Alembic::Abc::IObject getObjectFromArchive(XSI::CString path, XSI::CString identifier) { Alembic::Abc::IArchive * archive = getArchiveFromID(path); if(archive == NULL) return Alembic::Abc::IObject(); // split the path std::string stdIdentifier(identifier.GetAsciiString()); std::vector<std::string> parts; boost::split(parts, stdIdentifier, boost::is_any_of("/")); // recurse to find it Alembic::Abc::IObject obj = archive->getTop(); for(size_t i=1;i<parts.size();i++) { Alembic::Abc::IObject child(obj,parts[i]); obj = child; } return obj; }
//-***************************************************************************** int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { //float opt_fps = 24.0; bool opt_all = false; // show all option bool opt_long = false; // long listing option bool opt_meta = false; // metadata option bool opt_recursive = false; // recursive option bool opt_size = false; // array sample size option bool opt_time = false; // time info option bool opt_values = false; // show all 0th values int index = -1; // sample number, at tail of path std::string desc( "abcls [OPTION] FILE[/NAME] \n" " -a include property listings\n" " -f show time sampling as 24 fps\n" " -h, --help show this help message\n" " -l long listing format\n" " -m show archive metadata\n" " -r list entries recursively\n" " -s show the size of a data property sample\n" " -t show time sampling information\n" " -v show 0th value for all properties\n" ); /* sigaction if available */ #if defined(_POSIX_VERSION) && (_POSIX_VERSION >= 199506L) // seg fault handler struct sigaction act; sigemptyset(&act.sa_mask); act.sa_handler = segfault_sigaction; act.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO; sigaction(SIGSEGV, &act, NULL); /* signal if available */ #elif defined(_POSIX_VERSION) || defined(_MSC_VER) signal(SIGSEGV, segfault_sigaction); #else #error No signal interface available #endif //_POSIX_VERSION // check for min args if ( argc < 2 ) { std::cout << desc << std::endl; return 0; }; // parse args std::vector<std::string> arguments(argv, argv + argc); std::vector<std::string> options; std::vector<std::string> files; // separate file args from option args for ( std::size_t i = 1; i < arguments.size(); i++ ) { if ( arguments[ i ].substr( 0, 1 ) == "-" ) options.push_back( arguments[ i ] ); else files.push_back( arguments[ i ] ); } // help if ( argc < 2 || optionExists( options, "h" ) || optionExists( options, "help" ) ) { std::cout << desc << std::endl; return 0; }; // set some flags double fps = 1.0; opt_all = optionExists( options, "a" ); opt_long = optionExists( options, "l" ); opt_meta = optionExists( options, "m" ); opt_recursive = optionExists( options, "r" ); opt_size = optionExists( options, "s" ); opt_time = optionExists( options, "t" ); opt_values = optionExists( options, "v" ); if ( optionExists( options, "f" ) ) { fps = 24.0; opt_time = true; } // open each file for ( std::size_t i = 0; i < files.size(); i++ ) { if ( files.size() > 1 ) std::cout << BOLD << files[i] << ':' << RESETCOLOR << std::endl; std::stringstream ss( files[i] ); std::stringstream fp; std::string segment; std::vector<std::string> seglist; /* * separate file and object paths, e.g. * * ../dir1/ * \_____________/\______/\____/ * file obj sample */ int j = 0; while ( std::getline( ss, segment, '/' ) ) { if ( !isFile ( fp.str() ) ) { if ( j != 0 ) fp << "/"; fp << segment; } else { seglist.push_back( segment ); } ++j; } bool lastIsIndex = false; if (!seglist.empty() && is_digit( seglist.back() ) ) { index = atoi( seglist.back().c_str() ); lastIsIndex = true; } // open the iarchive Abc::IArchive archive; AbcF::IFactory factory; factory.setPolicy(Abc::ErrorHandler::kQuietNoopPolicy); AbcF::IFactory::CoreType coreType; archive = factory.getArchive(std::string( fp.str() ), coreType); // display file metadata if ( opt_meta && seglist.size() == 0 ) { std::cout << "Using " << Alembic::AbcCoreAbstract::GetLibraryVersion() << std::endl;; std::string appName; std::string libraryVersionString; Alembic::Util::uint32_t libraryVersion; std::string whenWritten; std::string userDescription; std::string coreName; GetArchiveInfo (archive, appName, libraryVersionString, libraryVersion, whenWritten, userDescription); if ( coreType == AbcF::IFactory::kOgawa ) { coreName = "Ogawa"; } else if ( coreType == AbcF::IFactory::kHDF5 ) { coreName = "HDF5"; } else { coreName = "Unknown"; }; if ( appName != "" ) { std::cout << " file written by: " << appName << std::endl; std::cout << " using Alembic : " << libraryVersionString << std::endl; std::cout << " written on : " << whenWritten << std::endl; std::cout << " user description : " << userDescription << std::endl; } else { std::cout << " (file doesn't have any ArchiveInfo)" << std::endl; } std::cout << " core type : " << coreName << std::endl; }; if ( opt_time && seglist.size() == 0 ) { uint32_t numTimes = archive.getNumTimeSamplings(); std::cout << std::endl << "Time Samplings: " << std::endl; for ( uint32_t k = 0; k < numTimes; ++k ) { AbcA::TimeSamplingPtr ts = archive.getTimeSampling( k ); index_t maxSample = archive.getMaxNumSamplesForTimeSamplingIndex( k ); std::cout << k << " "; printTimeSampling( ts, maxSample, fps ); } std::cout << std::endl; } // walk object hierarchy and find valid objects AbcG::IObject test = archive.getTop(); AbcG::IObject iObj = test; while ( test.valid() && seglist.size() > 0 ) { test = test.getChild( seglist.front() ); if ( test.valid() ) { iObj = test; seglist.erase( seglist.begin() ); } } // walk property hierarchy for most recent object Abc::ICompoundProperty props = iObj.getProperties(); const Abc::PropertyHeader* header; bool found = false; bool shouldPrintValue = false; for ( std::size_t i = 0; i < seglist.size(); ++i ) { header = props.getPropertyHeader( seglist[i] ); if ( header && header->isCompound() ) { Abc::ICompoundProperty ptest( props, header->getName() ); if ( ptest.valid() ) { props = ptest; found = true; } } else if ( header && header->isSimple() ) { found = true; // if the last value happens to be an index, and we are a // property then dont bother checking the last item in seglist if (lastIsIndex && i == seglist.size() - 2) { shouldPrintValue = true; break; } } else { std::cout << seglist[i] << ": Invalid object or property" << std::endl; return 1; } } // do stuff if ( shouldPrintValue ) { printValue( props, *header, index, opt_size, opt_time, fps ); } else { if ( found && header->isCompound() ) visit( props, opt_all, opt_long, opt_meta, opt_recursive, true, opt_values ); else if ( found && header->isSimple() ) printChild( props, *header, opt_all, opt_long, opt_values ); else visit( iObj, opt_all, opt_long, opt_meta, opt_recursive, true, opt_values ); std::cout << RESETCOLOR; if ( !opt_long ) std::cout << std::endl; } } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { ConversionOptions options; bool doConversion = false; if (parseArgs( argc, argv, options, doConversion ) == false) return 1; if (doConversion) { for( std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator inFile = options.inFiles.begin(); inFile != options.inFiles.end(); inFile++ ) { if (*inFile == options.outFile) { printf("Error: inFile and outFile must not be the same!\n"); return 1; } } if (options.toType != IFactoryNS::kHDF5 && options.toType != IFactoryNS::kOgawa) { printf("Currently only -toHDF and -toOgawa are supported.