double overlapJaccard(cv::Rect& r1,cv::Rect& r2){ double overlap=(r1 & r2).area(); double overlapJaccard=overlap/(r1.area()+r2.area()-overlap); return overlapJaccard; }
//[0; 1] (0.5 when different_area == common_area) inline float rect_similarity(const cv::Rect &r1, const cv::Rect &r2) { float common = (r1 & r2).area(); float different = (r1.area() + r2.area() - 2.0f * common); if (different > FLT_EPSILON) return std::min(0.5f * common / different, 1.0f); else return 1.0f; }
inline void CalcVarianceAndSD(cv::Rect &block, cv::Mat &sum, cv::Mat &sqsum, double &mean, double &stdvar) { double brs =<int>(block.y+block.height,block.x+block.width); // D double bls =<int>(block.y+block.height,block.x); // C double trs =<int>(block.y,block.x+block.width); // B double tls =<int>(block.y,block.x); // A double brsq =<double>(block.y+block.height,block.x+block.width); // D double blsq =<double>(block.y+block.height,block.x); // C double trsq =<double>(block.y,block.x+block.width); // B double tlsq =<double>(block.y,block.x); // A mean = (brs + tls-trs-bls)/((double)block.area() + 1); // D + A - B - C double sqmean = (brsq+tlsq-trsq-blsq)/((double)block.area() + 1); // D + A - B - C stdvar = sqrt(sqmean - mean * mean); return; }
void CallBackFunc(int evnt, int x, int y, int flags, void* userdata) { if (evnt == cv::EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN) { mouseButtonDown = true; targetSelected = false; boundingRect = cv::Rect(0,0,0,0); point1 = cv::Point(x,y); cv::destroyWindow(targetName); cv::destroyWindow(ColorTracker.getColorSquareWindowName()); targetImage.release(); } if (evnt == cv::EVENT_MOUSEMOVE) { if (x < 0) x = 0; else if (x > image.cols) x = image.cols; if (y < 0) y = 0; else if (y > image.rows) y = image.rows; point2 = cv::Point(x,y); if (mouseButtonDown) { boundingRect = cv::Rect(point1,point2); } cv::imshow(imageName,image); } if (evnt == cv::EVENT_LBUTTONUP) { mouseButtonDown = false; if (boundingRect.area() != 0) { targetImage = image(calibratedRect(boundingRect)); cv::imshow(targetName, targetImage); } else { boundingRect = cv::Rect(point1-cv::Point(5,5),point1+cv::Point(5,5)); targetImage = image(calibratedRect(boundingRect)); cv::imshow(targetName, targetImage); } targetSelected = true; } }
bool MotionDetector::isInMotion(cv::Rect boundingBox, float interSection) { if (cv::sum(m_motionMap(boundingBox))[0] > interSection * boundingBox.area()) return true; else return false; }
bool EndToEndTest::rectMatches(cv::Rect actualPlate, PlateRegion candidate) { // Determine if this region matches our plate in the image // Do this simply by verifying that the center point of the plate is within the region // And that the plate region is not x% larger or smaller const float MAX_SIZE_PERCENT_LARGER = 0.65; //int plateCenterX = actualPlate.x + (int) (((float) actualPlate.width) / 2.0); //int plateCenterY = actualPlate.y + (int) (((float) actualPlate.height) / 2.0); //Point centerPoint(plateCenterX, plateCenterY); vector<Point> requiredPoints; requiredPoints.push_back(Point( actualPlate.x + (int) (((float) actualPlate.width) * 0.2), actualPlate.y + (int) (((float) actualPlate.height) * 0.15) )); requiredPoints.push_back(Point( actualPlate.x + (int) (((float) actualPlate.width) * 0.8), actualPlate.y + (int) (((float) actualPlate.height) * 0.15) )); requiredPoints.push_back(Point( actualPlate.x + (int) (((float) actualPlate.width) * 0.2), actualPlate.y + (int) (((float) actualPlate.height) * 0.85) )); requiredPoints.push_back(Point( actualPlate.x + (int) (((float) actualPlate.width) * 0.8), actualPlate.y + (int) (((float) actualPlate.height) * 0.85) )); float sizeDiff = 1.0 - ((float) actualPlate.area()) / ((float) candidate.rect.area()); //cout << "Candidate: " << candidate.rect.x << "," << candidate.rect.y << " " << candidate.rect.width << "-" << candidate.rect.height << endl; //cout << "Actual: " << actualPlate.x << "," << actualPlate.y << " " << actualPlate.width << "-" << actualPlate.height << endl; //cout << "size diff: " << sizeDiff << endl; bool hasAllPoints = true; for (int z = 0; z < requiredPoints.size(); z++) { if (candidate.rect.contains(requiredPoints[z]) == false) hasAllPoints = false; break; } if ( hasAllPoints && (sizeDiff < MAX_SIZE_PERCENT_LARGER) ) { return true; } else { for (int i = 0; i < candidate.children.size(); i++) { if (rectMatches(actualPlate, candidate.children[i])) return true; } } return false; }
