Example #1
// Merge assertions on the edge flowing into the block about a variable.
void RangeCheck::MergeEdgeAssertions(GenTreeLclVarCommon* lcl, ASSERT_VALARG_TP assertions, Range* pRange)
    if (BitVecOps::IsEmpty(m_pCompiler->apTraits, assertions))

    if (lcl->gtSsaNum == SsaConfig::RESERVED_SSA_NUM)
    // Walk through the "assertions" to check if the apply.
    BitVecOps::Iter iter(m_pCompiler->apTraits, assertions);
    unsigned        index = 0;
    while (iter.NextElem(&index))
        AssertionIndex assertionIndex = GetAssertionIndex(index);

        Compiler::AssertionDsc* curAssertion = m_pCompiler->optGetAssertion(assertionIndex);

        Limit      limit(Limit::keUndef);
        genTreeOps cmpOper = GT_NONE;

        LclSsaVarDsc* ssaData     = m_pCompiler->lvaTable[lcl->gtLclNum].GetPerSsaData(lcl->gtSsaNum);
        ValueNum      normalLclVN = m_pCompiler->vnStore->VNConservativeNormalValue(ssaData->m_vnPair);

        // Current assertion is of the form (i < len - cns) != 0
        if (curAssertion->IsCheckedBoundArithBound())
            ValueNumStore::CompareCheckedBoundArithInfo info;

            // Get i, len, cns and < as "info."
            m_pCompiler->vnStore->GetCompareCheckedBoundArithInfo(curAssertion->op1.vn, &info);

            // If we don't have the same variable we are comparing against, bail.
            if (normalLclVN != info.cmpOp)

            if ((info.arrOper != GT_ADD) && (info.arrOper != GT_SUB))

            // If the operand that operates on the bound is not constant, then done.
            if (!m_pCompiler->vnStore->IsVNInt32Constant(info.arrOp))

            int cons = m_pCompiler->vnStore->ConstantValue<int>(info.arrOp);
            limit    = Limit(Limit::keBinOpArray, info.vnBound, info.arrOper == GT_SUB ? -cons : cons);
            cmpOper  = (genTreeOps)info.cmpOper;
        // Current assertion is of the form (i < len) != 0
        else if (curAssertion->IsCheckedBoundBound())
            ValueNumStore::CompareCheckedBoundArithInfo info;

            // Get the info as "i", "<" and "len"
            m_pCompiler->vnStore->GetCompareCheckedBound(curAssertion->op1.vn, &info);

            // If we don't have the same variable we are comparing against, bail.
            if (normalLclVN != info.cmpOp)

            limit   = Limit(Limit::keBinOpArray, info.vnBound, 0);
            cmpOper = (genTreeOps)info.cmpOper;
        // Current assertion is of the form (i < 100) != 0
        else if (curAssertion->IsConstantBound())
            ValueNumStore::ConstantBoundInfo info;

            // Get the info as "i", "<" and "100"
            m_pCompiler->vnStore->GetConstantBoundInfo(curAssertion->op1.vn, &info);

            // If we don't have the same variable we are comparing against, bail.
            if (normalLclVN != info.cmpOpVN)

            limit   = Limit(Limit::keConstant, info.constVal);
            cmpOper = (genTreeOps)info.cmpOper;
        // Current assertion is not supported, ignore it

        assert(limit.IsBinOpArray() || limit.IsConstant());

        // Make sure the assertion is of the form != 0 or == 0.
        if (curAssertion->op2.vn != m_pCompiler->vnStore->VNZeroForType(TYP_INT))
#ifdef DEBUG
        if (m_pCompiler->verbose)
            m_pCompiler->optPrintAssertion(curAssertion, assertionIndex);

        ValueNum arrLenVN = m_pCompiler->vnStore->VNConservativeNormalValue(m_pCurBndsChk->gtArrLen->gtVNPair);

        if (m_pCompiler->vnStore->IsVNConstant(arrLenVN))
            // Set arrLenVN to NoVN; this will make it match the "vn" recorded on
            // constant limits (where we explicitly track the constant and don't
            // redundantly store its VN in the "vn" field).
            arrLenVN = ValueNumStore::NoVN;

        // During assertion prop we add assertions of the form:
        //      (i < length) == 0
        //      (i < length) != 0
        //      (i < 100) == 0
        //      (i < 100) != 0
        // At this point, we have detected that op1.vn is (i < length) or (i < length + cns) or
        // (i < 100) and the op2.vn is 0.
        // Now, let us check if we are == 0 (i.e., op1 assertion is false) or != 0 (op1 assertion
        // is true.),
        // If we have an assertion of the form == 0 (i.e., equals false), then reverse relop.
        // The relop has to be reversed because we have: (i < length) is false which is the same
        // as (i >= length).
        if (curAssertion->assertionKind == Compiler::OAK_EQUAL)
            cmpOper = GenTree::ReverseRelop(cmpOper);

