Example #1
// still has bug in it somewhere, use Old version
void RangedManager::assignTargetsNew(const BWAPI::Unitset & targets)
	const BWAPI::Unitset & rangedUnits = getUnits();

	// figure out targets
	BWAPI::Unitset rangedUnitTargets;
	std::copy_if(targets.begin(), targets.end(), std::inserter(rangedUnitTargets, rangedUnitTargets.end()), [](BWAPI::Unit u){ return u->isVisible(); });

	BWAPI::Unitset rangedUnitsToAssign(rangedUnits);
	std::map<BWAPI::Unit, int> attackersAssigned;

	for (auto & unit : rangedUnitTargets)
		attackersAssigned[unit] = 0;

	// keep assigning targets while we have attackers and targets remaining
	while (!rangedUnitsToAssign.empty() && !rangedUnitTargets.empty())
		auto attackerAssignment = findClosestUnitPair(rangedUnitsToAssign, rangedUnitTargets);
		BWAPI::Unit & attacker = attackerAssignment.first;
		BWAPI::Unit & target = attackerAssignment.second;

		UAB_ASSERT_WARNING(attacker, "We should have chosen an attacker!");

		if (!attacker)

		if (!target)
			Micro::SmartAttackMove(attacker, order.getPosition());

		if (Config::Micro::KiteWithRangedUnits)
			if (attacker->getType() == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Mutalisk || attacker->getType() == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Terran_Vulture)
				Micro::SmartAttackUnit(attacker, target);
				//Micro::MutaDanceTarget(attacker, target);
			Micro::SmartAttackUnit(attacker, target);

		// update the number of units assigned to attack the target we found
		int & assigned = attackersAssigned[attackerAssignment.second];

		// if it's a small / fast unit and there's more than 2 things attacking it already, don't assign more
		if ((target->getType().isWorker() || target->getType() == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Zergling) && (assigned > 2))
		// if it's a building and there's more than 10 things assigned to it already, don't assign more
		else if (target->getType().isBuilding() && (assigned > 10))


	// if there's no targets left, attack move to the order destination
	if (rangedUnitTargets.empty())
		for (auto & unit : rangedUnitsToAssign)
			if (unit->getDistance(order.getPosition()) > 100)
				// move to it
				Micro::SmartAttackMove(unit, order.getPosition());
Example #2
std::unordered_map<BWAPI::Unit, BWAPI::Unit> RangedManager::assignEnemy(const BWAPI::Unitset &meleeUnits, BWAPI::Unitset & meleeUnitTargets)
	std::unordered_map<BWAPI::Unit, BWAPI::Unit> attacker2target;
	std::vector<PairEdge> edges(meleeUnits.size()*meleeUnitTargets.size());
	int top = 0;
	for (auto &attacker : meleeUnits)
		for (auto &target : meleeUnitTargets)
			if (!target)
			edges[top].attacker = attacker;
			edges[top].target = target;
			int groundWeaponRange = attacker->getType().groundWeapon().maxRange();
			edges[top++].distance = -getRealPriority(attacker, target);
	sort(edges.begin(), edges.end());
	sort(edges.begin(), edges.end(), [](PairEdge a, PairEdge b)
		return a.target->getID() <b.target->getID();
	PairEdge dummy;
	dummy.target = nullptr;
	BWAPI::Unit p = nullptr;
	int sum = 0;
	for (auto idx = edges.begin(); idx!=edges.end(); idx++)
		if (!idx->target)
		double Health = (((double)idx->target->getHitPoints() + idx->target->getShields()));
		if (idx->target->getType().size() == BWAPI::UnitSizeTypes::Small)
			Health *= 2;
		if (idx->target->getType().size() == BWAPI::UnitSizeTypes::Medium)
			Health *= 1.5;
		if (p != idx->target)
			sum = 0;
			p = idx->target;			
			//assign at most 7 units attack
			//BWAPI::Broodwar <<( idx->target->getHitPoints()+idx->target->getShields()) / idx->attacker->getType().groundWeapon().damageAmount() << std::endl;
			if (sum>std::min(8, 1+(int)(Health / idx->attacker->getType().groundWeapon().damageAmount())))
				idx->attacker = nullptr;
				if (meleeUnitTargets.find(idx->target) != meleeUnitTargets.end())
	int t = 0;
	for (bool halt=false; halt == false; halt = true)
		halt= true;
		auto tmpRangeStart = edges.begin();
		auto maxRangeStart = tmpRangeStart, maxRangeEnd = tmpRangeStart;
		double tmpsum = 0, tmpres = INT_MIN;
		for (auto idx = edges.begin(); idx->target != nullptr; idx++)
			if (attacker2target.find(idx->attacker) != attacker2target.end())
			if (idx->target != (idx + 1)->target)
				if (tmpsum > tmpres)
					tmpres = tmpsum;
					maxRangeStart = tmpRangeStart;
					maxRangeEnd = idx + 1;
				tmpsum = 0;
				tmpRangeStart = idx + 1;
				tmpsum += getRealPriority(idx->attacker, idx->target);
		for (auto kdx = maxRangeStart; kdx < maxRangeEnd; kdx++)
			if (attacker2target.find(kdx->attacker) != attacker2target.end())
			attacker2target[kdx->attacker] = kdx->target;
			halt = false;
	return attacker2target;
Example #3
void RangedManager::assignTargetsOld(const BWAPI::Unitset & targets)
	const BWAPI::Unitset & rangedUnits = getUnits();