bool MotionDetector::containsBoundingBox(cv::Rect outer, cv::Rect inner) { float intersectionParam = 0.45; cv::Rect intersect = outer & inner; if (intersect .area() >= intersectionParam * inner.area()) return true; else return false; }
bool fusionRects(cv::Rect prevRectK, cv::Rect rectK) { if(prevRectK.area() == 0) return false; if(rectK.width > 1.8*prevRectK.width) return true; else return false; }
region_descriptor create_rectangle(cv::Rect rect) { region_descriptor result; for(int i = 0; i < rect.height; ++i) result.lineIntervals.push_back(region_interval(i+rect.y, rect.x, rect.x + rect.width)); result.bounding_box = rect; result.m_size = rect.area(); return result; }
void ImageSegmentation::thresholding(const cv::Mat &grey, cv::Mat &bin, const double threshold, const int method, const cv::Rect roi) { if(roi.area() == 0) { cv::threshold(grey, bin, threshold, 255, method); } else { cv::threshold(grey(roi), bin, threshold, 255, method); } }
void Detector::set_state(cv::Rect state, float confidence) { CHECK(0.0f <= confidence && confidence <= 1.0f); if (!IsRectInsideFrame(state, frame_)) { WARNING("given state " << state << " is outside the frame"); } else if (state.area() == 0) { WARNING("given state is empty"); } state_ = state; confidence_ = confidence; }
bool getBox() { // Crops the image based on user input and creates a template for the tracker with it. printf("Reading image!!\n"); ImageOf<PixelRgb> *imgIn =; // read an image cv::Mat img((IplImage*) imgIn->getIplImage()); printf("Click first top left and then bottom right from the object !!\n"); bool boxOK = false; //Bottle &out = coordsOutPort.prepare(); cv::Point tl, br; while (!boxOK){ printf("Click on top left!\n"); Bottle *point1 =; tl.x = point1->get(0).asDouble(); tl.y = point1->get(1).asDouble(); printf("Point read at %d, %d!!\n", tl.x, tl.y); printf("Click on bottom right!\n"); Bottle *point2 =; br.x = point2->get(0).asDouble(); br.y = point2->get(1).asDouble(); printf("Point read at %d, %d!!\n", br.x, br.y); BBox = cv::Rect(tl,br); if (BBox.area() > 20) { printf("valid coordinates, cropping image!\n"); boxOK = true;} else {printf("Coordinates not valid, click again!\n");} } printf("Prep out mat !!\n"); ImageOf<PixelRgb> &templateOut = tempOutPort.prepare(); templateOut.resize(BBox.width, BBox.height); cv::Mat tempOut((IplImage*)templateOut.getIplImage(),false); img(BBox).copyTo(tempOut); //cv::GaussianBlur(img(BBox), imOut, cv::Size(1,1), 1, 1); double t0 = Time::now(); while(Time::now()-t0 < 1) { //send the template for one second printf("Writing Template!\n"); tempOutPort.write(); Time::delay(0.1); } tracking = true; return true; }
void DrawCircles(Mat& frame, std::vector<Rect>& hands, cv::Rect& maxRect, int& posX, int& posY) { // Draw circles on the detected hands for (int i = 0; i < hands.size(); i++) { if (hands[i].area() > maxRect.area()) maxRect = hands[i]; } Point center(maxRect.x + maxRect.width*0.5, maxRect.y + maxRect.height*0.5); ellipse(frame, center, Size(maxRect.width*0.5, maxRect.height*0.5), 0, 0, 360, Scalar(255, 0, 255), 4, 8, 0); circle(frame, center, 5, Scalar(144, 144, 255), 3); posX = maxRect.x + maxRect.width*0.5; posY = maxRect.y + maxRect.height*0.5; }
FrameDescriptor::FrameDescriptor(int numberOfFeatures, cv::Rect roi_rect) : numberOfFeatures(numberOfFeatures), roi_rect(roi_rect),frame_number(0) { //Allocate KeyPoint Vector featurePoints.reserve(numberOfFeatures); //if we have an roi to generate, set the flag, otherwise, set process frame to point to refFrame has_been_normalized = false; if(roi_rect.area() > 0) { roi_set = true; roi_offset = cv::Point2f(roi_rect.x,roi_rect.y); process_frame = new cv::Mat(); } else { roi_set = false; roi_offset = cv::Point2f(0,0); process_frame = &refFrame; } }