        // Bounds are inclusive, so add -1 for upper bound when "<". But make sure we won't overflow.
        if (cmpOper == GT_LT && !limit.AddConstant(-1))
        // Bounds are inclusive, so add +1 for lower bound when ">". But make sure we won't overflow.
        if (cmpOper == GT_GT && !limit.AddConstant(1))

        // Doesn't tighten the current bound. So skip.
        if (pRange->uLimit.IsConstant() && limit.vn != arrLenVN)

        // Check if the incoming limit from assertions tightens the existing upper limit.
        if (pRange->uLimit.IsBinOpArray() && (pRange->uLimit.vn == arrLenVN))
            // We have checked the current range's (pRange's) upper limit is either of the form:
            //      length + cns
            //      and length == the bndsChkCandidate's arrLen
            // We want to check if the incoming limit tightens the bound, and for that
            // we need to make sure that incoming limit is also on the same length (or
            // length + cns) and not some other length.

            if (limit.vn != arrLenVN)
                JITDUMP("Array length VN did not match arrLen=" FMT_VN ", limit=" FMT_VN "\n", arrLenVN, limit.vn);

            int curCns = pRange->uLimit.cns;
            int limCns = (limit.IsBinOpArray()) ? limit.cns : 0;

            // Incoming limit doesn't tighten the existing upper limit.
            if (limCns >= curCns)
                JITDUMP("Bound limit %d doesn't tighten current bound %d\n", limCns, curCns);
            // Current range's upper bound is not "length + cns" and the
            // incoming limit is not on the same length as the bounds check candidate.
            // So we could skip this assertion. But in cases, of Dependent or Unknown
            // type of upper limit, the incoming assertion still tightens the upper
            // bound to a saner value. So do not skip the assertion.

        // cmpOp (loop index i) cmpOper len +/- cns
        switch (cmpOper)
            case GT_LT:
                pRange->uLimit = limit;

            case GT_GT:
                pRange->lLimit = limit;

            case GT_GE:
                pRange->lLimit = limit;

            case GT_LE:
                pRange->uLimit = limit;

                // All other 'cmpOper' kinds leave lLimit/uLimit unchanged
        JITDUMP("The range after edge merging:");
Example #2
// Merge assertions on the edge flowing into the block about a variable.
void RangeCheck::MergeEdgeAssertions(GenTreePtr tree, const ASSERT_VALARG_TP assertions, Range* pRange)
    if (BitVecOps::IsEmpty(m_pCompiler->apTraits, assertions))

    GenTreeLclVarCommon* lcl = (GenTreeLclVarCommon*)tree;
    if (lcl->gtSsaNum == SsaConfig::RESERVED_SSA_NUM)
    // Walk through the "assertions" to check if the apply.
    BitVecOps::Iter iter(m_pCompiler->apTraits, assertions);
    unsigned        index = 0;
    while (iter.NextElem(m_pCompiler->apTraits, &index))

        Compiler::AssertionDsc* curAssertion = m_pCompiler->optGetAssertion((Compiler::AssertionIndex)index);

        // Current assertion is about array length.
        if (!curAssertion->IsArrLenArithBound() && !curAssertion->IsArrLenBound() && !curAssertion->IsConstantBound())

#ifdef DEBUG
        if (m_pCompiler->verbose)
            m_pCompiler->optPrintAssertion(curAssertion, (Compiler::AssertionIndex)index);

        assert(m_pCompiler->vnStore->IsVNArrLenArithBound(curAssertion->op1.vn) ||
               m_pCompiler->vnStore->IsVNArrLenBound(curAssertion->op1.vn) ||

        Limit      limit(Limit::keUndef);
        genTreeOps cmpOper = GT_NONE;

        // Current assertion is of the form (i < a.len - cns) != 0
        if (curAssertion->IsArrLenArithBound())
            ValueNumStore::ArrLenArithBoundInfo info;

            // Get i, a.len, cns and < as "info."
            m_pCompiler->vnStore->GetArrLenArithBoundInfo(curAssertion->op1.vn, &info);

            if (m_pCompiler->lvaTable[lcl->gtLclNum].GetPerSsaData(lcl->gtSsaNum)->m_vnPair.GetConservative() !=

            switch (info.arrOper)
                case GT_SUB:
                case GT_ADD:
                    // If the operand that operates on the array is not constant, then done.
                    if (!m_pCompiler->vnStore->IsVNConstant(info.arrOp) ||
                        m_pCompiler->vnStore->TypeOfVN(info.arrOp) != TYP_INT)
                    int cons = m_pCompiler->vnStore->ConstantValue<int>(info.arrOp);
                    limit    = Limit(Limit::keBinOpArray, info.vnArray, info.arrOper == GT_SUB ? -cons : cons);

            cmpOper = (genTreeOps)info.cmpOper;
        // Current assertion is of the form (i < a.len) != 0
        else if (curAssertion->IsArrLenBound())
            ValueNumStore::ArrLenArithBoundInfo info;

