RadiometricResponse::RadiometricResponse(cv::InputArray _response, ChannelOrder order) : order_(order) { if (_response.size().width != 256 || _response.size().height != 1) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(RadiometricResponseException("Radiometric response should have 1 x 256 size") << RadiometricResponseException::Size(_response.size())); if (_response.type() != CV_32FC3) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(RadiometricResponseException("Radiometric response values should be 3-channel float") << RadiometricResponseException::Type(_response.type())); response_ = _response.getMat(); cv::log(response_, log_response_); cv::split(response_, response_channels_); }
void IPPE::PoseSolver::solveGeneric(cv::InputArray _objectPoints, cv::InputArray _normalizedInputPoints, cv::OutputArray _Ma, cv::OutputArray _Mb) { //argument checking: size_t n = _objectPoints.rows() * _objectPoints.cols(); //number of points int objType = _objectPoints.type(); int type_input = _normalizedInputPoints.type(); assert((objType == CV_32FC3) | (objType == CV_64FC3)); assert((type_input == CV_32FC2) | (type_input == CV_64FC2)); assert((_objectPoints.rows() == 1) | (_objectPoints.cols() == 1)); assert((_objectPoints.rows() >= 4) | (_objectPoints.cols() >= 4)); assert((_normalizedInputPoints.rows() == 1) | (_normalizedInputPoints.cols() == 1)); assert(static_cast<size_t>(_objectPoints.rows() * _objectPoints.cols()) == n); cv::Mat normalizedInputPoints; if (type_input == CV_32FC2) { _normalizedInputPoints.getMat().convertTo(normalizedInputPoints, CV_64FC2); } else { normalizedInputPoints = _normalizedInputPoints.getMat(); } cv::Mat objectInputPoints; if (type_input == CV_32FC3) { _objectPoints.getMat().convertTo(objectInputPoints, CV_64FC3); } else { objectInputPoints = _objectPoints.getMat(); } cv::Mat canonicalObjPoints; cv::Mat MmodelPoints2Canonical; //transform object points to the canonical position (zero centred and on the plane z=0): makeCanonicalObjectPoints(objectInputPoints, canonicalObjPoints, MmodelPoints2Canonical); //compute the homography mapping the model's points to normalizedInputPoints cv::Mat H; HomographyHO::homographyHO(canonicalObjPoints, _normalizedInputPoints, H); //now solve cv::Mat MaCanon, MbCanon; solveCanonicalForm(canonicalObjPoints, normalizedInputPoints, H, MaCanon, MbCanon); //transform computed poses to account for canonical transform: cv::Mat Ma = MaCanon * MmodelPoints2Canonical; cv::Mat Mb = MbCanon * MmodelPoints2Canonical; //output poses: Ma.copyTo(_Ma); Mb.copyTo(_Mb); }
void showWindow(const string &winName, cv::InputArray mat) { Mat temp(mat.size(), mat.type()); mat.getMat().copyTo(temp); namedWindow(winName, WINDOW_NORMAL); // Create a window for display. imshow(winName, temp); // Show our image inside it. }
void Regression::write(cv::InputArray array) { write() << "kind" << array.kind(); write() << "type" << array.type(); if (isVector(array)) { int total = (int); int idx = regRNG.uniform(0, total); write() << "len" << total; write() << "idx" << idx; cv::Mat m = array.getMat(idx); if ( * m.channels() < 26) //5x5 or smaller write() << "val" << m; else write(m); } else { if ( * array.channels() < 26) //5x5 or smaller write() << "val" << array.getMat(); else write(array.getMat()); } }
void warmify(cv::InputArray src, cv::OutputArray dst, uchar delta) { CV_Assert(src.type() == CV_8UC3); Mat imgSrc = src.getMat(); CV_Assert(; dst.create(src.size(), CV_8UC3); Mat imgDst = dst.getMat(); imgDst = imgSrc + Scalar(0, delta, delta); }
