static Util::ReferenceCount<playerInfo> getPlayer(const Filesystem::AbsolutePath & file){ Global::debug(1, PAINTOWN_DEBUG_CONTEXT) << "Checking " << file.path() << std::endl; if (Storage::instance().exists(file)){ Global::debug(1, PAINTOWN_DEBUG_CONTEXT) << "Adding " << file.path() << std::endl; return Util::ReferenceCount<playerInfo>(new playerInfo(Util::ReferenceCount<Paintown::DisplayCharacter>(new Paintown::DisplayCharacter(file)), file)); } throw LoadException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "File '" + file.path() + "' not found."); }
PackReader::PackReader(const Filesystem::AbsolutePath & filename): filename(filename){ ifstream stream; Global::debug(0) << "Reading pak file " << filename.path() << endl;, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary); Storage::LittleEndianReader reader(stream); uint32_t magic = reader.readByte4(); if (magic != MAGIC){ ostringstream error; error << filename.path() << " is not a packfile! " << std::hex << magic; throw PackError(__FILE__, __LINE__, error.str()); } else { // cout << "Ok got a packfile" << endl; } uint32_t version = reader.readByte4(); /* just assume we can read all versions for now */ // cout << "Version is " << version << endl; reader.seekEnd(-4); uint32_t headerPosition = reader.readByte4();; // cout << "Header at 0x" << std::hex << headerPosition << std::dec << endl; bool done = false; try{ while (!done){ uint32_t current = reader.position(); uint32_t length = reader.readByte4(); uint32_t start = reader.readByte4(); uint32_t size = reader.readByte4(); /* will read upto 80 bytes, but potentially fewer if a null byte * is reached. */ string name = reader.readStringX(80); if (name.size() != 0){ files[sanitizePath(name)] = File(start, size); } done = name.size() == 0; // cout << name << " at " << start << " size " << size << " length " << length << endl; // cout << " seek to " << (current + length) << endl; // + length); done |= stream.eof(); } } catch (const Storage::Eof & eof){ } stream.close();, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary); Util::Thread::initializeLock(&readLock); }
static AstRef loadCached(const Filesystem::AbsolutePath & path){ if (!Storage::instance().exists(path)){ throw MugenException("Original file does not exist", __FILE__, __LINE__); } string converted = Storage::instance().cleanse(path).path(); std::transform(converted.begin(), converted.end(), converted.begin(), replaceSlash); Filesystem::AbsolutePath fullPath = Storage::instance().userDirectory().join(Filesystem::RelativePath(MUGEN_CACHE)).join(Filesystem::RelativePath(converted)); if (!newer(fullPath, path)){ throw MugenException("File is old", __FILE__, __LINE__); } TokenReader reader; Global::debug(1, "mugen-parse-cache") << "Loading from cache " << fullPath.path() << endl; return PaintownUtil::ReferenceCount<Ast::AstParse>(new Ast::AstParse(reader.readTokenFromFile(fullPath.path().c_str()))); }
Cat::Cat(const Filesystem::AbsolutePath & filename): ObjectNonAttack( 0, 0 ), state( IDLE1 ){ path = filename; setMaxHealth( 1 ); setHealth( 1 ); TokenReader tr; try{ Token * head; head = tr.readTokenFromFile(path.path()); if ( *head != "cat" ){ throw LoadException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "File does not begin with 'Cat'" ); } while ( head->hasTokens() ){ Token * next = head->readToken(); if ( *next == "animation" ){ Animation * animation = new Animation( next, 0 ); animations[ animation->getName() ] = animation; } } if ( animations.size() == 0 ){ throw LoadException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "No animation given" ); } } catch (const TokenException & ex){ // Global::debug(0) << "Could not read "<< filename.path() <<": "<< ex.getReason()<<endl; throw LoadException(__FILE__, __LINE__, ex, "Could not open file " + filename.path()); } current_animation = animations[ "idle1" ]; meow = Sound(Storage::instance().find(Filesystem::RelativePath("misc/cat/meow.wav")).path()); }
static void saveParse(const Filesystem::AbsolutePath & path, const PaintownUtil::ReferenceCount<Ast::AstParse> & parse){ ofstream out(path.path().c_str()); Token * serial = parse->serialize(); serial->toStringCompact(out); out << endl; out.close(); delete serial; }
void Configuration::loadConfigurations(){ data = new Token(); *data << config_configuration; try{ Filesystem::AbsolutePath file = Storage::instance().configFile(); TokenReader tr; Token * head = tr.readTokenFromFile(file.path()); if (*head != config_configuration){ throw LoadException(__FILE__, __LINE__, string("Config file ") + Storage::instance().configFile().path() + " does not use the configuration format" ); } /* Store the entire configuration tree */ data = removeDuplicates(head->copy()); } catch ( const LoadException & le ){ Global::debug( 0 ) << "Notice: Could not load configuration file " << Storage::instance().configFile().path() << ": " << le.getTrace() << endl; } catch ( const TokenException & t ){ Global::debug( 0 ) << "Notice: could not open configuration file '" << Storage::instance().configFile().path() << "': " << t.getTrace() << endl; } }