	// figure out targets
	BWAPI::Unitset rangedUnitTargets;
	for (auto & target : targets)
		// conditions for targeting
		if (!(target->getType() == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Larva) &&
			!(target->getType() == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Egg) &&
			!(target->getType() == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Buildings) &&
			(target->isTargetable()) &&
			target->isVisible() &&
			target->getType() != BWAPI::UnitTypes::Resource_Vespene_Geyser)
	auto attacker2target = assignEnemy(rangedUnits, rangedUnitTargets);
	BWAPI::Position shome = BWAPI::Position(BWTA::getStartLocation(BWAPI::Broodwar->self())->getPosition());

	BWAPI::Unitset _rangedUnits = rangedUnits;
	auto _rangedUnitTargets = rangedUnitTargets;
	int maxChoices = rangedUnits.size() / 3 + 1, i = 0;

	std::map<BWAPI::Unit, std::pair<BWAPI::Unit, BWAPI::Unit> > dodgeUnits;
	BWAPI::Unitset threatens;
	for (BWAPI::Unit threatenClosest = NULL, unitClosetEnemy = NULL;;)
		if (i++ > maxChoices)
		double dist = BWAPI::Broodwar->self()->getUpgradeLevel(BWAPI::UpgradeTypes::Singularity_Charge)?96:96;
		double enerange = BWAPI::Broodwar->self()->getUpgradeLevel(BWAPI::UpgradeTypes::Singularity_Charge) ? 80 : 80;
		for (auto & rangedUnit : _rangedUnits)
			for (auto target : _rangedUnitTargets)
				if (target->getType().isWorker() || (target->getType().isBuilding()))
				if (target->getType().groundWeapon().maxRange() <= enerange)
					if (rangedUnit->getDistance(target) < dist)
						threatenClosest = target;
						unitClosetEnemy = rangedUnit;
						dist = rangedUnit->getDistance(target);
		if (threatenClosest != NULL)
			BWAPI::Broodwar->drawCircleMap(threatenClosest->getPosition(), 2, BWAPI::Colors::Red, true);
			auto vec1 = unitClosetEnemy->getPosition() - threatenClosest->getPosition();
			dodgeUnits[unitClosetEnemy] = std::make_pair(unitClosetEnemy, threatenClosest);
			auto __rangedUnits = rangedUnits;
			for (auto rangedUnit:__rangedUnits)
				if (rangedUnit->getDistance(unitClosetEnemy) > unitClosetEnemy->getDistance(threatenClosest)+64)
				auto vec2 = rangedUnit->getPosition() - threatenClosest->getPosition();
				int judge = (vec1.x*vec2.x + vec1.y*vec2.y)*(vec1.x*vec2.x + vec1.y*vec2.y);
				if (judge * 6 > (vec1.x*vec1.x + vec1.y*vec1.y)*(vec2.x*vec2.x + vec2.y*vec2.y) * 5)
					dodgeUnits[rangedUnit] = std::make_pair(unitClosetEnemy, threatenClosest);
	BWAPI::Unitset withoutBuildingsAndWorkers = rangedUnitTargets;
	auto _withoutBuildingsAndWorkers = withoutBuildingsAndWorkers;
	for (auto target : _withoutBuildingsAndWorkers)
	if (target->getType().isBuilding() || target->getType().isWorker())
	for (auto & rangedUnit : rangedUnits)
		// train sub units such as scarabs or interceptors
		// if the order is to attack or defend
		int chokeZealot = 0;
		for (const auto & zealot : BWAPI::Broodwar->self()->getUnits())
			// trivial case: unit which exists matches the type
			if (zealot->getType() != BWAPI::UnitTypes::Protoss_Zealot)
			if (zealot->isCompleted() == false)
			auto ckpt = BWTA::getNearestChokepoint(zealot->getPosition());
			if (zealot->getDistance(rangedUnit->getPosition()) < 300)
				if (ckpt && ckpt->getWidth()<256 && ckpt->getCenter().getDistance(zealot->getPosition()) < 128)
					chokeZealot += 3;
					chokeZealot += 1;

