JointTrajectoryGoal
		void executeCB(const pr2_controllers_msgs::JointTrajectoryGoalConstPtr &goal)
			ROS_INFO("sdh: executeCB");
			if (!isInitialized_)
				ROS_ERROR("%s: Rejected, sdh not initialized", action_name_.c_str());

			while (hasNewGoal_ == true ) usleep(10000);

			// \todo TODO: use joint_names for assigning values
			targetAngles_[0] = goal->trajectory.points[0].positions[2]*180.0/pi_; // sdh_knuckle_joint
			targetAngles_[1] = goal->trajectory.points[0].positions[5]*180.0/pi_; // sdh_finger22_joint
			targetAngles_[2] = goal->trajectory.points[0].positions[6]*180.0/pi_; // sdh_finger23_joint
			targetAngles_[3] = goal->trajectory.points[0].positions[0]*180.0/pi_; // sdh_thumb2_joint
			targetAngles_[4] = goal->trajectory.points[0].positions[1]*180.0/pi_; // sdh_thumb3_joint
			targetAngles_[5] = goal->trajectory.points[0].positions[3]*180.0/pi_; // sdh_finger12_joint
			targetAngles_[6] = goal->trajectory.points[0].positions[4]*180.0/pi_; // sdh_finger13_joint
			ROS_INFO("received new position goal: [['sdh_thumb_2_joint', 'sdh_thumb_3_joint', 'sdh_knuckle_joint', 'sdh_finger_12_joint', 'sdh_finger_13_joint', 'sdh_finger_22_joint', 'sdh_finger_23_joint']] = [%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f]",goal->trajectory.points[0].positions[0],goal->trajectory.points[0].positions[1],goal->trajectory.points[0].positions[2],goal->trajectory.points[0].positions[3],goal->trajectory.points[0].positions[4],goal->trajectory.points[0].positions[5],goal->trajectory.points[0].positions[6]);
			hasNewGoal_ = true;
			usleep(500000); // needed sleep until sdh starts to change status from idle to moving
			bool finished = false;
			while(finished == false)
				if (as_.isNewGoalAvailable())
					ROS_WARN("%s: Aborted", action_name_.c_str());
				for ( size_t i = 0; i < state_.size(); i++ )
		 			ROS_DEBUG("state[%d] = %d",i,state_[i]);
		 			if (state_[i] == 0)
		 				finished = true;
		 				finished = false;
				//feedback_ = 
				//as_.send feedback_

			// set the action state to succeeded			
			ROS_INFO("%s: Succeeded", action_name_.c_str());
			//result_.result.data = "succesfully received new goal";
			//result_.success = 1;
Example #3
File: node.cpp Project: ErolB/Sub8
  void timer_callback(const ros::TimerEvent &) {
    if (!c3trajectory) return;

    ros::Time now = ros::Time::now();

    if (actionserver.isPreemptRequested()) {
      current_waypoint = c3trajectory->getCurrentPoint();
      current_waypoint.r.qdot = subjugator::Vector6d::Zero();  // zero velocities
      current_waypoint_t = now;

      // don't try to make output c3 continuous when cancelled - instead stop as quickly as possible
      c3trajectory.reset(new subjugator::C3Trajectory(current_waypoint.r, limits));
      c3trajectory_t = now;

    if (actionserver.isNewGoalAvailable()) {
      boost::shared_ptr<const uf_common::MoveToGoal> goal = actionserver.acceptNewGoal();
      current_waypoint = subjugator::C3Trajectory::Waypoint(
          Point_from_PoseTwist(goal->posetwist.pose, goal->posetwist.twist), goal->speed,
      current_waypoint_t = now;  // goal->header.stamp;
      this->linear_tolerance = goal->linear_tolerance;
      this->angular_tolerance = goal->angular_tolerance;
      c3trajectory_t = now;

    while ((c3trajectory_t + traj_dt < now) and ros::ok()) {
      // ROS_INFO("Acting");

      c3trajectory->update(traj_dt.toSec(), current_waypoint,
                           (c3trajectory_t - current_waypoint_t).toSec());
      c3trajectory_t += traj_dt;

    PoseTwistStamped msg;
    msg.header.stamp = c3trajectory_t;
    msg.header.frame_id = fixed_frame;
    msg.posetwist = PoseTwist_from_PointWithAcceleration(c3trajectory->getCurrentPoint());