/* attempts to load from a file on disk. if the file doesn't exist then * parse it for real and save it to disk. */ Util::ReferenceCount<Ast::AstParse> Parser::loadFile(const Filesystem::AbsolutePath & path){ try{ return loadCached(path); } catch (const TokenException & fail){ Global::debug(1, "mugen-parse-cache") << "Cache load warning: " << fail.getTrace() << endl; } catch (const MugenException & fail){ Global::debug(1, "mugen-parse-cache") << "Cache load warning: " << fail.getTrace() << endl; } catch (const Filesystem::Exception & fail){ Global::debug(1, "mugen-parse-cache") << "Cache load warning: " << fail.getTrace() << endl; } Global::debug(1, "mugen-parse-cache") << "Parsing " << path.path() << endl; Util::ReferenceCount<Ast::AstParse> out = doParse(path); try{ saveCached(out, path); } catch (...){ Global::debug(0) << "Failed to save cached file " << path.path() << endl; /* failed for some reason */ } return out; }
Item::Item(const Filesystem::AbsolutePath & filename, const Util::ReferenceCount<Stimulation> & stimulation, const string & check): ObjectNonAttack(0, 0), // collide(0), stimulation(stimulation){ TokenReader tr; setMaxHealth(1); setHealth(1); try{ Token * head; head = tr.readTokenFromFile(filename.path()); if (*head != check){ throw LoadException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Item does not begin with 'item'" ); } TokenView view = head->view(); while (view.hasMore()){ const Token * next = NULL; view >> next; if (*next == "frame"){ animation = singleFrameAnimation(next); /* string file; next->view() >> file; picture.load(Storage::instance().find(Filesystem::RelativePath(file)).path()); */ } else if (*next == "anim" || *next == "animation"){ animation = Util::ReferenceCount<Animation>(new Animation(next, NULL)); } else if (*next == "sound"){ string path; next->view() >> path; sound = Sound(Storage::instance().find(Filesystem::RelativePath(path)).path()); } else if (*next == "float"){ floating.enabled = true; double value = 0; if (next->match("_/height", value)){ floating.height = value; } if (next->match("_/amplitude", value)){ floating.amplitude = value; } if (next->match("_/period", value)){ if (value < 1){ value = 1; } floating.period = value; } } }
Data::Data(const Filesystem::AbsolutePath & configFile): motif(""), difficulty(), life(), time(), speed(), team1vs2Life(), teamLoseOnKO(), gameType(), defaultAttackLifeToPowerMultiplier(1), defaultGetHitLifeToPowerMultiplier(1), superTargetDefenceMultiplier(), gameSpeed(), drawShadows(), afterImageMax(), layeredSpriteMax(), explodMax(), sysExplodMax(), helperMax(), playerProjectileMax(), firstRun(), search(SelectDefAndAuto){ Filesystem::AbsolutePath baseDir = configFile.getDirectory(); const Filesystem::AbsolutePath ourDefFile = Mugen::Util::fixFileName(baseDir, configFile.getFilename().path()); if (ourDefFile.isEmpty()){ throw MugenException("Cannot locate definition file for: " + configFile.path(), __FILE__, __LINE__); } TimeDifference diff; diff.startTime(); AstRef parsed(Util::parseDef(ourDefFile)); diff.endTime(); Global::debug(1) << "Parsed mugen file " + ourDefFile.path() + " in" + diff.printTime("") << endl; for (Ast::AstParse::section_iterator section_it = parsed->getSections()->begin(); section_it != parsed->getSections()->end(); section_it++){ Ast::Section * section = *section_it; std::string head = section->getName(); if (head == "Options"){ class OptionWalk: public Ast::Walker{ public: OptionWalk(Data & self): self(self){ } Data & self; virtual void onAttributeSimple(const Ast::AttributeSimple & simple){ if (simple == "difficulty"){ simple.view() >> self.difficulty; } else if (simple == "life"){ simple.view() >>; } else if (simple == "time"){
static void saveCached(const Util::ReferenceCount<Ast::AstParse> & parse, const Filesystem::AbsolutePath & path){ string converted = Storage::instance().cleanse(path).path(); std::transform(converted.begin(), converted.end(), converted.begin(), replaceSlash); Filesystem::AbsolutePath cache = Storage::instance().userDirectory().join(Filesystem::RelativePath(MUGEN_CACHE)); if (!System::isDirectory(cache.path())){ /* like mkdir -p */ System::makeAllDirectory(cache.path()); } Filesystem::AbsolutePath fullPath = cache.join(Filesystem::RelativePath(converted)); Global::debug(1, "mugen-parse-cache") << "Saving cache to " << fullPath.path() << endl; saveParse(fullPath, parse); }