Example #1
 * Declare any additional properties of the concrete loader here
 * @param loader A pointer to the concrete loader
void Load::declareLoaderProperties(const API::IAlgorithm_sptr &loader) {
  // If we have switch loaders then the concrete loader will have different
  // properties
  // so take care of ensuring Load has the correct ones
  // THIS IS A COPY as the properties are mutated as we move through them
  const std::vector<Property *> existingProps = this->getProperties();
  for (auto existingProp : existingProps) {
    const std::string &name = existingProp->name();
    // Wipe all properties except the Load native ones
    if (m_baseProps.find(name) == m_baseProps.end()) {

  const std::vector<Property *> &loaderProps = loader->getProperties();
  size_t numProps(loaderProps.size());
  for (size_t i = 0; i < numProps; ++i) {
    Property *loadProp = loaderProps[i];
    if (loadProp->name() == m_filenamePropName)
    try {
      auto propClone = std::unique_ptr<Property>(loadProp->clone());
      propClone->clearSettings(); // Get rid of special settings because it
                                  // does not work in custom GUI.
      declareProperty(std::move(propClone), loadProp->documentation());
    } catch (Exception::ExistsError &) {
      // Already exists as a static property
Example #2
/** Handler of the start notifications. Adds an algorithm call to the script.
 * @param alg :: Shared pointer to the starting algorithm.
void RecordPythonScript::startingHandle(API::IAlgorithm_sptr alg)
  auto props= alg->getProperties();

  std::string algString;
  for(auto p = props.begin() ; p != props.end(); ++p)
    std::string opener = "='"; 
    if ((**p).value().find('\\') != std::string::npos )
      opener= "=r'";

    std::string paramString = (**p).name() + opener + (**p).value() + "'";

    // Miss out parameters that are empty.
    if(paramString.length() != 0)
      if(algString.length() != 0)
        algString += ",";
      algString += paramString;

  m_generatedScript +=  alg->name() + "(" + algString + ")\n";
std::string FrameworkManagerProxy::createAlgorithmDocs(const std::string& algName, const int version)
  const std::string EOL="\n";
  API::IAlgorithm_sptr algm = API::AlgorithmManager::Instance().createUnmanaged(algName, version);

  // Put in the quick overview message
  std::stringstream buffer;
  std::string temp = algm->getOptionalMessage();
  if (temp.size() > 0)
    buffer << temp << EOL << EOL;

  // get a sorted copy of the properties
  PropertyVector properties(algm->getProperties());
  std::sort(properties.begin(), properties.end(), PropertyOrdering());

  // generate the sanitized names
  StringVector names(properties.size());
  size_t numProps = properties.size();
  for ( size_t i = 0; i < numProps; ++i) 
    names[i] = removeCharacters(properties[i]->name(), "");

  buffer << "Property descriptions: " << EOL << EOL;
  // write the actual property descriptions
  Mantid::Kernel::Property *prop;
  for ( size_t i = 0; i < numProps; ++i) 
    prop = properties[i];
    buffer << names[i] << "("
           << Mantid::Kernel::Direction::asText(prop->direction());
    if (!prop->isValid().empty())
      buffer << ":req";
    buffer << ") *" << prop->type() << "* ";
    std::set<std::string> allowed = prop->allowedValues();
    if (!prop->documentation().empty() || !allowed.empty())
      buffer << "      " << prop->documentation();
      if (!allowed.empty())
        buffer << " [" << Kernel::Strings::join(allowed.begin(), allowed.end(), ", ");
        buffer << "]";
      buffer << EOL;
      if( i < numProps - 1 ) buffer << EOL;

  return buffer.str();
Example #4
 * Set the output workspace(s) if the load's return workspace has type
 * API::Workspace
 * @param loader :: Shared pointer to load algorithm
void Load::setOutputWorkspace(const API::IAlgorithm_sptr &loader) {
  // Go through each OutputWorkspace property and check whether we need to make
  // a counterpart here
  const std::vector<Property *> &loaderProps = loader->getProperties();
  const size_t count = loader->propertyCount();
  for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
    Property *prop = loaderProps[i];
    if (dynamic_cast<IWorkspaceProperty *>(prop) &&
        prop->direction() == Direction::Output) {
      const std::string &name = prop->name();
      if (!this->existsProperty(name)) {
            name, loader->getPropertyValue(name), Direction::Output));
      Workspace_sptr wkspace = getOutputWorkspace(name, loader);
      setProperty(name, wkspace);
Example #5
void Load::findFilenameProperty(const API::IAlgorithm_sptr &loader) {
  // Use the first file property as the main Filename
  const auto &props = loader->getProperties();
  for (auto prop : props) {
    auto *fp = dynamic_cast<API::MultipleFileProperty *>(prop);
    auto *fp2 = dynamic_cast<API::FileProperty *>(prop);
    if (fp) {
      m_filenamePropName = fp->name();
    if (fp2) {
      m_filenamePropName = fp2->name();
  if (m_filenamePropName.empty()) {
    setPropertyValue("LoaderName", "");
    setProperty("LoaderVersion", -1);
    throw std::runtime_error("Cannot find FileProperty on " + loader->name() +
                             " algorithm.");
Example #6
 * Set the loader option for use as a Child Algorithm.
 * @param loader :: Concrete loader
 * @param startProgress :: The start progress fraction
 * @param endProgress :: The end progress fraction
 * @param logging:: If true, enable logging
void Load::setUpLoader(API::IAlgorithm_sptr &loader, const double startProgress,
                       const double endProgress, const bool logging) const {
  // Set as a child so that we are in control of output storage
  // If output workspaces are nameless, give them a temporary name to satisfy
  // validator
  const std::vector<Property *> &props = loader->getProperties();
  for (auto prop : props) {
    auto wsProp = dynamic_cast<IWorkspaceProperty *>(prop);

    if (wsProp && !wsProp->isOptional() &&
        prop->direction() == Direction::Output) {
      if (prop->value().empty())
  if (startProgress >= 0. && endProgress > startProgress && endProgress <= 1.) {