void FilterBase::apply(cv::InputArray _src, cv::OutputArray _dst, const int &ddepth){ int stype = _src.type(); int dcn = _src.channels(); int depth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(stype); if (0 <= ddepth) depth = ddepth; Mat src, dst; src = _src.getMat(); Size sz = src.size(); _dst.create(sz, CV_MAKETYPE(depth, dcn)); dst = _dst.getMat(); int imageWidth = src.rows; int imageHeight = src.cols; Mat srcChannels[3]; split(src, srcChannels); int margineWidth = kernel.cols / 2; int margineHeight = kernel.rows / 2; double kernelElemCount = (double)(kernel.cols * kernel.rows); for(int ch = 0; ch < dcn; ++ch){ for(int y = 0; y < imageHeight; ++y){ Vec3d *ptr = dst.ptr<Vec3d>(y); for(int x = 0; x < imageWidth; ++x){ if (isEdge(x, y, imageWidth, imageHeight, margineWidth, margineWidth)){ ptr[x][ch] = calcKernelOutputAtEdge(srcChannels[ch], kernel, x, y, imageWidth, imageHeight, margineWidth, margineHeight); }else{ ptr[x][ch] = calcKernelOutput(srcChannels[ch], kernel, x, y, margineWidth, margineHeight, kernelElemCount); } } } } }
void HomographyHO::normalizeDataIsotropic(cv::InputArray _Data, cv::OutputArray _DataN, cv::OutputArray _T, cv::OutputArray _Ti) { cv::Mat Data = _Data.getMat(); int numPoints = Data.rows * Data.cols; assert((Data.rows == 1) | (Data.cols == 1)); assert((Data.channels() == 2) | (Data.channels() == 3)); assert(numPoints >= 4); int dataType = _Data.type(); assert((dataType == CV_64FC2) | (dataType == CV_64FC3) | (dataType == CV_32FC2) | (dataType == CV_32FC3)); _DataN.create(2, numPoints, CV_64FC1); _T.create(3, 3, CV_64FC1); _Ti.create(3, 3, CV_64FC1); cv::Mat DataN = _DataN.getMat(); cv::Mat T = _T.getMat(); cv::Mat Ti = _Ti.getMat(); _T.setTo(0); _Ti.setTo(0); double xm, ym; int numChannels = Data.channels(); xm = 0; ym = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) { if (numChannels == 2) { if (dataType == CV_32FC2) { xm = xm +<Vec2f>(i)[0]; ym = ym +<Vec2f>(i)[1]; } else { xm = xm +<Vec2d>(i)[0]; ym = ym +<Vec2d>(i)[1]; } } else { if (dataType == CV_32FC3) { xm = xm +<Vec3f>(i)[0]; ym = ym +<Vec3f>(i)[1]; } else { xm = xm +<Vec3d>(i)[0]; ym = ym +<Vec3d>(i)[1]; } } } xm = xm / (double)numPoints; ym = ym / (double)numPoints; double kappa = 0; double xh, yh; for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) { if (numChannels == 2) { if (dataType == CV_32FC2) { xh =<Vec2f>(i)[0] - xm; yh =<Vec2f>(i)[1] - ym; } else { xh =<Vec2d>(i)[0] - xm; yh =<Vec2d>(i)[1] - ym; } } else { if (dataType == CV_32FC3) { xh =<Vec3f>(i)[0] - xm; yh =<Vec3f>(i)[1] - ym; } else { xh =<Vec3d>(i)[0] - xm; yh =<Vec3d>(i)[1] - ym; } }<double>(0, i) = xh;<double>(1, i) = yh; kappa = kappa + xh * xh + yh * yh; } double beta = sqrt(2 * numPoints / kappa); DataN = DataN * beta;<double>(0, 0) = 1.0 / beta;<double>(1, 1) = 1.0 / beta;<double>(0, 2) = xm;<double>(1, 2) = ym;<double>(2, 2) = 1;<double>(0, 0) = beta;<double>(1, 1) = beta;<double>(0, 2) = -beta * xm;<double>(1, 2) = -beta * ym;<double>(2, 2) = 1; }
void unprojectPointsFisheye( cv::InputArray distorted, cv::OutputArray undistorted, cv::InputArray K, cv::InputArray D, cv::InputArray R, cv::InputArray P) { // will support only 2-channel data now for points CV_Assert(distorted.type() == CV_32FC2 || distorted.type() == CV_64FC2); undistorted.create(distorted.size(), CV_MAKETYPE(distorted.depth(), 3)); CV_Assert(P.empty() || P.size() == cv::Size(3, 3) || P.size() == cv::Size(4, 3)); CV_Assert(R.empty() || R.size() == cv::Size(3, 3) || * R.channels() == 3); CV_Assert( == 4 && K.size() == cv::Size(3, 3) && (K.depth() == CV_32F || K.depth() == CV_64F)); cv::Vec2d f, c; if (K.depth() == CV_32F) { cv::Matx33f camMat = K.getMat(); f = cv::Vec2f(camMat(0, 0), camMat(1, 1)); c = cv::Vec2f(camMat(0, 2), camMat(1, 2)); } else { cv::Matx33d camMat = K.getMat(); f = cv::Vec2d(camMat(0, 0), camMat(1, 1)); c = cv::Vec2d(camMat(0, 2), camMat(1, 2)); } cv::Vec4d k = D.depth() == CV_32F ? (cv::Vec4d)*D.getMat().ptr<cv::Vec4f>(): *D.getMat().ptr<cv::Vec4d>(); cv::Matx33d RR = cv::Matx33d::eye(); if (!R.empty() && * R.channels() == 3) { cv::Vec3d rvec; R.getMat().convertTo(rvec, CV_64F); RR = cv::Affine3d(rvec).rotation(); } else if (!R.empty() && R.size() == cv::Size(3, 3)) R.getMat().convertTo(RR, CV_64F); if(!P.empty()) { cv::Matx33d PP; P.getMat().colRange(0, 3).convertTo(PP, CV_64F); RR = PP * RR; } // start undistorting const cv::Vec2f* srcf = distorted.getMat().ptr<cv::Vec2f>(); const cv::Vec2d* srcd = distorted.getMat().ptr<cv::Vec2d>(); cv::Vec3f* dstf = undistorted.getMat().ptr<cv::Vec3f>(); cv::Vec3d* dstd = undistorted.getMat().ptr<cv::Vec3d>(); size_t n =; int sdepth = distorted.depth(); for(size_t i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { cv::Vec2d pi = sdepth == CV_32F ? (cv::Vec2d)srcf[i] : srcd[i]; // image point cv::Vec2d pw((pi[0] - c[0])/f[0], (pi[1] - c[1])/f[1]); // world point double theta_d = sqrt(pw[0]*pw[0] + pw[1]*pw[1]); double theta = theta_d; if (theta_d > 1e-8) { // compensate distortion iteratively for(int j = 0; j < 10; j++ ) { double theta2 = theta*theta, theta4 = theta2*theta2, theta6 = theta4*theta2, theta8 = theta6*theta2; theta = theta_d / (1 + k[0] * theta2 + k[1] * theta4 + k[2] * theta6 + k[3] * theta8); } } double z = std::cos(theta); double r = std::sin(theta); cv::Vec3d pu = cv::Vec3d(r*pw[0], r*pw[1], z); //undistorted point // reproject cv::Vec3d pr = RR * pu; // rotated point optionally multiplied by new camera matrix cv::Vec3d fi; // final normalize(pr, fi); if( sdepth == CV_32F ) dstf[i] = fi; else dstd[i] = fi; } }
bool VideoWriter_IntelMFX::write_one(cv::InputArray bgr) { mfxStatus res; mfxFrameSurface1 *workSurface = 0; mfxSyncPoint sync; if (!bgr.empty() && (bgr.dims() != 2 || bgr.type() != CV_8UC3 || bgr.size() != frameSize)) { MSG(cerr << "MFX: invalid frame passed to encoder: " << "dims/depth/cn=" << bgr.dims() << "/" << bgr.depth() << "/" << bgr.channels() << ", size=" << bgr.size() << endl); return false; } if (!bgr.empty()) { workSurface = pool->getFreeSurface(); if (!workSurface) { // not enough surfaces MSG(cerr << "MFX: Failed to get free surface" << endl); return false; } const int rows = workSurface->Info.Height; const int cols = workSurface->Info.Width; Mat Y(rows, cols, CV_8UC1, workSurface->Data.Y, workSurface->Data.Pitch); Mat UV(rows / 2, cols, CV_8UC1, workSurface->Data.UV, workSurface->Data.Pitch); to_nv12(bgr, Y, UV); CV_Assert(Y.ptr() == workSurface->Data.Y); CV_Assert(UV.ptr() == workSurface->Data.UV); } while (true) { outSurface = 0; DBG(cout << "Calling with surface: " << workSurface << endl); res = encoder->EncodeFrameAsync(NULL, workSurface, &bs->stream, &sync); if (res == MFX_ERR_NONE) { res = session->SyncOperation(sync, 1000); // 1 sec, TODO: provide interface to modify timeout if (res == MFX_ERR_NONE) { // ready to write if (!bs->write()) { MSG(cerr << "MFX: Failed to write bitstream" << endl); return false; } else { DBG(cout << "Write bitstream" << endl); return true; } } else { MSG(cerr << "MFX: Sync error: " << res << endl); return false; } } else if (res == MFX_ERR_MORE_DATA) { DBG(cout << "ERR_MORE_DATA" << endl); return false; } else if (res == MFX_WRN_DEVICE_BUSY) { DBG(cout << "Waiting for device" << endl); sleep(1); continue; } else { MSG(cerr << "MFX: Bad status: " << res << endl); return false; } } }
