Example #1
// get a target for the zealot to attack
BWAPI::Unit RangedManager::getTarget(BWAPI::Unit rangedUnit, const BWAPI::Unitset & targets)
	int bestPriorityDistance = 1000000;
	int bestPriority = 0;

	double bestLTD = 0;

	int highPriority = 0;
	double closestDist = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
	BWAPI::Unit closestTarget = nullptr;
	for (const auto & target : targets)
		double distance = rangedUnit->getDistance(target);
		double LTD = UnitUtil::CalculateLTD(target, rangedUnit);
		int priority = getAttackPriority(rangedUnit, target);
		bool targetIsThreat = LTD > 0;

		if (!closestTarget || (priority > highPriority) || (priority == highPriority && distance < closestDist))
			closestDist = distance;
			highPriority = priority;
			closestTarget = target;


	return closestTarget;
Example #2
//get real priority
double MeleeManager::getRealPriority(BWAPI::Unit attacker, BWAPI::Unit target)
	int groundWeaponRange = attacker->getType().groundWeapon().maxRange();
	int distA2T = std::max(0, attacker->getDistance(target) - groundWeaponRange);
	double Health = (((double)target->getHitPoints() + target->getShields()));
	return getAttackPriority(attacker, target)*exp(-distA2T / 5) / (Health + 160);
Example #3
// When the next item in the _queue is a building, this checks to see if we should move to it
// This function is here as it needs to access prodction manager's reserved resources info
void ProductionManager::predictWorkerMovement(const Building & b)
    if (b.isGasSteal)

	// get a possible building location for the building
	if (!_haveLocationForThisBuilding)
		_predictedTilePosition = BuildingManager::Instance().getBuildingLocation(b);

	if (_predictedTilePosition != BWAPI::TilePositions::None)
		_haveLocationForThisBuilding = true;
	// draw a box where the building will be placed
	int x1 = _predictedTilePosition.x * 32;
	int x2 = x1 + (b.type.tileWidth()) * 32;
	int y1 = _predictedTilePosition.y * 32;
	int y2 = y1 + (b.type.tileHeight()) * 32;
	if (Config::Debug::DrawWorkerInfo) 
        BWAPI::Broodwar->drawBoxMap(x1, y1, x2, y2, BWAPI::Colors::Blue, false);

	// where we want the worker to walk to
	BWAPI::Position walkToPosition		= BWAPI::Position(x1 + (b.type.tileWidth()/2)*32, y1 + (b.type.tileHeight()/2)*32);

	// compute how many resources we need to construct this building
	int mineralsRequired				= std::max(0, b.type.mineralPrice() - getFreeMinerals());
	int gasRequired						= std::max(0, b.type.gasPrice() - getFreeGas());

	// get a candidate worker to move to this location
	BWAPI::Unit moveWorker			= WorkerManager::Instance().getMoveWorker(walkToPosition);

	// Conditions under which to move the worker: 
	//		- there's a valid worker to move
	//		- we haven't yet assigned a worker to move to this location
	//		- the build position is valid
	//		- we will have the required resources by the time the worker gets there
	if (moveWorker && _haveLocationForThisBuilding && !_assignedWorkerForThisBuilding && (_predictedTilePosition != BWAPI::TilePositions::None) &&
		WorkerManager::Instance().willHaveResources(mineralsRequired, gasRequired, moveWorker->getDistance(walkToPosition)) )
		// we have assigned a worker
		_assignedWorkerForThisBuilding = true;

		// tell the worker manager to move this worker
		WorkerManager::Instance().setMoveWorker(mineralsRequired, gasRequired, walkToPosition);
// get a target for the zealot to attack
BWAPI::Unit TankManager::getTarget(BWAPI::Unit tank, const BWAPI::Unitset & targets)
	int bestPriorityDistance = 1000000;
    int bestPriority = 0;
    double bestLTD = 0;

	BWAPI::Unit bestTargetThreatInRange = nullptr;
    double bestTargetThreatInRangeLTD = 0;
    int highPriority = 0;
	double closestDist = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
	BWAPI::Unit closestTarget = nullptr;

    int siegeTankRange = BWAPI::UnitTypes::Terran_Siege_Tank_Siege_Mode.groundWeapon().maxRange() - 32;
    BWAPI::Unitset targetsInSiegeRange;
    for (auto & target : targets)
        if (target->getDistance(tank) < siegeTankRange && UnitUtil::CanAttack(tank, target))

    const BWAPI::Unitset & newTargets = targetsInSiegeRange.empty() ? targets : targetsInSiegeRange;

