Example #1
    void run()

        quit = false;

        CL_DisplayWindowDescription window_desc;
        window_desc.set_size(CL_Size(sizex, sizey), true);
        CL_DisplayWindow window(window_desc);

        CL_Slot slot_quit = window.sig_window_close().connect(this, &SpritesExample::on_window_close);
        window.func_window_resize().set(this, &SpritesExample::resize);

        CL_GraphicContext gc = window.get_gc();
        CL_InputDevice keyboard = window.get_ic().get_keyboard();

        CL_ResourceManager resources("resources.xml");

        CL_Image lol(gc,"Board",&resources);

        CEGUI::OpenGLRenderer & myRenderer = CEGUI::OpenGLRenderer::bootstrapSystem();

        CEGUI::WindowManager& winMgr = CEGUI::WindowManager::getSingleton();

        CEGUI::DefaultWindow* root = (CEGUI::DefaultWindow*)winMgr.createWindow("DefaultWindow", "Root");

        CEGUI::System::getSingleton().setDefaultMouseCursor("TaharezLook", "MouseArrow");

        CEGUI::FrameWindow* wnd = (CEGUI::FrameWindow*)winMgr.createWindow("TaharezLook/FrameWindow", "Demo Window");


        wnd->setPosition(CEGUI::UVector2(cegui_reldim(0.25f), cegui_reldim( 0.25f)));
        wnd->setSize(CEGUI::UVector2(cegui_reldim(0.5f), cegui_reldim( 0.5f)));

        // now we set the maximum and minum sizes for the new window.  These are
        // specified using relative co-ordinates, but the important thing to note
        // is that these settings are aways relative to the display rather than the
        // parent window.
        // here we set a maximum size for the FrameWindow which is equal to the size
        // of the display, and a minimum size of one tenth of the display.
        wnd->setMaxSize(CEGUI::UVector2(cegui_reldim(1.0f), cegui_reldim( 1.0f)));
        wnd->setMinSize(CEGUI::UVector2(cegui_reldim(0.1f), cegui_reldim( 0.1f)));

        // As a final step in the initialisation of our sample window, we set the window's
        // text to "Hello World!", so that this text will appear as the caption in the
        // FrameWindow's titlebar.
        wnd->setText("Hello World!");

        while (!quit)
            if(keyboard.get_keycode(CL_KEY_ESCAPE) == true)
                quit = true;

            CL_Colorf red(155/255.0f, 60/255.0f, 68/255.0f);
            //CL_Draw::fill(gc, CL_Rectf(0, sizey, sizex, 0), red);

Example #2
Sample specific initialisation goes here.
bool EffectsDemo::initialise(CEGUI::GUIContext* guiContext)
    using namespace CEGUI;

    d_usedFiles = CEGUI::String(__FILE__);
    d_guiContext = guiContext;

    // Register our effects with the system

    // Now we make a Falagard mapping for a frame window that uses this effect.
    // We create a type "Vanilla/WobblyFrameWindow".  Note that it would be
    // more usual for this mapping to be specified in the scheme xml file,
    // though here we are doing in manually to save from needing either multiple
    // versions of the schemes or from having demo specific definitions in
    // the schemes.
        "Vanilla/WobblyFrameWindow",    // type to create
        "CEGUI/FrameWindow",            // 'base' widget type
        "Vanilla/FrameWindow",          // WidgetLook to use.
        "Core/FrameWindow",             // WindowRenderer to use.
        s_effectNameWobblyNew);         // effect to use.

    // Since we want to be able to load the EffectsDemo.layout in the editor
    // tools (where the above mapping is not available), we now alias the
    // new window type onto the original TaharezLook/FrameWindow.  This has
    // the effect that - after the alias is added - any time a window of
    // type "TaharezLook/FrameWindow" is requested, the system will create a
    // "TaharezLook/WobblyFrameWindow" instead.

        "Vanilla/FrameWindow",  // alias name - can shadow existing types
        "Vanilla/WobblyFrameWindow"); // target type to create.

    // we will use of the WindowManager.
    WindowManager& winMgr = WindowManager::getSingleton();

    // load scheme and set up defaults

    // load font and setup default if not loaded via scheme
    Font& defaultFont = FontManager::getSingleton().createFromFile("DejaVuSans-12.font");
    // Set default font for the gui context

    // load an image to use as a background
    if( !ImageManager::getSingleton().isDefined("SpaceBackgroundImage") )
        ImageManager::getSingleton().addFromImageFile("SpaceBackgroundImage", "SpaceBackground.jpg");

    if( !ImageManager::getSingleton().isDefined("AliasingTestImage") )
        ImageManager::getSingleton().addFromImageFile("AliasingTestImage", "Aliasing.jpg");

    // here we will use a StaticImage as the root, then we can use it to place a background image
    Window* background = winMgr.createWindow("TaharezLook/StaticImage", "background_wnd");
    // set position and size
    background->setPosition(UVector2(cegui_reldim(0), cegui_reldim( 0)));
    background->setSize(USize(cegui_reldim(1), cegui_reldim( 1)));
    // disable frame and standard background
    background->setProperty("FrameEnabled", "false");
    background->setProperty("BackgroundEnabled", "false");
    // set the background image
    background->setProperty("Image", "SpaceBackgroundImage");
    // set the background window as the root window for our GUIContext

    // load the windows for the EffectsDemo from the layout file.
    Window* sheet = winMgr.loadLayoutFromFile("EffectsDemo.layout");
    // Get the combobox created from within the layout
    CEGUI::Combobox* effectsCombobox = static_cast<CEGUI::Combobox*>(sheet->getChild("EffectsFrameWindow/EffectsCombobox"));

    // attach this to the 'real' root
    //Initialise the render effects

    // Initialise the items and subscribe the event for the combobox
    // We can switch the automatic effects mapping off now
        "Vanilla/FrameWindow",  // alias name - can shadow existing types
        "Vanilla/WobblyFrameWindow"); // target type to create.

    // We create a mapping for the elastic windows effect too,
    // and we will apply it to a window we create from code
        "Vanilla/ElasticFrameWindow",   // type to create
        "CEGUI/FrameWindow",            // 'base' widget type
        "Vanilla/FrameWindow",          // WidgetLook to use.
        "Core/FrameWindow",             // WindowRenderer to use.
        s_effectNameElastic);    // effect to use.

    // We will create another window using the effects-mapping we created before, this time directly from code
    CEGUI::FrameWindow* aliasingFrameWnd = static_cast<CEGUI::FrameWindow*>(
        WindowManager::getSingleton().createWindow("Vanilla/ElasticFrameWindow", "AliasingTestWindow") );

    // Add it to the layout root

    // We will add an image to it using a StaticImage window
    Window* aliasingWnd = WindowManager::getSingleton().createWindow("Vanilla/StaticImage", "AliasingTestImage");
    aliasingFrameWnd->setPosition(CEGUI::UVector2(cegui_reldim(0.05f), cegui_reldim(0.15f)));
    aliasingFrameWnd->setSize(CEGUI::USize(cegui_reldim(0.2f), cegui_reldim(0.28f)));
    aliasingFrameWnd->setText("Elastic Window - Aliasing Testimage");

    // Image window setup
    aliasingWnd->setSize(CEGUI::USize(cegui_reldim(1.0f), cegui_reldim(1.0f)));
    aliasingWnd->setProperty("FrameEnabled", "false");
    aliasingWnd->setProperty("BackgroundEnabled", "false");
    aliasingWnd->setProperty("Image", "AliasingTestImage");

    // success!
    return true;