Example #1
void collect_data(mpi::communicator local, mpi::communicator world)
  // The rank of the collector within the world communicator
  int master_collector = world.size() - local.size();

  if (world.rank() == master_collector) {
    while (true) {
      // Wait for a message
      mpi::status msg = world.probe();
      if (msg.tag() == msg_data_packet) {
        // Receive the packet of data
        std::vector<int> data;
        world.recv(msg.source(), msg.tag(), data);

        // Tell each of the collectors that we'll be broadcasting some data
        for (int dest = 1; dest < local.size(); ++dest)
          local.send(dest, msg_broadcast_data, msg.source());

        // Broadcast the actual data.
        broadcast(local, data, 0);
      } else if (msg.tag() == msg_finished) {
        // Receive the message
        world.recv(msg.source(), msg.tag());

        // Tell each of the collectors that we're finished
        for (int dest = 1; dest < local.size(); ++dest)
          local.send(dest, msg_finished);

  } else {
    while (true) {
      // Wait for a message from the master collector
      mpi::status msg = local.probe();
      if (msg.tag() == msg_broadcast_data) {
        // Receive the broadcast message
        int originator;
        local.recv(msg.source(), msg.tag(), originator);

        // Receive the data broadcasted from the master collector
        std::vector<int> data;
        broadcast(local, data, 0);

        std::cout << "Collector #" << local.rank()
                  << " is processing data from generator #" << originator
                  << "." << std::endl;
      } else if (msg.tag() == msg_finished) {
        // Receive the message
        local.recv(msg.source(), msg.tag());

Example #2
  // Prijem a zpracovani prichozich zprav ve stavu, kdy proces nema praci
  void inactiveRecvLoop() {
    string recvMsg;
    while (true) {
      // Blokujici cekani dokud neprijde zprava 
      mpi::status status = com.probe();

      // Prisly data - hura do prace!
      if (status.tag() == DATA) {
        //cout << "inactive: recv data from " << status.source() << endl;
        com.recv(status.source(), status.tag(), data.startString);
      // Pozadany proces nema zadnou praci na rozdani
      // Posle se novy pozadavek o praci nahodnemu procesu
      else if (status.tag() == NO_WORK) {
        //cout << "inactive: recv no_work from " << status.source() << endl;
        com.recv(status.source(), status.tag());
      // Prisel pozadavek o praci, sam ale zadnou nemam
      else if (status.tag() == WORK_REQUEST) {
        //cout << "inactive: recv work_req from " << status.source() << endl;
        com.recv(status.source(), status.tag());
        //cout << "Sending NO_WORK to " << status.source() << endl;
        com.send(status.source(), NO_WORK);
      // Prisel token, zpracovani se lisi podle toho, zda jsem master nebo slave proces
      else if (status.tag() == TOKEN) {
        bool isWhiteToken;
        //cout << "inactive: recv token from " << status.source() << endl;
        com.recv(status.source(), status.tag(), isWhiteToken);
        if (handleToken(isWhiteToken)) {

      // Prislo oznameni o nalezeni nejake podsekvence
      // Pokud je delsi nez moje nejlepsi nalezena, ulozim si ji
      else if (status.tag() == FOUND) {
        cout << "inactive: recv found from " << status.source() << endl;
        com.recv(status.source(), status.tag(), recvMsg);
        if (recvMsg.length() > myLongest.length()) {
          myLongest = recvMsg;
      // Nektery proces nasel nejlepsi vysledek, ulozim si ho a koncim cekani/praci
      else if (status.tag() == FOUND_BEST) {
        cout << "inactive: recv found best from " << status.source() << endl;
        com.recv(status.source(), status.tag(), myLongest);
      // Info od master procesu, ze vypocet uspesne skoncil - je mozne se vypnout
      else if (status.tag() == END) {
        //cout << "inactive: recv end from " << status.source() << endl;
      // Prisla zprava, kterou prave neumim zpracovat, vyzvednu a zahodim
      else {
        //cout << "inactive: recv from " << status.source() << endl;
        com.recv(status.source(), status.tag());