Example #1
 * Obtains no more than maxNumSamples distinct samples. Each sample belongs to
 * [loInclusive, hiExclusive).
 * @param loInclusive The lower bound (inclusive).
 * @param hiExclusive The high bound (exclusive).
 * @param maxNumSamples The maximum number of samples to obtain.
 * @param distinctSamples The samples that will be obtained.
inline void ObtainDistinctSamples(const size_t loInclusive,
                                  const size_t hiExclusive,
                                  const size_t maxNumSamples,
                                  arma::uvec& distinctSamples)
  const size_t samplesRangeSize = hiExclusive - loInclusive;

  if (samplesRangeSize > maxNumSamples)
    arma::Col<size_t> samples;


    for (size_t i = 0; i < maxNumSamples; i++)
      samples [ (size_t) math::RandInt(samplesRangeSize) ]++;

    distinctSamples = arma::find(samples > 0);

    if (loInclusive > 0)
      distinctSamples += loInclusive;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < samplesRangeSize; i++)
      distinctSamples[i] = loInclusive + i;
Example #2
/// \brief Vespucci::Math::DimensionReduction::VCA
/// Vertex Component Analysis
/// \param R The dataset
/// \param endmembers Number of endmembers to compute
/// \param indices Row indices of pure components.
/// \param endmember_spectra Spectra of pure components (note that these are in
/// columns, not rows as in spectra_)
/// \param projected_data Projected data
/// \param fractional_abundances Purity of a given spectrum relative to endmember
/// \return Convergeance (no actual test implemented...)
bool Vespucci::Math::DimensionReduction::VCA(const arma::mat &R, arma::uword p,
         arma::uvec &indices, arma::mat &endmember_spectra,
         arma::mat &projected_data, arma::mat &fractional_abundances)
    arma::uword L = R.n_rows;
    arma::uword N = R.n_cols;
    if (L == 0 || N == 0){
        std::cerr << "No data!" << std::endl;
        return false;

    if (p > L){
        std::cerr << "wrong number of endmembers (" << p << ")!"<< std::endl;
        std::cerr << "set to 5 or one less than number of spectra" << std::endl;
        p = (L < 5? 5: L-1);
//mat of SNR
    arma::mat r_m = mean(R, 1);
    arma::mat R_m = arma::repmat(r_m, 1, N); //the mean of each spectral band
    arma::mat R_o = R - R_m; //mean-center the data
    arma::mat Ud;
    arma::vec Sd;
    arma::mat Vd;
    //arma::svds(Ud, Sd, Vd, arma::sp_mat(R_o * R_o.t()/N), p);
    Vespucci::Math::DimensionReduction::svds(R_o*R_o.t()/N, p, Ud, Sd, Vd);
    arma::mat x_p;
    x_p = Ud.t() * R_o;
    }catch(std::exception e){
        std::cout << "Ud.t() * R_o" << std::endl;

    double SNR = Vespucci::Math::DimensionReduction::estimate_snr(R, r_m, x_p);
    double SNR_th = 15 + 10*log10(p);

//Choose projective projection or projection to p-1 subspace
    arma::mat y;
    if (SNR < SNR_th){
        arma::uword d = p - 1;
        Ud = Ud.cols(0, d-1);
        projected_data = Ud * x_p.rows(0, d-1) + R_m; //in dimension L
        arma::mat x = x_p.rows(0, d-1);//x_p = trans(Ud)*R_o, p-dimensional subspace
        //following three lines are one in arma::matlab...
        arma::mat sum_squares = sum(pow(x, 2));
        double c = sum_squares.max();
        c = std::sqrt(c);
        y = arma::join_vert(x, c*arma::ones(1, N));
        arma::uword d = p;
        Vespucci::Math::DimensionReduction::svds(R*R.t()/N, p, Ud, Sd, Vd);
        arma::svds(Ud, Sd, Vd, arma::sp_mat(R*R.t()/N), d);//R_o is a mean centered version...
        x_p = Ud.t() * R;
        projected_data = Ud * x_p.rows(0, d-1);
        arma::mat x = Ud.t() * R;
        arma::mat u = arma::mean(x, 1);
        y = x / arma::repmat(sum(x % arma::repmat(u, 1, N)), d, 1);

    // The VCA algorithm
    arma::vec w;
    arma::vec f;
    arma::rowvec v;
    //there are no fill functions for arma::uvecs
    for (arma::uword i = 0; i < p; ++i)
        indices(i) = 0;

    arma::mat A = arma::zeros(p, p);
    double v_max;
    double sum_squares;
    arma::uvec q1;
    A(p-1, 0) = 1;
    for (arma::uword i = 0; i < p; ++i){
        f = w - A*arma::pinv(A)*w;
        sum_squares = sqrt(sum(square(f)));
        f /= sum_squares;
        v = f.t() * y;
        v_max = arma::max(abs(v));
        q1 = arma::find(abs(v) == v_max, 1);
        indices(i) = q1(0);
        A.col(i) = y.col(indices(i)); //same as x.col(indices(i));
    endmember_spectra = projected_data.cols(indices);
    fractional_abundances = arma::trans(pinv(endmember_spectra) * projected_data);
    return true;