void Regression::verify(cv::FileNode node, cv::InputArray array, double eps, ERROR_TYPE err) { int expected_kind = (int)node["kind"]; int expected_type = (int)node["type"]; ASSERT_EQ(expected_kind, array.kind()) << " Argument \"" << << "\" has unexpected kind"; ASSERT_EQ(expected_type, array.type()) << " Argument \"" << << "\" has unexpected type"; cv::FileNode valnode = node["val"]; if (isVector(array)) { int expected_length = (int)node["len"]; ASSERT_EQ(expected_length, (int) << " Vector \"" << << "\" has unexpected length"; int idx = node["idx"]; cv::Mat actual = array.getMat(idx); if (valnode.isNone()) { ASSERT_LE((size_t)26, * (size_t)actual.channels()) << " \"" << << "[" << idx << "]\" has unexpected number of elements"; verify(node, actual, eps, cv::format("%s[%d]",, idx), err); } else { cv::Mat expected; valnode >> expected; if(expected.empty()) { ASSERT_TRUE(actual.empty()) << " expected empty " << << "[" << idx<< "]"; } else { ASSERT_EQ(expected.size(), actual.size()) << " " << << "[" << idx<< "] has unexpected size"; cv::Mat diff; cv::absdiff(expected, actual, diff); if (err == ERROR_ABSOLUTE) { if (!cv::checkRange(diff, true, 0, 0, eps)) { if( * expected.channels() < 12) std::cout << " Expected: " << std::endl << expected << std::endl << " Actual:" << std::endl << actual << std::endl; double max; cv::minMaxIdx(diff.reshape(1), 0, &max); FAIL() << " Absolute difference (=" << max << ") between argument \"" << << "[" << idx << "]\" and expected value is greater than " << eps; } } else if (err == ERROR_RELATIVE) { double maxv, maxa; int violations = countViolations(expected, actual, diff, eps, &maxv, &maxa); if (violations > 0) { FAIL() << " Relative difference (" << maxv << " of " << maxa << " allowed) between argument \"" << << "[" << idx << "]\" and expected value is greater than " << eps << " in " << violations << " points"; } } } } } else { if (valnode.isNone())
void disparityFitPlane(cv::InputArray disparity, cv::InputArray image, cv::OutputArray dest, int slicRegionSize, float slicRegularization, float slicMinRegionRatio, int slicMaxIteration, int ransacNumofSample, float ransacThreshold) { //disparityFitTest(ransacNumofSample, ransacThreshold); //cv::FileStorage pointxml("planePoint.xml", cv::FileStorage::WRITE); int err = 0; Mat segment; SLIC(image, segment, slicRegionSize, slicRegularization, slicMinRegionRatio, slicMaxIteration); vector<vector<Point3f>> points; SLICSegment2Vector3D_<float>(segment, disparity, 0, points); Mat disp32f = Mat::zeros(dest.size(), CV_32F); for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); ++i) { if (points[i].size() < 3) { if (!points[i].empty()) { for (int j = 0; j < points[i].size(); ++j) { points[i][j].z = 0.f; } } } else { Point3f abc; fitPlaneRANSAC(points[i], abc, ransacNumofSample, ransacThreshold, 1); //for refinement(if nessesary) int v = countArrowablePointDistanceZ(points[i], abc, ransacThreshold); /*double rate = (double)v / points[i].size() * 100; int itermax = 1; for (int n = 0; n < itermax;n++) { if (rate < 30) { //pointxml <<format("point%03d",err++)<< points[i]; fitPlaneRANSAC(points[i], abc, ransacNumofSample, ransacThreshold, 1); v = countArrowablePointDistanceZ(points[i], abc, ransacThreshold); rate = (double)v / points[i].size() * 100; } }*/ for (int j = 0; j < points[i].size(); ++j) { points[i][j].z = points[i][j].x*abc.x + points[i][j].y*abc.y + abc.z; } } } SLICVector3D2Signal(points, image.size(), disp32f); if (disparity.depth() == CV_32F) { disp32f.copyTo(dest); } else if (disparity.depth() == CV_8U || disparity.depth() == CV_16U || disparity.depth() == CV_16S || disparity.depth() == CV_32S) { disp32f.convertTo(dest, disparity.type(), 1.0, 0.5); } else { disp32f.convertTo(dest, disparity.type()); } }