BOOL CImgStatic::OnEraseBkgnd(CDC *pDC) { if (m_bZooming) return TRUE; if (m_bImageLoaded) { RECT rc; GetClientRect(&rc); // Get Gdiplus graphics object Gdiplus::Graphics grp(pDC->GetSafeHdc()); // Clear rectangle Gdiplus::Color gdipColor; gdipColor.SetFromCOLORREF(GetSysColor(COLOR_3DFACE)); Gdiplus::SolidBrush brush(gdipColor); grp.FillRectangle(&brush, rc.left,, rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom -; grp.Flush(); return TRUE; } else { return CStatic::OnEraseBkgnd(pDC); } }
static void DrawFrame2(Graphics &g, RectI r) { g.SetCompositingQuality(CompositingQualityHighQuality); g.SetSmoothingMode(SmoothingModeAntiAlias); g.SetPageUnit(UnitPixel); Font f(L"Impact", 40, FontStyleRegular); CalcLettersLayout(g, &f, r.dx); Gdiplus::Color bgCol; bgCol.SetFromCOLORREF(WIN_BG_COLOR); SolidBrush bgBrush(bgCol); Rect r2(r.ToGdipRect()); r2.Inflate(1, 1); g.FillRectangle(&bgBrush, r2); Font f2(L"Impact", 16, FontStyleRegular); DrawSumatraLetters(g, &f, &f2, 18.f); if (gShowOptions) return; REAL msgY = (REAL)(r.dy / 2); if (gMsg) msgY += DrawMessage(g, gMsg, msgY, (REAL)r.dx, gMsgColor) + 5; if (gMsgError) DrawMessage(g, gMsgError, msgY, (REAL)r.dx, COLOR_MSG_FAILED); }
void CSettingsRevisionGraphColors::ApplyColor ( CMFCColorButton& button , CColors::GDIPlusColorTable table , int index) { COLORREF value = button.GetColor() == -1 ? button.GetAutomaticColor() : button.GetColor(); Gdiplus::Color temp; temp.SetFromCOLORREF (value); m_Colors.SetColor (table, index, (temp.GetValue() & 0xffffff) + 0xff000000); }
void CSettingsRevisionGraphColors::ApplyColor ( CMFCColorButton& button , CColors::GDIPlusColor color , DWORD alpha) { COLORREF value = button.GetColor() == -1 ? button.GetAutomaticColor() : button.GetColor(); Gdiplus::Color temp; temp.SetFromCOLORREF (value); m_Colors.SetColor (color, (temp.GetValue() & 0xffffff) + (alpha << 24)); }
void CImgStatic::ClearImage() { // Get rid of image and return it back to empty CStatic control FreeStream(); RECT rc; GetClientRect(&rc); Gdiplus::Graphics grp(GetDC()->GetSafeHdc()); // Clear rectangle Gdiplus::Color gdipColor; gdipColor.SetFromCOLORREF(GetSysColor(COLOR_3DFACE)); Gdiplus::SolidBrush brush(gdipColor); grp.FillRectangle(&brush, rc.left,, rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom -; grp.Flush(); }
void SelectionHandler::Draw(CDC& offscreenDC) { if (m_selectionState == selstateNoSelection) return; COORD coordStart; COORD coordEnd; SHORT maxX = (m_consoleParams->dwBufferColumns > 0) ? static_cast<SHORT>(m_consoleParams->dwBufferColumns - 1) : static_cast<SHORT>(m_consoleParams->dwColumns - 1); GetSelectionCoordinates(coordStart, coordEnd); SMALL_RECT& srWindow = m_consoleInfo->csbi.srWindow; if( coordEnd.Y < srWindow.Top || coordStart.Y > srWindow.Bottom ) return; INT nXStart = (static_cast<INT>(coordStart.X) - static_cast<INT>(srWindow.Left)) * m_nCharWidth + m_nVInsideBorder; INT nYStart = (static_cast<INT>(coordStart.Y) - static_cast<INT>(srWindow.Top) ) * m_nCharHeight + m_nHInsideBorder; INT nXEnd = (static_cast<INT>( coordEnd.X) - static_cast<INT>(srWindow.Left)) * m_nCharWidth + m_nVInsideBorder; INT nYEnd = (static_cast<INT>( coordEnd.Y) - static_cast<INT>(srWindow.Top) ) * m_nCharHeight + m_nHInsideBorder; INT nXmin = (static_cast<INT>(0) - static_cast<INT>(srWindow.Left)) * m_nCharWidth + m_nVInsideBorder; INT nXmax = (static_cast<INT>(maxX) - static_cast<INT>(srWindow.Left)) * m_nCharWidth + m_nVInsideBorder; Gdiplus::Graphics gr(offscreenDC); Gdiplus::Color selectionColor; selectionColor.SetFromCOLORREF(g_settingsHandler->GetAppearanceSettings().stylesSettings.crSelectionColor); Gdiplus::Pen pen (selectionColor); Gdiplus::SolidBrush