		bool danceMode;
		if (order.getType() == SquadOrderTypes::Defend)
			danceMode = chokeZealot < 3 && rangedUnits.size()<20;
			danceMode = chokeZealot < 3 && rangedUnits.size()<20;

		if (order.getType() == SquadOrderTypes::Attack || order.getType() == SquadOrderTypes::Defend)

			// if there are targets
			if (!rangedUnitTargets.empty())
				// find the best target for this zealot
				auto targetIdx = attacker2target.find(rangedUnit);
				BWAPI::Unit target = targetIdx == attacker2target.end() ? getTarget(rangedUnit, rangedUnitTargets) : targetIdx->second;
				// attack it				
				if (dodgeUnits.find(rangedUnit) == dodgeUnits.end())
					Micro::SmartAttackUnit(rangedUnit, target);
					if (danceMode)
						Micro::SmartKiteTarget(rangedUnit, target, dodgeUnits[rangedUnit].second, withoutBuildingsAndWorkers);
						Micro::SmartAttackUnit(rangedUnit, target);
					//BWAPI::Broodwar->sendText("%s", "old kite");
					//Micro::SmartKiteTarget(rangedUnit, dodgeUnits[rangedUnit].second);

			// if there are no targets
				Micro::SmartAttackMove(rangedUnit, order.getPosition());
Example #4
void CombatCommander::updateDefenseSquads() 
	if (_combatUnits.empty() || BWAPI::Broodwar->self()->allUnitCount(BWAPI::UnitTypes::Terran_Science_Vessel) == 1)
    BWTA::BaseLocation * enemyBaseLocation = InformationManager::Instance().getMainBaseLocation(BWAPI::Broodwar->enemy());
    BWTA::Region * enemyRegion = nullptr;
    if (enemyBaseLocation)
        enemyRegion = BWTA::getRegion(enemyBaseLocation->getPosition());

	// for each of our occupied regions
	for (BWTA::Region * myRegion : InformationManager::Instance().getOccupiedRegions(BWAPI::Broodwar->self()))
        // don't defend inside the enemy region, this will end badly when we are stealing gas
        if (myRegion == enemyRegion)

		BWAPI::Position regionCenter = myRegion->getCenter();
		if (!regionCenter.isValid())

		// start off assuming all enemy units in region are just workers
		int numDefendersPerEnemyUnit = 2;

		// all of the enemy units in this region
		BWAPI::Unitset enemyUnitsInRegion;
        for (auto & unit : BWAPI::Broodwar->enemy()->getUnits())
            // if it's an overlord, don't worry about it for defense, we don't care what they see
            if (unit->getType() == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Overlord)

            if (BWTA::getRegion(BWAPI::TilePosition(unit->getPosition())) == myRegion)