    // check first for units that are in range of our attack that can cause damage
    // choose the highest priority one from them at the lowest health
    for (const auto & target : newTargets)
        if (!UnitUtil::CanAttack(tank, target))

        double distance         = tank->getDistance(target);
        double LTD              = UnitUtil::CalculateLTD(target, tank);
        int priority            = getAttackPriority(tank, target);
        bool targetIsThreat     = LTD > 0;
        BWAPI::Broodwar->drawTextMap(target->getPosition(), "%d", priority);

		if (!closestTarget || (priority > highPriority) || (priority == highPriority && distance < closestDist))
			closestDist = distance;
			highPriority = priority;
			closestTarget = target;

    if (bestTargetThreatInRange)
        return bestTargetThreatInRange;

    return closestTarget;
double InterceptorManager::getRealPriority(BWAPI::Unit attacker, BWAPI::Unit target)
	int groundWeaponRange = attacker->getType().groundWeapon().maxRange();
	int distA2T = std::max(0, attacker->getDistance(target) - groundWeaponRange);
	//Protoss_Interceptor ignore distance
	if (attacker->getType() == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Protoss_Interceptor)
		distA2T = 0;
	double Health = (((double)target->getHitPoints() + target->getShields()));
	return getAttackPriority(attacker, target)*exp(-distA2T / 5) / (Health + 160);
Example #6
bool MicroManager::unitNearChokepoint(BWAPI::Unit unit) const
	for (BWTA::Chokepoint * choke : BWTA::getChokepoints())
		if (unit->getDistance(choke->getCenter()) < 80)
			return true;

	return false;
Example #7
double RangedManager::getRealPriority(BWAPI::Unit attacker, BWAPI::Unit target)
	if (!attacker||!target)
		return 0;
	int groundWeaponRange = attacker->getType().groundWeapon().maxRange();
	double distA2T = std::max(0, attacker->getDistance(target) - groundWeaponRange);
	//Protoss_Interceptor ignore distance
	if (attacker->getType() == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Protoss_Interceptor)
		distA2T = 0;
	double Health = (((double)target->getHitPoints() + target->getShields()));
	if (target->getType().size() == BWAPI::UnitSizeTypes::Small)
		Health *= 2;
	if (target->getType().size() == BWAPI::UnitSizeTypes::Medium)
		Health *= 1.5;
	return getAttackPriority(attacker, target)*exp(-distA2T / 5) / (Health + 160);
int ScoutManager::getClosestVertexIndex(BWAPI::Unit unit)
    int closestIndex = -1;
    double closestDistance = 10000000;

    for (size_t i(0); i < _enemyRegionVertices.size(); ++i)
        double dist = unit->getDistance(_enemyRegionVertices[i]);
        if (dist < closestDistance)
            closestDistance = dist;
            closestIndex = i;

    return closestIndex;
void Micro::MutaDanceTarget(BWAPI::Unit muta, BWAPI::Unit target)
    UAB_ASSERT(muta, "MutaDanceTarget: Muta not valid");
    UAB_ASSERT(target, "MutaDanceTarget: Target not valid");

    if (!muta || !target)

    const int cooldown                  = muta->getType().groundWeapon().damageCooldown();
    const int latency                   = BWAPI::Broodwar->getLatency();
    const double speed                  = muta->getType().topSpeed();
    const double range                  = muta->getType().groundWeapon().maxRange();
    const double distanceToTarget       = muta->getDistance(target);
	const double distanceToFiringRange  = std::max(distanceToTarget - range,0.0);
	const double timeToEnterFiringRange = distanceToFiringRange / speed;
	const int framesToAttack            = static_cast<int>(timeToEnterFiringRange) + 2*latency;

	// How many frames are left before we can attack?
	const int currentCooldown = muta->isStartingAttack() ? cooldown : muta->getGroundWeaponCooldown();

	BWAPI::Position fleeVector = GetKiteVector(target, muta);
	BWAPI::Position moveToPosition(muta->getPosition() + fleeVector);

