mat::unsafe_col(uword col_num);
#include#include using namespace std; using namespace arma; int main() { mat A = randu (3,3); vec b = A.unsafe_col(1); cout << b << endl; return 0; }
#includeThis code initializes a 5x5 matrix `A` with random values, and then uses `unsafe_col()` to assign values to the fourth column of `A` by adding the second and fifth columns of `A`. The resulting matrix `A` is then printed to the console. In both of these examples, the Armadillo library is used to perform linear algebra operations on the matrix object.#include using namespace std; using namespace arma; int main() { mat A = randu (5,5); A.unsafe_col(3) = A.col(2) + A.col(4); cout << A << endl; return 0; }