brush(Gdiplus::Color(64, selectionColor.GetR(), selectionColor.GetG(), selectionColor.GetB())); Gdiplus::GraphicsPath gp; if( nYStart == nYEnd ) { Gdiplus::Rect rect( nXStart, nYStart, (nXEnd - nXStart) + m_nCharWidth, m_nCharHeight); gp.AddRectangle(rect); } else { /* 2_________3 0______| | | 1 5___| |____________| 4 7 6 */ Gdiplus::Point points[8]; points[0].X = nXmin; points[0].Y = nYStart + m_nCharHeight; points[1].X = nXStart; points[1].Y = points[0].Y; points[2].X = points[1].X; points[2].Y = nYStart; points[3].X = nXmax + m_nCharWidth; points[3].Y = points[2].Y; points[4].X = points[3].X; points[4].Y = nYEnd; points[5].X = nXEnd + m_nCharWidth; points[5].Y = points[4].Y; points[6].X = points[5].X; points[6].Y = nYEnd + m_nCharHeight; points[7].X = points[0].X; points[7].Y = points[6].Y; gp.AddPolygon(points, 8); } gr.FillPath(&brush, &gp); gr.DrawPath(&pen, &gp); }
void uie_albumart::paint(HDC hdc) { RECT wndrect_temp; if(GetClientRect(m_hWnd,&wndrect_temp)) { Graphics gfx(hdc); Rect wndrect( wndrect_temp.left,, wndrect_temp.right-wndrect_temp.left, ); Color bg; bg.SetFromCOLORREF((m_config.bg_enabled) ?m_config.bgcol :GetSysColor(COLOR_3DFACE)); bool noimage = m_bufnew.is_empty(); bool image_changed = !m_image_file_exists || m_bmpnew.is_valid(); bool size_changed = m_bufnew.is_valid() ? (m_bufnew->GetWidth() != wndrect.Width || m_bufnew->GetHeight() != wndrect.Height) : true; if (noimage || image_changed || size_changed || m_config_changed || m_dragging) { if (!m_dragging) { m_pan_dx = m_pan_dy = 0; } else { m_bmpnew = m_bmp; } if (size_changed || noimage) { // create bitmaps with new size m_animating = false; m_bufold.release(); m_bufanim.release(); m_bufold = new Bitmap(wndrect.Width,wndrect.Height,&gfx); m_bufnew = new Bitmap(wndrect.Width,wndrect.Height,&gfx); // make sure currently displayed image is redrawn // during the resize m_bmpnew = m_bmp; } if (m_config.animtime == 0) m_bufanim.release(); else if (m_bufanim.is_empty()) m_bufanim=new Bitmap(wndrect.Width,wndrect.Height,&gfx); m_config_changed = false; Bitmap *temp = m_bufold.detach(); m_bufold.set(m_bufnew.detach()); m_bufnew.set(temp); Graphics bufgfx(m_bufnew.get_ptr()); bufgfx.Clear(bg); if (m_bmpnew.is_valid()) { // adjust for padding if(m_config.padding > 0) { wndrect.Height-=2*m_config.padding; wndrect.Width-=2*m_config.padding; wndrect.X+=m_config.padding; wndrect.Y+=m_config.padding; } Size bmp_dim(m_bmpnew->GetWidth(), m_bmpnew->GetHeight()); // rectangle that will be drawn on the screen RectF rect(wndrect.X, wndrect.Y, bmp_dim.Width, bmp_dim.Height); // shrink album art if (m_config.shrinkalbum) { if (bmp_dim.Width > wndrect.Width) rect.Width = wndrect.Width; if (bmp_dim.Height > wndrect.Height) rect.Height = wndrect.Height; } // expand album art if (m_config.expandalbum) { if (bmp_dim.Width < wndrect.Width) rect.Width = wndrect.Width; if (bmp_dim.Height < wndrect.Height) rect.Height = wndrect.Height; } // correct aspect ratio if (m_config.aspectratio) { REAL new_width = bmp_dim.Width*(rect.Height/bmp_dim.Height); REAL new_height = bmp_dim.Height*(rect.Width/bmp_dim.Width); if (m_config.expandalbum && !m_config.shrinkalbum) { // try to fill the entire window, even if parts of the // image are cut off (enlarge image) if (new_height >= wndrect.Height) { rect.Height = new_height; } else { if (new_width >= wndrect.Width) { rect.Width = new_width; } } } else { // do not cut off any part of the image while // maintaining aspect ratio (shrink image) if (new_height <= wndrect.Height) { rect.Height = new_height; } else { if (new_width <= wndrect.Width) { rect.Width = new_width; } } } } // Center album // uses integers for the offsets because if the offset // is a fraction of a pixel, there's lowered