double CInfixExpressionCalculator::ParseExprSum(boost::string_ref &ref) { double value = ParseExprMul(ref); while (true) { SkipSpaces(ref); if (!ref.empty() && ref[0] == '+') { ref.remove_prefix(1); value += ParseExprMul(ref); } else if (!ref.empty() && ref[0] == '-') { ref.remove_prefix(1); value -= ParseExprMul(ref); } else { break; } } return value; }
double CInfixExpressionCalculator::ParseDouble(boost::string_ref &ref) { SkipSpaces(ref); double value = 0; bool parsedAny = false; while (!ref.empty() && std::isdigit(ref[0])) { parsedAny = true; const int digit = ref[0] - '0'; value = value * 10.0 + double(digit); ref.remove_prefix(1); } if (!parsedAny) { return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN(); } if (ref.empty() || (ref[0] != '.')) { return value; } ref.remove_prefix(1); double factor = 1.0; while (!ref.empty() && std::isdigit(ref[0])) { const int digit = ref[0] - '0'; factor *= 0.1; value += factor * double(digit); ref.remove_prefix(1); } return value; }
void DatabaseImpl::checkSimpleArgumentFor(const boost::string_ref& key, partNum_t partNum) const { RAISE_INVALID_ARGUMENT_IF(key.size() > MAX_KEY_SIZE, "key too long"); RAISE_INVALID_ARGUMENT_IF(key.empty(), "empty key is not allowed"); RAISE_INVALID_ARGUMENT_IF(partNum > MAX_PARTNUM, "partNum is too large"); RAISE_INVALID_ARGUMENT_IF(partNum == ALL_PARTS, "partNum ALL_PARTS is not allowed"); RAISE_INVALID_ARGUMENT_IF(partNum < 0, "negative partNum is not allowed"); }
std::pair<std::string, bool> history::up (const boost::string_ref & current_text) { int next; if (this->realpos == HISTORY_SIZE - 1) { if (this->pos == 0) return std::make_pair(std::string{}, false); } else { if (this->pos == this->realpos + 1) return std::make_pair(std::string{}, false); } next = HISTORY_SIZE - 1; if (this->pos != 0) next = this->pos - 1; if (!this->lines[next].empty()) { if ( !current_text.empty() && this->lines[next] != current_text && (this->lines[this->pos].empty() || current_text != this->lines[this->pos]) && (this->lines[this->realpos].empty() || current_text != this->lines[this->pos]) ) { this->add (current_text); } this->pos = next; return std::make_pair(this->lines[this->pos], true); } return std::make_pair(std::string{}, false); }
bool server::p_raw(const boost::string_ref &raw) { char tbuf[4096]; if (!raw.empty()) { if (raw.size() < sizeof (tbuf) - 3) { auto len = snprintf(tbuf, sizeof(tbuf), "%s\r\n",; if (len < 0) { PrintText(current_sess, _("Unable to send message to server, and error has occurred")); return false; } tcp_send_len(*this, boost::string_ref{ tbuf, static_cast<std::size_t>(len)}); } else { tcp_send_len (*this, raw); tcp_send_len(*this, boost::string_ref{ "\r\n", 2 }); } return true; } return false; }