    PoseStamped posemsg;
    posemsg.header.stamp = c3trajectory_t;
    posemsg.header.frame_id = fixed_frame;
    posemsg.pose = Pose_from_Waypoint(current_waypoint);

    if (actionserver.isActive() &&
            current_waypoint.r, max(1e-3, linear_tolerance), max(1e-3, angular_tolerance)) &&
        current_waypoint.r.qdot == subjugator::Vector6d::Zero()) {
		* \brief Executes the callback from the actionlib.
		* Set the current goal to aborted after receiving a new goal and write new goal to a member variable. Wait for the goal to finish and set actionlib status to succeeded.
		* \param goal JointTrajectoryGoal
		void executeCB(const pr2_controllers_msgs::JointTrajectoryGoalConstPtr &goal)
			ROS_INFO("Received new goal trajectory with %d points",goal->trajectory.points.size());
			if (!isInitialized_)
				ROS_ERROR("%s: Rejected, powercubes not initialized", action_name_.c_str());
			// saving goal into local variables
			traj_ = goal->trajectory;
			traj_point_nr_ = 0;
			traj_point_ = traj_.points[traj_point_nr_];
			finished_ = false;
			// stoping arm to prepare for new trajectory
			std::vector<double> VelZero;

			// check that preempt has not been requested by the client
			if (as_.isPreemptRequested())
				ROS_INFO("%s: Preempted", action_name_.c_str());
				// set the action state to preempted
			usleep(500000); // needed sleep until powercubes starts to change status from idle to moving
			while(finished_ == false)
				if (as_.isNewGoalAvailable())
					ROS_WARN("%s: Aborted", action_name_.c_str());
				//feedback_ = 
				//as_.send feedback_

			// set the action state to succeed			
			//result_.result.data = "executing trajectory";
			ROS_INFO("%s: Succeeded", action_name_.c_str());
			// set the action state to succeeded
	//void executeCB(const pr2_controllers_msgs::JointTrajectoryGoalConstPtr &goal) {
	void executeCB(const control_msgs::FollowJointTrajectoryGoalConstPtr &goal) {	
		if(isInitialized_) {	
			ROS_INFO("Received new goal trajectory with %d points",goal->trajectory.points.size());
			// saving goal into local variables
			traj_ = goal->trajectory;
			traj_point_nr_ = 0;
			traj_point_ = traj_.points[traj_point_nr_];
			GoalPos_ = traj_point_.positions[0];
			finished_ = false;
			// stoping axis to prepare for new trajectory

			// check that preempt has not been requested by the client
			if (as_.isPreemptRequested())
				ROS_INFO("%s: Preempted", action_name_.c_str());
				// set the action state to preempted
			usleep(2000000); // needed sleep until drive starts to change status from idle to moving
			while (not finished_)
				if (as_.isNewGoalAvailable())
					ROS_WARN("%s: Aborted", action_name_.c_str());
				//feedback_ = 
				//as_.send feedback_

			// set the action state to succeed			
			//result_.result.data = "executing trajectory";
			ROS_INFO("%s: Succeeded", action_name_.c_str());
			// set the action state to succeeded
		} else {
			ROS_WARN("Camera_axis not initialized yet!");
Example #6
  void timer_callback(const ros::TimerEvent &)
    mil_msgs::MoveToResult actionresult;

    // Handle disabled, killed, or no odom before attempting to produce trajectory
    std::string err = "";
    if (disabled)
      err = "c3 disabled";
    else if (kill_listener.isRaised())
      err = "killed";
    else if (!c3trajectory)
      err = "no odom";

    if (!err.empty())
      if (c3trajectory)
        c3trajectory.reset();  // On revive/enable, wait for odom before station keeping

      // Cancel all goals while killed/disabled/no odom
      if (actionserver.isNewGoalAvailable())
      if (actionserver.isActive())
        actionresult.error = err;
        actionresult.success = false;

    ros::Time now = ros::Time::now();

    auto old_waypoint = current_waypoint;

    if (actionserver.isNewGoalAvailable())
      boost::shared_ptr<const mil_msgs::MoveToGoal> goal = actionserver.acceptNewGoal();
      current_waypoint =
          subjugator::C3Trajectory::Waypoint(Point_from_PoseTwist(goal->posetwist.pose, goal->posetwist.twist),
                                             goal->speed, !goal->uncoordinated, !goal->blind);
      current_waypoint_t = now;
      this->linear_tolerance = goal->linear_tolerance;
      this->angular_tolerance = goal->angular_tolerance;

      waypoint_validity_.pub_size_ogrid(Pose_from_Waypoint(current_waypoint), (int)OGRID_COLOR::GREEN);

