Example #1
   void processCoordinates() {

      const Index nCoord = m_coord->getNumCoords();
      auto vertexMap = m_vertexMap.data();
#pragma omp parallel for
      for (ssize_t i=0; i<nCoord; ++i) {
         const Vector p(x[i], y[i], z[i]);
         vertexMap[i] = m_decider(i) > 0 ? 1 : 0;

      if (haveCornerList) {
         Index numIn = 0;
         for (Index i=0; i<nCoord; ++i) {
            if (vertexMap[i]) {
               numIn += vertexMap[i];
               vertexMap[i] = numIn;

         out_x = m_outCoords->x().data();
         out_y = m_outCoords->y().data();
         out_z = m_outCoords->z().data();
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
         for (ssize_t i=0; i<nCoord; ++i) {
            Index idx = vertexMap[i];
            vassert(idx >= 0);
            if (idx > 0) {
               vassert(idx < numIn);
               out_x[idx] = x[i];
               out_y[idx] = y[i];
               out_z[idx] = z[i];
Example #2
Object::ptr ReadModel::load(const std::string &name) {

    Object::ptr ret;
    Assimp::Importer importer;
    bool indexed = false;
    unsigned int readFlags = aiProcess_PreTransformVertices|aiProcess_SortByPType|aiProcess_ImproveCacheLocality|aiProcess_OptimizeGraph|aiProcess_OptimizeMeshes;
    if (getIntParameter("indexed_geometry")) {
        readFlags |= aiProcess_JoinIdenticalVertices;
        indexed = true;
    if (getIntParameter("triangulate"))
        readFlags |= aiProcess_Triangulate;
    const aiScene* scene = importer.ReadFile(name, readFlags);
    if (!scene) {
        if (!getIntParameter("ignore_errors")) {
            std::stringstream str;
            str << "failed to read " << name << ": " << importer.GetErrorString() << std::endl;
            std::string s = str.str();
            sendError("%s", s.c_str());
        return ret;

    for (unsigned int m=0; m<scene->mNumMeshes; ++m) {

        const aiMesh *mesh = scene->mMeshes[m];
        if (mesh->HasPositions()) {
            Coords::ptr coords;
            if (mesh->HasFaces()) {
                auto numVert = mesh->mNumVertices;
                auto numFace = mesh->mNumFaces;
                if (mesh->mPrimitiveTypes & aiPrimitiveType_POLYGON) {
                    Index numIndex = 0;
                    for (unsigned int f=0; f<numFace; ++f) {
                        numIndex += mesh->mFaces[f].mNumIndices;
                    Polygons::ptr poly(new Polygons(numFace, numIndex, numVert));
                    coords = poly;
                    auto *el = &poly->el()[0];
                    auto *cl = indexed ? &poly->cl()[0] : nullptr;
                    Index idx=0, vertCount=0;
                    for (unsigned int f=0; f<numFace; ++f) {
                        el[idx++] = vertCount;
                        if (indexed) {
                            const auto &face = mesh->mFaces[f];
                            for (unsigned int i=0; i<face.mNumIndices; ++i) {
                                cl[vertCount++] = face.mIndices[i];
                    el[idx] = vertCount;
                } else if (mesh->mPrimitiveTypes & aiPrimitiveType_TRIANGLE) {
                    Index numIndex = indexed ? mesh->mNumFaces*3 : 0;
                    Triangles::ptr tri(new Triangles(numIndex, numVert));
                    coords = tri;
                    if (indexed) {
                        auto *cl = &tri->cl()[0];
                        Index vertCount=0;
                        for (unsigned int f=0; f<numFace; ++f) {
                            const auto &face = mesh->mFaces[f];
                            vassert(face.mNumIndices == 3);
                            for (unsigned int i=0; i<face.mNumIndices; ++i) {
                                cl[vertCount++] = face.mIndices[i];
            } else {
                Points::ptr points(new Points(mesh->mNumVertices));
                coords = points;
            if (coords) {
                Scalar *x[3] = { nullptr, nullptr, nullptr };
                for (int c=0; c<3; ++c) {
                    x[c] = &coords->x(c)[0];
                for (Index i=0; i<mesh->mNumVertices; ++i) {
                    const auto &vert = mesh->mVertices[i];
                    for (unsigned int c=0; c<3; ++c) {
                        x[c][i] = vert[c];
                ret = coords;
                if (mesh->HasNormals()) {
                    Normals::ptr normals(new Normals(mesh->mNumVertices));
                    Scalar *n[3] = { nullptr, nullptr, nullptr };
                    for (int c=0; c<3; ++c) {
                        n[c] = &normals->x(c)[0];
                    for (Index i=0; i<mesh->mNumVertices; ++i) {
                        const auto &norm = mesh->mNormals[i];
                        for (unsigned int c=0; c<3; ++c) {
                            n[c][i] = norm[c];



    if (scene->mNumMeshes > 1) {
        sendInfo("file %s contains %d meshes, all but the first have been ignored", name.c_str(), scene->mNumMeshes);

    return ret;