		 * Transfer one bundle to another node.
		 * @param destination The EID of the other node.
		 * @param id The ID of the bundle to transfer. This bundle must be stored in the storage.
		void RoutingExtension::transferTo(const dtn::data::EID &destination, const dtn::data::MetaBundle &meta)
			// acquire the transfer of this bundle, could throw already in transit or no resource left exception
				// lock the list of neighbors
				ibrcommon::MutexLock l((**this).getNeighborDB());

				// get the neighbor entry for the next hop
				NeighborDatabase::NeighborEntry &entry = (**this).getNeighborDB().get(destination, true);

				// acquire the transfer, could throw already in transit or no resource left exception

			try {
				// create a new bundle transfer object
				dtn::net::BundleTransfer transfer(destination, meta);

				// transfer the bundle to the next hop

				IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_DEBUG_TAG(RoutingExtension::TAG, 20) << "bundle " << meta.toString() << " queued for " << destination.getString() << IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_ENDL;
			} catch (const dtn::core::P2PDialupException&) {
				// lock the list of neighbors
				ibrcommon::MutexLock l((**this).getNeighborDB());

				// get the neighbor entry for the next hop
				NeighborDatabase::NeighborEntry &entry = (**this).getNeighborDB().get(destination);

				// release the transfer

				// and abort the query
				throw NeighborDatabase::NeighborNotAvailableException();
			} catch (const ibrcommon::Exception &e) {
				// ignore any other error
Example #2
		void NativeSession::receive() throw (NativeSessionException)
			Registration &reg = _registration;
			try {
				try {
					const dtn::data::MetaBundle id = reg.receiveMetaBundle();

					if (id.procflags & dtn::data::PrimaryBlock::APPDATA_IS_ADMRECORD) {
						// transform custody signals & status reports into notifies

						// announce the delivery of this bundle
					} else {
						IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_DEBUG_TAG(NativeSession::TAG, 20) << "fire notification for new bundle " << id.toString() << IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_ENDL;

						// put the bundle into the API queue

						// notify the client about the new bundle
				} catch (const dtn::storage::NoBundleFoundException&) {
					IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_DEBUG_TAG(NativeSession::TAG, 25) << "no more bundles found - wait until we are notified" << IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_ENDL;
			} catch (const ibrcommon::QueueUnblockedException &ex) {
				throw NativeSessionException(std::string("loop aborted - ") + ex.what());
			} catch (const std::exception &ex) {
				throw NativeSessionException(std::string("loop aborted - ") + ex.what());
Example #3
		void Registration::RegistrationQueue::put(const dtn::data::MetaBundle &bundle) throw ()
			try {

				ibrcommon::MutexLock l(_lock);

				IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_DEBUG_TAG(Registration::TAG, 10) << "[RegistrationQueue] add bundle to list of delivered bundles: " << bundle.toString() << IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_ENDL;
			} catch (const ibrcommon::Exception&) { }
Example #4
				virtual bool shouldAdd(const dtn::data::MetaBundle &meta) const throw (dtn::storage::BundleSelectorException)
					// filter fragments if requested
					if (meta.isFragment() && _fragment_filter)
						return false;

					if (_endpoints.find(meta.destination) == _endpoints.end())
						return false;

					// filter own bundles
					if (!_loopback)
						if (_endpoints.find(meta.source) != _endpoints.end())
							return false;

					IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_DEBUG_TAG(Registration::TAG, 30) << "search bundle in the list of delivered bundles: " << meta.toString() << IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_ENDL;

					if (_queue.has(meta))
						return false;

					return true;