void FaceProcessor::enrollImagePart(const cv::Mat &rgbImage, double &resRed, double &resGreen, double &resBlue, double &resT, cv::Rect roirect) { if(roirect == cv::Rect()) { roirect = cv::Rect(0,0,rgbImage.cols,rgbImage.rows); } else { roirect = roirect & cv::Rect(0,0,rgbImage.cols,rgbImage.rows); } unsigned long red = 0; unsigned long green = 0; unsigned long blue = 0; unsigned long area = 0; if(roirect.area() > 0) { cv::Mat region = cv::Mat(rgbImage,roirect); unsigned char *ptr; unsigned char tR = 0, tG = 0, tB = 0; #pragma omp parallel for private(ptr,tB,tG,tR) reduction(+:area,green) for(int j = 0; j < roirect.height; j++) { ptr = region.ptr(j); for(int i = 0; i < roirect.width; i++) { tB = ptr[3*i]; tG = ptr[3*i+1]; tR = ptr[3*i+2]; if( /*__skinColor(tR, tG, tB)*/ true) { area++; red += tR; green += tG; blue += tB; } } } } resT = ((double)cv::getTickCount() - (double)m_markTime)*1000.0 / cv::getTickFrequency(); m_markTime = cv::getTickCount(); if(area > 16) { resRed = ((double)red) / area; resGreen = ((double)green) / area; resBlue = ((double)blue) / area; } else { resRed = 0.0; resGreen = 0.0; resBlue = 0.0; } }
bool rectHasLargerArea(cv::Rect a, cv::Rect b) { return a.area() < b.area(); };
static PixelType mean_from_integral(const cv::Mat& mat, cv::Rect region) { return sum_from_integral<PixelType>(mat, region) / region.area(); }
cv::Mat_<byte> DepthSegmenter::calcMostCommonDepthMask( const cv::Rect subRect, cv::Mat_<float> mask) const { cv::Mat_<float> subMat = _rngMat; if ( subRect.area() > 0) subMat = _rngMat(subRect); if ( mask.empty()) mask = cv::Mat_<float>::ones(subMat.size()); assert( mask.rows == subMat.rows && mask.cols == subMat.cols); // Find the most common depth int *bins = (int*)calloc( _depthLevels, sizeof(int)); // Zero'd float *means = (float*)calloc( _depthLevels, sizeof(float)); // Zero'd within bin depth means std::vector< std::vector<float> > dvals( _depthLevels); const double rngDelta = _maxRng - _minRng; int topIdx = 0; // Remember top index (most hits) int maxCnt = 0; const int rows = subMat.rows; const int cols = subMat.cols; for ( int i = 0; i < rows; ++i) { const float *pxRow = subMat.ptr<float>(i); const float *maskRow = mask.ptr<float>(i); for ( int j = 0; j < cols; ++j) { if ( maskRow[j]) // Ignore zero values { const float depth = pxRow[j]; if ( depth <= 0) continue; const int b = binVal( bins, means, depth, rngDelta); if ( b < 0) // Out of range so continue continue; dvals[b].push_back(depth); // Store the depth value itself for later std-dev calc if ( bins[b] > maxCnt) { topIdx = b; maxCnt = bins[b]; } // end if } // end if } // end for - cols } // end for - rows /* for ( int i = 0; i < _depthLevels; ++i) cerr << "Bin " << i << ": " << bins[i] << endl; cerr << "Top bin = " << topIdx << endl; */ free(bins); const float meanDepth = means[topIdx]; // Mean of most common depth values //free(means); // Calculate the std-dev for the most common depth interval const std::vector<float>& vds = dvals[topIdx]; const int sz = (int)vds.size(); double sumSqDiffs = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < sz; ++i) sumSqDiffs += pow(vds[i]-meanDepth,2); const double stddev = sqrt(sumSqDiffs/sz); _lastStdDev = float(stddev); // Identify the pixels closest to meanDepth within c*stddev const float withinRng = _inlierFactor * _lastStdDev; float minDepth = FLT_MAX; float maxDepth = 0; float totDepth = 0; int pxCount = 0; cv::Mat_<byte> outMat( rows, cols); for ( int i = 0; i < rows; ++i) { byte* outRow = outMat.ptr<byte>(i); const float* inRow = subMat.ptr<float>(i); for ( int j = 0; j < cols; ++j) { const float depth = inRow[j]; if ( depth > 0 && (fabs(depth - meanDepth) < withinRng)) { outRow[j] = 0xff; totDepth += depth; pxCount++; if ( depth < minDepth) minDepth = depth; if ( depth > maxDepth) maxDepth = depth; } // end if else outRow[j] = 0; } // end for } // end for _lastMinDepth = minDepth; _lastMaxDepth = maxDepth; _lastAvgDepth = totDepth/pxCount; //cv::fastFree(dvals); return outMat; } // end calcMostCommonDepthMask
