DFhackCExport command_result df_cleanowned (Core * c, vector <string> & parameters) { bool dump_scattered = false; bool confiscate_all = false; bool dry_run = false; int wear_dump_level = 65536; for(std::size_t i = 0; i < parameters.size(); i++) { string & param = parameters[i]; if(param == "dryrun") dry_run = true; else if(param == "scattered") dump_scattered = true; else if(param == "all") confiscate_all = true; else if(param == "x") wear_dump_level = 1; else if(param == "X") wear_dump_level = 2; else if(param == "?" || param == "help") { c->con.print("This tool lets you confiscate and dump all the garbage\n" "dwarves ultimately accumulate.\n" "By default, only rotten and dropped food is confiscated.\n" "Options:\n" " dryrun - don't actually do anything, just print what would be done.\n" " scattered - confiscate owned items on the ground\n" " all - confiscate everything\n" " x - confiscate & dump 'x' and worse damaged items\n" " X - confiscate & dump 'X' and worse damaged items\n" " ? - this help\n" "Example:\n" " confiscate scattered X\n" " This will confiscate rotten and dropped food, garbage on the floors\n" " and any worn items wit 'X' damage and above.\n" ); return CR_OK; } else { c->con.printerr("Parameter '%s' is not valid. See 'cleanowned help'.\n",param.c_str()); return CR_FAILURE; } } c->Suspend(); DFHack::Materials *Materials = c->getMaterials(); DFHack::Items *Items = c->getItems(); DFHack::Units *Creatures = c->getUnits(); DFHack::Translation *Tran = c->getTranslation(); uint32_t num_creatures; bool ok = true; ok &= Materials->ReadAllMaterials(); ok &= Creatures->Start(num_creatures); ok &= Tran->Start(); vector<df_item *> p_items; ok &= Items->readItemVector(p_items); if(!ok) { c->con.printerr("Can't continue due to offset errors.\n"); c->Resume(); return CR_FAILURE; } c->con.print("Found total %d items.\n", p_items.size()); for (std::size_t i=0; i < p_items.size(); i++) { df_item * item = p_items[i]; bool confiscate = false; bool dump = false; if (!item->flags.owned) { int32_t owner = Items->getItemOwnerID(item); if (owner >= 0) { c->con.print("Fixing a misflagged item: \t"); confiscate = true; } else { continue; } } std::string name = Items->getItemClass(item); if (item->flags.rotten) { c->con.print("Confiscating a rotten item: \t"); confiscate = true; } else if (item->flags.on_ground) { int32_t type = item->getType(); if(type == Items::MEAT || type == Items::FISH || type == Items::VERMIN || type == Items::PET || type == Items::PLANT || type == Items::CHEESE || type == Items::FOOD ) { confiscate = true; if(dump_scattered) { c->con.print("Dumping a dropped item: \t"); dump = true; } else { c->con.print("Confiscating a dropped item: \t"); } } else if(dump_scattered) { c->con.print("Confiscating and dumping litter: \t"); confiscate = true; dump = true; } } else if (item->getWear() >= wear_dump_level) { c->con.print("Confiscating and dumping a worn item: \t"); confiscate = true; dump = true; } else if (confiscate_all) { c->con.print("Confiscating: \t"); confiscate = true; } if (confiscate) { std::string description; item->getItemDescription(&description, 0); c->con.print( "0x%x %s (wear %d)", item, description.c_str(), item->getWear() ); int32_t owner = Items->getItemOwnerID(item); int32_t owner_index = Creatures->FindIndexById(owner); std::string info; if (owner_index >= 0) { DFHack::df_unit * temp = Creatures->GetCreature(owner_index); info = temp->name.first_name; if (!temp->name.nick_name.empty()) info += std::string(" '") + temp->name.nick_name + "'"; info += " "; info += Tran->TranslateName(&temp->name,false); c->con.print(", owner %s", info.c_str()); } if (!dry_run) { if (!Items->removeItemOwner(item, Creatures)) c->con.print("(unsuccessfully) "); if (dump) item->flags.dump = 1; } c->con.print("\n"); } } c->Resume(); return CR_OK; }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { bool print_refs = false; bool print_hex = false; bool print_acc = false; for(int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { char *arg = argv[i]; if (arg[0] != '-') continue; for (; *arg; arg++) { switch (arg[0]) { case 'r': print_refs = true; break; case 'x': print_hex = true; break; case 'a': print_acc = true; break; } } } DFHack::Process * p; DFHack::ContextManager DFMgr("Memory.xml"); DFHack::Context * DF; try { DF = DFMgr.getSingleContext(); DF->Attach(); } catch (exception& e) { cerr << e.what() << endl; #ifndef LINUX_BUILD cin.ignore(); #endif return 1; } DFHack::Materials * Materials = DF->getMaterials(); Materials->ReadAllMaterials(); DFHack::Gui * Gui = DF->getGui(); DFHack::Items * Items = DF->getItems(); Items->Start(); DFHack::VersionInfo * mem = DF->getMemoryInfo(); p = DF->getProcess(); int32_t x,y,z; Gui->getCursorCoords(x,y,z); std::vector<uint32_t> p_items; Items->readItemVector(p_items); uint32_t size = p_items.size(); // FIXME: tools should never be exposed to DFHack internals! DFHack::OffsetGroup* itemGroup = mem->getGroup("Items"); uint32_t ref_vector = itemGroup->getOffset("item_ref_vector"); for(size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) { DFHack::dfh_item itm; memset(&itm, 0, sizeof(DFHack::dfh_item)); Items->readItem(p_items[i],itm); if (x != -30000 && !(itm.base.x == x && itm.base.y == y && itm.base.z == z && itm.base.flags.on_ground && !itm.base.flags.in_chest && !itm.base.flags.in_inventory && !itm.base.flags.in_building)) continue; printf( "%5d: %08x %6d %08x (%d,%d,%d) #%08x [%d] *%d %s - %s\n", i, itm.origin, itm.id, itm.base.flags.whole, itm.base.x, itm.base.y, itm.base.z, itm.base.vtable, itm.wear_level, itm.quantity, Items->getItemClass(itm).c_str(), Items->getItemDescription(itm, Materials).c_str() ); if (print_hex) hexdump(DF,p_items[i],0x300); if (print_acc) cout << Items->dumpAccessors(itm) << endl; if (print_refs) { DFHack::DfVector<uint32_t> p_refs(p, itm.origin + ref_vector); for (size_t j = 0; j < p_refs.size(); j++) { uint32_t vptr = p->readDWord(p_refs[j]); uint32_t val = p->readDWord(p_refs[j]+4); printf("\t-> %d \t%s\n", int(val), p->readClassName(vptr).c_str()); } } } #ifndef LINUX_BUILD cout << "Done. Press any key to continue" << endl; cin.ignore(); #endif return 0; }