	// If we can attack by the time we reach our firing range
	if(currentCooldown <= framesToAttack)
		// Move towards and attack the target
	else // Otherwise we cannot attack and should temporarily back off
		// Determine direction to flee
		// Determine point to flee to
		if (moveToPosition.isValid()) 
// get the attack priority of a type in relation to a zergling
int LurkerManager::getAttackPriority(BWAPI::Unit LurkerUnit, BWAPI::Unit target)
	BWAPI::UnitType LurkerType = LurkerUnit->getType();
	BWAPI::UnitType targetType = target->getType();

	bool isThreat = LurkerType.isFlyer() ? targetType.airWeapon() != BWAPI::WeaponTypes::None : targetType.groundWeapon() != BWAPI::WeaponTypes::None;

	if (target->getType().isWorker())
		isThreat = false;

	if (target->getType() == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Larva || target->getType() == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Egg)
		return 0;

	// if the target is building something near our base something is fishy
	BWAPI::Position ourBasePosition = BWAPI::Position(BWAPI::Broodwar->self()->getStartLocation());
	if (target->getType().isWorker() && (target->isConstructing() || target->isRepairing()) && target->getDistance(ourBasePosition) < 1200)
		return 100;

	if (target->getType().isBuilding() && (target->isCompleted() || target->isBeingConstructed()) && target->getDistance(ourBasePosition) < 1200)
		return 90;

	// highest priority is something that can attack us or aid in combat
	if (targetType == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Terran_Bunker || isThreat)
		return 11;
	// next priority is worker
	else if (targetType.isWorker())
		return 11;
	// next is special buildings
	else if (targetType == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Protoss_Pylon)
		return 5;
	// next is buildings that cost gas
	else if (targetType.gasPrice() > 0)
		return 4;
	else if (targetType.mineralPrice() > 0)
		return 3;
	// then everything else
		return 50;
Example #11
int InterceptorManager::getPriorityDefault(BWAPI::Unit rangedUnit, BWAPI::Unit target)
	BWAPI::UnitType rangedType = rangedUnit->getType();
	BWAPI::UnitType targetType = target->getType();

	if (target->getType() == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Protoss_Photon_Cannon 
	 || target->getType() == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Sunken_Colony)
		return 8;
	if (rangedUnit->getType() == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Scourge)
		if (target->getType() == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Protoss_Carrier)

			return 100;

		if (target->getType() == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Protoss_Corsair)
			return 90;

	bool isThreat = rangedType.isFlyer() ? targetType.airWeapon() != BWAPI::WeaponTypes::None : targetType.groundWeapon() != BWAPI::WeaponTypes::None;

	if (target->getType().isWorker())
		isThreat = false;

	if (target->getType() == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Larva || target->getType() == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Egg)
		return 0;

	if (rangedUnit->isFlying() && target->getType() == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Protoss_Carrier)
		return 101;

	// if the target is building something near our base something is fishy
	BWAPI::Position ourBasePosition = BWAPI::Position(BWAPI::Broodwar->self()->getStartLocation());
	if (target->getType().isWorker() && (target->isConstructing() || target->isRepairing()) && target->getDistance(ourBasePosition) < 1200)
		return 100;

	if (target->getType().isBuilding() && (target->isCompleted() || target->isBeingConstructed()) && target->getDistance(ourBasePosition) < 1200)
		return 90;

	// highest priority is something that can attack us or aid in combat
	if (targetType == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Terran_Bunker || isThreat)
		return 11;
	// next priority is worker
	else if (targetType.isWorker())
		if (rangedUnit->getType() == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Terran_Vulture)
			return 11;

		return 11;
	// next is special buildings
	else if (targetType == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Spawning_Pool)
		return 5;
	// next is special buildings
	else if (targetType == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Protoss_Pylon)
		return 5;
	// next is buildings that cost gas
	else if (targetType.gasPrice() > 0)
		return 4;
	else if (targetType.mineralPrice() > 0)
		return 3;
	// then everything else
		return 1;
void Micro::SmartKiteTarget(BWAPI::Unit rangedUnit, BWAPI::Unit target)
    UAB_ASSERT(rangedUnit, "SmartKiteTarget: Unit not valid");
    UAB_ASSERT(target, "SmartKiteTarget: Target not valid");

    if (!rangedUnit || !target)

	double range(rangedUnit->getType().groundWeapon().maxRange());
	if (rangedUnit->getType() == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Protoss_Dragoon && BWAPI::Broodwar->self()->getUpgradeLevel(BWAPI::UpgradeTypes::Singularity_Charge))
		range = 6*32;