void displacement(const cv::Rect& initial, const cv::Rect& last, cv::Point& centerDiff, double& areaRatio) { cv::Point centerInitial = center(initial); cv::Point centerLast = center(last); centerDiff = centerInitial - centerLast; areaRatio = ((double)(initial.area())) / last.area(); }
double GridFitter::evaluateCandidate(PipelineGrid& grid, cv::Mat const& roi, cv::Mat const& binarizedROI, cv::Mat const& sobelXRoi, const cv::Mat& sobelYRoi, const settings_cache_t &settings) { double error = 0; const cv::Rect boundingBox = grid.getBoundingBox(); // return max error if either width or height is zero if (!boundingBox.area()) return std::numeric_limits<double>::max(); // also return max error if grid bounding box is not within roi if (boundingBox.x < 0 || boundingBox.y < 0) return std::numeric_limits<double>::max(); if (boundingBox.x + boundingBox.width >= roi.rows || boundingBox.y + boundingBox.height >= roi.cols) return std::numeric_limits<double>::max(); enum ROI { BINARY = 0, GRAYSCALE }; static const ROI roiKind = ROI::GRAYSCALE; static const double numErrorMeasurements = 6.; const cv::Mat& selectedRoi = roiKind == ROI::BINARY ? binarizedROI : roi; { error_counter_t<expected_white_error_fun_t> errorFun(selectedRoi); errorFun = grid.processInnerWhiteRingCoordinates(std::move(errorFun)); error += errorFun.getNormalizedError() * settings.err_func_alpha_inner; } { error_counter_t<expected_black_error_fun_t> errorFun(selectedRoi); errorFun = grid.processInnerBlackRingCoordinates(std::move(errorFun)); error += errorFun.getNormalizedError() * settings.err_func_alpha_inner; } for (size_t cellIdx = 0; cellIdx < Grid::NUM_MIDDLE_CELLS; ++cellIdx) { variance_online_calculator_t errorFun(selectedRoi); errorFun = grid.processGridCellCoordinates(cellIdx, std::move(errorFun)); error += (errorFun.getNormalizedVariance() / Grid::NUM_MIDDLE_CELLS) * settings.err_func_alpha_variance; } { error_counter_t<expected_white_error_fun_t> errorFun(selectedRoi); errorFun = grid.processOuterRingCoordinates(std::move(errorFun)); error += errorFun.getNormalizedError() * settings.err_func_alpha_outer; } { sobel_error_counter_t errorFun(sobelXRoi, sobelYRoi, settings.sobel_threshold); errorFun = grid.processOuterRingEdgeCoordinates(std::move(errorFun)); error += errorFun.getNormalizedError() * settings.err_func_alpha_outer_edge; } { sobel_error_counter_t errorFun(sobelXRoi, sobelYRoi, settings.sobel_threshold); errorFun = grid.processInnerLineCoordinates(std::move(errorFun)); error += errorFun.getNormalizedError() * settings.err_func_alpha_inner_edge; } error /= numErrorMeasurements; return error; }
bool testThreshold( const cv::Mat_<double>& ii, const cv::Rect& rct, double thresh) { return ( RFeatures::getIntegralImageSum<double>( ii, rct) / rct.area()) >= thresh; } // end testThreshold
Mat PicOpt::Optimize9Patch::ResizeImageRect(const Mat &img, const cv::Rect &rc, bool is_hrz, Vec2i &new_patch) { if (rc.area() <= 0) { return img; } auto size = img.size(); if (is_hrz) { cv::Rect left(Point(), size); cv::Rect center = left; cv::Rect right = left; int width = (std::min)(rc.width, center_width_); left.width = rc.x; center.x = rc.x + (rc.width - width) / 2; center.width = width; right.x = rc.x + rc.width; // note that the line is [x, y) right.width = size.width - right.x; Mat out(size.height, left.width + center.width + right.width, img.type()); cv::Rect out_center = center; out_center.x = left.width; cv::Rect out_right = right; out_right.x = left.width + center.width; CopyImageRect(img, left, out, left); CopyImageRect(img, center, out, out_center); CopyImageRect(img, right, out, out_right); new_patch[0] = left.width; new_patch[1] = right.width; return out; } else { cv::Rect