        // we can ignore the first enemy worker in our region since we assume it is a scout
        for (auto & unit : enemyUnitsInRegion)
            if (unit->getType().isWorker())

        int numEnemyFlyingInRegion = std::count_if(enemyUnitsInRegion.begin(), enemyUnitsInRegion.end(), [](BWAPI::Unit u) { return u->isFlying(); });
        int numEnemyGroundInRegion = std::count_if(enemyUnitsInRegion.begin(), enemyUnitsInRegion.end(), [](BWAPI::Unit u) { return !u->isFlying(); });

        std::stringstream squadName;
        squadName << "Base Defense " << regionCenter.x << " " << regionCenter.y; 
        // if there's nothing in this region to worry about
        if (enemyUnitsInRegion.empty())
            // if a defense squad for this region exists, remove it
            if (_squadData.squadExists(squadName.str()))
            // and return, nothing to defend here
            // if we don't have a squad assigned to this region already, create one
            if (!_squadData.squadExists(squadName.str()))
                SquadOrder defendRegion(SquadOrderTypes::Defend, regionCenter, 32 * 25, "Defend Region!");
                _squadData.addSquad(squadName.str(), Squad(squadName.str(), defendRegion, BaseDefensePriority));

        // assign units to the squad
        if (_squadData.squadExists(squadName.str()))
            Squad & defenseSquad = _squadData.getSquad(squadName.str());

            // figure out how many units we need on defense
	        int flyingDefendersNeeded = numDefendersPerEnemyUnit * numEnemyFlyingInRegion;
	        int groundDefensersNeeded = numDefendersPerEnemyUnit * numEnemyGroundInRegion;

            updateDefenseSquadUnits(defenseSquad, flyingDefendersNeeded, groundDefensersNeeded);
            UAB_ASSERT_WARNING(false, "Squad should have existed: %s", squadName.str().c_str());

    // for each of our defense squads, if there aren't any enemy units near the position, remove the squad
    std::set<std::string> uselessDefenseSquads;
    for (const auto & kv : _squadData.getSquads())
        const Squad & squad = kv.second;
        const SquadOrder & order = squad.getSquadOrder();

        if (order.getType() != SquadOrderTypes::Defend)

        bool enemyUnitInRange = false;
        for (auto & unit : BWAPI::Broodwar->enemy()->getUnits())
            if (unit->getPosition().getDistance(order.getPosition()) < order.getRadius())
                enemyUnitInRange = true;

        if (!enemyUnitInRange)
Example #5
//dist is distance between middle unit and target gravity center, interval is length of arc between two units
bool MicroManager::formSquad(const BWAPI::Unitset & targets, int dist, int radius, double angle, int interval)
	const BWAPI::Unitset & meleeUnits = getUnits();
	bool attacked = false;
	BWAPI::Position tpos = targets.getPosition();
	BWAPI::Position mpos = meleeUnits.getPosition();

	//do not from squad when fighting or close to enemy
	for (auto & unit : meleeUnits){
		if (unit->isUnderAttack() || unit->isAttackFrame() || targets.size() == 0|| unit->getDistance(tpos) < 80)
			attacked = true;
	if (attacked) {
		BWAPI::Broodwar->drawTextScreen(200, 340, "%s", "Attacked or No targets, Stop Formation");
		return false;
	//if there is a building near the unit, do not form
	for (auto & target : targets){
		auto type = target->getType();
		if (type.isBuilding()){
			return false;
	//Formation is set false by Squad for 5 seconds after formation finished once
	if (!getFormation()){
		BWAPI::Broodwar->drawTextScreen(200, 340, "%s", "Finished Formation");
		return false;
	//BWAPI::Broodwar->drawTextScreen(200, 340, "%s", "Forming");

	const double PI = 3.14159265;

	double ang = angle / 180 * PI;

	//the angle of mid_point on arc
	double m_ang = atan2(mpos.y - tpos.y, mpos.x - tpos.x);
	//circle center
	int cx = (int)(tpos.x - (radius-dist) * cos(m_ang));
	int cy = (int)(tpos.y - (radius-dist) * sin(m_ang));
	BWAPI::Position c;
	c.x = cx; c.y = cy;
	//mid_point on arc
	BWAPI::Position m;
	m.x = (int)(cx + radius*cos(m_ang));
	m.y = (int)(cy + radius*sin(m_ang));
	BWAPI::Broodwar->drawLineMap(c, m, BWAPI::Colors::Yellow);

