mitk::TransferFunction::Pointer mitk::TransferFunctionPropertySerializer::DeserializeTransferFunction( const char *filePath )
  TiXmlDocument document( filePath );
  if (!document.LoadFile())
    MITK_ERROR << "Could not open/read/parse " << filePath << "\nTinyXML reports: " << document.ErrorDesc() << std::endl;
    return NULL;
  // find version node --> note version in some variable
  int fileVersion = 1;
  TiXmlElement* versionObject = document.FirstChildElement("Version");
  if (versionObject)
    if ( versionObject->QueryIntAttribute( "TransferfunctionVersion", &fileVersion ) != TIXML_SUCCESS )
      MITK_WARN << "Transferfunction file " << filePath << " does not contain version information! Trying version 1 format.";
  TiXmlElement* input =  document.FirstChildElement("TransferFunction");
  TransferFunctionPropertySerializer::Pointer tfpd = TransferFunctionPropertySerializer::New();
  BaseProperty::Pointer bp = tfpd->Deserialize(input);
  TransferFunctionProperty::Pointer tfp = dynamic_cast<TransferFunctionProperty*>(bp.GetPointer());
    TransferFunction::Pointer tf = tfp->GetValue();
    return tf;
  MITK_WARN << "Can't deserialize transferfunction"; 
  return NULL;
bool mitk::PropertyListDeserializerV1::Deserialize()
  bool error(false);

  m_PropertyList = PropertyList::New();

  TiXmlDocument document( m_Filename );
  if (!document.LoadFile())
    MITK_ERROR << "Could not open/read/parse " << m_Filename << "\nTinyXML reports: " << document.ErrorDesc() << std::endl;
    return false;

  for( TiXmlElement* propertyElement = document.FirstChildElement("property"); propertyElement != NULL; propertyElement = propertyElement->NextSiblingElement("property") )
    const char* keya = propertyElement->Attribute("key");
    std::string key( keya ? keya : "");
    const char* typea = propertyElement->Attribute("type");
    std::string type( typea ? typea : "");

    // hand propertyElement to specific reader
    std::stringstream propertyDeserializerClassName;
    propertyDeserializerClassName << type << "Serializer";

    std::list<itk::LightObject::Pointer> readers = itk::ObjectFactoryBase::CreateAllInstance(propertyDeserializerClassName.str().c_str());
    if (readers.size() < 1)
      MITK_ERROR << "No property reader found for " << type;
      error = true;
    if (readers.size() > 1)
      MITK_WARN << "Multiple property readers found for " << type << ". Using arbitrary first one.";

    for ( std::list<itk::LightObject::Pointer>::iterator iter = readers.begin();
          iter != readers.end();
          ++iter )
      if (BasePropertySerializer* reader = dynamic_cast<BasePropertySerializer*>( iter->GetPointer() ) )
        BaseProperty::Pointer property = reader->Deserialize( propertyElement->FirstChildElement() );
        if (property.IsNotNull())
          m_PropertyList->ReplaceProperty(key, property);
          MITK_ERROR << "There were errors while loding property '" << key << "' of type " << type << ". Your data may be corrupted";
          error = true;
  return !error;
Example #3
bool mitk::CheckUID(const mitk::BaseData* data, const NodeUIDType& uid)
  bool result = false;

  BaseProperty::Pointer uidProp = data->GetProperty(mitk::Prop_UID);

  if (uidProp.IsNotNull())
    result = uidProp->GetValueAsString() == uid;

  return result;
Example #4
mitk::NodeUIDType mitk::EnsureUID(mitk::BaseData* data)
  if (!data)
    mitkThrow() << "Cannot ensure node UID. Passed node pointer is nullptr.";

  BaseProperty::Pointer uidProp = data->GetProperty(mitk::Prop_UID);
  std::string propUID = "";

  if (uidProp.IsNotNull())
    propUID = uidProp->GetValueAsString();
    mitk::UIDGenerator generator;
    propUID = generator.GetUID();

    data->SetProperty(mitk::Prop_UID, mitk::StringProperty::New(propUID));

  return propUID;