static void eliminateRedundantInstructions(analysis::DataflowGraph& dfg, BlockSet& blocks, iterator block) { typedef std::vector<unsigned int> KillList; KillList killList; report(" Propagating constants through instructions in BB_" << block->id()); unsigned int index = 0; for(auto instruction = block->instructions().begin(); instruction != block->instructions().end(); ++instruction) { if(!propagateValueToSuccessors(dfg, blocks, instruction)) { ++index; continue; } if(canRemoveInstruction(block, instruction)) { report(" value is not used, removed it."); killList.push_back(index); // schedule the block for more work // TODO: do this when we consider values in multiple blocks } else { ++index; } } for(KillList::iterator killed = killList.begin(); killed != killList.end(); ++killed) { dfg.erase(block, *killed); } }
static void eliminateDeadInstructions(analysis::DataflowGraph& dfg, BlockSet& blocks, iterator block) { typedef analysis::DataflowGraph::Block Block; typedef analysis::DataflowGraph::RegisterSet RegisterSet; typedef std::vector<unsigned int> KillList; typedef std::vector<PhiInstructionVector::iterator> PhiKillList; typedef std::vector<RegisterSet::iterator> AliveKillList; report(" Eliminating dead instructions from BB_" << block->id()); report(" Removing dead alive out values"); AliveKillList aliveOutKillList; for(RegisterSet::iterator aliveOut = block->aliveOut().begin(); aliveOut != block->aliveOut().end(); ++aliveOut) { if(canRemoveAliveOut(dfg, block, *aliveOut)) { report(" removed " << aliveOut->id); aliveOutKillList.push_back(aliveOut); } } for(AliveKillList::iterator killed = aliveOutKillList.begin(); killed != aliveOutKillList.end(); ++killed) { block->aliveOut().erase(*killed); } KillList killList; report(" Removing dead instructions"); unsigned int index = 0; for(InstructionVector::iterator instruction = block->instructions().begin(); instruction != block->instructions().end(); ++instruction) { if(canRemoveInstruction(block, instruction)) { report(" removed '" << instruction->i->toString() << "'"); killList.push_back(index); // schedule the block for more work report(" scheduled this block again"); blocks.insert(block); } else { ++index; } } for(KillList::iterator killed = killList.begin(); killed != killList.end(); ++killed) { dfg.erase(block, *killed); } PhiKillList phiKillList; report(" Removing dead phi instructions"); for(PhiInstructionVector::iterator phi = block->phis().begin(); phi != block->phis().end(); ++phi) { if(canRemovePhi(block, *phi)) { report(" removed " << phi->; phiKillList.push_back(phi); } } report(" Removing dead alive in values"); AliveKillList aliveInKillList; for(RegisterSet::iterator aliveIn = block->aliveIn().begin(); aliveIn != block->aliveIn().end(); ++aliveIn) { if(canRemoveAliveIn(block, *aliveIn)) { report(" removed " << aliveIn->id); aliveInKillList.push_back(aliveIn); // schedule the predecessors for more work for(BlockPointerSet::iterator predecessor = block->predecessors().begin(); predecessor != block->predecessors().end(); ++predecessor) { report(" scheduled predecessor BB_" << (*predecessor)->id()); blocks.insert(*predecessor); } } } for(AliveKillList::iterator killed = aliveInKillList.begin(); killed != aliveInKillList.end(); ++killed) { block->aliveIn().erase(*killed); } }