Example #1
Audio::Timestamp VideoDecoder::FixedRateVideoTrack::getFrameTime(uint frame) const {
	// Try to get as accurate as possible, considering we have a fractional frame rate
	// (which Audio::Timestamp doesn't support).
	Common::Rational frameRate = getFrameRate();

	// Try to keep it in terms of the frame rate, if the frame rate is a whole
	// number.
	if (frameRate.getDenominator() == 1)
		return Audio::Timestamp(0, frame, frameRate.toInt());

	// Convert as best as possible
	Common::Rational time = frameRate.getInverse() * frame;
	return Audio::Timestamp(0, time.getNumerator(), time.getDenominator());
Example #2
void Surface::blitScaled(const Surface &from, int16 left, int16 top, int16 right, int16 bottom,
		int16 x, int16 y, Common::Rational scale, int32 transp) {

	if (scale == 1) {
		// Yeah, "scaled"

		blit(from, left, top, right, bottom, x, y, transp);

	// Color depths have to fit
	assert(_bpp == from._bpp);

	uint16 dWidth  = (uint16) floor((_width  / scale).toDouble());
	uint16 dHeight = (uint16) floor((_height / scale).toDouble());
	 int16 clipX   = ( int16) floor((x       / scale).toDouble());
	 int16 clipY   = ( int16) floor((y       / scale).toDouble());

	// Clip
	if (!clipBlitRect(left, top, right, bottom, clipX, clipY, dWidth, dHeight, from._width, from._height))

	// Area to actually copy
	uint16 width  = right  - left + 1;
	uint16 height = bottom - top  + 1;

	if ((width == 0) || (height == 0))
		// Nothing to do

	width  = MIN<int32>((int32) floor((width  * scale).toDouble()), _width);
	height = MIN<int32>((int32) floor((height * scale).toDouble()), _height);

	// Pointers to the blit destination and source start points
	      byte *dst =      getData(x   , y);
	const byte *src = from.getData(left, top);

	frac_t step = scale.getInverse().toFrac();

	frac_t posW = 0, posH = 0;
	while (height-- > 0) {
		      byte *dstRow = dst;
		const byte *srcRow = src;

		posW = 0;

		for (uint16 i = 0; i < width; i++, dstRow += _bpp) {
			memmove(dstRow, srcRow, _bpp);

			posW += step;
			while (posW >= ((frac_t) FRAC_ONE)) {
				srcRow += from._bpp;
				posW   -= FRAC_ONE;

		posH += step;
		while (posH >= ((frac_t) FRAC_ONE)) {
			src  += from._width * from._bpp;
			posH -= FRAC_ONE;

		dst += _width * _bpp;