      // Check if waypoint is valid
      std::pair<bool, WAYPOINT_ERROR_TYPE> checkWPResult = waypoint_validity_.is_waypoint_valid(
          Pose_from_Waypoint(current_waypoint), current_waypoint.do_waypoint_validation);
      actionresult.error = WAYPOINT_ERROR_TO_STRING.at(checkWPResult.second);
      actionresult.success = checkWPResult.first;
      if (checkWPResult.first == false && waypoint_check_)  // got a point that we should not move to
        waypoint_validity_.pub_size_ogrid(Pose_from_Waypoint(current_waypoint), (int)OGRID_COLOR::RED);
        if (checkWPResult.second ==
            WAYPOINT_ERROR_TYPE::UNKNOWN)  // if unknown, check if there's a huge displacement with the new waypoint
          auto a_point = Pose_from_Waypoint(current_waypoint);
          auto b_point = Pose_from_Waypoint(old_waypoint);
          // If moved more than .5m, then don't allow
          if (abs(a_point.position.x - b_point.position.x) > .5 || abs(a_point.position.y - b_point.position.y) > .5)
            ROS_ERROR("can't move there! - need to rotate");
            current_waypoint = old_waypoint;
        // if point is occupied, reject move
        if (checkWPResult.second == WAYPOINT_ERROR_TYPE::OCCUPIED)
          ROS_ERROR("can't move there! - waypoint is occupied");
          current_waypoint = old_waypoint;
        // if point is above water, reject move
        if (checkWPResult.second == WAYPOINT_ERROR_TYPE::ABOVE_WATER)
          ROS_ERROR("can't move there! - waypoint is above water");
          current_waypoint = old_waypoint;
        if (checkWPResult.second == WAYPOINT_ERROR_TYPE::NO_OGRID)
          ROS_ERROR("WaypointValidity - Did not recieve any ogrid");
    if (actionserver.isPreemptRequested())
      current_waypoint = c3trajectory->getCurrentPoint();
      current_waypoint.do_waypoint_validation = false;
      current_waypoint.r.qdot = subjugator::Vector6d::Zero();  // zero velocities
      current_waypoint_t = now;

      // don't try to make output c3 continuous when cancelled - instead stop as quickly as possible
      c3trajectory.reset(new subjugator::C3Trajectory(current_waypoint.r, limits));
      c3trajectory_t = now;

    // Remember the previous trajectory
    auto old_trajectory = c3trajectory->getCurrentPoint();

    while (c3trajectory_t + traj_dt < now)
      c3trajectory->update(traj_dt.toSec(), current_waypoint, (c3trajectory_t - current_waypoint_t).toSec());
      c3trajectory_t += traj_dt;

    // Check if we will hit something while in trajectory the new trajectory
    geometry_msgs::Pose traj_point;  // Convert messages to correct type
    auto p = c3trajectory->getCurrentPoint();
    traj_point.position = vec2xyz<Point>(p.q.head(3));
    quaternionTFToMsg(tf::createQuaternionFromRPY(p.q[3], p.q[4], p.q[5]), traj_point.orientation);

    std::pair<bool, WAYPOINT_ERROR_TYPE> checkWPResult =
        waypoint_validity_.is_waypoint_valid(Pose_from_Waypoint(p), c3trajectory->do_waypoint_validation);

    if (checkWPResult.first == false && checkWPResult.second == WAYPOINT_ERROR_TYPE::OCCUPIED && waypoint_check_)
    {  // New trajectory will hit an occupied goal, so reject
      ROS_ERROR("can't move there! - bad trajectory");
      current_waypoint = old_trajectory;
      current_waypoint.do_waypoint_validation = false;
      current_waypoint.r.qdot = subjugator::Vector6d::Zero();  // zero velocities
      current_waypoint_t = now;

      c3trajectory.reset(new subjugator::C3Trajectory(current_waypoint.r, limits));
      c3trajectory_t = now;
      actionresult.success = false;

    PoseTwistStamped msg;
    msg.header.stamp = c3trajectory_t;
    msg.header.frame_id = fixed_frame;
    msg.posetwist = PoseTwist_from_PointWithAcceleration(c3trajectory->getCurrentPoint());

    waypoint_validity_.pub_size_ogrid(Pose_from_Waypoint(c3trajectory->getCurrentPoint()), 200);

    PoseStamped msgVis;
    msgVis.header = msg.header;
    msgVis.pose = msg.posetwist.pose;

    PoseStamped posemsg;
    posemsg.header.stamp = c3trajectory_t;
    posemsg.header.frame_id = fixed_frame;
    posemsg.pose = Pose_from_Waypoint(current_waypoint);

    if (actionserver.isActive() &&
        c3trajectory->getCurrentPoint().is_approximately(current_waypoint.r, max(1e-3, linear_tolerance),
                                                         max(1e-3, angular_tolerance)) &&
        current_waypoint.r.qdot == subjugator::Vector6d::Zero())
      actionresult.error = "";
      actionresult.success = true;