	// determine whether the target can be kited
    bool kiteLonger = Config::Micro::KiteLongerRangedUnits.find(rangedUnit->getType()) != Config::Micro::KiteLongerRangedUnits.end();
	if (!kiteLonger && (range <= target->getType().groundWeapon().maxRange()))
		//if we can't kite it, there's no point
		Micro::SmartAttackUnit(rangedUnit, target);

	bool    kite(true);
	double  dist(rangedUnit->getDistance(target));
	double  speed(rangedUnit->getType().topSpeed());

    // if the unit can't attack back don't kite
    if ((rangedUnit->isFlying() && !UnitUtil::CanAttackAir(target)) || (!rangedUnit->isFlying() && !UnitUtil::CanAttackGround(target)))
        kite = false;

	double timeToEnter = std::max(0.0,(dist - range) / speed);
	if ((timeToEnter >= rangedUnit->getGroundWeaponCooldown()))
		kite = false;

	if (target->getType().isBuilding())
		kite = false;

	// if we can't shoot, run away
	if (kite)
		BWAPI::Position fleePosition(rangedUnit->getPosition() - target->getPosition() + rangedUnit->getPosition());
		BWAPI::Broodwar->drawLineMap(rangedUnit->getPosition(), fleePosition, BWAPI::Colors::Cyan);
		Micro::SmartMove(rangedUnit, fleePosition);
	// otherwise shoot
		//BWAPI::Broodwar->printf("Not kite");
		Micro::SmartAttackUnit(rangedUnit, target);
Example #13
void ProductionManager::buildBunker() {
	BWAPI::Position base = BWAPI::Position(BWAPI::Broodwar->self()->getStartLocation());
	BWTA::Chokepoint *entrance = BWTA::getNearestChokepoint(base); 
	MetaType bunker = MetaType(BWAPI::UnitTypes::Terran_Bunker);
	BWAPI::Unit producer = ProductionManager::Instance().getProducer(bunker, entrance->getCenter());

	int numBarracks = BWAPI::Broodwar->self()->allUnitCount(BWAPI::UnitTypes::Terran_Barracks);
	bool canMake = canMakeNow(producer, bunker);

	Building b(bunker.getUnitType(), BWAPI::TilePosition(entrance->getCenter()));
	b.isGasSteal = false;

	// set the producer as the closest worker, but do not set its job yet
	producer = WorkerManager::Instance().getBuilder(b, false);
	// get a possible building location for the building
	if (!_haveLocationForThisBuilding)
		_predictedTilePosition = BuildingManager::Instance().getBuildingLocation(b);

	if (_predictedTilePosition != BWAPI::TilePositions::None)
		_haveLocationForThisBuilding = true;

	if (producer && canMake && (numBarracks > 0))
		// create it
		create(producer, BuildOrderItem(bunker, 1, true));
		_assignedWorkerForThisBuilding = false;
		_haveLocationForThisBuilding = false;

		// draw a box where the building will be placed
		int x1 = _predictedTilePosition.x * 32;
		int x2 = x1 + (b.type.tileWidth()) * 32;
		int y1 = _predictedTilePosition.y * 32;
		int y2 = y1 + (b.type.tileHeight()) * 32;
		if (Config::Debug::DrawWorkerInfo)
			BWAPI::Broodwar->drawBoxMap(x1, y1, x2, y2, BWAPI::Colors::Blue, false);

		// where we want the worker to walk to
		BWAPI::Position walkToPosition = BWAPI::Position(x1 + (b.type.tileWidth() / 2) * 32, y1 + (b.type.tileHeight() / 2) * 32);

		// compute how many resources we need to construct this building
		int mineralsRequired = std::max(0, b.type.mineralPrice() - getFreeMinerals());
		int gasRequired = std::max(0, b.type.gasPrice() - getFreeGas());

		// get a candidate worker to move to this location
		BWAPI::Unit moveWorker = WorkerManager::Instance().getMoveWorker(walkToPosition);

		// Conditions under which to move the worker: 
		//		- there's a valid worker to move
		//		- we haven't yet assigned a worker to move to this location
		//		- the build position is valid
		//		- we will have the required resources by the time the worker gets there
		if (moveWorker && _haveLocationForThisBuilding && !_assignedWorkerForThisBuilding && (_predictedTilePosition != BWAPI::TilePositions::None) &&
			WorkerManager::Instance().willHaveResources(mineralsRequired, gasRequired, moveWorker->getDistance(walkToPosition)))
			// we have assigned a worker
			_assignedWorkerForThisBuilding = true;

			// tell the worker manager to move this worker
			WorkerManager::Instance().setMoveWorker(mineralsRequired, gasRequired, walkToPosition);