\n"); return 1; } Alembic::AbcCoreFactory::IFactory factory; Alembic::AbcCoreFactory::IFactory::CoreType coreType; Alembic::Abc::IArchive archive; if(options.inFiles.size() == 1) { archive = factory.getArchive(*options.inFiles.begin(), coreType); if (!archive.valid()) { printf("Error: Invalid Alembic file specified: %s\n", options.inFiles.begin()->c_str()); return 1; } else if ( !options.force && ( (coreType == IFactoryNS::kHDF5 && options.toType == IFactoryNS::kHDF5) || (coreType == IFactoryNS::kOgawa && options.toType == IFactoryNS::kOgawa)) ) { printf("Warning: Alembic file specified: %s\n", options.inFiles.begin()->c_str()); printf("is already of the type you want to convert to.\n"); printf("Please specify -force if you want to do this anyway.\n"); return 1; } } else { archive = factory.getArchive(options.inFiles, coreType); } Alembic::Abc::IObject inTop = archive.getTop(); Alembic::Abc::OArchive outArchive; if (options.toType == IFactoryNS::kHDF5) { outArchive = Alembic::Abc::OArchive( Alembic::AbcCoreHDF5::WriteArchive(), options.outFile, inTop.getMetaData(), Alembic::Abc::ErrorHandler::kThrowPolicy); } else if (options.toType == IFactoryNS::kOgawa) { outArchive = Alembic::Abc::OArchive( Alembic::AbcCoreOgawa::WriteArchive(), options.outFile, inTop.getMetaData(), Alembic::Abc::ErrorHandler::kThrowPolicy); } // start at 1, we don't need to worry about intrinsic default case for (Alembic::Util::uint32_t i = 1; i < archive.getNumTimeSamplings(); ++i) { outArchive.addTimeSampling(*archive.getTimeSampling(i)); } Alembic::Abc::OObject outTop = outArchive.getTop(); copyObject(inTop, outTop); } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { std::string toType; std::string inFile; std::string outFile; std::string forceStr; if (argc == 4) { toType = argv[1]; inFile = argv[2]; outFile = argv[3]; } else if (argc == 5) { forceStr = argv[1]; toType = argv[2]; inFile = argv[3]; outFile = argv[4]; } if ((argc == 4 || argc == 5) && (forceStr.empty() || forceStr == "-force")) { if (inFile == outFile) { printf("Error: inFile and outFile must not be the same!\n"); return 1; } if (toType != "-toHDF" && toType != "-toOgawa") { printf("Error: Unknown conversion type specified %s\n", toType.c_str()); printf("Currently only -toHDF and -toOgawa are supported.\n"); return 1; } Alembic::AbcCoreFactory::IFactory factory; Alembic::AbcCoreFactory::IFactory::CoreType coreType; Alembic::Abc::IArchive archive = factory.getArchive(inFile, coreType); if (!archive.valid()) { printf("Error: Invalid Alembic file specified: %s\n", inFile.c_str()); return 1; } else if ( forceStr != "-force" && ( (coreType == Alembic::AbcCoreFactory::IFactory::kHDF5 && toType == "-toHDF") || (coreType == Alembic::AbcCoreFactory::IFactory::kOgawa && toType == "-toOgawa")) ) { printf("Warning: Alembic file specified: %s\n",inFile.c_str()); printf("is already of the type you want to convert to.\n"); printf("Please specify -force if you want to do this anyway.\n"); return 1; } Alembic::Abc::IObject inTop = archive.getTop(); Alembic::Abc::OArchive outArchive; if (toType == "-toHDF") { outArchive = Alembic::Abc::OArchive( Alembic::AbcCoreHDF5::WriteArchive(), outFile, inTop.getMetaData(), Alembic::Abc::ErrorHandler::kThrowPolicy); } else if (toType == "-toOgawa") { outArchive = Alembic::Abc::OArchive( Alembic::AbcCoreOgawa::WriteArchive(), outFile, inTop.getMetaData(), Alembic::Abc::ErrorHandler::kThrowPolicy); } // start at 1, we don't need to worry about intrinsic default case for (Alembic::Util::uint32_t i = 1; i < archive.getNumTimeSamplings(); ++i) { outArchive.addTimeSampling(*archive.getTimeSampling(i)); } Alembic::Abc::OObject outTop = outArchive.getTop(); copyObject(inTop, outTop); return 0; } printf ("Usage: abcconvert [-force] OPTION inFile outFile\n"); printf ("Used to convert an Alembic file from one type to another.\n\n"); printf ("If -force is not provided and inFile happens to be the same\n"); printf ("type as OPTION no conversion will be done and a message will\n"); printf ("be printed out.\n"); printf ("OPTION has to be one of these:\n\n"); printf (" -toHDF Convert to HDF.\n"); printf (" -toOgawa Convert to Ogawa.\n"); return 1; }