	BWAPI::Unitset unassigned;
	for (auto & unit : meleeUnits){

	//move every positions on the arc to the closest unit
	BWAPI::Position tmp;
	int try_time = 0;
	int r = radius;
	int total_dest_dist = 0;
	int num_assigned = 0;

	while (unassigned.size() > 0 && try_time < 5){
		double ang_interval = interval * 1.0 / r;
		double final_ang;
		int num_to_assign;
		int max_units = (int)(ang / ang_interval) + 1;
		if (unassigned.size() < (unsigned)max_units){
			num_to_assign = unassigned.size();
			final_ang = ang_interval * num_to_assign;
		else {
			num_to_assign = max_units;
			final_ang = ang;
		for (int i = 0; i < num_to_assign; i++) {
			//assign from two ends to middle
			double a = m_ang + pow(-1, i % 2)*(final_ang / 2 - (i / 2)*ang_interval);
			int min_dist = MAXINT;
			BWAPI::Unit closest_unit = nullptr;
			tmp.x = (int)(cx + r * cos(a));
			tmp.y = (int)(cy + r * sin(a));
			for (auto & unit : unassigned){
				int d = unit->getDistance(tmp);
				if (d < min_dist){
					min_dist = d;
					closest_unit = unit;
			//if it's a unit far away from fight, do not assign it to a position
			if (closest_unit && min_dist > 300){
			if (tmp.isValid() && closest_unit){
				BWAPI::Broodwar->drawLineMap(closest_unit->getPosition(), tmp, BWAPI::Colors::Red);
				Micro::SmartMove(closest_unit, tmp);
				//find the total distance between unit and destination
				total_dest_dist += min_dist;
		r += 40;

	//if max destination distance less than 32, means forming has been finished
	if (num_assigned > 0 && total_dest_dist / num_assigned <= 32){
		return true;
	else {
		BWAPI::Broodwar->drawTextScreen(200, 340, "%s", "Forming");
		return false;
Example #6
// still has bug in it somewhere, use Old version
void MeleeManager::assignTargetsNew(const BWAPI::Unitset & targets)
    const BWAPI::Unitset & meleeUnits = getUnits();
	// figure out targets
	BWAPI::Unitset meleeUnitTargets;
	for (auto & target : targets) 
		// conditions for targeting
		if (!(target->getType().isFlyer()) && 
			!(target->isLifted()) &&
			!(target->getType() == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Larva) && 
			!(target->getType() == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Egg) &&

    BWAPI::Unitset meleeUnitsToAssign(meleeUnits);
    std::map<BWAPI::Unit, int> attackersAssigned;

    for (auto & unit : meleeUnitTargets)
        attackersAssigned[unit] = 0;

    int smallThreshold = BWAPI::Broodwar->self()->getRace() == BWAPI::Races::Zerg ? 3 : 1;
    int bigThreshold = BWAPI::Broodwar->self()->getRace() == BWAPI::Races::Zerg ? 12 : 3;

    // keep assigning targets while we have attackers and targets remaining
    while (!meleeUnitsToAssign.empty() && !meleeUnitTargets.empty())
        auto attackerAssignment = findClosestUnitPair(meleeUnitsToAssign, meleeUnitTargets);
        BWAPI::Unit & attacker = attackerAssignment.first;
        BWAPI::Unit & target = attackerAssignment.second;

        UAB_ASSERT_WARNING(attacker, "We should have chosen an attacker!");

        if (!attacker)

        if (!target)
            Micro::SmartMove(attacker, order.getPosition());

        Micro::SmartAttackUnit(attacker, target);

        // update the number of units assigned to attack the target we found
        int & assigned = attackersAssigned[attackerAssignment.second];

        // if it's a small / fast unit and there's more than 2 things attacking it already, don't assign more
        if ((target->getType().isWorker() || target->getType() == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Zergling) && (assigned >= smallThreshold))
        // if it's a building and there's more than 10 things assigned to it already, don't assign more
        else if (assigned > bigThreshold)


    // if there's no targets left, attack move to the order destination
    if (meleeUnitTargets.empty())
        for (auto & unit : meleeUnitsToAssign)    
			if (unit->getDistance(order.getPosition()) > 100)
				// move to it
				Micro::SmartMove(unit, order.getPosition());
                BWAPI::Broodwar->drawLineMap(unit->getPosition(), order.getPosition(), BWAPI::Colors::Yellow);