Example #1
void BackendGen::makeActionTableList()
	/* Must first order the action tables based on their id. */
	int numTables = nextActionTableId;
	RedActionTable **tables = new RedActionTable*[numTables];
	for ( ActionTableMap::Iter at = actionTableMap; at.lte(); at++ )
		tables[at->id] = at;

	cgd->initActionTableList( numTables );
	curActionTable = 0;

	for ( int t = 0; t < numTables; t++ ) {
		long length = tables[t]->key.length();

		/* Collect the action table. */
		RedAction *redAct = cgd->allActionTables + curActionTable;
		redAct->actListId = curActionTable;
		redAct->key.setAsNew( length );

		for ( ActionTable::Iter atel = tables[t]->key; atel.lte(); atel++ ) {
			redAct->key[atel.pos()].key = 0;
			redAct->key[atel.pos()].value = cgd->allActions + 

		/* Insert into the action table map. */
		cgd->redFsm->actionMap.insert( redAct );

		curActionTable += 1;

	delete[] tables;
Example #2
void RedFsmAp::assignActionLocs()
	int nextLocation = 0;
	for ( ActionTableMap::Iter act = actionMap; act.lte(); act++ ) {
		/* Store the loc, skip over the array and a null terminator. */
		act->location = nextLocation;
		nextLocation += act->key.length() + 1;		
Example #3
void XMLCodeGen::writeActionTableList()
	/* Must first order the action tables based on their id. */
	int numTables = nextActionTableId;
	RedActionTable **tables = new RedActionTable*[numTables];
	for ( ActionTableMap::Iter at = actionTableMap; at.lte(); at++ )
		tables[at->id] = at;

	out << "    <action_table_list length=\"" << numTables << "\">\n";
	for ( int t = 0; t < numTables; t++ ) {
		out << "      <action_table id=\"" << t << "\" length=\"" << 
				tables[t]->key.length() << "\">";
		for ( ActionTable::Iter atel = tables[t]->key; atel.lte(); atel++ ) {
			out << atel->value->actionId;
			if ( ! atel.last() )
				out << " ";
		out << "</action_table>\n";
	out << "    </action_table_list>\n";

	delete[] tables;
Example #4
/* Write out the array of actions. */
std::ostream &FsmCodeGen::ACTIONS_ARRAY()
	out << "\t0, ";
	int totalActions = 1;
	for ( ActionTableMap::Iter act = redFsm->actionMap; act.lte(); act++ ) {
		/* Write out the length, which will never be the last character. */
		out << act->key.length() << ", ";
		/* Put in a line break every 8 */
		if ( totalActions++ % 8 == 7 )
			out << "\n\t";

		for ( ActionTable::Iter item = act->key; item.lte(); item++ ) {
			out << item->value->actionId;
			if ( ! (act.last() && item.last()) )
				out << ", ";

			/* Put in a line break every 8 */
			if ( totalActions++ % 8 == 7 )
				out << "\n\t";
	out << "\n";
	return out;