bool TabNavigation::OnEventKeyDown(const CEGUI::EventArgs& e) { const CEGUI::KeyEventArgs& args = static_cast<const CEGUI::KeyEventArgs&>(e); if (args.scancode == CEGUI::Key::Tab) // Tab or Shift+Tab { WidgetList::iterator itCurrent = Containers::find(mTabOrder.begin(), mTabOrder.end(), args.window); OC_ASSERT(itCurrent != mTabOrder.end()); WidgetList::iterator itFocus = itCurrent; CEGUI::Window* newWidget = 0; do { if (args.sysKeys & CEGUI::Shift) { // Set previous if (itFocus == mTabOrder.begin()) itFocus = mTabOrder.end(); --itFocus; } else { // Set next ++itFocus; if (itFocus == mTabOrder.end()) itFocus = mTabOrder.begin(); } newWidget = *itFocus; } while ((!newWidget->isVisible() || newWidget->isDisabled() || newWidget->getProperty("ReadOnly") == "True" ) && itFocus != itCurrent); newWidget->activate(); // Make sure active widget will be visible if (mScrollablePane) { CEGUI::Window* w = newWidget; CEGUI::Vector2 widgetOffset(0, 0); do { widgetOffset += w->getPosition().asAbsolute(w->getParentPixelSize()); w = w->getParent(); } while (w != mScrollablePane && w != 0); float32 scrollViewTop = mScrollablePane->getContentPaneArea().getSize().d_height * mScrollablePane->getVerticalScrollPosition(); float32 scrollViewBottom = scrollViewTop + mScrollablePane->getClipRect().getHeight(); if (widgetOffset.d_y < scrollViewTop || widgetOffset.d_y + newWidget->getPixelSize().d_height > scrollViewBottom) { // We need to scroll mScrollablePane->setVerticalScrollPosition(widgetOffset.d_y / mScrollablePane->getContentPaneArea().getSize().d_height); } } return true; } return false; }
/************************************************************************ Handle click on a mine button (any mouse button) ************************************************************************/ bool MinesweeperSample::handleMineButtonDown(const CEGUI::EventArgs& event) { const CEGUI::MouseEventArgs& me = static_cast<const CEGUI::MouseEventArgs&>(event); if (me.button == CEGUI::RightButton) { CEGUI::Window* button = me.window; if (!button->isDisabled()) { if (button->getID() == 0) { button->setID(1); button->setText("F"); } else { button->setID(0); button->setText(""); } return true; } } return false; }