//-***************************************************************************** int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { bool opt_all = false; bool opt_meta = false; std::string desc( "abctree [OPTION] FILE[/NAME]\n" " -a include properties listings\n" " -h, --help prints this help message\n" " -m print metadata\n" ); // check for min args if ( argc < 2 ) { std::cout << desc << std::endl; return 0; }; // parse args std::vector<std::string> arguments(argv, argv + argc); std::vector<std::string> options; std::vector<std::string> files; // separate file args from option args for ( std::size_t i = 1; i < arguments.size(); i++ ) { if ( arguments[ i ].substr( 0, 1 ) == "-" ) options.push_back( arguments[ i ] ); else files.push_back( arguments[ i ] ); } // help if ( argc < 2 || optionExists( options, "h" ) || optionExists( options, "help" ) ) { std::cout << desc << std::endl; return 0; }; // set some flags opt_all = optionExists( options, "a"); opt_meta = optionExists( options, "m"); // open each file size_t count = 0; for ( std::size_t i = 0; i < files.size(); i++ ) { if ( files.size() > 1 ) std::cout << BOLD << files[i] << ':' << RESETCOLOR << std::endl; std::stringstream ss( files[i] ); std::stringstream fp; std::string segment; std::vector<std::string> seglist; /* * separate file and object paths, e.g. * * ../dir1/ * \_____________/\______/ * file obj */ int j = 0; while ( std::getline( ss, segment, '/' ) ) { if ( !isFile ( fp.str() ) ) { if ( j != 0 ) fp << "/"; fp << segment; } else { seglist.push_back( segment ); } ++j; } // open the iarchive Abc::IArchive archive; AbcF::IFactory factory; factory.setPolicy(Abc::ErrorHandler::kQuietNoopPolicy); AbcF::IFactory::CoreType coreType; archive = factory.getArchive(std::string( fp.str() ), coreType); // display file metadata if ( opt_meta ) { std::cout << "Using " << Alembic::AbcCoreAbstract::GetLibraryVersion () << std::endl;; std::string appName; std::string libraryVersionString; Alembic::Util::uint32_t libraryVersion; std::string whenWritten; std::string userDescription; std::string coreName; GetArchiveInfo (archive, appName, libraryVersionString, libraryVersion, whenWritten, userDescription); if ( coreType == AbcF::IFactory::kOgawa ) { coreName = "Ogawa"; } else if ( coreType == AbcF::IFactory::kHDF5 ) { coreName = "HDF5"; } else { coreName = "Unknown"; }; if ( appName != "" ) { std::cout << " file written by: " << appName << std::endl; std::cout << " using Alembic : " << libraryVersionString << std::endl; std::cout << " written on : " << whenWritten << std::endl; std::cout << " user description : " << userDescription << std::endl; } else { std::cout << " (file doesn't have any ArchiveInfo)" << std::endl; } std::cout << " core type : " << coreName << std::endl; }; // walk object hierarchy and find valid objects AbcG::IObject test = archive.getTop(); AbcG::IObject iObj = test; while ( test.valid() && seglist.size() > 0 ) { test = test.getChild( seglist.front() ); if ( test.valid() ) { iObj = test; seglist.erase( seglist.begin() ); } } // walk property hierarchy for most recent valid object Abc::ICompoundProperty props = iObj.getProperties(); const Abc::PropertyHeader* header; bool found = false; for ( std::size_t i = 0; i < seglist.size(); ++i ) { header = props.getPropertyHeader( seglist[i] ); if ( header && header->isCompound() ) { Abc::ICompoundProperty ptest( props, header->getName() ); if ( ptest.valid() ) { props = ptest; found = true; } } else if ( header && header->isSimple() ) { found = true; } else { std::cout << seglist[i] << ": Invalid object or property" << std::endl; return 1; } } // walk the archive tree if ( found ) if ( header->isCompound() ) tree( props ); else tree( Abc::IScalarProperty( props, header->getName() ) ); else tree( iObj, opt_all ); ++count; } return 0; }