            // Get the info as "i", "<" and "a.len"
            m_pCompiler->vnStore->GetArrLenBoundInfo(curAssertion->op1.vn, &info);

            ValueNum lclVn =
            // If we don't have the same variable we are comparing against, bail.
            if (lclVn != info.cmpOp)
            limit.type = Limit::keArray;
            limit.vn   = info.vnArray;
            cmpOper    = (genTreeOps)info.cmpOper;
        // Current assertion is of the form (i < 100) != 0
        else if (curAssertion->IsConstantBound())
            ValueNumStore::ConstantBoundInfo info;

            // Get the info as "i", "<" and "100"
            m_pCompiler->vnStore->GetConstantBoundInfo(curAssertion->op1.vn, &info);

            ValueNum lclVn =

            // If we don't have the same variable we are comparing against, bail.
            if (lclVn != info.cmpOpVN)

            limit   = Limit(Limit::keConstant, ValueNumStore::NoVN, info.constVal);
            cmpOper = (genTreeOps)info.cmpOper;

        if (limit.IsUndef())

        // Make sure the assertion is of the form != 0 or == 0.
        if (curAssertion->op2.vn != m_pCompiler->vnStore->VNZeroForType(TYP_INT))
#ifdef DEBUG
        if (m_pCompiler->verbose)
            m_pCompiler->optPrintAssertion(curAssertion, (Compiler::AssertionIndex)index);

        noway_assert(limit.IsBinOpArray() || limit.IsArray() || limit.IsConstant());

        ValueNum arrLenVN = m_pCurBndsChk->gtArrLen->gtVNPair.GetConservative();
        ValueNum arrRefVN = ValueNumStore::NoVN;

        if (m_pCompiler->vnStore->IsVNArrLen(arrLenVN))
            // Get the array reference from the length.
            arrRefVN = m_pCompiler->vnStore->GetArrForLenVn(arrLenVN);

        // During assertion prop we add assertions of the form:
        //      (i < a.Length) == 0
        //      (i < a.Length) != 0
        //      (i < 100) == 0
        //      (i < 100) != 0
        // At this point, we have detected that op1.vn is (i < a.Length) or (i < a.Length + cns) or
        // (i < 100) and the op2.vn is 0.
        // Now, let us check if we are == 0 (i.e., op1 assertion is false) or != 0 (op1 assertion
        // is true.),
        // If we have an assertion of the form == 0 (i.e., equals false), then reverse relop.
        // The relop has to be reversed because we have: (i < a.Length) is false which is the same
        // as (i >= a.Length).
        if (curAssertion->assertionKind == Compiler::OAK_EQUAL)
            cmpOper = GenTree::ReverseRelop(cmpOper);

        // Bounds are inclusive, so add -1 for upper bound when "<". But make sure we won't overflow.
        if (cmpOper == GT_LT && !limit.AddConstant(-1))
        // Bounds are inclusive, so add +1 for lower bound when ">". But make sure we won't overflow.
        if (cmpOper == GT_GT && !limit.AddConstant(1))

        // Doesn't tighten the current bound. So skip.
        if (pRange->uLimit.IsConstant() && limit.vn != arrRefVN)

        // Check if the incoming limit from assertions tightens the existing upper limit.
        if ((pRange->uLimit.IsArray() || pRange->uLimit.IsBinOpArray()) && pRange->uLimit.vn == arrRefVN)
            // We have checked the current range's (pRange's) upper limit is either of the form:
            //      a.Length
            //      a.Length + cns
            //      and a == the bndsChkCandidate's arrRef
            // We want to check if the incoming limit tightens the bound, and for that the
            // we need to make sure that incoming limit is also on a.Length or a.Length + cns
            // and not b.Length or some c.Length.

            if (limit.vn != arrRefVN)
                JITDUMP("Array ref did not match cur=$%x, assert=$%x\n", arrRefVN, limit.vn);

            int curCns = (pRange->uLimit.IsBinOpArray()) ? pRange->uLimit.cns : 0;
            int limCns = (limit.IsBinOpArray()) ? limit.cns : 0;

            // Incoming limit doesn't tighten the existing upper limit.
            if (limCns >= curCns)
                JITDUMP("Bound limit %d doesn't tighten current bound %d\n", limCns, curCns);
            // Current range's upper bound is not "a.Length or a.Length + cns" and the
            // incoming limit is not on the same arrRef as the bounds check candidate.
            // So we could skip this assertion. But in cases, of Dependent or Unknown
            // type of upper limit, the incoming assertion still tightens the upper
            // bound to a saner value. So do not skip the assertion.

        // cmpOp (loop index i) cmpOper a.len +/- cns
        switch (cmpOper)
            case GT_LT:
                pRange->uLimit = limit;

            case GT_GT:
                pRange->lLimit = limit;

            case GT_GE:
                pRange->lLimit = limit;

            case GT_LE:
                pRange->uLimit = limit;

                // All other 'cmpOper' kinds leave lLimit/uLimit unchanged
        JITDUMP("The range after edge merging:");