Example #1
void FrameData::setRotation( const eq::Vector3f& rotation )
    _rotation = eq::Matrix4f::IDENTITY;
    _rotation.rotate_x( rotation.x() );
    _rotation.rotate_y( rotation.y() );
    _rotation.rotate_z( rotation.z() );
    setDirty( DIRTY_CAMERA );
Example #2
void FrameData::setModelRotation(  const eq::Vector3f& rotation )
    _modelRotation = eq::Matrix4f();
    _modelRotation.rotate_x( rotation.x( ));
    _modelRotation.rotate_y( rotation.y( ));
    _modelRotation.rotate_z( rotation.z( ));
    setDirty( DIRTY_CAMERA );
Example #3
void Channel::_updateNearFar( const mesh::BoundingSphere& boundingSphere )
    // compute dynamic near/far plane of whole model
    const FrameData& frameData = _getFrameData();

    const eq::Matrix4f& rotation     = frameData.getCameraRotation();
    const eq::Matrix4f headTransform = getHeadTransform() * rotation;

    eq::Matrix4f modelInv;
    compute_inverse( headTransform, modelInv );

    const eq::Vector3f zero  = modelInv * eq::Vector3f::ZERO;
    eq::Vector3f       front = modelInv * eq::Vector3f( 0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f );

    front -= zero;
    front *= boundingSphere.w();

    const eq::Vector3f center =  
        frameData.getCameraPosition().get_sub_vector< 3 >() -
        boundingSphere.get_sub_vector< 3 >();
    const eq::Vector3f nearPoint  = headTransform * ( center - front );
    const eq::Vector3f farPoint   = headTransform * ( center + front );

    if( useOrtho( ))
        LBASSERTINFO( fabs( farPoint.z() - nearPoint.z() ) > 
                      std::numeric_limits< float >::epsilon(),
                      nearPoint << " == " << farPoint );
        setNearFar( -nearPoint.z(), -farPoint.z() );
        // estimate minimal value of near plane based on frustum size
        const eq::Frustumf& frustum = getFrustum();
        const float width  = fabs( frustum.right() - frustum.left() );
        const float height = fabs( frustum.top() - frustum.bottom() );
        const float size   = LB_MIN( width, height );
        const float minNear = frustum.near_plane() / size * .001f;

        const float zNear = LB_MAX( minNear, -nearPoint.z() );
        const float zFar  = LB_MAX( zNear * 2.f, -farPoint.z() );

        setNearFar( zNear, zFar );
Example #4
bool Tracker::_update()
#ifdef WIN32
    return false;
    const ssize_t wrote = write(_fd, COMMAND_POINT, 1); // send data
    if (wrote == -1)
        LBERROR << "Write error: " << lunchbox::sysError << std::endl;
        return false;

    unsigned char buffer[12];
    if (!_read(buffer, 12, 500000))
        LBERROR << "Read error" << std::endl;
        return false;

    const short xpos = (buffer[1] << 8 | buffer[0]);
    const short ypos = (buffer[3] << 8 | buffer[2]);
    const short zpos = (buffer[5] << 8 | buffer[4]);

    const short head = (buffer[7] << 8 | buffer[6]);
    const short pitch = (buffer[9] << 8 | buffer[8]);
    const short roll = (buffer[11] << 8 | buffer[10]);

    // 32640 is 360 degrees (2pi) -> scale is 1/5194.81734
    const eq::Vector3f hpr(head / -5194.81734f + M_PI,
                           pitch / -5194.81734f + 2.0f * M_PI,
                           roll / -5194.81734f + 2.0f * M_PI);

    eq::Vector3f pos;

    // highest value for y and z position of the tracker sensor is 32639,
    // after that it switches back to zero (and vice versa if descending
    // values).
    pos.x() = ypos;
    if (pos.x() > 16320) // 32640 / 2 = 16320
        pos.x() -= 32640;

    pos.y() = zpos;
    if (pos.y() > 16320)
        pos.y() -= 32640;

    pos.z() = xpos;

    pos /= 18000.f; // scale to meter

    // position and rotation are stored in transformation matrix
    // and matrix is scaled to the application's units
    _matrix = eq::Matrix4f();

    LBINFO << "Tracker pos " << pos << " hpr " << hpr << " = " << _matrix;

    // M = M_world_emitter * M_emitter_sensor * M_sensor_object
    _matrix = _worldToEmitter * _matrix * _sensorToObject;

    LBINFO << "Tracker matrix " << _matrix;

    return true;