quality if (m_config.centeralbum) { int center_dx = (wndrect.GetRight() - rect.GetRight()) / 2; int center_dy = (wndrect.GetBottom() - rect.GetBottom()) / 2; rect.Offset((REAL)center_dx, (REAL)center_dy); } if (m_config.draw_pixel_border) { Gdiplus::Color border; border.SetFromCOLORREF(m_config.bordercol); rect.Width--; rect.Height--; bufgfx.DrawRectangle(& Pen(border),rect); rect.X++; rect.Y++; rect.Width--; rect.Height--; } m_panning_enabled = ((rect.Width > wndrect.Width) || (rect.Height > wndrect.Height)); // panning REAL dx = m_pan_dx; REAL dy = m_pan_dy; if (m_dragging) { // Make sure the image doesn't pan out of bounds if (m_panning_enabled) { if (rect.Width > wndrect.Width) { if ((rect.GetLeft()+dx) > wndrect.GetLeft()) dx = wndrect.GetLeft() - rect.GetLeft(); if ((rect.GetRight()+dx) < wndrect.GetRight()) dx = wndrect.GetRight() - rect.GetRight(); } if (rect.Height > wndrect.Height) { if ((rect.GetTop()+dy) > wndrect.GetTop()) dy = wndrect.GetTop() - rect.GetTop(); if ((rect.GetBottom()+dy) < wndrect.GetBottom()) dy = wndrect.GetBottom() - rect.GetBottom(); } } else { dx = 0; dy = 0; } if (rect.Width <= wndrect.Width) dx = 0; if (rect.Height <= wndrect.Height) dy = 0; m_pan_dx = dx; m_pan_dy = dy; } rect.Offset(dx,dy); bufgfx.SetInterpolationMode(m_config.interpolationmode == RESIZE_HIGH ? InterpolationModeHighQuality : m_config.interpolationmode == RESIZE_MEDIUM ? InterpolationModeDefault : m_config.interpolationmode == RESIZE_LOW ? InterpolationModeLowQuality // m_config.interpolationmode == RESIZE_HIGHEST : InterpolationModeHighQualityBicubic); if (m_dragging) bufgfx.SetInterpolationMode(InterpolationModeLowQuality); REAL srcWidth = m_bmpnew->GetWidth(); REAL srcHeight = m_bmpnew->GetHeight(); REAL srcX = 0; REAL srcY = 0; /*if (m_config.padding < 0) { if(abs(m_config.padding) < m_bmpnew->GetWidth() && abs(m_config.padding) < m_bmpnew->GetHeight()) { srcWidth+=2*m_config.padding; srcHeight+=2*m_config.padding; srcX-=m_config.padding; srcY-=m_config.padding; } }*/ bufgfx.SetClip(wndrect); // ensures that padding is respected bufgfx.DrawImage( &(*m_bmpnew), rect, // destination rectangle srcX, srcY, // upper-left corner of source rectangle srcWidth, // width of source rectangle srcHeight, // height of source rectangle UnitPixel); } // m_bufnew updated. time to fade in the changes. DWORD now = GetTickCount(); if (m_config.animtime != 0 && !size_changed && (m_animshouldstart+700) > now) { m_animating = true; m_animstarted=GetTickCount(); set_anim_timer(); } } Rect dest(wndrect_temp.left,, wndrect_temp.right-wndrect_temp.left,; if (m_bufnew.is_valid() && !m_animating) { gfx.DrawImage(m_bufnew.get_ptr(), 0, 0); } else if (m_animating && m_bufnew.is_valid() && m_bufanim.is_valid()) { float opacityold=0.0f; float opacitynew=1.0f; int doneness=GetTickCount(); if (doneness > (m_animstarted+m_config.animtime)) // animation complete { m_animating=false; opacityold=0.0f; opacitynew=1.0f; } else if (doneness >= m_animstarted && m_config.animtime != 0) { opacitynew=(float)(doneness-m_animstarted)/(float)m_config.animtime; opacityold=1.0f-0.0f; } { Graphics animbuf(m_bufanim.get_ptr()); animbuf.Clear(bg); ColorMatrix cm; ZeroMemory(&cm,sizeof(ColorMatrix)); cm.m[0][0] = 1.0f; cm.m[1][1] = 1.0f; cm.m[2][2] = 1.0f; cm.m[3][3] = opacityold; ImageAttributes ia; ia.SetColorMatrix(&cm); animbuf.DrawImage(m_bufold.get_ptr(),dest,0,0,dest.Width,dest.Height,UnitPixel,&ia); cm.m[3][3] = opacitynew; ia.SetColorMatrix(&cm); animbuf.DrawImage(m_bufnew.get_ptr(),dest,0,0,dest.Width,dest.Height,UnitPixel,&ia); } gfx.DrawImage(m_bufanim.get_ptr(), 0, 0); if (m_animating) set_anim_timer(); else m_bufanim.release(); } else gfx.Clear(bg); m_bmpnew.release(); } }