#includeusing namespace std; int main() { ifstream file("example.txt", ios::binary); SeekableReadStream stream(file.rdbuf()); char byte; while (stream.readByte(byte)) { // do something with byte } return 0; }
#include "zlib.h" int main() { gzFile file = gzopen("example.gz", "rb"); SeekableReadStream stream(gzdopen(fileno(file), "rb")); char byte; while (stream.readByte(byte)) { // do something with byte } gzclose(file); return 0; }In this example, we use the zlib library to read bytes from a compressed file. First, we open the gzipped file using `gzopen`, and then pass its file descriptor to `gzdopen`. Finally, we create our SR object using this file stream and read bytes from it in a loop. The package library used in these examples is likely a combination of C++ standard library functions and any necessary third-party libraries for file I/O or compression (such as zlib in the second example).