top(Point(), size); cv::Rect center = top; cv::Rect bottom = top; int height = (std::min)(rc.height, center_width_); top.height = rc.y; center.y = rc.y + (rc.height - height) / 2; center.height = height; bottom.y = rc.y + rc.height; bottom.height = size.height - bottom.y; Mat out(top.height + center.height + bottom.height, size.width, img.type()); cv::Rect out_center = center; out_center.y = top.height; cv::Rect out_bottom = bottom; out_bottom.y = top.height + center.height; CopyImageRect(img, top, out, top); CopyImageRect(img, center, out, out_center); CopyImageRect(img, bottom, out, out_bottom); new_patch[0] = top.height; new_patch[1] = bottom.height; return out; } }
void TrackAssociation::SuperviseTrainingForSubTracks() { std::list<ObjSubTrack*> valid_track; for (size_t i = 0; i < subTrackVector.size(); ++i) { ObjSubTrack *subTrack = subTrackVector[i]; if (subTrack->appModel.valid) { valid_track.push_back(subTrack); } } for (size_t i = 0; i<subTrackVector.size(); ++i) { ObjSubTrack *subTrack = subTrackVector[i]; if (subTrack->appModel.valid) { const DetectionModel &model1 = subTrack->detectionSubTrack.back(); const cv::Rect r1 = model1.ConvertToRect(); Rect r1_rect; r1_rect = r1; Rect negative_region_rect = subTrack->appModel.tracker.getTrackingROI(r1_rect,7); cv::Rect negative_region = negative_region_rect.ConvertToRect(); bool notTrain = false; std::list<ObjSubTrack*> negative_list; //other objTracks should be discriminated if (subTrack->appModel.tracker.tracking_lost) { notTrain = true; // for (std::list<ObjSubTrack *>::iterator iter = valid_track.begin(); iter!=valid_track.end(); ++iter) // {//push all other than itself // if ((*iter)!=subTrack) // { // negative_list.push_back(*iter); // } // } } //collect neg tracks for (std::list<ObjSubTrack *>::iterator iter = valid_track.begin(); iter!=valid_track.end(); ++iter) { if ((*iter) != subTrack) { const DetectionModel &model2 = (*iter)->detectionSubTrack.back(); const cv::Rect r2 = model2.ConvertToRect(); cv::Rect intersect = r1 & r2; float overlap = intersect.area()/float(r1.area()); if (overlap > 0.1f) { notTrain = true; } if ((*iter)->appModel.tracker.tracking_lost) { negative_list.push_back(*iter); }else { if ((r2 & negative_region).area()>0) { negative_list.push_back(*iter); } } } } //positive samples if (!notTrain) { if (subTrack->detectionSubTrack.back().external_detection) { subTrack->SupervisedTraining(frame_pool); }else { subTrack->SemiSupervisedTraining(frame_pool); } } subTrack->AddToNegList(negative_list);//Add to negative set (construct Nearest Neighbor Classifier) } } }
bool vpSortLargestFace(cv::Rect rect1, cv::Rect rect2) { return (rect1.area() > rect2.area()); }
bool MotionDetector::evaluateStaticObjRect(cv::Rect& tmp_rect) { int tmp_area = tmp_rect.area(); bool isChild = false; bool isParent = false; bool result = false; if (tmp_area > m_MIN_BLOBSIZE) // reject rects that are to small { if (!isInMotion(tmp_rect, 0.95)) // reject rects that are in motion { if (!(m_staticObjectCandidates.size() > m_MAX_STATIC_OBJ)) // reject rects after max count { AmbiguousCandidate tmp; tmp.boundingBox = tmp_rect; tmp.counter = 0; tmp.accMovement = 0; tmp.state = DETECTOR_UNCLASSIFIED_OBJECT; std::set<int> deleteIdx; int iteration = 0; for (int k = 0; k < m_staticObjectCandidates.size(); ++k) { if (containsBoundingBox(m_staticObjectCandidates[k].boundingBox, tmp_rect)) // is within { isChild = true; result = false; return result; } if (containsBoundingBox(tmp_rect, m_staticObjectCandidates[k].boundingBox)) // contains existing bounding box { if (isParent) { deleteIdx.insert(k); } else { isParent = true; result = true; m_staticObjectCandidates[k].boundingBox = tmp_rect; } } } for (auto it = deleteIdx.begin(); it != deleteIdx.end(); ++it) { m_staticObjectCandidates.erase(m_staticObjectCandidates.begin() + *it - iteration); ++iteration; } if (!isParent && !isChild) { m_staticObjectCandidates.push_back(tmp); result = true; } } } } return result; }