IMAPResult IMAPCommandCOPY::ExecuteCommand(boost::shared_ptr<IMAPConnection> pConnection, boost::shared_ptr<IMAPCommandArgument> pArgument) { if (!pConnection->IsAuthenticated()) return IMAPResult(IMAPResult::ResultNo, "Authenticate first"); if (!pConnection->GetCurrentFolder()) return IMAPResult(IMAPResult::ResultNo, "No folder selected."); boost::shared_ptr<IMAPCopy> pCopy = boost::shared_ptr<IMAPCopy>(new IMAPCopy()); pCopy->SetIsUID(false); String sResponse; boost::shared_ptr<IMAPSimpleCommandParser> pParser = boost::shared_ptr<IMAPSimpleCommandParser>(new IMAPSimpleCommandParser()); pParser->Parse(pArgument); if (pParser->ParamCount() != 2) return IMAPResult(IMAPResult::ResultBad, "Command requires 2 parameters.\r\n"); String sMailNo = pParser->GetParamValue(pArgument, 0); String sFolderName = pParser->GetParamValue(pArgument, 1); pArgument->Command("\"" + sFolderName + "\""); // We should check if the folder exists. If not, notify user with trycreate boost::shared_ptr<IMAPFolder> pFolder = pConnection->GetFolderByFullPath(sFolderName); if (!pFolder) { // Nope, doesn't exist. return IMAPResult(IMAPResult::ResultNo, "Can't find mailbox with that name.\r\n"); } IMAPResult result = pCopy->DoForMails(pConnection, sMailNo, pArgument); if (result.GetResult() == IMAPResult::ResultOK) pConnection->SendAsciiData(pArgument->Tag() + " OK COPY completed\r\n"); return result; }
IMAPResult IMAPSearchParser::ParseCommand(boost::shared_ptr<IMAPCommandArgument> pArgument, bool bIsSort) { // Replace literals in the command. boost::shared_ptr<IMAPSimpleCommandParser> pSimpleParser = boost::shared_ptr<IMAPSimpleCommandParser> (new IMAPSimpleCommandParser); if (bIsSort) { pSimpleParser->Parse(pArgument); pSimpleParser->UnliteralData(); boost::shared_ptr<IMAPSimpleWord> pSort = pSimpleParser->Word(0); if (pSort->Paranthezied()) { m_pSortParser = boost::shared_ptr<IMAPSortParser>(new IMAPSortParser); m_pSortParser->Parse(pSort->Value()); } // Trim away the SORT part of the SEARCH expresson // since we only care about SEARCH below. String tempString = pArgument->Command(); if (tempString.Find(_T(")")) > 0) tempString = tempString.Mid(tempString.Find(_T(")"))+2); pArgument->Command(tempString); } /* Remove all parenthesis outside of strings. Some IMAP clients sends parenthesis, some doesn't. We remove them here to prevent the behaviors from differing. It should be safe to do this, since Criteria1 OR (Criteria2 Criteria 3) means the same as Criteria1 OR Criteria2 Criteria 3 */ String resultString; const String inputString = pArgument->Command(); bool insideString = false; for (int i = 0; i < inputString.GetLength(); i++) { wchar_t curChar = inputString.GetAt(i); switch (curChar) { case '"': insideString = !insideString; break; case '(': case ')': if (!insideString) continue; } resultString += curChar; } // Replace literals in the command. pSimpleParser = boost::shared_ptr<IMAPSimpleCommandParser> (new IMAPSimpleCommandParser); pArgument->Command(resultString); pSimpleParser->Parse(pArgument); pSimpleParser->UnliteralData(); boost::shared_ptr<IMAPSearchCriteria> pCriteria = boost::shared_ptr<IMAPSearchCriteria> (new IMAPSearchCriteria); int currentWord = 0; IMAPResult result = _ParseSegment(pSimpleParser, currentWord, pCriteria, 0); if (result.GetResult() != IMAPResult::ResultOK) return result; m_pResultCriteria = pCriteria; return IMAPResult(); }